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Predictions Is it now established beyond the shadow of a doubt that Prime 4 is cross-gen?

Imagine Nintendo presenting "here's MP4 for Switch 2. And here's the inferior 30fps 720p version for Switch, that we made to keep our promise and that no one is going to play since any Prime fan will want to play this on Switch 2 anyway"
I interpreted cross-gen for Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild to be acts of goodwill to an install base that faced numerous release droughts. Switch’s release schedule was much healthier throughout the course of its life.

I’m buying the game either way, and my preference would be to not buy new hardware. However, it makes more sense from my perspective to release it exclusively on Switch 2.
Absolutely. I was already expecting as much, but the no-show at today’s Direct pretty much guarantees it. Unless Prime 4 is even further out than expected, it really makes me wonder where Prime 2 and 3 can fit in. I sure hope they’re still happening…
I wouldn't be so sure about a Switch release. This is not Twilight Princess situation where they kept showing us the GC running the game across some years. Or even BOTW one.

The same way they can cancel a previously announced game they can also cancel a Switch port.
Nah, there's no way they promise it as a Switch game for years then make it exclusive to the new system.

Also, Metroid needs the biggest install base it can get. It's not like Mario or Pokemon which clear 10-15 million without blinking, and it'll be directly competing with a 3D Mario, and probably a Mario Kart and Pokemon in that same timeframe. It's gonna be either cross gen or just exclusive to regular Switch.
Yes but we also have retro asking specifically for people on Prime 4 developed on Switch on linkedin
I wouldn't read much on this tbh. They would like to attract people with Switch experience. And that makes sense considering the next will be an evolution of this one. So the new SDK may share a lot of things in common. Don't think Nintendo would approve hinting the next Nintendo console on their linkedin position.
Of course it could be the case but personally(as a embedded software engineer, other industry) I was already hired twice to work on the next big thing but they couldn't mention it on linkedin.

But cross-gen.

MP4 will be the 'look at what the new system does' game. Possibly not fully taking advantage on the new hardware, but shiny AF and running at 4K/60 docked (maybe).

They won't stiff people who can't/won't/aren't ready to upgrade by making it exclusive. Talk about bad PR.
I not fully on board with it, but would not be shocked if it is cross-gen.

Hell, I could see the FE4 remake and the EPD DK game being cross gen too. One of the biggest strengths for the Switch's first year was that there was a bunch of different franchises available asap, can't hurt to try and replicate that for the successor.
My guess would be they will use MP4 to attract players who are more into graphics and play FPS on other platforms. So they will make this game look as good as possible. If this prevents an acceptable Switch port they won't shy away from doing so.
Absolutely. I was already expecting as much, but the no-show at today’s Direct pretty much guarantees it. Unless Prime 4 is even further out than expected, it really makes me wonder where Prime 2 and 3 can fit in. I sure hope they’re still happening…
I know people don’t want to consider this because of how Nintendo has been since Reggie left, but what about shadow drop at the Game Awards?
"Cross gen" when the game have never been presented once on the actual gen console ? Nah.

At this point and considering the gap between Switch OG and T239, I would rather have a Prime 4 that exploits the new hardware instead of getting stuck with the previous one.
Absolutely, and this was pretty predictable when it had been years without a single piece of media.
Wow, I'm surprised there are so many who think Prime 4 is next-gen only.

They promised this for Switch, 5 years ago. They made special updates in multiple Directs assuring players that it was still coming and development was progressing. It will come to the current Switch, 100% ... as a lesser version ofc.

It is clear that they are being strategic with this game and aware that its a headliner. If anything, it signals to me confidence that it is shaping up well and worthy to be billed as one of Switch 2's killer-apps, even as a cross-gen release.
I suggest you to rewatch their update:

At no point it is specified that the postponed launch is targeted for the Switch.
Also he says:
"It will be a long road until the next time we will be able to update you on the development progress"
He is not saying long time before showing the game, but long time to share updates on the development status.
You can't share updates for a game on a system that is not announced yet.

