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Discussion Hideo Kojima praises a racist & clasist Mexican film


Touch Fuzzy get dizzy
He, Him

Just to give you a little bit of context.

The film "Nuevo Orden" (New Order) belongs to this right-wing propaganda machine currently going hard in Mexico by the privileged classes. The main reason for this kind of propaganda is that the current Mexican administration has provided tons of attention and support towards the poor, indigenous and farmer classes, with the current president calling out very publicly the racism and classism that still very much prevails in the Mexican society, something than no other Mexican president has done in recent decades. Feeling under fire, this privileged class decided to fight back in any way they can.

The main plot of the film is basically an horror story (from the eyes of the wealthy, white Mexicans) in which the inferior, dark skinned Mexicans have enough and start some sort of violent revolution, then at the end , the army (also filled by dark skinned Mexicans) decides to kill both sides of the conflict and take control of the country themselves, just like Venezuela amerite?

On release, the film provoked tons of bad reviews and criticism here in Mexico due to the problematic plot, when confronted about it, the director Michel Franco (also, named dropped by Kojima), replied that the racism against whites (or "whitexicans) is equally harmful and dangerous as the systematic racism/classism perpetuated during centuries by the whites in Mexico....yeah.

I... like to think that Kojima doesn´t mean bad, nor that he is required to understand or to know about the current political climate in Mexico to enjoy a film, what really surprises me is that he is praising a very very bad and ineffective film on its own, the movie is really awful, and you may think that his alleged relationship with Guillermo del Toro has teaching him about good cinema. Also, very strange sensibilities by someone who wants to replicate in videogames the cinema experience.

But again he did MGS4 so i can´t be any more disappointed LMAO.
I’m not at all shocked that this is the message Mr. Hideo “Can-Love-Bloom-On-A-Battlefield” Kojima gleaned out of that movie.
I... like to think that Kojima doesn´t mean bad, nor that he is required to understand or to know about the current political climate in Mexico to enjoy a film
Aaaaaaaaaand this is a problem. The movie isn't some complex auteur film with an underlying message, it's perfectly transparent and Kojima needs to be called out for giving it a positive shutout.

Weird how no one is talking about this.
Because it's Kojima, a godfucking institution, you didn't see anyone in the gaming world calling him out despite having been blatantly sexist for decades, and you won't see anyone calling him out now.

Same shit that happened with CD Projekt Red. Remember all their transphobia with Cyberpunk 2077? It's like nothing ever happened.
Imo but I think using "lol", "lmao" and your comment about MGS4 make this thread seem like this situation is just a joke when it's anything but.
It seems like people are simply unaware, this didn’t gain traction at all. Only Mexican people seem to comment on that on Twitter

Call me naive but I genuinely think that Kojima wasn’t aware at all. His whole Twitter schtick is how 70% of his body is made of movies. He will just post whatever movie he watches and point some artistic merit, especially if it’s coming from an auteur. According to a search this director doesn’t seem to be known purely for propaganda movies, maybe Kojima just liked his previous work. I know it sounds ridiculous to imply that the man known to draw real world parallels in the stories of his games would lack media literacy but perhaps he truly was oblivious to the subliminal messages, he just took everything at face value and wanted to post how he liked the use of red and green on Twitter.

I know it sounds like I’m making excuses for him just because I like his games or whatever but I truly think that there is just no use to judge people by extrapolating on what they post or share on social media. Now I hate the alt right more than anyone else. I don’t think that Kojima praising a propaganda film means that he is aware of the context or that he is a closet racist. Most people, especially the older generations, are really lacking in (social) media literacy and are extremely unaware of the possible implications behind any post they share. Not everyone over 50 on social media is a closet racist boomer, people should take what they post with a grain of salt because again, everyone that is unaware of context, origin or how social media algorithms work will simply just post or retweet without thinking of what their post means between the lines. It’s kind of like when the Tidus voice actor got called out for his Parler account, he seemed very genuine in his apology, he didn’t even know the underlying motifs in Parler nor the implications of his “RTs”. Most people are simply very uneducated and it shouldn’t take so little to assume the worst about them. In fact, being so quick to judge is what the alt right wants in the first place, they want to make this into a culture war and fuel the tribalism and polarisation. Reason and education are the keys out of this, keep your intolerance for the truly intolerant out there
The main plot of the film is basically an horror story (from the eyes of the wealthy, white Mexicans) in which the inferior, dark skinned Mexicans have enough and start some sort of violent revolution, then at the end , the army (also filled by dark skinned Mexicans) decides to kill both sides of the conflict and take control of the country themselves, just like Venezuela amerite?

