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News Nintendo officially announces live-action Zelda film, produced by Shigeru Miyamoto and Avi Arad, directed by Wes Ball

And none of that is related to Nintendo. So that poster is right. You see the same song and dance of negativity. If it was animated there would be negative responses too. Let’s be real

I’ve stated why I disagree. I don’t think we’d see the same negativity after Nintendo’s success with Mario. We can’t prove either way, since we’re getting a live-action film.

At least for myself, had they said it was animated, I wouldn’t be in here expressing any concerns. If anything I might be excited at this phase.
Do not post jokes regarding suicide. -xghost777, Party Sklar, Dragoncaine
Mod edit: video removed

The Mario movie was about as mediocre as it gets for what could have been a stellar adaptation, but at the absolute very least it was still animated. Not a single thing here is even remotely reassuring. I have absolutely zero hope for this film being anything remotely decent.
Almost every single article/tweet focused on the announcement uses blue tunic, BotW/TotK Link. I genuinely think that outfit is almost as iconic as the old one at this point.
Fuck, how did I miss this for 40 minutes.
Hope they adapt Ocarina of Time time travel, child and adult elements.
I'd love to see them do OoT, but I think the child and adult actors elements makes it borderline impossible.

I think it's going to be a generic Link to the Past type story, but Zelda will obviously go on the adventure with Link, because he can't just adventure alone and her name is on the title.

So the guy got his dream achieved???

As much as I hate the idea, it's incredible to see dreams come true. Well done to Wes.
I honestly don't understand why Nintendo chooses mediocre studios to make their movies.

I honestly don't understand why Nintendo chooses mediocre studios to make their movies.
because is cheap, a live-action Metroid/Legend of Zelda movie would need a 200/400 milion budget to be at least decent, is Nintendo willing to spent this bugdet on a movie?
Meh I'm not buying the doom posting.

This could easily (easily) be an enormous hit like the Mario movie, which had the same people crying it was going to be a flop because Illumination wasn't their favorite animation studio. Chris Pratt is gonna tank it, Mario has no story, etc. etc. etc.

The general public doesn't have such a stick up their ass about this kind of stuff, and there's enough to draw from the games to have a fun, and in Zelda's case, probably beautiful looking 2 hour movie.

It will do well. There is a dearth of fantasy content and people want big movies without every one being a freaking, tired superhero movie. Zelda will be a breath of fresh air I predict, the box office potential is very high.
The Mario Movie reviewed fairly mediocre, it's just that people went to see it anyway because it was a fully 3D animated mario movie.

This is gonna be a live action Zelda movie produced by Miyamoto and the guy who produced Morbius. Will this even have the advantage the recent mario movie had of being a kids movie with a character all the parents would know?
I'd love to see them do OoT, but I think the child and adult actors elements makes it borderline impossible.

I think it's going to be a generic Link to the Past type story, but Zelda will obviously go on the adventure with Link, because he can't just adventure alone and her name is on the title.

As much as I hate the idea, it's incredible to see dreams come true. Well done to Wes.
Get the same person who casted the IT movies. Probably the most accurate child to adult cast I've ever seen
The losers club 27 years apart : r/stephenking
I see the future. Somehow Sony is still sour over the Marvel deal they screwed up massively and that's why they decide mid production, just 1 month before release of the trailer, to drop the Zelda movie.
At least the director is fulfilling his dream, that’s good.

I pray this movie betrays its production team’s “pedigree” and beats the odds to actually be a good film.
I think Zelda can work fine with more live action style, even though there is CGI work in this, this could be replicated in live action.

A movie done in this vein would make a ton of money. A ton.

Fun fact ... Sony hired the guys who made this short film, lol.

People are too pessimistic about this stuff, like the Mario movie when there was a vocal crowd saying it would bomb/tank/be the worst thing ever, instead it became one of the highest grossing movies of the current decade.

I was actually pretty positive on the Mario film. With trailers and all. Thought it would actually be a good film critically and whatnot.

