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Discussion Worst third party poopers in Switch's lifecycle?

Sega/Atlus has to be king of this, not only have they historically had great success on Nintendo platforms, even Nintendo's poorer performers, but they've had great success on the Switch. Yet despite this, they refuse to bring over one of their most successful franchise (Yakuza) for literally no reason, and it took years for them to finally port their other big hit (Persona) to the platform. On top of that they've made very little effort to port/remaster more of their classic games to the device, despite having a partnership with Nintendo to have Genesis games as part of NSO!

Sure EA and T2 are also pretty bad, but Switch has continued to get their most successful sports games (minus Madden which is why EA is second), and they've had a history of their games not performing as well on Nintendo hardware.
Ok time for me to get real nasty and not provide any evidence/statistics to back up anything I’m saying and speak directly to the world from my heart

The Nintendo Switch and Nintendo fans in general tend to be extremely endeared to games on their console. If Switch gets a game, first or third party, Nintendo fans with hold it dear, coddle it, tell the world about it, etc. As a Switch fan myself, I will always buy games on Switch above anything else (usually including playing it for free on Game Pass on that Series X I have) because I tend to play more games on Switch than I do anywhere else. Switch fans love games on Switch in a way that other consoles just don’t get. No one in the world is like, “ah yes, assassins creed… on xbox… it is time to celebrate” but like, Switch fans will see The Witcher 3 come to switch and be like “the witcher 3 on switch? Switcher. Put Geralt in smash. He is one of ours now. Our baby boy. love that guy”

You know, this kinda mentality is not exclusive to Switch as a console. Sometimes whole game franchises have this exact kinda sentiment. The one that comes to mind is Yakuza. Yakuza fans love Yakuza in the same way Switch fans love Switch games. They want to protect it, promote it, buy every game, celebrate it in anyway they can.

I speak on behalf of both groups when I say: Sega, come the heck on!!!!

oh my god, Yakuza on Switch would make people like myself insufferable!!!! You honestly think I wouldn’t write up a whole thread explaining in intricate detail why you should give these games a shot???? You’d all put me on HARD ignore because I wouldn’t stop talking about this. ANd you know what? I wouldn’t be alone. Those same Switch Fans would find a whole series to fall in love with, and Yakuza Fans would have a brand new, 100+ million user base to advertise their little baby of a series to. I can basically ensure that Yakuza Zero, that one entry specifically, would sell millions on the console. I know this because I would buy a million copies for myself. I’m kidding. Maybe.


I HATE TO BE the “this would be perfect for Switch guy” but for Yakuza it’s absolutely true!!!!! Yakuza has two (actually it’s way more but follow me for a second) modes:

- “Wow this extremely dramatic cutscene that goes on for like 30 minutes? I love it. I’m soaking in this melodrama. Glad I’m watching this on a big tv on a couch” mode

- “Wow, these oddly engaging mini games sure are great to pick up and play for 2-3 minutes at a time on public transit or in bed before I sleep or on the toiler or whatever” mode




Anyway my answer is Sega
Btw the most disappointing even if it's not their fault is DQ team, Switch has had the worst support when it comes to new DQ games of any JP market leader ever :(
I know it is due to COVID/dev issues but still sucks how we have only got one new DQ game day 1 until now I hope DQX Offline /DQ Treasures is the start of SE flooding Switch with DQ games!
No sure why you are only counting those 4 games, seems kind of arbitrary, from the top of my head there's at least 8 - even more if you wanna count the Idolmaster games. They havnt brought Berseria or Zestiria - 7 and 6 years old, why would they bring Arise?
They havnt even bothered greenlighting a single game that has the Switch as a goal platform and that's kind of the problem and why especially I think they are the biggest flop of them all.

Tekken 7
Tales of Zestiria
Tales of Berseria
Soul Calibur VI
Ace Combat
Code Vein
Scarlet Nexus
Tales of Arise

So no, it's not a silly theory.
BNS have been and will likely continue to be the biggest no show of them all.
You forgot Code Vein (which you also claimed would show up, yet here we are in 2022), among other games (Scarlett Nexus, Idolmaster, etc). You need to realize that it really just comes down to the management at that studio, they don't have an interest in Switch ports.

The externally made games at Bandai Namco always show up around a year after the other versions, and yet we are still "waiting" for a bunch of internal projects?
Sorry, none of this still doesn't make sense. Yes, we have to wait. Even the non-namco made namco games are coming to Switch with at least 2 year long delays so waiting is not unusual. .hack//G.U. holds the record with more than 4 years and Ni No Kuni 2 close second with 3.5 years.

Zestiria and Berseria are not on Xbox either, Sony might have console exclusivity deal on them. Since they are non-direct sequels, Namco could release collection for both Xbox and Switch in the future. Same goes for Xillia 1-2.

Scarlet Nexus is Namco x TOSE. It's last year's game, there's still time for that, it could come. TOSE once was a Nintendo affiliate studio.

