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News Star Ocean 6: The Divine Force (PS5, PS4, XSX|S, XBO, and Steam) launches on October 27th


Riki may well be the softest of all Nopon

Another October game! Looks a lot better than SO5, I'm hoping for the best. The combat seems to take some inspiration from FF7R and allows us to pause at any time to change our actions.
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I'm really not a fan of this trend of JRPG trailers where rather than laying out the narrative hook/characters in a way that sets up what is happening and why you (the audience) should be interested, they just have out of context lines from all the characters all the time without any break between them.

Like, in the first trailer in this thread, none of what's being said has anything to do with what else is being said. There's a lady who wants to protect her kingdom. So then the next line is about someone named Chloe getting involved? What? Then someone else starts talking about the Lawrence family? What does any of this mean?

It's the same issue I have with the recent Xenoblade trailers. Just loads of random exposition and character dialogue with no set up as to what's actually going on.

Another October game! Looks a lot better than SO5, I'm hoping for the best. The combat seems to take some inspiration from FF7R and allows us to pause at any time to change our actions.

The art is low budget but it looks like the other areas got a better budget this time.
Looks intriguing but I fear this will get lost in the shuffle for many, me included.
For me is a when in sale for 20$ or less type of game especially considering Harvestella is just the week after, but hope it's a good game the fans of the series deserve it.
This looks good but it's releasing along some of my most anticipated games.

I'll get it on day one if it supports ultrawide, otherwise I'll probably wait a bit to get over the hype of other games and give people time to mod it.
Tri-Ace doesnt support the Switch only game we got was thanks to TOSE being the developer.
Second one also was from TOSE. And Tri-Ace supported Nintendo platforms in the past, if they're having porting stuff to Switch they should just give them to a capable port studio. It'll be worth it.
Second one also was from TOSE. And Tri-Ace supported Nintendo platforms in the past, if they're having porting stuff to Switch they should just give them to a capable port studio. It'll be worth it.
they handled the Resonance of Fate port themselves, so if they had desire for supporting the switch, it would have happened by now. I just don't think they're interested
Second one also was from TOSE. And Tri-Ace supported Nintendo platforms in the past, if they're having porting stuff to Switch they should just give them to a capable port studio. It'll be worth it.
The second game is in the really odd situation of not having the PS4 version release outside Japan either, so it not being on Switch either is likely on S-E.
This looks kind of decent to be honest

Movement a combat look good, i just hope the locations will be worthy to explore.
This looks like SO5 was a prototype of what they wanted this is the end result of what they wanted
they handled the Resonance of Fate port themselves, so if they had desire for supporting the switch, it would have happened by now. I just don't think they're interested
I haven't given up on Resonance, honestly. I suspected Nagoshi was behind its absence on Switch. Maybe that's the actual reason and we might get a late port now he's gone.
I disliked the characters of Star Ocean 4 so much. But I liked the combat. Haven’t played a Star Ocean game since that. This looks better than what I saw of SO5.
I haven't given up on Resonance, honestly. I suspected Nagoshi was behind its absence on Switch. Maybe that's the actual reason and we might get a late port now he's gone.
I really hope so. I love that game so much I imported the physical remaster. Would love to own it on Switch too.
I haven't given up on Resonance, honestly. I suspected Nagoshi was behind its absence on Switch. Maybe that's the actual reason and we might get a late port now he's gone.
sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Nagoshi didn't have anything to do with it. it's a licensed product. Tri-Ace is the publisher even

Looks much better than the first showing. I'll most likely grab it unless the reviews are abysmal.
Star Ocean demo out Sep 20. Seems like all of S-E games get one nowadays.
Sometimes I wonder if it used to be that RPGs rarely offered demos as they didn’t want the slow pace of the tutorial or the depth of the mechanics to put people off. But now there’s more JRPGs about than most people can feasibly play, and in particular the smaller releases get buried quickly under the deluge of new games, so there’s merit in putting a polished demo out. As anyone that would be put off by it likely wasn’t buying at launch anyway. What you’re looking to do is get people to buy into the story before launch. That’s why ‘carry your save on from the demo’ has become a pretty crucial feature too- don’t put players off by having them have to replay the first two hours.
Cool! Star Ocean is one of those series that seem interesting to me yet I’ve never taken the plunge. The name is fantastic, anyway. Let’s see how this runs on a Series S.
Looks like they also released Mission Report 4 in English:
The Fifth and final report has been released in English:

With the game almost here I wonder when we'll start seeing reviews.
Mid Ocean strikes again, when you have one of the more positive reviews basically saying "I expect this game to be savaged by other critics" you know you're in for a game where "dozens of us" will talk about how great it is and everyone else will say "it's bad".
Here's a review of one of those dozens of fans of the series.

