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News Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase announced for June 28th

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It is funny seeing some Youtubers having to do prediction videos for a third time: One for the Direct that was totally happening on the 15th, one for the General Direct happening on 29th, and now one for actually announced Partner Showcase tomorrow.
These people probably love it. Lots of extra views since those videos probably are their best performing. Might destroy their credibility, but those channels probably had little to begin with (not a call out as I don’t know what is being referred to).
Here's a conspiracy theory that just popped into my head.

What if Nintendo saw all those leaks about a Direct, and thought: "So now you're even gonna leak the exact date weeks in advance? Well two can play at that game..." and just scrapped all their first party stuff from the presentation and decided to show it at a later date? Maybe even just to discredit Leakers a little so next time there would be less people believing them?

That would fit considering the narrative on the Direct only being a Partner Showcase was a pretty recent development, too. But of course there are agreements in place with third parties so they can't possibly not do anything at all, especially of Ubisoft is really gonna show off Mario+Rabbids themselves later this week. They can, however, show off their own games whenever they want to. I doubt a week or two makes much of a difference.

So... TLDR they made this a partner mini out of spite lol. And I am only half-joking xD
Well my older post aged horribly didn't it.
The 2020 Partner Directs were some of the most god awful content out there so I can't say this is something I even want to watch. Guess I'll catch the highlights and move on. Probably no games I'll be interested in at all. Well I guess we'll have to hope Nintendo will at least have something in September. Wish we were allowed to see Zelda but the multi-year wait continues!
Ok I see. Yeah if it’s early October Nintendo wouldn’t wait until a September Direct. It’s too late. Next month sounds feasible. The thing is if there’s enough for Nintendo to warrant another direct before September. Stuff like dlc can be dropped on Twitter. Everyone 1-2 Switch is a twitter drop. Could mean Metroid Prime Remaster is a twitter drop too.
Well sure, I'd expect the following by September:

  • Metroid Prime HD announcement
  • New wave of N64 games
  • Second wave of Kart DLC
  • Splatoon 3 test fire
  • Bayonetta 3 release date

I'd put the following in a 'maybe' pile:

  • 1-2 Switch sequel announcement
  • Advance Wars release date
  • another 'casual' game if 1-2 Switch doesn't appear (still gonna bank on Style Savvy like I always do)

There's enough there for a strong Mini, and enough to have rounded out tomorrow's presentation into a Direct. But it could also all come as their own discrete announcements (a Splatoon Direct in August is likely, I think). My guess is Nintendo are keeping a short term and gradual focus, but it's going to be a few months before we have an idea of why that is. Maybe September is the release date and title reveal for Zelda, for example, and Nintendo are holding that back until smaller announcements are out the way.
OK, whatever. Third party games are ridiculously, insanely massive on Switch and there's absolutely no reason why anyone would be disappointed with this Showcase. The Steam Deck is completely insignificant compared to the might of Nintendo, and every single 5-year old port is a blessing that we should be celebrating from the rooftops. There is literally no difference between a Partner Showcase and a General Direct that would lead to people being disappointed.

My bad.

This level of sarcasm indicates that it's time for us all to take a breather.
I’m with plum on the ports. NieR is great but wouldn’t excite me really. I played it 4 years ago

Hoping for some great NEW third party stuff like Mario Rabbids, Bayonetta etc
No, it can't fill the niche, but it definitely lessens the novelty of games coming to Switch. Seeing, say, NieR: Automata portably isn't going to be the same to some when, right now, you can buy a device that'll likely run it at twice the performance and resolution. That + Steam Deck games aren't exclusive ports that you have to pay full price for, as are the majority of third-party titles. It's just simply not as exciting seeing these big PS4 titles releasing on Switch as it was back when DOOM was this massive thing.