Code Vein is helped by Marvelous (so I'm told on reddit, haven't checked that info) but yes that could be added to list. Makes it 5, then.

Still changes nothing. Just because they suck at in home down-porting that doesn't mean they have any kind of grudge against Nintendo. They know the fact that Vesperia sold best on Switch, their future plans on that franchise sure will include Switch Don't forget, they haven't make any console Tales announcement ever since the Arise reveal, I think something's coming very soon. Whether Arise port to Switch and/or Pro or remaster of some old games.
Sorry, none of this still doesn't make sense. Yes, we have to wait. Even the non-namco made namco games are coming to Switch with at least 2 year long delays so waiting is not unusual. .hack//G.U. holds the record with more than 4 years and Ni No Kuni 2 close second with 3.5 years.
CC2 wanted to port the collection a lot earlier they said already in 2018 that they wanted but that it was Namco decision that wasn't sure if it would be worth to port it to the Switch. We know thanks to multiple examples that Bamco is really strict when it comes to late Switch port when for PS4 they late port anything even Doreamon SoS because according to them there was a 'huge fan demand' to only end up selling 5k
CC2 wanted to port the collection a lot earlier they said already in 2018 that they wanted but that it was Namco decision that wasn't sure if it would be worth to port it to the Switch. We know thanks to multiple examples that Bamco is really strict when it comes to late Switch port when for PS4 they late port anything even Doreamon SoS because according to them there was a 'huge fan demand' to only end up selling 5k
Well, what they have are not easy to port stuff, honestly. Like Tekken or Soul Calibur, and we know that they tried. Those are not the only fighting games Switch is missing, ArcSys's newer fighting games, especially Guilty Gear series, also skipped Switch, so did King of Fighters 15, despite the fact that Smash got reps both from Tekken and KoF. It's obvious that devs don't see Switch as the home for fighting titles. But hope is not lost, Namco always can bring older titles to Switch. Let's see this long rumored Tekken compilation is real thing.

That leaves us with JRPG's. Both Scarlet Nexus and Tales of Arise are relatively new. It's early to say anything for sure.
Atlus support of the console is still far away other JRPG studios and with Level-5 and Capcom they are one of the publishers that have been the biggest disappointments of the 3DS to Switch jump, they are just now starting to catch up after most studios have moved to day 1 releases.
Development was cheaper on the 3DS then the Switch, not to mention that a lot of Atlus' 3DS titles were either enhanced ports of DS games or developed with pre-existing assets (Etrian Odyssey and Persona Q). Also please specify what other JRPG studios outsupport Atlus on the Switch because the only one that comes to mind currently is Square Enix which makes sense considering how much larger SE is compared to Atlus.
It isn't a spin-off is the new IE mainline game and the game I have been waiting the most for over 7 years 😠

Until they go back to stylus controls, the game will stay a spin-off in spirit!

(honestly tho, I hadn't seen the newest footage, which already looks a lot closer to what I want, so disparaging remark retracted)
It’s less whole developers/publishers and more specific games IMO. Soul Hackers 2, Dragon’s Crown Pro, Sakura Wars, killer7, etc.

And personally, a lot of games people are mentioning I’d rather have held until the next Switch. I want proper ports of the modern Resident Evil games rather deal with the extreme graphical compromises that would have to be made to get something like Village on a five year old console made with phone parts.
Development was cheaper on the 3DS then the Switch, not to mention that a lot of Atlus' 3DS titles were either enhanced ports of DS games or developed with pre-existing assets (Etrian Odyssey and Persona Q). Also please specify what other JRPG studios outsupport Atlus on the Switch because the only one that comes to mind currently is Square Enix which makes sense considering how much larger SE is compared to Atlus.
JRPG Studios that support Switch more than Atlus:
Marvelous (RF/SoS series)
NIS (all Switch day 1)
SE (you already mentioned it)
Gust (all their games Switch day 1)

An these are just the ones that I rememeber the only other cases I can think worse than Atlus are Falcom (which they are changing) , Tri-Ace, Aquaplus and BNS.

Also I never expected 3DS level support just that they have been one of the most disappointing studios when it comes to support like Level-5 and Capcom.
I mean after their 3DS games all their games were on mobile or PS4 that is where the focus where (there is even rumors of YW4 being a PS4 game at first lol but I don't know how trust worthy that is), they also decied to part ways with Nintendo publishing in the West trying to eat all their cake there only to fail and never publish a game in the West again.

Wow. That’s kinda dick as they most of their success on Nintendo with maybe the exception of Dark Cloud and the first Nino Kuni. Heck, DQ 9 was the first American DQ game to really gain traction in the U.S. compared to previous entries by surpassing a million sales.

I love Level 5 but they need to get their act together. I’m usually not for companies buying other studios unless they already have a defacto partnership, but I feel Nintendo would whip them into shape.
JRPG Studios that support Switch more than Atlus:
Marvelous (RF/SoS series)
NIS (all Switch day 1)
SE (you already mentioned it)
Gust (all their games Switch day 1)

An these are just the ones that I rememeber the only other cases I can think worse than Atlus are Falcom (which they are changing) , Tri-Ace, Aquaplus and BNS.