Source: noisypixel

Although, if you can look past those stumbles, Star Ocean The Divine Force is a must-play entry for all fans of the genre, whether they already are fans of the franchise or not.

8/10. At least we now know it's definitely not a complete trainwreck like 5 was.
That's the same review I cited as having the quote about what other critics will think of it :p
Lmao. That's what you get for glancing over the text. A more critical one: hardcoregamer

You can take solace that The Divine Force is at least better than Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness as there are moments of intrigue, but they’re overshadowed by how severely underwhelming the overall package ended up.

3/5. Will get the game when it's down to 20 or so.
FYI, Star Ocean 1 to 6 (obviously not The Second Story R) are in the PS Plus catalog and also got big sales.

I bought The DIvine Force and according to the PS5 menu, I am at 97% of the main story, I choose Laeticia as the main character.

After suffering A TON on Star Ocean The Last Hope, I went kinda blind in TDF. I didn't really thought the demo was anything to write home about mainly because of the technical issues and the inexistant lips-sync for the English dub.

Before buying it, I learned that the game received a massive patch last year and that the Item Creation system wasn't bad at all (still far from what Star Ocean 2 but still nice) and obviously totally lets you destroy the game to prepare you for the post game content. So... I bought the game, knowing that the game didn't had a great budget at all (and boy, it shows).

Like a lot of very important situations happen off screen or in very, VERY short cutscences and even shorter CGI, even the animation is very limited. Buuuuut... once you get past this, the game is very nice. The dialogue isn't cringeworthy -which is a massive relief after The Last Hope and I heard Integrety and Faithlessness was as bad as TLH-, characters are likeable, there's not too much fan service aside for two characters but at no moment the game put the camera on their asses or breats or do anything like Xenoblade 2 (take that, Monolith Soft ! You sure look silly now, right ? Right... ?).

The game makes quite a lot of references to the previous games but never forces you to know anything about it, it's kinda clever (there's even a logbook if you want to learn more about the lore).

Despite its flaws, I really feel like the tri-Ace passion is there. They did something GOOD that doesn't make me facepalm every time a character talks. Even the difficulty is correctly balanced now (surely someone at tri-Ace did something wrong because their games are never balanced correctly, NEVER) and you can even lower the difficulty at any time (and change your characters & their gear, even improve their skills during battle).

Also, this time more than ever before, this Star Ocean clearly is a love letter to Star Trek. You want some "Prime Directive" ? Oh boi, the "Underdeveloped Planet Preservation Pact" or "UP3" is there. You want a space battle (which sadly happens mostly off screen for budget reason) with LOTS of techno bable straight from Star Trek TOS / TNG ? It's right here ! You want discussions about ethics regarding sentient life, consensual human & machine fusion for the greater good despite it not looking as good as it looks but it still is so it opens a whole debate about this ? YOU. GOT. IT (like, 85% of the second half of the game is basically this).

Star Ocean always had a lot of Star Trek references / winks right from the very first on the Super Famicom (the introduction starts with a Captain's log and a stardate just like a Star Trek episode) but this one takes the cake.

I'll finish the game quite soon and I'll come back once I watched my characters endingS.
FYI, Star Ocean 1 to 6 (obviously not The Second Story R) are in the PS Plus catalog and also got big sales.

I bought The DIvine Force and according to the PS5 menu, I am at 97% of the main story, I choose Laeticia as the main character.

After suffering A TON on Star Ocean The Last Hope, I went kinda blind in TDF. I didn't really thought the demo was anything to write home about mainly because of the technical issues and the inexistant lips-sync for the English dub.

Before buying it, I learned that the game received a massive patch last year and that the Item Creation system wasn't bad at all (still far from what Star Ocean 2 but still nice) and obviously totally lets you destroy the game to prepare you for the post game content. So... I bought the game, knowing that the game didn't had a great budget at all (and boy, it shows).

Like a lot of very important situations happen off screen or in very, VERY short cutscences and even shorter CGI, even the animation is very limited. Buuuuut... once you get past this, the game is very nice. The dialogue isn't cringeworthy -which is a massive relief after The Last Hope and I heard Integrety and Faithlessness was as bad as TLH-, characters are likeable, there's not too much fan service aside for two characters but at no moment the game put the camera on their asses or breats or do anything like Xenoblade 2 (take that, Monolith Soft ! You sure look silly now, right ? Right... ?).

The game makes quite a lot of references to the previous games but never forces you to know anything about it, it's kinda clever (there's even a logbook if you want to learn more about the lore).

Despite its flaws, I really feel like the tri-Ace passion is there. They did something GOOD that doesn't make me facepalm every time a character talks. Even the difficulty is correctly balanced now (surely someone at tri-Ace did something wrong because their games are never balanced correctly, NEVER) and you can even lower the difficulty at any time (and change your characters & their gear, even improve their skills during battle).