As a Venezuelan, I’m a bit confused by the bolded. Cause both Chavez and Maduro are monsters and destroyed my home. So I hope what you meant is that the movie doesn’t understand what happened in Venezuela and they used my country as some sort of ill reference?
He’s also never made a good game.

🤷🏻‍♂️ Fight me

I used to think that the MGS series was the best stuff ever during my teenage years, especially MGS3, which i considered a very intense and emotional experience. Then i grew older and MGS4 happened and started identifying the cracks in Kojima's work, even going as far as considering Kojima a hack of some sorts (Which i do now).

Even returning to previous MGS games is a rough experience because of all the cringe worthy exposition, sexism, and soap opera drama ugh.

Imo but I think using "lol", "lmao" and your comment about MGS4 make this thread seem like this situation is just a joke when it's anything but.

That is because as i said i don't think Kojima is doing it on purpose, I even believe that he thinks is shouting out to his Mexican fans. Even the movie was torn to pieces on its original release and got quickly shut down.

I guess this can't be explained by person from one culture not understanding the nuances of another?



As a Venezuelan, I’m a bit confused by the bolded. Cause both Chavez and Maduro are monsters and destroyed my home. So I hope what you meant is that the movie doesn’t understand what happened in Venezuela and they used my country as some sort of ill reference?

Correct , the right wing opposition has drummed time and time again the "But we are going to turn like Venezuela" narrative even to this day, without really understanding or knowing what this fear mongering talking point means. Are they warning us that the current administration is going to attract USA's rage in order for them to start messing our economy up in open financial warfare?, changing the constitution for the president to stay more terms? who knows really.....
You mean to tell me someone who smells their own farts praised a shitty movie? Shocked

I'd like to think he simply lacks the context and political understanding to get the message of the movie, but it sounds like it's pretty overt. But considering his body of work, I wouldn't be surprised if he lacks the literacy and subtlety to parse the meaning as well. Either way he should get blasted for this
haven't seen this myself, but I doubt he has any of the cultural context necessary to recognize the problematic shit OP does, especially considering his praise is mostly about its use of color
Correct , the right wing opposition has drummed time and time again the "But we are going to turn like Venezuela" narrative even to this day, without really understanding or knowing what this fear mongering talking point means. Are they warning us that the current administration is going to attract USA's rage in order for them to start messing our economy up in open financial warfare?, changing the constitution for the president to stay more terms? who knows really.....

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, the cause for Chavez is that similar to Japan, we were in an economic bubble from the 50's to early 90's. Venezuela was an incredible place to live, very rare for any of us to want to leave. It had its faults like any nation, sure, but we kept ranking on the top 20 places to live with regards to standard of living. Hell, my dream was to one day go back to live there at some point (have not been back since I was 16).

So our bubble, or as we call it, the era of "dame dos!", burst and it burst HARD. The was the catalyst, not the only, but it was that big bang that led to other issues we as a country had and brought it back up to the surface, including classism, which Chavez and his goons took advantage of, replacing much of the senate, diplomats, re-writing the constitution , eliminating rights, human rights abuses, etc. The irony is that Chavistas became a new class of wealthy elites on their own.

Anyway, as for Kojima. Honestly, there are two things here. Someone pointed out one culture not understanding the nuances of another. Which is true. I watch a lot of films. A lot. And many from other cultures, and I may see something more on a surface level without understanding the nuance and just admire the actual filming or interpret a completely different meaning. Maybe he just saw it a a story about militarization. It's quite easy to do when when said movie is just flat out bad.