Also I never expected 3DS level support just that they have been one of the most disappointing studios when it comes to support like Level-5 and Capcom.
I would argue that Atlus' Switch support is on par with Marvelous, NIS' development while great has also mainly been relegated to small indie-like projects that are easy to produce outside of Disgaea, and I have no knowledge on Gust so I'll take your word on it that their support has been excellent. Either way, outside of the inexplicable absence of SH2 their ports have been day and date with the other platforms outside of Catherine: Full Body and they released their most technically ambitious title, SMTV, as a Switch exclusive.

If Atlus was on the level of SE I would understand being disappointed, but their support has been fine for the kind of company that they are and is nowhere close to the disappointment that Level-5 has been these past few years.
Capcom. Their two mid-tier+ efforts on Switch, Monster Hunter Rise and Stories 2, are basically a formality. Everything else is super low-budget stuff (Megaman 11 and Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection) and a bunch of old ports.
EA reskinning the same FIFA game from 2007 over and over again takes the cake in my opinion. I'd rather they release nothing at all than to gouge consumers.
This. It hurts so much not being able to play a decent football game on the go (I haven't played Mario Strikers but that game is as much of a football game as Mario Kart is a racing game).
As Switch pulls lots of Japanese centric stuff, the biggest omission would be;

1) Bandai Namco. Yeah yeah Harada bla bla, but if you think about it, Bamco has a lot of cool games available which would be a good fit for the system. The easiest of the bunch is the Tales of series. But, there was Vesperia DE? Yup, it even sold best on Switch. Oh, but why didn’t more games in the series make it over? No clue. What about Soul Calibur? Ace Combat? Other RPG’s? Maybe even Tekken? No? Nope.

2) Sega. Why are you so weird Sega. Not a lot of remakes. No Yakuza. Meh. No YAkuza. Booooooh.
I'm sure it is, but it's a 3DS port. With the way Capcom are going, I wouldn't be surprised if the next Ace Attorney is a Yakuza-like for PC/PS/XB.
Capcom leaks said that they considered Switch was the most important platform for AA games, they are not Nagoshi lol. There is a higher chance of the next AA being exclusive to Nintendo hardware that it skipping it (don't think neither will happen)
I mainly want more BAMCO and Sega support, and considering Nintendo actually owns some stake in the company (almost 4 million shares), I am just shocked there is not a stronger relationship. It's odd for sure.

Sega at least has Atlus finally giving us some games aside from SMT and we got Valkyria 4 day and date, but other than that, it has been pretty anemic as well.

But yeah, more than Capcom, I mainly want BAMCO and Sega. Sure, there is Konami, but they have not done much of anything. But would love for them to give us classic titles not called Castlevania.
I mainly want more BAMCO and Sega support, and considering Nintendo actually owns some stake in the company (almost 4 million shares), I am just shocked there is not a stronger relationship. It's odd for sure.

Sega at least has Atlus finally giving us some games aside from SMT and we got Valkyria 4 day and date, but other than that, it has been pretty anemic as well.

But yeah, more than Capcom, I mainly want BAMCO and Sega. Sure, there is Konami, but they have not done much of anything. But would love for them to give us classic titles not called Castlevania.
Nintendo owns 5% of Cygames and almost all their console games skip Switch (or are planned to) Nintendo investing in a company is a more a sign of Nintendo trusting the other company in their collaborations (which Nintendo does with BNS) than trying to have any control over their decisions, considering Nintendo and Bamco relationship has been stable for now over two decades I think they are pretty happy with Bamco so no reason to sell.
Nintendo owns 5% of Cygames and almost all their console games skip Switch (or are planned to) Nintendo investing in a company is a more a sign of Nintendo trusting the other company in their collaborations (which Nintendo does with BNS) than trying to have any control over their decisions, considering Nintendo and Bamco relationship has been stable for now over two decades I think they are pretty happy with Bamco so no reason to sell.
I get that but not so much control but more of like “hey, they’re good to us and invest in us, let’s throw them a bone that’s not a collaboration”.

Especially for titles that make sense. Like Tales lol

Like even Falcom turned around and said "whoops, we need to rethink this now"
I'd say considering their relationship Bandai namco failed to bring plenty of games they could have

Like Ace Combat 7... an unreal 4 game.
EA was expected to be trash
Capcom leaks said that they considered Switch was the most important platform for AA games, they are not Nagoshi lol. There is a higher chance of the next AA being exclusive to Nintendo hardware that it skipping it (don't think neither will happen)
Hopefully their mindset hasn’t changed since.
Switch is a juggernaut success. Which publishers absence do you find the most jarring?