Fans loved it. And I knew it’ll be a big money maker. But the film itself had such a plain script, musical score that felt by the numbers even with it using classic Mario tunes, and overall surprisingly forgettable. It really didn’t let the characters speak it was a lot of set pieces and jumping to scene to scene. Which was a shame cause the best parts were when the Mario characters were all bantering among each other. Tho if I’m being honest. I actually think they have such a huge potential with the sequel. They establish the world, characters and villain. If the next film teams up Mario cast and Bowser, it could be such a fun film if they can get creative.

So I guess it’ll be interesting to follow the Zelda film. My personal disappointment is just I don’t like the folks they’re picking. But who would turn down this chance so I guess we’ll see what happens.
20 years ago I would have been excited as hell for this during the days of masterpiece films like Lord of the Rings trilogy coming onto the scene but this day in age I basically lost all faith that there is anyone out there that could do a Zelda movie justice. On top of that looking at the films produced and directed by the individuals handling this Zelda movie definitely doesn't instill me with any confidence. The only ray of hope is that Nintendo is heavily involved in it's creation. I remain very skeptical but curious.
Wes Ball is a decent choice, Kingdom of the Planet Of The Apes looks potentially good and Maze Runner movies were solid if unspectacular - Sony and Avi Arad less so BUT Nintendo are paying for more than half of the film and heavily involved (ie: have control over the decisions) so that bad is somewhat offset.
I’ll give Wes a chance to prove himself with the new Apes movie. That will be a litmus test in various ways. I just cannot emphasize enough how much of a hack Avi Arad is.
Deadline reports that the screenplay will come from Jurassic World's Derek Connolly.

Deadline said:
Sony is making sure they have their future theatrical franchises covered as the actors strike hopes to end as the studio is co-financing with Nintendo a live action feature of popular videogame The Legend of Zelda.

Maze Runner
franchise filmmaker Wes Ball is directing.

Derek Connolly (Jurassic World) is penning the adaptation. He’s repped by Verve. Ball is producing the movie with his producing partner Joe Hartwick Jr. under their Oddball Entertainment banner.

(edit: Whoops, said "Variety reports," but it came from Deadline.)
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Stunt casting for animated movies is nothing new and big actors don’t have to be tied down to months of shooting vs coming into a recording booth. The logistics for live action are pretty different.

Not saying they’ll cast completely new actors but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re mostly unknown.
This is what I predict, as well.

You might be able to have some big names attached in some other roles (perhaps even Ganon, himself), but Link and Zelda really should be some young unknowns that can be outright cultivated in these roles.
Almost every single article/tweet focused on the announcement uses blue tunic, BotW/TotK Link. I genuinely think that outfit is almost as iconic as the old one at this point.
Makes sense. Wasn't there some graphic going around today showing how BotW and TotK combined have sold about as much as the rest of the series combined. For a lot of people out there, Blue Tunic Link just is Link
"Miyamoto will appear and announce the cast for the Zelda movie" will be the new staple Nintendo Direct prediction. Just in time too, as the previous go to prediction of "they'll show the next wave of Mario Kart 8 DLC" is about to retire.
Hoping for the best.

...and that's it really. The movie is such a nebulous concept right now I don't feel I can have any strong emotions one way or another towards it.

And yes, I'm saying that despite the announcements of people who are working on it.
One thing I will say is that if the Mario movie had bombed, it wouldn't really have affected the game series, because they're fundamentally narrative-less 2d and 3d platformers and kart racers. You don't go to them for story, there's a delineation there.

But Zelda is a narrative series. It does feature stories, stories people care about, even if they're not really detailed. If the Zelda movie sucks, it'll be harder for that not to affect how people see the franchise.

Even with Mario, that movie has now really established the canon of what Mario is. For a lot of people, who might never have played the games or are kids new to the series, this Zelda movie will most likely do the same. And that's scary if they get it wrong. I suppose the fact that Zelda reinvents itself from generation to generation (except TotK, boo) kind of insulates them from this, but it's still something that would worry me as a fan.

But I suppose it's also interesting, because as Miyamoto is co-producing and Nintendo will have tons of creative control, we'll get a sense of what he (and Nintendo) feels the core of a Zelda story is when divorced from gameplay, what defines the characters etc. I can't imagine this could be JUST a money grab to him. This is his life's work. Hopefully seeing his ideas regarding the story are not a nasty surprise like learning how Sakamoto envisioned Samus Aran's character in Other M.
Variety reports that the screenplay will come from Jurassic World's Derek Connolly.