Kojima watches a shit ton of movies and one thing I have noticed, he watches A LOT of bad movies. Period. I mean, I do too, but he takes the cake on watching BAD movies lol

I personally don't idolize Kojima, cause that is really weird how some people do that. Do I like his games? Half of them maybe? Loved Snatcher, Policenauts, original Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2.

(my favorite Metal Gear game though is not even made by him... it's the GBC one lol).

I try to not overthink his games too much because since the start, I have always said to myself "Boy, this guy loves movies and pop culture and injects a million references to his games and because of that, they are like batshit anime taken to an 11".

But they are fun to play and the nonsensical batshit stories just make them fun romps. I do sideeye when people read too much into them and take them seriously, because, all his games are silly as fuck. Nothing wrong with that, of course. But people need to own up to that instead of trying to make them something deeper than they are. I don't think he is a hack cause his games, mostly, are very very fun to play. And his world and characters are so over the top that it's just fun. The issue is that Kojima does not think that lol I recognize schlock. I love schlock! But he does not lol
Meaning? That as a Japanese citizen he might not understand the intricacies or nuances of another culture, so for him it might just be a fun flick and he's unaware of the underlying themes. Or even if he does notice, he might not think much about them.
This isn't really an appropriate or relevant comparison. Please use the systems in place if you feel there is an issue with a thread or post in future - Donnie, Mazi, Hologram, BozPaggs
What is the purpose of this post?

I mean, does this really contribute to anything

It’s always funny to me that when Nintendo does something like shutting down GilvaSunner there’s barely activity here on that topic, but you guys apparently have time for stuff like this
What is the purpose of this post?

I mean, does this really contribute to anything

It’s always funny to me that when Nintendo does something like shutting down GilvaSunner there’s barely activity here on that topic, but you guys apparently have time for stuff like this
So for some reason you are comparing a game developer praising a problematic racist movie to Nintendo issuing copyright strike to a channel uploading music they don't own?

My answer to you: I don't really listen to to video game music outside of when I'm playing and Nintendo isn't doing anything disgusting like what we are seeing here.
So for some reason you are comparing a game developer praising a problematic racist movie to Nintendo issuing copyright strike to a channel uploading music they don't own?

My answer to you: I don't really listen to to video game music outside of when I'm playing and Nintendo isn't doing anything disgusting like what we are seeing here.
the comparison is about the community's engagement on the topics, not the acts themselves

but, for the record, copyright striking a person doing archival work that a company refuses to do themselves seems more serious than a person posting an uninformed take about a movie on twitter, imo
but, for the record, copyright striking a person doing archival work that a company refuses to do themselves seems more serious than a person posting an uninformed take about a movie on twitter, imo
This take is breaking my brain help
the comparison is about the community's engagement on the topics, not the acts themselves

but, for the record, copyright striking a person doing archival work that a company refuses to do themselves seems more serious than a person posting an uninformed take about a movie on twitter, imo
Oh yeah I wonder what's gonna get more engagement on the internet. A thread about a video game music rips youtube channel or a thread about racism?
Are you 2 serious, come on.
but, for the record, copyright striking a person doing archival work that a company refuses to do themselves seems more serious than a person posting an uninformed take about a movie on twitter, imo
A company taking down some music videos is worse than a guy with wide reach signal boosting a racist piece of propaganda? Yeah I think you're gonna find yourself in the minority on that one dog
A company taking down some music videos is worse than a guy with wide reach signal boosting a racist piece of propaganda? Yeah I think you're gonna find yourself in the minority on that one dog
I haven't seen the movie, if it's straight up Riefenstahl then yeah, I'm definitely wrong. that doesn't seem like what we're dealing with here, though?
What is the purpose of this post?

I mean, does this really contribute to anything

It’s always funny to me that when Nintendo does something like shutting down GilvaSunner there’s barely activity here on that topic, but you guys apparently have time for stuff like this

You can always avoid entering the thread and avoid posting ,and then the end of your post xD what an awkward person.
I haven't seen the movie, if it's straight up Riefenstahl then yeah, I'm definitely wrong. that doesn't seem like what we're dealing with here, though?
You mean...that you haven't actually watched the movie but for some reason you have managed to make several posts here for.....just because?