I interpreted cross-gen for Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild to be acts of goodwill to an install base that faced numerous release droughts. Switch’s release schedule was much healthier throughout the course of its life.

I’m buying the game either way, and my preference would be to not buy new hardware. However, it makes more sense from my perspective to release it exclusively on Switch 2.
There are three main differences between this and TP/BOTW.

- One is the extent to which the product had already been presented to the public. TP and BOTW had full trailers and gamplay clips running on OG hardware and, if I remeber correctly, even initial release dates. MP4 on the other hand was just a basic teaser.

- Two. TP and BOTW are just ports adapted to hardware with similar performance profiles, that could have not impacted the scope of the games in a significant way. TP is just a straight port with (midly) adapted controls, BOTW is also a port with slightly higher res and slightly more stable performance.
In this case you would have a situation where Nintendo releases two products, one of whitch is a clearly and unequivocally inferior to version of the other (and this is unprecedented for Nintendo I think).

-Three. The way they handled communication for the delay has been completely different. With TP and BOTW, Nintendo continued showing periodic updates leading up to the release, even before "next-gen" versions of the games were annonced. With MP4 they made an apology and then they remained silent.

Yes but we also have retro asking specifically for people on Prime 4 developed on Switch on linkedin
References to Switch in communications such as this, or the release schedule for investor's meetings, is weak evidence imo.
Of course you won't see Switch 2 being referenced before it is publicly announced by the company. At the same time, you can't remove MP4 mentions to release schedules or people could think the game is being canned.
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FE4 remake being cross gen would be interesting, since traditionally Fire Emblem stays on old consoles late and comes to new consoles late. See Gaiden, Thracia 776, Sacred Stones, and Shadows of Valentia. I guess it would make sense to have it as a year 1 heavy hitter for how much the series has grown.
oh boy I am NOT looking forward to cross-gen discourse, it's already insufferable over in playstation land
Also, Metroid needs the biggest install base it can get. It's not like Mario or Pokemon which clear 10-15 million without blinking, and it'll be directly competing with a 3D Mario, and probably a Mario Kart and Pokemon in that same timeframe. It's gonna be either cross gen or just exclusive to regular Switch.
When you look at MP GC vs Wii sales it seems to have a low userbase "elasticity". Though 3d Mario and Zelda also didn't scaled too much relative to Wii install base so today's scenario would probably be better to MP too.
Y'all setting yourselves up to be disappointed, again, if you think this game is Switch 2 exclusive.

No way it's exclusive--but I'm definitely inclined to think it gets launched alongside the next system.
@Bait02, saved me from writing all that.

Even if Nintendo promises Switch owners Metroid Prime 4 (which isn’t even implicit here): Corporations aren’t your friends. Their promises to consumers don’t mean anything.
100% cross gen
First show for switch NG reveal
4k60fps + RT on NG
Launch title or holidays release
Will impress everyone

-first hand conviction -
I bet cross gen. I'd be cool with it being next gen only. Next gen showcase with graphics. Potential to make Metroid Prime into a bigger selling series. Really want to see how much they change up the game. They've shown nothing and it'll be 17 years next year since Prime 3. See if BotW shows it's influence in Prime 4 like it did in Pokemon Arceus. Any influence from all the 3rd person character action adventure/rpg games that proliferated last gen and continuing this one
If the rumors are to be believed about Nintendo aiming for a summer 2024 release for the new hardware, then yes. Absolutely no reason to not show the game by now if it wasn’t.

I had hoped for a BotW style “show the game now, announce the hardware later” reveal. But if the jump between Switch 1 and Switch 2 is that big and noticeable, maybe they just want the Switch 2 version to be the one they show off. Whereas with BotW you couldn’t really tell the difference at all between its versions.
NGL 3D Mario, Prime 4 crossgen and FE4 remake would be a stacked af launch window
I was thinking about this earlier

The Switch 2's launch year might have 3D Mario, MonkEPD, Prime 4 crossgen, and FE4 remake (probably crossgen?)

