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News GB/GBC games coming to Nintendo Switch Online, GBA games coming to NSO Expansion Pack (out now!)

They already put the fine print saying Stadium won't have transfer, so I wouldn't count on that, even if it is feasible.

Yes, but that was likely put in place at the time because there was no GameBoy app for the Switch so the Pokemon games couldn't be on the Switch to begin with. Now that we have the app, it could be a different story.

Now, we may end up in a situation where it doesn't matter anyway, but I'm not 100% ruling it out.
Yes, but that was likely put in place at the time because there was no GameBoy app for the Switch so the Pokemon games couldn't be on the Switch to begin with. Now that we have the app, it could be a different story.

Now, we may end up in a situation where it doesn't matter anyway, but I'm not 100% ruling it out.
Plans can change, which is why "I wouldn't count on that" rather than ruling it out. But they knew about the GB app being underway when they made that fine print and they would know about the games being worked on to support that if they're planing to do it.
Finally playing Minish Cap for the first time and it’s great. Funny how retro games make me forget all the modern games I still have to play.

You know how when you recall old 2D games in your mind, they look better than they were in reality? Well I think Minish Cap is one of those games that actually does look as good as you remembered. I'm pretty sure Minish Cap is the model for all top-down pixel-based indie adventure games. When you want to create a vibrate and detailed world using pixel art, you look to Minish Cap as the standard.
With the addition of GBA, I'm finally thinking about signing up for the expansion pass, but I'm out of the loop.

What the GBA and N64 emulation like? I know in the past N64 emulation was terrible on Nintendo consoles. More interested in the GBA than N64, but I would like to play Goldeneye.

I thought the base GB app was great, for what it's worth. Definitely prefer playing with the small resolution size for that authentic, squinting childhood experience.
GBA so far has been good. I played a little Warioware and I'm currently playing through Minish Cap. Haven't seen any issues.

N64 is fine. The issues previously were most with OoT. I think they've worked out those kinks though last I recall.
Can’t wait for Golden Sun. Such a great series! And it’s just nice to think that Nintendo was out there supporting and publishing JRPGs, then and now
I didn't remember that Kuru Kuru Kururin got a European release, but the authentic-looking English-language box art made me think it must have been. Don't think they've gone to that kind of trouble for previous Japanese games added to the service.
Shamelessly posting these here too!
As excited as I am for GB/GBA on NSO I’m bummed they didn’t announce a peripheral that goes with them!! Hopefully they’re still working on something, but if they need some ideas….


does anyone else think the five GBA pokemon games might "potentially" be announced for NSO on Pokemon Day?
I was just about to post this same question, except I was going to say Gens 1-3 (Red, Blue, Gold, Silver, Ruby and Sapphire for right now with Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Firered and Leafgreen releasing later on, although I wouldn't say no to everything releasing at once).
Shamelessly posting these here too!
As excited as I am for GB/GBA on NSO I’m bummed they didn’t announce a peripheral that goes with them!! Hopefully they’re still working on something, but if they need some ideas….


Even regular shape joycons with a proper d pad, using the GB colour schemes, would be good to have.
I was just about to post this same question, except I was going to say Gens 1-3 (Red, Blue, Gold, Silver, Ruby and Sapphire for right now with Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Firered and Leafgreen releasing later on, although I wouldn't say no to everything releasing at once).
I'm really thinking it's gonna be a red and blue release right away. I don't see them being nice to us lmao
I expect Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow (or maybe just Yellow) to be announced and launch in the Pokémon Day, alongside Stadium 1 in the N64 app. Full compatibility enable;

But you won't be able to use save states and rewind in the GB games
I don't see them putting up a whole bunch of Pokemon games all at once. It's a subscription service. They want you to keep your subscription month to month, year to year. That's why they don't put everything out all on Day 1. Rolling them out over time ensure that people will stay subscribed and makes it more likely that people will play each individual game.
Had to exercise some restraint and actually - gasp - continue with my Engage playthrough last night instead of continuing to play Wario and Link's Awakening. I really didn't expect to still love playing GameBoy games as much as I do, and I haven't even got to Metroid or Tetris yet.