My list (feel free to submit your own)

1. Ubisoft - I expected them to deliver more current gen projects on the Switch. Not even a Far Cry Remaster. It seems like they supported the Wii U more which is bizarre in itself (other than those Mario RPG licensed out games).

2. Take Two/Rockstar - No GTAV at this point on the fastest selling platform ever is a slap in the face. Especially when you give us LA Noire.

3. EA - It's a no brainier and not surprising. They've had a rocky relationship with Nintendo and their fans since the transition to the 16 bit era.
Ubi did M+R, the best SRPG series on Switch straight up (and if you don't like it, learn to love it FE and XCOM), so they should be off this list.
My picks are:

- Rockstar (Take Two) - No GTA V on Switch was a huge missed opportunity for them, the game was made for 360 / PS3, it could have run in some form. But i guess they are fine with the giant success it already has.

- Activision - Same, i'm not a COD player, but it's really weird not to see it on Switch considering the installed base.

- SEGA - they had some good releases like Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Monkey Ball but also so many games that skipped Switch for some of the dumbest reasons on earth. Apparently the Switch audience is not grown up enough for Sakura Wars, and yet visual novel do sell better on Switch than Playstation.

Bandai Namco i don't think they're that bad: they have a varied catalogue that includes:

  • Ports of multiplatform releases (Naruto, Dragon Ball, Digimon, Little Nightmares, etc.)
  • Soft remakes of old games (Mr Driller Drilland, Pac-Man World, Klonoa)
  • Third party developed exclusived games (Doraemon Story of Seasons, Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher)
  • few exclusive games (Taiko no Tatsujin Rhythmic Adventure, Fishing Spirits, Disney Tsum Tsum Festival)

Not to mention the games they develop for Nintendo: New Pokèmon Snap, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Pokkèn.

Not all their entire catalogue is available sure, some of the ports came out very late (.hack i ended up buying it on PC thinking it would have never happened) but i still consider their efforts on Switch respectable.

Also Atlus sure it took so long to get their games, and their comunication is always a problem but if you look at the situation now compared to few years ago, we are in a much better state: we got SMT V, we got Persona (finally!), we got 13 sentinels, catherine, TMS... No Soul Hackers 2 sucks yeah but i bet it's more of a SEGA move and they'll see why they are wrong with sales numbers.
EA ought to be considered a hostile actor.

They improved Nintendo support slightly over Wii U - Unravel, Fe, Plants Vs Zombies all seemed nice fits for the platform. But they continue with an insulting FIFA offering, they offer no version at all of some other franchises, and they have a wealth of content from the PSWii60 gen and beyond that they could have mined but they didn't really care to. I get that for them it's a matter of investing effort and money in to the core consoles - but I feel like they've squandered at least some level of opportunity.

They have always been funny with trying to strong-arm Nintendo and Sega too - which is why I say they should be considered hostile. When they smell blood in the water or see an opportunity to reduce competition or gain something like better terms - they have historically gone for it... Sony and Microsoft are both strong now, but I imagine if one or the other struggled they wouldn't hesitate. If they had the content and the confidence, I'm also fairly sure they'd try to go it alone too... 3DO Mark II

I know that people may read the above with a raised eyebrow, so let me walk over the history:

They reverse engineered the Genesis and produced their own carts in order to secure a more favourable licensing deal from SEGA - and they likely used this, in turn, to pressure Nintendo. They once helped SEGA complete a Joe Montana game and scaled it back deliberately so it wouldn't hurt the Madden games. When SEGA got Visual Concepts on board doing SEGA sports titles, Larry Probst tried to pressure SEGA in to not only preventing 3rd Party competition in sports games, he tried to prevent SEGA from releasing their own. When SEGA went third party, EA got exclusivity to the NFL license - effectively killing off competition in American Football videogames, SEGA sold Visual Concepts and 2K sports to Take Two. With SEGA having earlier refused to give EA a free run at sports titles on their system, they simply refused to support the Dreamcast. Finally, talk of the time was that EA wanted Origin to power Wii U's services and pursued such a thing 'aggressively'. I haven't seen anything that substantiated that claim strongly, but EA undoubtedly tried to 'Dreamcast' the Wii U once it became clear it wasn't doing so well.
Strongly agree, mainly on Vanquish, and have to add that the cancellation of the M2-developed arcade stuff, after we got excellent versions of Virtua Racing and Out Run, was really disappointing.
that's because nobody bought them and they bombed outside of sonic games, it's equally why VC as a whole died, piecemeal reissues are just not appealing to modern audiences

the minis sell far far better in Japan and hell, even the US one didnt do so hot. Just the way things are. The only way they'll ever touch DC/Saturn despite the massive undertaking is if Japan gets full in on them and if the western audience gets the idea to buy tons of copies of games that aren't named Sonic Adventure.
No sure why you are only counting those 4 games, seems kind of arbitrary, from the top of my head there's at least 8 - even more if you wanna count the Idolmaster games. They havnt brought Berseria or Zestiria - 7 and 6 years old, why would they bring Arise?
They havnt even bothered greenlighting a single game that has the Switch as a goal platform and that's kind of the problem and why especially I think they are the biggest flop of them all.