Also, this time more than ever before, this Star Ocean clearly is a love letter to Star Trek. You want some "Prime Directive" ? Oh boi, the "Underdeveloped Planet Preservation Pact" or "UP3" is there. You want a space battle (which sadly happens mostly off screen for budget reason) with LOTS of techno bable straight from Star Trek TOS / TNG ? It's right here ! You want discussions about ethics regarding sentient life, consensual human & machine fusion for the greater good despite it not looking as good as it looks but it still is so it opens a whole debate about this ? YOU. GOT. IT (like, 85% of the second half of the game is basically this).

Star Ocean always had a lot of Star Trek references / winks right from the very first on the Super Famicom (the introduction starts with a Captain's log and a stardate just like a Star Trek episode) but this one takes the cake.

I'll finish the game quite soon and I'll come back once I watched my characters endingS.
Thank you for the write up. I agree with most of that. I like the game a lot. Curious what you feel when you finish it.
The soundtrack from Sakuraba for this game is really underrated. The game itself is definitely overlooked. One of the best surprises for last year, for me.
Thank you for the write up. I agree with most of that. I like the game a lot. Curious what you feel when you finish it.
So, I finished Star Ocean : The Divine Force.

I have something to say about the character endings but first, I felt something during the credits :
While the credits theme is clearly not as good as We Form in Crystals from SO 2, it is pretty good and a good version of the main theme of the series. I also thought : "Wow, It felt so good to enjoy a new Star Ocean" and listening to the theme song reminded that the franchise isn't dead with the upcoming remake of SO 2. I never thought the franchise and tri-Ace would be able to come back after the last games. I talk about Turrican & Factor 5 a lot but tri-Ace is pretty much my third favorite studio (the second was Quintet and Terranigma, obviously).

The PS2 Era : The End of Talent
I played Star Ocean : Till The End of Time for around 8 hours and I gave up not because I've been told of the infamous twist, but just because the camera & view distance are atrocious, the controls are terrible, dying for having 0 mana is ass, the first hours are not only awful in term of level design but its writing takes the cake by having clowns and comedians mocking the main character -who just escaped with them by the way- for having his parents probably being eaten alive by aliens. Like... what the hell where they thinking with this load of (insert AVGN rant) ?! Also, while I love mapping zones in games like all the Xenoblade or some other RPGs especially since it unlocks bonuses, it makes me wonder who programmed the one for this game because it doesn't work. Like, you have to step on specific pixels and sometime even try to get stuck in the scenery just to be able to add a 0.01% completion because else it won't count.

And you know what's fun ? This happens on the VERY FIRST ZONE where you start mapping. THE FIRST ONE. I guess that nobody at tri-Ace gave a damn about this because it shows right at the start. It discouraged me so much of exploring areas, finding secrets & chests... add the camera programmed by elon musk's ass and you get a big pile of "I don't want to play this game anymore".

PlayStar 360 : Writer's Integrity and Stupidlessness
Concerning The Last Hope, I've talked quite a lot of this game already on famiboards so I'll pass, because I still want to write something about this game (and yes, I added it to my PS Plus account because I once had the original on Xbox 360). I've been burned so much by TLH and Till The End of Time that I never played the fitth game, Integrity and Faithlessness (the title alone is already a red flag to me, almost feel like Tetsuya Nomura was visiting tri-Ace that day and forced the team to write the title). It sucks because there's some things I think I'd like, like having the entire party all the time with you in towns and battles, like some of the dungeons in Infinite Undiscovery. But I heard so much things about the writing and the characters that I haven't played it yet (but it is also in my PS Plus catalog account now).

I felt a great disturbance in The Divine Force
So when I say that it feels so good to enjoy a new Star Ocean, it comes right from the bottom of my heart. Yes the game is flawed, yes there's glitches, yes the animations aren't great, yes the English dub isn't synced to the lips, yes there's massive framerate drops in a few areas that shouldn't drop, yes it feels very cheap with a lot of cutscenes looking like this :

Translation : "Wow, so this is what a citizen from Atlantis looks like ?! That's crazy !"

But if you decide to give it a chance despite all this, then you'll find a game with a heart. Lots of the "Star Ocean" touch like the Private Actions with the character you choose at the start of the game and your team in each town, side quests, the Item Creation Sidequests, the insane ways to destroy the game just to prepare yourself for the two postgame dungeons, and also, seeing the story from the point of view of your main character. Like in Star Ocean 2, you have so parts of the story where Laeticia and Ray are separated so you follow the story from their PoV. But unlike SO 2, this happens quite often at one point and it helps to develop some of the side characters and even the ennemy. A good example of this is Prince Gerr'rard if you play as Laeticia (which I did, just like I chose Rena in SO 2 for my first save), I really enjoyed the fact that he is fully aware of what you are planning and yet isn't written like a terrible saturday morning cartoon or like and obvious bad guy who's evil because he's evil or a stupid pervert. He have actual depth and it is more than welcome.

