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Discussion BBC licence fee to be abolished in 2027 and funding frozen



Obviously another step by the Tories toward selling the BBC using the old trick of starving an organisation of funding, blaming shortcomings on public ownership, and claiming it would be better run privately.

Honestly though I'm not sure I care too much in this particular case. The BBC has always to a large extent been a government mouthpiece full of corruption and other bullshit but in the past ten years this has accelerated to an extent that I don't think it is possible to reform the ingrained neoliberal culture away. Not to mention the blatant transphobia.

Edit: But yeah that's the result of government meddling and the BBC does provide public services and has plenty of (intellectual) property of use to the public so I probably do care. But not as much as Royal Mail or the NHS. Which is exactly what the government wants lol.
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Staff Communication
Trigger warning: Post contains graphic discussion of sexual abuse of minors. Staff have not edited content but have added spoiler tags - Donnie, Hologram

After learning the other day that they had a statue on their building of a little boy's cock that was a designed by a pedo who raped his kids and dogs, and that one of their staff members escaped jail for over 800 child porn pictures, the BBC can go collapse for all I care.
After learning the other day that they had a statue on their building of a little boy's cock that was a designed by a pedo who raped his kids and dogs, and that one of their staff members escaped jail for over 800 child porn pictures, the BBC can go collapse for all I care.
It won't ever collapse though lol. It'll just be sold off along with plenty of shit that should be under public ownership. But yeah if it were up to me I'd completely reboot the BBC with a new constitution and completely new staff given how far the various types of rot run. But that probably isn't realistic.
Another note: the license fee being essentially a single value tax on households regardless of income or wealth and the absurd method of enforcement including intimidating warning letters and a load of wannabe cops knocking on people's door and trying to trick them into showing their TV can recieve a signal in order to prosecute them (this happened to my disabled mum) is absolutely reprehensible and certainly needs to change but it's pretty obvious that isn't actually the reason the government are doing it.
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I personally abhor paying the TV license and will happily see the back of it (in five years time my bills will have no doubt risen by at least this so I'll need it lol) but as Crep says, the actual reason the government are pursuing this is just as obscene. I guess there's nothing more culturally relevant or representative than what's going on there right now ☠
Can't be sad about this. Any pretence the BBC had to integrity died long ago when it was hollowed out and the Tories puppeteered its corpse. This is just the coup de grace.

This is an institution that deferred to power, protected paedophiles (and even recently, they reported on Ghislaine Maxwell like it was some tragic fall from grace for a beautiful elite), pretended to impartiality like it was some sacred tenet while they depicted Corbyn as a communist and Rishi Sunak as Superman, and increasingly openly wants me and mine to be gone. The UK media is already a fucking cesspool, the long-overdue death of the BBC is really neither here nor there for me.

And yes, this is the same strategy they will pull on the NHS. I actually think the NHS is worth saving, though.
I'm of two minds on this - on the one hand, some of the reporting done by the BBC on subjects already mentioned here has come across to me (a non-UK citizen) as outright terrible and done so in the name of some imaginary "even-handedness", though one could argue that is an issue that has plagued journalism for a while (remember all those shitty puff pieces on Naz!s and the like? Yeah. Bad times.); on the other, seeing how the rest of the UK press acts makes me kinda appreciate them.

I just hope that despite the occasional issue I have with German public television, we never have to reach that particular point...
Crazy that shit like this is possible. Here in Germany, that wouldn't roll at all thanks to several judgements by our highest court
Ah, the
I'm of two minds on this - on the one hand, some of the reporting done by the BBC on subjects already mentioned here has come across to me (a non-UK citizen) as outright terrible and done so in the name of some imaginary "even-handedness", though one could argue that is an issue that has plagued journalism for a while (remember all those shitty puff pieces on Naz!s and the like? Yeah. Bad times.); on the other, seeing how the rest of the UK press acts makes me kinda appreciate them.

I just hope that despite the occasional issue I have with German public television, we never have to reach that particular point...

This is the UK conservative party fundamental plan in action.

Slowly but steadily strip public owned utilities of their value, enriching yourself while you do it, until it is in such a barely functional state, that "you have no choice" but to shut it down and let private enterprise have it all.

They did it to the Royal mail, they're doing it to the BBC, soon they'll be finished doing it to the NHS too.

Fuck you public of England, this is all your fault, you morons.
Staff Communication
Trigger warning: Post contains graphic discussion of sexual abuse of minors. Staff have not edited content but have added spoiler tags - Donnie, Hologram

After learning the other day that they had a statue on their building of a little boy's cock that was a designed by a pedo who raped his kids and dogs, and that one of their staff members escaped jail for over 800 child porn pictures, the BBC can go collapse for all I care.
umm what?
This is the UK conservative party fundamental plan in action.

Slowly but steadily strip public owned utilities of their value, enriching yourself while you do it, until it is in such a barely functional state, that "you have no choice" but to shut it down and let private enterprise have it all.
Conservative governments around the world try to do this shit, it's far from exclusive to the UK. It's usually up to the general public and other watchdogs to fight these changes.