Also according to you a movie needs to go full Nazi in order to be problematic?
What is the purpose of this post?

I mean, does this really contribute to anything

It’s always funny to me that when Nintendo does something like shutting down GilvaSunner there’s barely activity here on that topic, but you guys apparently have time for stuff like this
One could easily turn around and enquire as to the purpose of your own post, really. What does it really contribute to anything?

This thread is about an oft well regarded -- or at least prominent -- game developer (which does tie it to a general shared interest in this forum) who is known for games famed for their apparent insight or prescience regarding various political thoughts (which directly relates to the thread), who styles himself an auteur, positions himself as per his interest in film, then goes on to praise films that aren't particularly good as films, with questionable-at-best subtext.

Each part of this could sustain engagement on its own, but it's here because of who the subject is.

A lot of the early thread, even, is quick dunks on Kojima, hardly the emotional, intellectual, or even temporal investment you seem to imply ("but you guys apparently have time for stuff like this"), but also some where an aspect of the topic is relevant to posters' lives, and a lot of explaining that maybe Kojima just didn't get it -- which, again, ties into his own aspirations, his productions, perception of his works, themes involved, and just what he does.

It's right up top:
I... like to think that Kojima doesn´t mean bad, nor that he is required to understand or to know about the current political climate in Mexico to enjoy a film, what really surprises me is that he is praising a very very bad and ineffective film on its own, the movie is really awful, and you may think that his alleged relationship with Guillermo del Toro has teaching him about good cinema. Also, very strange sensibilities by someone who wants to replicate in videogames the cinema experience.

And it's possible he doesn't see this -- a lot of really obvious things go unnoticed by innumerable people every day -- but even that has implications for, again, his praised work with its deep politintellectual themes.

If you look at the linked tweets, you can see he's praising some particular use of color, evocative of Mexico's flag, basically just indicating it exists. It's the followup where this would really tie into things, where he states that the collapse of order -- and focusing on the idea of this happening in a disparate society is an interesting addition, which ties back to the background of the thread -- is more terrifying than pandemics or zombies (Also interesting in that the latter could theoretically lead to the former, but I digress). It's the question of whether he recognizes the, apparently rather overt, subtext, and the different possibilities that result from the potential answers.

And this all is relevant to an ongoing and ubiquitous issue of media literacy and the lack thereof endemic in the general populous, and how that impacts different things, and the effect it can have on people unnoticed.

This isn't connected to the Gilvasunner issue, and that's a strange comparison to make. Yes, there are problems to address and discuss related to that -- and a lot of that stems from known issues --, but a lack of discussion there isn't necessarily connected to some amount of discussion here.

There's room for a thread on Gilvasunner and the circumstances and issues surrounding that; as you claim zeal for the topic, I would exhort you to put that thread together. But that doesn't have anything to do with this.

We have sundry threads that garner more attention and discussion than we've had for that. What is truly your grief with this one? What is "stuff like this?"

I haven't seen the movie, if it's straight up Riefenstahl then yeah, I'm definitely wrong. that doesn't seem like what we're dealing with here, though?
What would make something "straight up Riefenstahl"? Her propaganda was carefully constructed for particular purposes and made use of various techniques to high-end this. Der Triumph des Willens, for instance, conveyed the inevitable triumph of a strong, united Germany, even purposing religious undertones to this effect.

But media theory would posit that this can hold true even for lesser works. Media can direct and reinforce different ideologies and movements, discretely lead people to particular ideas and subconscious beliefs but also strengthen those.

Maybe the director didn't purposefully craft the different elements to their symbolism -- though current events and the director's own words would seem to point otherwise -- but the end result stands (and if he didn't, that only exemplifies my point).