As for "a good majority of Switch owners are fine with 3rd parties." Yeah, I'd say they're fine with them... but looking at the actual sales, they're not even close to the 1st-party stuff when it comes to sales and - in turn - popularity. Going by Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_Nintendo_Switch_video_games there is a single third-party title in the Top 20 (a console-exclusive Monster Hunter game, so not a late port), and only 6 total in the Top 50 (excluding Nintendo collabs like M+R and HW:AoC). That's... not much. Especially when you consider how, of the few that are there, there's Minecraft, Among Us (massive casual titles) and Octopath Traveler (an exclusive published by Nintendo themselves in the West).

So, third parties definitely have an audience on Switch. I should know - I buy way too many of them, and there are some that I'd genuinely love to see on Switch (cough Fallout 3/NV cough). But, they are not as popular, and will likely never be as popular, as first-party titles, or third-party titles on Xbox/Playstation. As such, a Direct focusing on them is going to generate more disappointment overall than a regular, or 'regular' Mini.

Cool, no worries :)
2 points:
first, to many third party games are late ports, that cost more on switch then on any other platform, so that should not be ignored.

Second, there is a difference between third party and third party. Im confident, that say a Fallout 3 port would sell well, but way worse then PC/XBox, and maybe worse then a PS4 port. But something like Dragon Quest Builders/DQ3?
Or Say the persona ports? those will probably sell at least as good if not better then on other platforms.
The switch audience has a bias towards japanese inspired or developed games.
This level of sarcasm indicates that it's time for us all to take a breather.
I realise, yeah. It's just frustrating when you gotta start bringing up sales charts and doing market analyses to 'justify' the point of "third party Switch games, in general, generate less excitement than first-party games and, as such, people are more likely to be disappointed when they're the focus." At some point what is the argument even about? Like, I'm not decrying the very idea of third-parties on Switch or anything, but you'd be forgiven to belief that I was.
every single 5-year old port is a blessing that we should be celebrating from the rooftops
As someone with a laptop that has a 2 hour battery, dull ass screen, chugs on demanding dolphin games and has no other console... yeah.
Well sure, I'd expect the following by September:

  • Metroid Prime HD announcement
  • New wave of N64 games
  • Second wave of Kart DLC
  • Splatoon 3 test fire
  • Bayonetta 3 release date

I'd put the following in a 'maybe' pile:

  • 1-2 Switch sequel announcement
  • Advance Wars release date
  • another 'casual' game if 1-2 Switch doesn't appear (still gonna bank on Style Savvy like I always do)

There's enough there for a strong Mini, and enough to have rounded out tomorrow's presentation into a Direct. But it could also all come as their own discrete announcements (a Splatoon Direct in August is likely, I think). My guess is Nintendo are keeping a short term and gradual focus, but it's going to be a few months before we have an idea of why that is. Maybe September is the release date and title reveal for Zelda, for example, and Nintendo are holding that back until smaller announcements are out the way.

  • Metroid Prime HD announcement- Probably in July
  • New wave of N64 games- Probably a Twitter drop unless they abandon the road map and just surprise us.
  • Second wave of Kart DLC- Probably a Twitter drop.
  • Splatoon 3 test fire- I'm guessing there will be a Splatoon direct some time in the next ~6 weeks
  • Bayonetta 3 release date- ¯\(ツ)
Gotta say Nier Automata is the most boring answer to the Big 2018 port

I think Hardware next year is a lock, with BotW 2 ,new Mario games alongside the Movie and the new FE, even tho insiders suggested FE should be releasing soon, there's definitely some delays happening to coincide with the Switch Pro release

I think releasing a new Switch iteration next year is a mistake, too late at this point, but Nintendo will do it anyway
For the record, I’m in the camp that is very excited for what tomorrow can bring. First party Nintendo games have already been a lock for this year and I wasn’t expecting much. Most of my future anticipation/excitement rested in third parties anyway. I’m sure there will be some excitements and disappointments tomorrow in regards to what they announce and my personal tastes.