My sickest desire is that they put the GameBoy version of Yoshi on here as well even though the NES one is already there. I put so much time into it as a kid.
Yeah I'm in the middle of a Persona 5 Royal playthrough and these games are not helping with distractions, lol. The Game Boy family has such a killer library.

Shamelessly posting these here too!
As excited as I am for GB/GBA on NSO I’m bummed they didn’t announce a peripheral that goes with them!! Hopefully they’re still working on something, but if they need some ideas….


I loooooove that GBA one.
If we get Pokemon games come Pokemon day, I'm convinced they'll be just Red/Blue/Yellow and that's it. Probably just with Pokemon Stadium 1 and then we'll be waiting until later in the year for Gold/Silver/Crystal with Pokemon Stadium 2. That feels like the expected drip feed release schedule to me for this sort of situation if the ultimate goal is to get Pokemon on NSO and have compatibility with the Stadium games.

IF we get the GBA games, it'll be Ruby/Sapphire I think as one release, Emerald sometime later, and then as late as possible Firered/Leafgreen. But I think GBA Pokemon is a LOT less likely long-term than Gen 1 and 2 GB games which are old enough that Nintendo can make them huge selling points while also outdated enough to where Nintendo feels OK throwing them on the service.

But let's face it, fully workable versions of Pokemon with Pokemon Home and Pokemon Stadium... Yeah that's too good to be true and I'm kind of expecting JUST spin-offs to hit the service. At least we'll get Trading Card Game lol.
looking at the hamtaro series releases they are basically nintendo exclusives. i dont know who owns it now tho. if nintendo could get james bond in there hamtaro should be a breeze.
If they wanted to do something like that, I expect they'd probably just lock it to Expansion Pack instead of introducing a new sub.
Oh yeah, I meant it makes me suspect of the idea they'd put them on the GB NSO app. And I don't think they'd split the GB's app library across the two subs.
looking at the hamtaro series releases they are basically nintendo exclusives. i dont know who owns it now tho. if nintendo could get james bond in there hamtaro should be a breeze.
You know how you can tell which direct reactions are from real ones and which are frauds from how they react to things like the name reveal of Metroid Dread or not recognizing the start of Sephiroth's theme in his Smash reveal? If Nintendo reveals the Hamtaro games are coming to NSO, that'll be the ultimate example of people who know vs frauds who don't.
I excluded the publishers who never release anything on VC, like Square-enix or Atlus.

The Super Famicom NSO app has SMT, SMT II and SMT if, though? If anything i’d say Snowboard Kids is one of the more likely third-party N64 games for the future; Atlus (and Sega in general) seem more on-board than most other publishers.

For Square Enix we’ll just have to see if allowing the Geno cameo to remain in Superstar Saga is them turning over a new leaf.

That's exactly what they should do for GC NSO (and hypothetically Wii, 3DS, and WiiU NSO if they ever happened). Ideally for GC and Wii they'd be smart and remove the dummy data (games like Animal Crossing GC only needs like 20 mbs of data or something crazy) though that's probably too much of an ask for Nintendo.

Don’t know why it would be too much of an ask, that’s exactly what they did for the downloadable Wii games on Wii U. Cut down the excess iso file size down to the portion of the disc that is actually used.

I don’t expect GC, Wii or 3DS NSO to ever happen though (DS is the limit for first-party platforms imo), but if any of them did I could see them being individual apps even with the cut down file sizes.
I believe Final Fantasy Tactics is on the Wii U VC. Barring a FFT Collection which is possible, then I think we can see that on NSO. Sword of Mana would be a good choice for the service. I don't see the GBA ports of Final Fantasy games making it on.
Still slightly miffled GBA is in the Expansion Pack. Like, I get why they are doing it, but unless they are going to offer a monthly subscription for the EP at some point, I am not going to bite.
You know how you can tell which direct reactions are from real ones and which are frauds from how they react to things like the name reveal of Metroid Dread or not recognizing the start of Sephiroth's theme in his Smash reveal? If Nintendo reveals the Hamtaro games are coming to NSO, that'll be the ultimate example of people who know vs frauds who don't.
hamtaro fans are the occluded mahdi of the nintendo fanbases, emerging to reawaken peace and justice to nintendom
Still slightly miffled GBA is in the Expansion Pack. Like, I get why they are doing it, but unless they are going to offer a monthly subscription for the EP at some point, I am not going to bite.