In any case, I'm still uncertain what it means for something to be "straight up Riefenstahl" (commissioned and produced by a murderous fascist?), but, from descriptions provided, it's not nearly so competently composed as to match her work.
You mean...that you haven't actually watched the movie but for some reason you have managed to make several posts here for.....just because?

Also according to you a movie needs to go full Nazi in order to be problematic?
no, not at all; apologies if I came off as flippant. I was responding to calling the movie "a racist piece of propaganda". I read a few pieces on the film from around the time it came out (from American/British critics, not Mexican ones, so obviously there is a lack of context there) and it seemed to be largely characterized by critics as a horror movie with questionable politics, not a piece of propaganda intentionally designed to maintain a toxic status quo. have you seen it? would you call it a straight up propaganda film? (I'm asking in good faith, I'm genuinely curious)

What would make something "straight up Riefenstahl"? Her propaganda was carefully constructed for particular purposes and made use of various techniques to high-end this. Der Triumph des Willens, for instance, conveyed the inevitable triumph of a strong, united Germany, even purposing religious undertones to this effect.

But media theory would posit that this can hold true even for lesser works. Media can direct and reinforce different ideologies and movements, discretely lead people to particular ideas and subconscious beliefs but also strengthen those.

Maybe the director didn't purposefully craft the different elements to their symbolism -- though current events and the director's own words would seem to point otherwise -- but the end result stands (and if he didn't, that only exemplifies my point).

In any case, I'm still uncertain what it means for something to be "straight up Riefenstahl" (commissioned and produced by a murderous fascist?), but, from descriptions provided, it's not nearly so competently composed as to match her work.

I brought her up because she's the most famous name associated with propaganda filmmaking, and definitionally I was coming from a place of "clarity of purpose", but you make a lot of good points about the limits of intentionality. I think what I'm (clumsily) looking for generally is the line between propaganda and the problematic
no, not at all; apologies if I came off as flippant. I was responding to calling the movie "a racist piece of propaganda". I read a few pieces on the film from around the time it came out (from American/British critics, not Mexican ones, so obviously there is a lack of context there) and it seemed to be largely characterized by critics as a horror movie with questionable politics, not a piece of propaganda intentionally designed to maintain a toxic status quo. have you seen it? would you call it a straight up propaganda film? (I'm asking in good faith, I'm genuinely curious)
Yes i have saw the movie, and yes, it is a piece of propaganda. I was not aware nor i thought that the director had this view of Mexican society and politics, but on his interviews after the film's release, in which he claims that the "Inverse racism" is equally as harmful, his mask fell off for me , basically he was screaming the Mexican equivalence of "White lives matter too", you can tie that up yourself.

Also, just to give more context and to (kindly) educate you, there are movies and other media, also pieces of propaganda, here in Mexico, that go under the disguise of "haha this is a family friendly comedy film/show" that wants to purposely propel and help maintain the classist system Mexico is living under. You know the drill:
  • The main characters are white or wealthy (mostly both)
  • The dark-skinned characters are or the bad guys, the poor, the criminals
  • Classist and racist jokes and agenda everywhere (Because those are always haha so funny
Here, have this example:

That tv series got just released here in Mexico, it is the serialized version of a comedy sketch from a couple of years ago that went viral about a police commander that goes to a crime scene and gets high on cocaine. The sketch was such a success that they made it into the a TV series.

So far so good right? then you notice that the last name of the main character is "Prieto" , word that here in Mexico can work as, a last name and as our equivalence to the "N word", it all depends of the context and tone you say it to the other person and since there are only so many people with Prieto as a last name you can assume the word is mainly used as an insult.

So the characters keep using wordplays and puns of “Prieto" in a derogatory manner, but they think they are hiding their intentions because they are referring to the main character's last name only, is something similar to what Dave Chappelle did with his "The N....gerr Family" sketch, just like that, but here is not at face value.

The producers and actors of that show most of them are part of this "dominant" group of comedians in Mexico, their jokes are based in classism, racism, mocking gays, trans people and women. Basically, the comedy in Mexico is based (and has been based by many years) in punching down.