@Formula Zero i believe the nVidia leak points to a “Switch 2” not a “Switch Pro.” You’d have to get the opinion of someone that really follows that stuff, though.
As someone with a laptop that has a 2 hour battery, dull ass screen, chugs on demanding dolphin games and has no other console... yeah.
Well yeah, for some people like yourself Switch 3rd party ports are gonna be very exciting, and all the power to you.
Well my older post aged horribly didn't it.
If those 4 has just been combined into one event I don't think their reputation would be as bad as it was. They also got progressively better as they went on. The first one though that had like 5 games including a vaporware shooter and that awful wwe game tainted people's perception.
I'm wondering what kind of third-party designed-for-the Switch game there might be, or if there is going to be one at all. Right now i can't think of any... At least as big as MH Rise
Late 3P ports are cool in the sense that “oh sweet I can play this on switch if I want!”

But they don’t have the same factor of excitement as seeing something new in a presentation. It’s like “well yup, that’s NieR alright”
As someone that always wanted to play Nier and Persona games, but did not wanted to pay literally thousands of moneys to be able to pay hundreds of moneys to play those games, I'm really excited about this one.
I'm wondering what kind of third-party designed-for-the Switch game there might be, or if there is going to be one at all. Right now i can't think of any... At least as big as MH Rise
Only game as big as MH:Rise that could be made with Switch in mind is DQXII, and that is not releasing any time soon. MH:Rise is probably the biggest exclusive in Nintendo hardware since DQIX
  • Metroid Prime HD announcement- Probably in July
  • New wave of N64 games- Probably a Twitter drop unless they abandon the road map and just surprise us.
  • Second wave of Kart DLC- Probably a Twitter drop.
  • Splatoon 3 test fire- I'm guessing there will be a Splatoon direct some time in the next ~6 weeks
  • Bayonetta 3 release date- ¯\(ツ)

Yeah I think the next few months is Twitter drops with some game-specific Directs. MP Remake could be announced in a General Sept Direct if it's a Nov/late Oct game. Bayonetta could get it's own Direct like Splatoon if it's still this year.
To be more positive, cause I feel myself getting into a genuinely grumpy state:

I hope the Direct has some more 7th generation ports. 8th gen ports tend to be hit-and-miss due to the limiting nature of the Switch hardware, but 7th gen stuff? Yes please. They are easy-enough to run that they can easily do native resolution, and they're much less likely to suffer from the frame-drops we see on games like TW3 and DOOM. I'm much more likely to buy and actually play them than I would, say, NieR: Automata.
OK, whatever. Third party games are ridiculously, insanely massive on Switch and there's absolutely no reason why anyone would be disappointed with this Showcase. The Steam Deck is completely insignificant compared to the might of Nintendo, and every single 5-year old port is a blessing that we should be celebrating from the rooftops. There is literally no difference between a Partner Showcase and a General Direct that would lead to people being disappointed.

My bad.

Maybe consider going for a walk, smell the roses and all that, unless you are the sort to presume that a bunch of beautiful women will chase you in doing so and will be outraged when they do not.
I'd be interested in Nier Automata if it's a good port, but it's now been so long since it came out that it just wouldn't be a priority. And I'm going to be hard-pressed to find the gaming time for the things I'm already interested in.

One thing I'd like to see tomorrow would be Metal Slug Tactics. Advance Wars isn't going to feature, but we can still get us some tactical goodness.
Advance wars could unceremoniously get a release date in the coming soon reel these all get. It is developed by Wayforward after all
I'm wondering what kind of third-party designed-for-the Switch game there might be, or if there is going to be one at all. Right now i can't think of any... At least as big as MH Rise
Might not be big for Japan but if DQX Offline gets localized I won't care of the remaining 24 minutes of this direct is The Rock attempting to sell another drink again I'll be over the moon
Dang, I really wasn’t expecting them to bring back the Partner Showcase. 25 minutes is super long for this kinda thing too, that’s exciting. With this and the news that Steam Deck production is doubling, it’s a good week for me so far.