Tekken 7
Tales of Zestiria
Tales of Berseria
Soul Calibur VI
Ace Combat
Code Vein
Scarlet Nexus
Tales of Arise

So no, it's not a silly theory.
BNS have been and will likely continue to be the biggest no show of them all.

There's little desperation for BNS to jump in. Their focus is on bigger games that aren't made with switch in mind and downscaling it for a switch port isn't viable with how the hardware is. Smaller games are usually handled by smaller studios and those are more than happy to support switch just fine. Late ports happen if they can get them done, but even then... they're late and run worse, so I don't really see the point in them existing half the time, and I'm guessing that's Bandai's reasoning too. They flat out said they wouldn't even try porting Wonderswan games anywhere because nobody would buy them, and this was about Digimon stuff, a thing that does generally sell pretty OK.

Older tales games like Vesperia's remaster would be cool, but they won't even get PS5/XB Phantasia, Destiny, Eternia, etc. I love the idea of the hack remasters on Switch, and CC2 wanted to do it ASAP, but BNEI didn't think they'd do well, they finally did it, and yeah, it didn't do so well. Would love a remake of the first 4 at least but who knows if that'll happen. The only BN IP I REALLY want on Switch/modern systems is the first two Little Tail Bronx games, since CC2 wants to do them, but BN keeps saying no. I just wish they'd buy the IP from Bandai Namco honestly.

Xenosaga HD should be the slam dunk "wtf are these not on switch yet" game people should ask from BN, tbh. Xenoblade is literally right there. I'm sure they'd do decently even if it was just part 1 remade.
They reverse engineered the Genesis and produced their own carts in order to secure a more favourable licensing deal from SEGA - and they likely used this, in turn, to pressure Nintendo. They once helped SEGA complete a Joe Montana game and scaled it back deliberately so it wouldn't hurt the Madden games. When SEGA got Visual Concepts on board doing SEGA sports titles, Larry Probst tried to pressure SEGA in to not only preventing 3rd Party competition in sports games, he tried to prevent SEGA from releasing their own. When SEGA went third party, EA got exclusivity to the NFL license - effectively killing off competition in American Football videogames, SEGA sold Visual Concepts and 2K sports to Take Two. With SEGA having earlier refused to give EA a free run at sports titles on their system, they simply refused to support the Dreamcast. Finally, talk of the time was that EA wanted Origin to power Wii U's services and pursued such a thing 'aggressively'. I haven't seen anything that substantiated that claim strongly, but EA undoubtedly tried to 'Dreamcast' the Wii U once it became clear it wasn't doing so well.
Very interesting read. Stories of Trip Hawkins distaste for Nintendo have been published. The bad blood goes back to the beginning.
Capcom. Their two mid-tier+ efforts on Switch, Monster Hunter Rise and Stories 2, are basically a formality. Everything else is super low-budget stuff (Megaman 11 and Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection) and a bunch of old ports.
Pleased someone else has mentioned this. Capcom gets too much credit, and I never saw it for the "redemption arc" narrative. Resident Evil remakes should be there. We went from RE4 as a GameCube "exclusive" to the remake on EBTS (Everything But The Switch). I'm sure Bayonetta fans would love to play DMC5 (DMC4 isn't there yet, and when they brought the trilogy, it wasn't the HD versions). Even the Mega Man collections weren't on a single cartridge, and they never saw physical releases on European shores. Now? Street Fighter 6 is on EBTS, but the most popular games with Ryu in it in the last decade are on the Wii U, 3DS and Switch - More people saw him in Super Smash Bros. titles than in their own IP. It's clear that the fighting game audience is most visible on Nintendo platforms now - It isn't just Smash, either. ARMS opened to sales as good as or greater than SF5 and Tekken 7 combined - that was a new IP in the genre VS two long-established ones. Marvel VS Capcom Infinite flopped on EBTS, too, but I reckon it would've seen favourable splits for the Switch had it seen a release on there, regardless of what one thinks of the game - The precedessor had a Vita version, FFS... Maybe they'll release Super SF6 when the next Nintendo platform is out, and include it in the fucking pipeline, but yeah, Capcom deserves to catch more fire.
The most disappointing is definitely a toss up between Sega and Bandai Namco. There's so much being left on the table by both (Yakuza, Judgement, Tekken, Soulcalibur, Sakura Wars, Virtua Fighter, Tales of, Code Vein, Dark Souls, Ridge Racer, Ace Combat, Vanquish, Shenmue, etc, etc) even if both do also have groups or divisions that still generally do Switch justice.

I do also have to give Square Enix a shout out for their bungling of the Kingdom Hearts HD trilogy. They've been pretty fantastic outside that but still, big oof!
It's quite incredible that there isn't one, whatever one thinks of this series. But Microsoft would love to put it on the Switch.