Oh lord. Getting an even clearer picture of what they're trying to do here.

Get the same person who casted the IT movies. Probably the most accurate child to adult cast I've ever seen
The losers club 27 years apart : r/stephenking
Hard to say "hey just do one of the greatest works of casting ever... again". lol

But great shout.
Not sure how I feel with writers from Jurassic World being involved…

Please Nintendo and Aonuma give them all the guidance
I know notbing about movies, but the reactions on producer, director and writer give me zero confidence so far.
Yeah I feel animation in the vein of Spider-verse would have been the route to go here, but I guess Nintendo wanted something that's going to make bank, and both Arad and Wes Bell are proven in that regard.

I enjoyed Maze Runner enough and the new Apes film looks interesting, so happy to give Bell the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully Nintendo and Miyamoto can reign in Arad's tendencies to meddle. Could be an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.

10 year old me dreamed of a Zelda movie so funny for me to get my wish a decade and a half later, just hope that it's passable at least.
I work in the industry, I know how the budgets work haha. The press release is very clear Nintendo is funding "more than half." That's code for "they're in charge." Sony will help with resources, knowledge in the logistics of actually making it, and a release strategy. Sony has the infrastructure, but Nintendo is driving the ship. Sony is putting in the money up front to be able to take a piece of the pie when it hits big at the box office.

Nintendo isn't going to self finance a $300+ million investment, if Sony was just distributing they would say that. It's probably like a 60/40 split.

Nintendo is risk averse, they will want a financing partner in case the movie doesn't do as well as they hope.
The Mario Movie reviewed fairly mediocre, it's just that people went to see it anyway because it was a fully 3D animated mario movie.

This is gonna be a live action Zelda movie produced by Miyamoto and the guy who produced Morbius. Will this even have the advantage the recent mario movie had of being a kids movie with a character all the parents would know?

This is going to make a shit ton of money. I'll put it out there right now that's how I feel about it.

Generations of people know Zelda/Link, it's going to be huge and people are going to shit their pants when they see a Ghibli style Zelda world x Lord of the Rings world brought to live action.

With Harry Potter done, there is a wide opening for a new big ticket fantasy film series. I think this could be bigger than Mario, animation is limited in terms of you're always going to have a cross section of adults that refuse to go see an animated movie. I tried to drag a couple of my friends to see Spider-Verse last summer, and to no success, they simply refuse to watch animated films in theaters. But they would see a live action Spider-Man no problem.
Also, some very early 2000's video game movie vibes from this announcement. 'Wes Ball' is even dangerously close to 'Uwe Boll'.
I work in the industry, I know how the budgets work haha. The press release is very clear Nintendo is funding "more than half." That's code for "they're in charge." Sony will help with resources, knowledge in the logistics of actually making it, and a release strategy. Sony has the infrastructure, but Nintendo is driving the ship. Sony is putting in the money up front to be able to take a piece of the pie when it hits big at the box office.
yeah the Nintendo >50% financing part of the press release stuck out to me. That's not typical for a licensor-Hollywood studio relationship at all
The tone is going to be really interesting. Miyamoto based Zelda off his experiences as a child of exploring new places and the wonder that would bring.

Presumably that spirit will be front and center here, given he is driving the movie.

I am a tad surprised that Aonuma doesn't seem to be involved at all, but I guess he has enough on his plate with the games.
yeah the Nintendo >50% financing part of the press release stuck out to me. That's not typical for a licensor-Hollywood studio relationship at all

That to me just shows that Nintendo wants movies to be a bigger part of their business. Mario made a shit ton of money, but it didn't probably earn Nintendo as much as they would like.

This time they are going to make sure if this movie is a success that they take home a big pay day for it.

They have all the leverage, they own these IP 1000%, every studio now has to do their bidding if they want in on the money train.
The director, writer, and producer do not inspire confidence. I think it’s healthy at this point to expect this movie to be mediocre at best. However, Nintendo is the driving creative force here. The director at least appears to be a fan of the series. Zelda is Nintendo’s premiere prestige brand. I expect they will be very careful. And no matter how bad this movie is, I don’t think it’s bad enough to cause harm to the game series.

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