When I played the demo, I started with Ray and I thought "Oh no, they're doing the 'Is the Pangalactic Federation really evil now ?!- thing that will obviously turn out ot be a trap or someone impersonating a Federation officer" but no, turns out that bad people exist everywhere and just like some episodes in Star Trek TNG (notably the few good ones in the very first season), not everything is a-ok with the Federation despite having heroes linked to it since the very first game (it also reminded me of Metroid Fusion).

So, I liked the characters, the setting, the lore, the themes of the second half of the game, the battle system is pretty good... what did I disliked ?

Well when you get D.U.M.A. in your team, the game dumps A TON of info at the same time to explain how she can help you in battle and... I would recommand you to forget it all and just try it yourself for a bit and THEN look at the info in the tutorial menu.

I wasn't a fan of the Character Endings (that comes AFTER the game's ending and credits like in all Star Ocean games and depends on your characters affinity between each other) this time because... I only got to watch Laeticia's and it wasn't a good one, despite having done quite a lot of private actions especially with Ray and Albeird. I got the one where Laeti complains that she can't visit her friends and have too much work. Lola comes to says that her father demands her presence and Laeti then screams that she have too much work and... "FIN". Wait, that's it ?! Where's the others ? What happened to them ? I guess I'll try to get as much Private Actions as I can do now that I am in the post game.

I had something very similar in Star Ocean 2 and Rena but it was because back then I cheated like crazy with the Super Speciality & Counterfeit skills and stole items from almost every NPCs without seperating from my team, so obviously my affinity with the team was abysmal ^o^; (it was my first save, sorry Rena !).

I wish the Item Creation system was a bit more complex ; there's a lot to do already but compared to the previous game, it's very limited. The synthesis system is a good addition tho, especially since you can make +540% XP x2 +60% efficiency to ease the leveling for the post game. It takes time, lots of ressources and patience but that's the magic sauce of Star Ocean' Item Creation madness. The balance isn't broken, it's asking you to break it.

My final complain is about the true bad guy of the game. You get some hints that he never really mourned the death of his wife to illness quite soon and you see his sanity gradually getting worst and worst but then he became the "I'm going to become a God" thing and yeah, I didn't really cared for him at this point. Also him, Gaston and Valanj doing the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 thing of "Ah ah, you've beaten us but we're going to escape easily despite our injuries !" twice or even thrice, it was getting a bit old at one point.

So, that's my time with Star Ocean : The Divine Force. I enjoyed it quite a lot and I'm gonna pay my respects to Gabriel Celeste and the Ethereal Queen in the post game dungeons after levelling quite a lot.

Verdict :
Flawed hidden gem in plain sight, like it's just in front of you, LOOK ! It's in the PS Plus catalog now ! / 10
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@Koren Lesthe thanks a lot for the write up.
You're welcome ^^.

I just started Star Ocean 5 and... well I'm a bit confused with the writing right at the beguinning ; there's like five occurences of terrible exposition in the first minutes "Your father died five years ago", "You really are your father's heir", "What ? You mean these savages who can do so much things you already know but I need to point out because I don't know how to explain it to the player ?".

It's very awkward and clumsy and not a good start to be honest.

At least the game seems to feature a ton of Skills to learn.
You're welcome ^^.

I just started Star Ocean 5 and... well I'm a bit confused with the writing right at the beguinning ; there's like five occurences of terrible exposition in the first minutes "Your father died five years ago", "You really are your father's heir", "What ? You mean these savages who can do so much things you already know but I need to point out because I don't know how to explain it to the player ?".

It's very awkward and clumsy and not a good start to be honest.

At least the game seems to feature a ton of Skills to learn.
I don't care much for 5 or whatever I played of 4. 6 felt like a return to form for sure, but it really needed more time in the oven. I tried the PC version again this weekend and it still runs worse than PS5 which has a few of its own issues. Did you decide what platform you will potentially get SO2R?
I don't care much for 5 or whatever I played of 4. 6 felt like a return to form for sure, but it really needed more time in the oven. I tried the PC version again this weekend and it still runs worse than PS5 which has a few of its own issues. Did you decide what platform you will potentially get SO2R?
Yep, I preordered the game on PS5 after trying the demo on both Switch & PS5. It looks pretty good on Switch but there's a lot more asset popin. Maybe it will get better in the final version.
Yep, I preordered the game on PS5 after trying the demo on both Switch & PS5. It looks pretty good on Switch but there's a lot more asset popin. Maybe it will get better in the final version.

I should play more of the demo and decide. I'm leaning to Steam Deck though, but need to buy a physical for collection. Thanks for your demo impression.

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