Yeah hopefully they do. Even a remaster would be great. The switch community deserves a COD. It would be a day 1 purchase for me. Sadly so many people despise the franchise that they don’t want to see it happen or make up crazy reason why it hasn’t.
Yeah hopefully they do. Even a remaster would be great. The switch community deserves a COD. It would be a day 1 purchase for me. Sadly so many people despise the franchise that they don’t want to see it happen or make up crazy reason why it hasn’t.
It isn't MY thing, BUT I still want the choice to be there for fellow fans. They could do it. Personally, I would've cut Kotick's salary over a decade ago (and others), then invested in a Nintendo team to port the games, because they should be included in the development pipeline.
I've just found out that there's apparently some rumours regarding a potential Final Fantasy 9 remake. This one should definitely be on the Switch, or on the next Switch if it's a big-ish remake. Now this makes me wonder, what do you think about this FF9 remake, granted that it's real and a high-effort remake, being kind of exclusive to the next Switch the same way the FF7 remake was to PS4/5? Is that even possible? I guess my question is here: do you see any big third party project that could end up being next Switch's exclusive?
I've just found out that there's apparently some rumours regarding a potential Final Fantasy 9 remake. This one should definitely be on the Switch, or on the next Switch if it's a big-ish remake. Now this makes me wonder, what do you think about this FF9 remake, granted that it's real and a high-effort remake, being kind of exclusive to the next Switch the same way the FF7 remake was to PS4/5? Is that even possible? I guess my question is here: do you see any big third party project that could end up being next Switch's exclusive?
Only big 3rd party projects that can be exclusive are DQ/MH games or something like Bayonetta 3 that Nintendo directly finances. Anything else has to come to Nintendo hardware first before toying around the idea of them being exclusive, FFIX remake will probably be multiplatform with Switch as lead platform due to wanting to tie in with the anime that is soon releasing, so they need Switch SKU for East Asia/Japan but having a PS SKU should still be really important for sales.
Only big 3rd party projects that can be exclusive are DQ/MH games or something like Bayonetta 3 that Nintendo directly finances. Anything else has to come to Nintendo hardware first before toying around the idea of them being exclusive, FFIX remake will probably be multiplatform with Switch as lead platform due to wanting to tie in with the anime that is soon releasing, so they need Switch SKU for East Asia/Japan but having a PS SKU should still be really important for sales.
Thank you for the reply, Monty. Going multi platforms make sense, sales wise. I guess I just find it interesting that even though the Switch has been and is still super popular every where, we don't see that many big projects from 3rd party. Should the next Switch change that in some way I wonder?
I think no company has made me go "Wait, THAT game isn't coming to Switch?" more than Sega, so I guess I have to choose them, even if all in all their support for the system is not exactly bad per se.
It isn't MY thing, BUT I still want the choice to be there for fellow fans. They could do it. Personally, I would've cut Kotick's salary over a decade ago (and others), then invested in a Nintendo team to port the games, because they should be included in the development pipeline.
Yeah no valid reason for me the game isn’t on the console. I’ve moved on from expecting it but such a missed opportunity.
I think no company has made me go "Wait, THAT game isn't coming to Switch?" more than Sega, so I guess I have to choose them, even if all in all their support for the system is not exactly bad per se.
NiGHTS has never been on a Nintendo platform. It's one of those games which would make you think "WOW, REALLY?", much like Konami with Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night. Journey Of Dreams has on the Wii, but not the first one. Now, THERE is a series of wasted potential.
I wouldn't say there is a single one company that's the worst, because if you look closely you will see that most companies talked in this thread did released games on Switch. Just not most of their biggest hitters. So I think I'm gonna just list some and talk about them.

Sega is all over the places when it comes to software support. You got most mid-budget games, legacy releases, and even some surprise AAA ports (Alien Isolation being the biggest example) But then you get Nagoshi trying to defend himself for not porting his projects over to Switch. And multiple legacy re-releases which is quite a mess for people looking to getting those games.
There's the SEGA AGES series, which was a pretty neat series of re-releases with QoL enhancements specific for each games, unfortunately outside of well-known titles, the lineup were just a bunch of games almost no one ask for. Which eventually led to the series' discontinuation a few years later. Not to say it was a bad thing to re-release those but maybe after most of the heavy hitter were out of the way first is my two cents.

Then there's the Sega Genesis Classics. Released just after the first few SEGA AGES titles. It's is just your typical collection of Genesis games, but this make you wonder why both exists. Can't they make up their mind and just choose to do one?

And then there's the Genesis games as a perk for NSO+. Guess they really can't make up their mind about a consistent re-release method as this is yet another Genesis collection. But hey the lineup is pretty cool as this can include third party games. And the latest update is quite a banger of a selection.

Honestly the biggest surprise for me was Valkyria Chronicles 4. You would think it's a late port, but nope it is a day 1 multiplatforms release! I can only guess thay the producer really want to have a Switch version for both that and the first VC game.