If that's the case and they're all good games, that would honestly be better than 2017 for me ngl

Maybe it's copium, but I'd prefer to think of it as hopium
100% it's gonna be on Switch 2 now, if the reveal of the system's really planned for March I'd bet they're saving it for that event and it will be showcased with intention to use it as a launch title. And as much as I hate swallowing my pride on that I do admit that's for the better. That game will be a amazing grand entrance into the world of 4K visuals for Nintendo.
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Also if it was not cross gen I honestly think that Prime 1 R would have been promoted as THE Prime game for the Switch, instead of....being dropped like "yeah this is not Prime 4....have fun"
It can always just release as a Switch game and Switch 2 just runs the same version but better performance + resolution average
Definitely crossgen but I don’t think it’ll be out on launch day for NG Switch.

Here’s how I see it happening:

Switch 2 releases in September 2024 with new 3D Mario.

Metroid Prime 4 releases December 2024 or gets pushed to early 2025.

Just don't expect:

A - Be first shown running on new hardware (they'll reveal first on Switch); I also wouldn't expect to be graphical showcase.

B - To be THE game to carry the launch of the next system. It'll likely be a complementary title for launch;
I'm 80%/20% on this.
I think it would be the best strategy, that way you kinda give something to those you promised Metroid Prime 4 on Switch. Something similar to what happened with BOTW back in the day. Metroid is tipically not a console seller, so it wouldn't necessarily hurt having it in both platforms.
On the other hand, Switch isn't as game deprived as Wii U was, it wouldn't be as outrageous if it just slipped to the next gen completely and most people wouldn't have bought the console just for MP4 (As they did for BOTW), and Metroid wouldn't have skipped the generation as a whole with Dread and Prime remaster
NGL 3D Mario, Prime 4 crossgen and FE4 remake would be a stacked af launch window
Fire Emblem as launch window would be absolutely wild. That'd put a spotlight on it the series has never seen before. I'm curious how it would perform sales wise.
Rule number one to being a Nintendo fan: never underestimate Nintendo's ability to pull a Nintendo.

With that said, I wouldn't be surprised one bit if Metroid Prime 4 releases as a Switch only game even after Switch 2 is out.
I really hope it's just crossgen and not a Switch 2 exclusive. I don't want to have to wait even longer to play my most anticipated game because I can't afford a new console.
Could still be a summer title, but it's moving further and further into "most likely next gen or cross gen" territory.

Possibly fully next gen. It's a great franchise to use as the "graphical showpiece" of the launch lineup if they committed to next gen.
It's plausible, sure, but the confidence in this thread is unreal. You all just decided this new hardware you've been devouring rumors of for like 5 years is for sure coming in 2024 now or something? And because it supposedly exists and we haven't seen Prime 4 yet, Prime 4 is 100% being made for this system now.
It feels likelier now.

BUT, to play devil's advocate, they could theoretically release Prime 4 in the summer and then release new hardware during holiday 2024. Some people would flip out on Nintendo for a missed opportunity, but it could go that way.

If it releases on switch and it's successor on the same day, I'm going to be very stressed out about securing the successor at launch.
I really hope it's just crossgen and not a Switch 2 exclusive. I don't want to have to wait even longer to play my most anticipated game because I can't afford a new console.

Nobody brings it up but we all know the Switch 2 is going to be supply constrained and scalped into oblivion for months at the absolute minimum. I've waited since E3 2017 for this game and it is THE killer app for me still to this day. I don't care if it's in "blurry ass 720p" or not I'm not a snob I just want to play the 4th entry in my favorite series without dealing with all the crap that comes with modern console launches. I'll worry about Switch 2 when the library builds up and proves itself which is why I don't jump in until the second year at the earliest.
I feel like we had this song and dance with Totk too.

I wouldn'T be surprised with either at this point.
It could be cross gen but it might aswell also just randomly show up in the februaryy direct as like the last big Switch game.
I always thought it was a strong possibility, but I’m even firmer in thinking Prime 4 is a cross gen Switch 2 launch title today.
Basically yes. I locked a preorder for 40 bucks already payed before summer in a shop that believe that prime 4 will be announced in short, so i hope they honors the preorder.

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