I’m hoping that we get a bunch of new stuff, and not just ports, even though I would lose my mind at Persona coming to Switch. With that said, I would equally lose my mind if Bandai Decides to put Eternal Sonata on modern platforms. That’s going to be my dream announcement for this showcase.
I’ll keep waiting out for new info from Nate in the future as far as any directs coming from Nintendo are concerned. Right now he hasn’t heard anything and he usually hears about a direct a month or so our.
Only DQ game that has a chance to be shown is Treasures, DQ3R was in early development when it got revealed according to it's own trailer and Team Asano games take 3-4 years to make according to Asano.
Advance wars could unceremoniously get a release date in the coming soon reel these all get. It is developed by Wayforward after all
It's a wholly-owned Nintendo series and a first party release. Given the "third party" wording, I'm not expecting it tomorrow.
Only game as big as MH:Rise that could be made with Switch in mind is DQXII, and that is not releasing any time soon. MH:Rise is probably the biggest exclusive in Nintendo hardware since DQIX
MH:R has sold over 9 million copies, there aren't many 3rd party games that could be announced for any platform that'll be as big or bigger. Heck a good chunk of Nintendo's first party line up aren't that big

Only DQ game that has a chance to be shown is Treasures, DQ3R was in early development when it got revealed according to it's own trailer and Team Asano games take 3-4 years to make according to Asano.
Dragon Quest X Offline international release, perhaps.
Yeah, I am among those who are excited about third-party ports coming to the Switch on account of how I am not willing to make the time and money investment that is necessary to own another console or a reasonably-capable PC.

So I am looking forward to what might be coming tomorrow. But I do understand how people who own multiple consoles have little to no interest in a Partner Showcase. I would probably feel the same if I were in their shoes.
Uh 😭. I was already expecting that but it's a bummer still. 2020 vibes scare me.

Unless they pull the Monster Hunter Rise/Stories 2 or Nocturne HD/SMT V from last year and reveal, you know, a timed exclusive Resident Evil game for Switch, I don't feel like it'll be that much of a banger. Persona 3/4/5 is exciting but still late ports...

Hope they have something focused on first party in July, I'm dying to see Metroid Prime HD and BotW2 🙏.
I’ll keep waiting out for new info from Nate in the future as far as any directs coming from Nintendo are concerned. Right now he hasn’t heard anything and he usually hears about a direct a month or so our.
If it’s heavily first party, I expect it to not leak as easily
MH:R has sold over 9 million copies, there aren't many 3rd party games that could be announced for any platform that'll be as big or bigger. Heck a good chunk of Nintendo's first party line up aren't that big

Oh for sure I'm not trying to downplay MH:Rise just that it's such a high bar that shouldn't be expected imo, MH:Stories 2 / SMT3HD type of stuff is what we should expect
Dang, I really wasn’t expecting them to bring back the Partner Showcase. 25 minutes is super long for this kinda thing too, that’s exciting. With this and the news that Steam Deck production is doubling, it’s a good week for me so far.

I’m hoping that we get a bunch of new stuff, and not just ports, even though I would lose my mind at Persona coming to Switch. With that said, I would equally lose my mind if Bandai Decides to put Eternal Sonata on modern platforms. That’s going to be my dream announcement for this showcase.

Eternal Sonata is a game i've been wanting to play for quite a while. I'd be really happy with a Switch version
Some of you all should take that built up anger and frustration and unleash it on certain politicians and judges in the US. Just a suggestion.
Something to think about is this is the first Partner showcase post-covid so it’s possible this will be a lot better than the ones we got in the beginnings of covid and games being delayed etc..
I hope tomorrow has some new announcements, instead of being 20+ minutes of old anime games alongside “here’s Assassin’s Creed Unity for Nintendo Switch!”
I realise, yeah. It's just frustrating when you gotta start bringing up sales charts and doing market analyses to 'justify' the point of "third party Switch games, in general, generate less excitement than first-party games and, as such, people are more likely to be disappointed when they're the focus." At some point what is the argument even about? Like, I'm not decrying the very idea of third-parties on Switch or anything, but you'd be forgiven to belief that I was.
Is anyone really comparing them though? Obviously when it comes to Nintendo, first party games generate more excitement. There is no debating that. I think people need to stop comparing this to a first party style Direct. The first party stuff is still coming, much of it for this year is know about already. We'll likely hear more soon. We have room for first and third party stuff, they don't have to be competing.
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