PS. I'm not counting Atlus in this, nor talk in length about them. Honestly they're just weird and do their own things. At least Persona 3-5 will be on Switch now. But sure, Soul Hacker 2 skipped because... reasons.

Bandai Namco
It's mostly the internal Bandai Namco Studio that doesn't want to do anything with the Switch (it's saying something when they never bother to update the Switch version of Namco Musuem to support video capture functionality!)

Otherwise, externally developed titles got late ports, but legacy releases were given priority to Switch (as most of those got featured in a Direct) so at least the managers know that those sells on Switch and shouldn't looked over. (This year in particular is eating good for Klonoa and Pac-Man fans) But the legacy releases is also quite a mess of buncha releases as Sega.
You got Namco Museum on Nintendo Switch (selected arcade titles plus Pac-Man Vs.) back in 2017, then the Namco Museum Archive/Namcot Collection in 2020. (Which interestingly the former was a Switch exclusive in Japan! While the latter was a multiplatforms release oversea.)

And recently, BN decided to licensed their arcade titles to Hamsters for their Arcade Arcade releases. Though while there are some overlapped titles from Namco Museum and the recent Pac-Man Museum+, we got titles that were not re-released in original form before such as Wonder Momo so that's neat.

I think the most hilarious release pattern were specifically the Doraemon Story of Season games. As they sure justified their hardest to have a Playstation version. The first one got a late PS4 port due to "high requests" yet sold less than 10k physically in Japan. (Let's be real here. If you're from somewhere that knows the IP, you're gonna get it either on Switch or Steam. Almost no reason to get a late PS4 version unless you only have PS4 for gaming or in a weird case over here in Thailand, no Thai language support on Switch)

But then they somehow 1UP themselves with the second game being a PS5-only title for Playstation. In that case the game might as well be a Switch console exclusive because yikes talks about an audience mismatch. (and on a system not a lot of people have to begin with!)

Square Enix
One of the best supporters out of all in this list. Sure, big titles such as mainline Final Fantasy titles and Kingdom Hearts are mostly not coming to Switch (former didn't get the recent games outside of budget remake/remaster/re-releases while the latter got the treatment of Cloud version) But pretty much everything else is on Switch. Fans of mid-budget Square Enix games, Team Asano games, and legacy releases are eating real good here.

Capcom is... weird. For a good few years they were consists of legacy releases (and whatever the Adult Masterpiece is supposed to be) plus some mid-budget games. Monster Hunters were MIA outside of the port of XX, but now Rise and Stories 2 are a thing. Really the big thing missing now is only recent Resident Evil games. (Outside RE7 Cloud) And that's not unacceptable imo.

Really the big takeaway here is that they went real cheap on legacy releases. Why do we still need to separate the Mega Man collection, again? I guess they really thought people won't bite on a single SKU at a higher price. At least it is all one on physical. Hopefully all in a cart but this is Capcom we're talking about so who knows.

(Also I get the intention of pushing digital but they're pretty much forcing everyone to do that because physical releases often suck)

Really not much to say here. FIFA was a rip-off. The Sims is nowhere to be found. But hey they did put out some games on Switch I guess. They tried to but can't entirely ignore the Switch is all.

They're decent. No most high-budget games but pretty much everything else came. Plus Mario+Rabbid and Star Fox crossover in Starlink.

If you're saying Konami is one of the best Switch supporter back in 2017, everyone would be laughing at you. Well Konami sure is laughing on their way to the bank! Because their legacy release and small budget release was a huge boon for them, (except that new Contra game) plus the unexpected success of Momotaro Densetsu. Sure, they ain't making big budget games (or do they? though that's still a rumor) but smaller titles for them has been working out much better for the company.

Only rely on licensed ports by other companies until their initiative of staying PS focus blew up in their face because the reality of domestic market hit them like a truck. (And some terrible decisions regarding their recent products) Only time will tell as of this post but I hope they will be doing alright for themselves.

See Ubisoft, san the Nintendo crossovers.

Kinda similar to Falcom. Bet against the Switch, and the decision to handle oversea release themselves led to them closing the US office. Well isn't that great. Really they just made one bad decision after another and really didn't have long term goal of properly building a franchise. (Remember when Yokai Watch was popular?) I guess we will finally hear more about Inazuma Eleven?

A honorable mention really. To be fair they did push for the Switch version of their game (or games I'm not sure) but Bandai Namco plus past Sony relationship made them hesitant/unable to do that.