Now that they are also being called out by it, they are fighting back with propaganda like the mentioned tv series, many many other movies, even podcast , you can bet your ass that the biggest podcasters and comedians here they are pretty much against "cancel culture" or "being PC".

And that is just a small part on how the propaganda in Mexico works.

@Supreme Overlord shoutout to your excellent post.
Last edited:
Yes i have saw the movie, and yes, it is a piece of propaganda. I was not aware nor i thought that the director had this view of Mexican society and politics, but on his interviews after the film's release, in which he claims that the "Inverse racism" is equally as harmful, his mask fall off for me , basically he was screaming the Mexican equivalence of "White lives matter too", you can tie that up yourself.

Also, just to give more context and to (kindly) educate you, there are movies and other media, also pieces of propaganda, here in Mexico, that go under the disguise of "haha this is a family friendly comedy film/show" that wants to purposely propel and help maintain the classist system Mexico is living under. You know the drill:
  • The main characters are white or wealthy (mostly both)
  • The dark-skinned characters are or the bad guys, the poor, the criminals
  • Classist and racist jokes and agenda everywhere (Because those are always haha so funny
Here, have this example:

That tv series got just released here in Mexico, it is the serialized version of a comedy sketch from a couple of years ago that went viral about a police commander that goes to a crime scene and gets high on cocaine. The sketch was such a success that they made it into the a TV series.

So far so good right? then you notice that the last name of the main character is "Prieto" , word that here in Mexico can work as, a last name and as our equivalence to the "N word", it all depends of the context and tone you say it to the other person and since there are only so many people with Prieto as a last name you can assume the word is mainly used as an insult.

So the characters keep using wordplays and puns of “Prieto" in a derogatory manner, but they think they are hiding their intentions because they are referring to the main character's last name only, is something similar to what Dave Chappelle did with his "The N....gerr Family" sketch, just like that, but here is not at face value.

The producers and actors of that show most of them are part of this "dominant" group of comedians in Mexico, their jokes are based in classism, racism, mocking gays and women. Basically, the comedy in Mexico is based (and has been based by many years) in punching down.

Now that they are also being called out by it, they are fighting back with propaganda like the mentioned tv series, many many other movies, even podcast , you can bet your ass that the biggest podcasters and comedians here they are pretty much against "cancel culture" or "being PC".

And that is just a small part on how the propaganda in Mexico works.

@Supreme Overlord shoutout to your excellent post.
Fercho, thank you for going out of your way to type all of this out and giving me and the thread at large more context on your political reality, I really appreciate it. it always helps to know more about what to keep an eye out for
Yes i have saw the movie, and yes, it is a piece of propaganda. I was not aware nor i thought that the director had this view of Mexican society and politics, but on his interviews after the film's release, in which he claims that the "Inverse racism" is equally as harmful, his mask fell off for me , basically he was screaming the Mexican equivalence of "White lives matter too", you can tie that up yourself.

Also, just to give more context and to (kindly) educate you, there are movies and other media, also pieces of propaganda, here in Mexico, that go under the disguise of "haha this is a family friendly comedy film/show" that wants to purposely propel and help maintain the classist system Mexico is living under. You know the drill:
  • The main characters are white or wealthy (mostly both)
  • The dark-skinned characters are or the bad guys, the poor, the criminals
  • Classist and racist jokes and agenda everywhere (Because those are always haha so funny
Here, have this example:

That tv series got just released here in Mexico, it is the serialized version of a comedy sketch from a couple of years ago that went viral about a police commander that goes to a crime scene and gets high on cocaine. The sketch was such a success that they made it into the a TV series.

So far so good right? then you notice that the last name of the main character is "Prieto" , word that here in Mexico can work as, a last name and as our equivalence to the "N word", it all depends of the context and tone you say it to the other person and since there are only so many people with Prieto as a last name you can assume the word is mainly used as an insult.

So the characters keep using wordplays and puns of “Prieto" in a derogatory manner, but they think they are hiding their intentions because they are referring to the main character's last name only, is something similar to what Dave Chappelle did with his "The N....gerr Family" sketch, just like that, but here is not at face value.