Don’t think they’re particularly thinking about yourself when they make their decisions haha. Plenty of people will pay extra to play the extra game.
I believe Final Fantasy Tactics is on the Wii U VC. Barring a FFT Collection which is possible, then I think we can see that on NSO. Sword of Mana would be a good choice for the service. I don't see the GBA ports of Final Fantasy games making it on.
Yes, FFT Advance is on Wii U - it was on the list of things I was thinking of buying if Nintendo took any longer with NSO. Hopefully it makes it to the service.
The NSO app old games page looks so cool now with 5 red squares in the header. Truth is, I'm fine that this is as far as Switch goes. Switch doesn't have analogue triggers or a mic or a camera so a general purpose GCN or DS service won't work.

I've noticed a lot of slowdown with Super Mario Land 2. Is that the emulator being too weak or the emulator being too strong? The Minish Cap on the other hand is working perfectly as far as I can tell. And rewind is really appreciated in that really annoying part of Flame Cave. Hyrule Town is so awesome.
It's scary how accurate the filters for GB and GB Pocket are! It's like playing in the real thing (well, of it weren't for those stupid borders, they could have at least gave us borders that look like a game boy).

GBC isn't that faithful, unfortunately, especially considering the GBC didn't have that same lower refresh rate as far as I remember. I wish they gave us the option for refresh rate separate from the filter, but I know that's asking too much from Nintendo.

The GBA filter is also quite good, definitely the best I've seen for that system, but I compared with my old GBA SP and nothing beats the sleekiness of that screen, it was amazing.
I'm pretty sure Super Mario Land 2 originally also had some slowdown on original hardware.

And unrelated, I'm considering getting the Japanese NSO apps, but is there anything I need to keep in mind?
Will the news section switch to Japanese going forward and it won't have any negative influence on the eShop?
The Super Famicom NSO app has SMT, SMT II and SMT if, though? If anything i’d say Snowboard Kids is one of the more likely third-party N64 games for the future; Atlus (and Sega in general) seem more on-board than most other publishers.
You really know everything don't you :) Yes it seems Atlus games did come out on Japanese NSO. Maybe I should add Demikids to my list? Or Kwirk (he's a-maze-ing)?
With the addition of GBA, I'm finally thinking about signing up for the expansion pass, but I'm out of the loop.

What the GBA and N64 emulation like? I know in the past N64 emulation was terrible on Nintendo consoles. More interested in the GBA than N64, but I would like to play Goldeneye.

I thought the base GB app was great, for what it's worth. Definitely prefer playing with the small resolution size for that authentic, squinting childhood experience.
GBA was pretty good. You might not like the color correction they put in some games but your mileage may vary.

Also one of the most accurate GBA emulator out there.

I didn't remember that Kuru Kuru Kururin got a European release, but the authentic-looking English-language box art made me think it must have been. Don't think they've gone to that kind of trouble for previous Japanese games added to the service.
Sin and Punishment, previously only release in Japan, got a custom-made US N64 box art. Star Fox 2 also got a custom box art for all regions.

Definitely not all games they would go this far but they do put extra works on some titles.
Looked this up, had no idea Nintendo published it and Miyamoto was a producer on it
the fact that my post doesnt have a 100 likes on it exposes how many frauds dont know about hamtaro and nintendo on this so called nintendo fansite. hell even that nintendo franchise iceberg meme doesnt have it.
Also one of the most accurate GBA emulator out there.

(@LuigiBlood tweet)
do note that the AGS cart isn't really intended for testing emulation accuracy, it's used on real hardware for determining any faults with the system's components.
the unofficial MGBA Test Suite mentioned in the tweet is what's actually designed for that. regardless....

also, the motion controls (at least for Tilt & Tumble, not sure about the GBA side.) have already been implemented.
when's hamtaro ham ham heartbreak nintendo
I’m with you friend. As a kid I always associated Hamtaro with the Game Boy yet I never knew anything about the source material not ever played the games lol. Gotta correct my mistake.

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