That went out after they went to self-publishing their original games. As we seen with a formal appreciation message to Nintendo and the upcoming Jojo game is a multiplatform release. Also how Demon Slayer was a huge missed opportunity.
Pleased someone else has mentioned this. Capcom gets too much credit, and I never saw it for the "redemption arc" narrative. Resident Evil remakes should be there. We went from RE4 as a GameCube "exclusive" to the remake on EBTS (Everything But The Switch). I'm sure Bayonetta fans would love to play DMC5 (DMC4 isn't there yet, and when they brought the trilogy, it wasn't the HD versions). Even the Mega Man collections weren't on a single cartridge, and they never saw physical releases on European shores. Now? Street Fighter 6 is on EBTS, but the most popular games with Ryu in it in the last decade are on the Wii U, 3DS and Switch - More people saw him in Super Smash Bros. titles than in their own IP. It's clear that the fighting game audience is most visible on Nintendo platforms now - It isn't just Smash, either. ARMS opened to sales as good as or greater than SF5 and Tekken 7 combined - that was a new IP in the genre VS two long-established ones. Marvel VS Capcom Infinite flopped on EBTS, too, but I reckon it would've seen favourable splits for the Switch had it seen a release on there, regardless of what one thinks of the game - The precedessor had a Vita version, FFS... Maybe they'll release Super SF6 when the next Nintendo platform is out, and include it in the fucking pipeline, but yeah, Capcom deserves to catch more fire.
I don't know if I would blame them too much for not putting Street Fighter 6 on Switch - it has pretty severe hardware limitations, the majority of the playerbase is on shoddy wi-fi and traditional fighting games have not really set the world on fire on the platform (though there are reasons for this). My problem is that unlike say, Square-Enix, there is a clear lack of interest in taking advantage of the Switch's 'alternative' audience in other ways.

Street Fighter may not be the best fit right now, but they could bring back a more cartoony, experimental fighter like Power Stone, Cyberbots or Rival Schools. They could also do a new anime crossover in the vein of Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom.

For all of its weeb games, there is a lot of space for a relatively big-name, classic JRPG in the Switch's library. How about a new Breath of Fire?

How about a new IP that is more in line with the quirky-cool Capcom of the late 90s-early 00s? Nope, but they've already announced two new IPs that use their typical modern style in Pragrmata and Exoprimal.

Even the fucking Wii had more enthusiasm from Capcom. The Switch has surpassed the Wii, is steadily approaching DS/PS2 territory with a much more traditional userbase and a development environment that is much closer to PC/PS/XB, yet all it gets are old ports and Monster Hunter.
I don't know if I would blame them too much for not putting Street Fighter 6 on Switch - it has pretty severe hardware limitations, the majority of the playerbase is on shoddy wi-fi and traditional fighting games have not really set the world on fire on the platform (though there are reasons for this).
FighterZ on Switch outsold Xbox+Steam versions together even as a late port. And SNK commented on them being really happy of the sales of their fighting games on Switch. I understand SF6 skipping due to the idea of having to support Switch for almost a decade probably not being the best but it gets boring to see the narrative of fighting games not selling well on Switch again and again
Got a link to the bolded?
I confused FighterZ data with Xenoverse 2 but still NSW Switch 1.38M vs 1.45M(PC+Xbox) only 70k units less than the two platforms while being a late port
[PS4] Dragon Ball Fighter Z (Bandai Namco) {2018.01.26} - 3.170.000
[NSW] Dragon Ball Fighter Z (Bandai Namco) {2018.09.27} - 1.380.000
[XB1] Dragon Ball Fighter Z (Bandai Namco) {2018.01.26} - less than 1 million
The game had sold 6M as of Dec 2020, so Xbox + PC numbers are 1.45M https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2020/dec/19/dragon-ball-million-sales/
My data is from CESA White Paper Dec 2020
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NiGHTS has never been on a Nintendo platform. It's one of those games which would make you think "WOW, REALLY?", much like Konami with Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night. Journey Of Dreams has on the Wii, but not the first one. Now, THERE is a series of wasted potential.
The sequel to Nights Into Dreams was definitely on Wii
I confused FighterZ data with Xenoverse 2 but still NSW Switch 1.38M vs 1.45M(PC+Xbox) only 70k units less than the two platforms while being a late port
[PS4] Dragon Ball Fighter Z (Bandai Namco) {2018.01.26} - 3.170.000
[NSW] Dragon Ball Fighter Z (Bandai Namco) {2018.09.27} - 1.380.000
[XB1] Dragon Ball Fighter Z (Bandai Namco) {2018.01.26} - less than 1 million
The game had sold 6M as of Dec 2020, so Xbox + PC numbers are 1.45M https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2020/dec/19/dragon-ball-million-sales/
My data is from CESA White Paper Dec 2020
Thanks, this is really handy. Would you happen to have numbers for BBTAG, SNK Heroines and Samsho?
Thanks, this is really handy. Would you happen to have numbers for BBTAG, SNK Heroines and Samsho?
tl:dr I don’t have it

Publishers usually only give data of 1M sellers SKU (and nowadays most publishers bar L-5/Nintendo not even that) and none of this games have sold even 1M all SKU together so we have no data from CESA. We have to rely on other 3rd parties or themselves to give sales data but this hasn’t been the situation so we can’t know sales splits.

pd: All CESA data I haven’t it got myself s/o to the multiple users of Installbase that share it

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