The producers and actors of that show most of them are part of this "dominant" group of comedians in Mexico, their jokes are based in classism, racism, mocking gays, trans people and women. Basically, the comedy in Mexico is based (and has been based by many years) in punching down.

Now that they are also being called out by it, they are fighting back with propaganda like the mentioned tv series, many many other movies, even podcast , you can bet your ass that the biggest podcasters and comedians here they are pretty much against "cancel culture" or "being PC".

And that is just a small part on how the propaganda in Mexico works.

@Supreme Overlord shoutout to your excellent post.

DCSRWS for me.

Different Country Same Right Wing Shit.
While I don't doubt that the film is right wing trash, AMLO is far from being a champion of justice and integrity. And his discourse is very classist against several sectors of the Mexican society.

The film is still trash, though.
He's signal boosting it, and pointing out what he believes to be virtues of the film making that went into it.

It's pretty clear he's not tweeting about it to shine any criticism on the film
'Saw film, was scary, pretty colors' isn't exactly 'praising' a movie.

So far so good right? then you notice that the last name of the main character is "Prieto" , word that here in Mexico can work as, a last name and as our equivalence to the "N word", it all depends of the context and tone you say it to the other person and since there are only so many people with Prieto as a last name you can assume the word is mainly used as an insult.
I'm sorry mate but that word isn't in the same ballpark of the n-word, let alone be it's equivalent.

Kojima watches a lot of films and post them on Twitter as some sort of 'log'. AFAIK other than that strange takedown on Nolan and calling George Miller 'god' I don't recall many instances of Kojima praising anything other than 'I watched this'. Kojima has never been one to tell people what to think, and it's kind of insulting to him to imply that he doesn't recognizes fashy shit when he sees it, from the body of his work anyway.

I'm Mexican and didn't even know about this film. I checked on of the lefty news outlets and there was some passing mention about the trailer made some people fight on the internet and that the film got some prize somewhere in Europe. I doubt it was shown on cinemas given that it was released during covid lockdown.
I'm sorry mate but that word isn't in the same ballpark of the n-word, let alone be it's equivalent.

I would like for you to go back and re-read what I wrote, I wrote "the Mexican equivalent" , that means that you have to put the word on the context of that particular sociopolitical situation. Historically the "P" word doesn´t have the same history behind the "N word", nevertheless you don´t want to forget t the millions of country land Mexicans that have been killed and oppressed since the times before the independence war. Do you know your history right? Every country has at different history with their own particular brand of bigotry and oppression. I really doubt there is a true 1:1 equivalence of the n-word in any country or through the history.

Although welcomed I am really struggling to understand the kind of discussion you want to have or the reason of your refutations and participation.

First, you act a little bit pedantic in what Kojima did and didn´t said...and his intentions.

Then you do what is basically a drive-by post about a very sensitive subject, so I would love for you to expand your answer about the word "prieto". As a self-proclaimed leftist you must have a take on this.

it's kind of insulting to him to imply that he doesn't recognizes fashy shit when he sees it, from the body of his work anyway.

Like he fails to see the sexism and misogyny in his own work? or you are implying he is doing it on purpose?

I'm Mexican and didn't even know about this film. I checked on of the lefty news outlets and there was some passing mention about the trailer made some people fight on the internet and that the film got some prize somewhere in Europe. I doubt it was shown on cinemas given that it was released during covid lockdown.

Again, I’m really struggling to understand your comments. The bolded means that since you didn´t knew about the film is somewhat less important? would love for you to expand of your comments in order to avoid that it could be considered condescending or demeaning to the main argument of the thread.

Also, just for personal curiosity, what lefty news outlets do you normally check?
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Didn't know about this movie but there is a section on the English Wikipedia page dedicated to the controversy so it was something that could be checked before propagating it 😕

Seems like the movie had a mixed reception according to Rotten Tomatoes & Metacritic but somehow they won a prize on the Venice Festival. I was curious about those festivals because there could be some good less known movies there but seeing this one getting praise there probably means they're not that trustworthy


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