Crazy that shit like this is possible. Here in Germany, that wouldn't roll at all thanks to several judgements by our highest court
Not that attempts haven't been made. The entire private TV landscape was introduced by the Kohl government at the turn of the 1980s as a reaction to the (perceived) liberal-leftist stances by public broadcasters (and probably to give his buddy Leo Kirch a steady income stream).

EDIT: Oh, and they killed plans for a countrywide fiber-based telecommunications scheme introduced by the Schmidt government while doing it.
Staff Communication
Trigger warning: Post contains graphic discussion of sexual abuse of minors. Staff have not edited content but have added spoiler tags - Donnie, Hologram

After learning the other day that they had a statue on their building of a little boy's cock that was a designed by a pedo who raped his kids and dogs, and that one of their staff members escaped jail for over 800 child porn pictures, the BBC can go collapse for all I care.
Wasn't the pedo who got away with it also one of the producers of Panorama and owned taser guns and other weapons...for what purpose, exactly? Hush now, he's ill and frail.

Plus there's also this:

Jill Dando raised alarm about ‘paedophile ring at BBC’​

The friend and retired BBC worker said the late Crimewatch host was told DJs, celebrities and other staff were involved in organised abuse.
But the anonymous source says “no one wanted to know” when Miss Dando raised concerns about the alleged ring and other sexual abuse claims at the BBC.
She is said to have passed a file to senior management in the mid-1990s, but they never carried out an investigation.
The 37-year-old TV presenter was shot dead on April 26, 1999, on the doorstep of her home in west London. The crime remains unsolved.
The source said: “I don’t recall the names of all the stars now and don’t want to implicate anyone, but Jill said they were surprisingly big names.
“I think she was quite shocked when told about images of children and that information on how to join this horrible paedophile ring was freely available.
“Jill said others had complained to her about sexual matters and that some female workmates also claimed they had been groped or assaulted.
“Nothing had been done and there seemed to be a policy of turning a blind eye.”

The former colleague said female BBC staff confided in Jill, one of the best-known TV faces of the day after fronting primetime shows including Holiday and the Six O’Clock News as well as Crimewatch.

What stokes fire to the idea that Dando was investigating Savile and other BBC employees/connections:
BBC journalist Sally Jones has said that Jill Dando warned her of Jimmy Savile’s ‘perverted’ ways while comforting her after he made advances.

Ms Jones told how she had a ‘close encounter’ with the DJ after getting into a lift with him.
Savile forced himself on to Jones and sexually assaulted her, in a lift, at the BBC. Dando warned other BBC employees at the time about him and was investigating him.

There is multiple sources that corroborate that Dando handed a document into senior management at the BBC that was investigating the likes of Savile/the Pedo Rings in the UK and a 'hit' was placed on her because of this.

BBC is rotten to the core and play to the current government so openly. This is just a play for people to be manipulated into wanting the government to just take control of them (oh no, not our beloved BBC! Save them please.)
I'll add my tuppence on this:

I hate the pivot right that the News department has taken, and think their reporting over the last few years has represented one of the biggest drops in journalistic standards anywhere in the UK. When you're interviewing Alan Dershowitz as an impartial lawyer on the Maxwell case, and platforming transphobes who release murder screeds against trans people, you have well and truly fucked up.

However, the BBC is more than its news department, and getting rid of it would mean losing a huge amount of public service broadcasting: Welsh language broadcasts, children's programming, documentaries, etc.

It's also worth adding that as out of date as the license fee is, it's not that hard to get an exemption: When I moved into my flat, I called up the TV Licensing number, informed them that I wouldn't be watching any live broadcasts or listening to any radio as I have a firestick with Netflix and Amazon on, and after going through it with me, they said they would be giving me an exemption. Obviously they said any change in my circumstances I would have to notify them, but since then I haven't had any letters, bailiffs or other such nonsense.
Ah, the

This is the UK conservative party fundamental plan in action.

Slowly but steadily strip public owned utilities of their value, enriching yourself while you do it, until it is in such a barely functional state, that "you have no choice" but to shut it down and let private enterprise have it all.

They did it to the Royal mail, they're doing it to the BBC, soon they'll be finished doing it to the NHS too.

Fuck you public of England, this is all your fault, you morons.
Yeah. The BBC is a huge institution and likely to screw stuff up, but fundamentally a powerful public broadcaster which is free of government interference is a crucial part of a functioning democracy. We should be strengthening it, not destroying it.

Having seen the rest of the press, and the press in countries that don't have a BBC equivalent makes me really fearful of what will happen when it's gone.
Staff Communication
Trigger warning: Post contains graphic discussion of sexual abuse of minors. Staff have not edited content but have added spoiler tags - Donnie, Hologram

After learning the other day that they had a statue on their building of a little boy's cock that was a designed by a pedo who raped his kids and dogs, and that one of their staff members escaped jail for over 800 child porn pictures, the BBC can go collapse for all I care.
Ah yes, the classic "burn everything to the ground that contains corrupt elements" approach. That certainly won't result in the cancellation of most existing institutions. Not at all.
Yeah, destroying anything which has any unpleasant history will result in there being nothing left. Nothing is perfect, nothing is pure. Doesn't mean that razing everything to the ground is the answer.
"Well, they've been around a while so lets leave them be." Is a strange stance on child abuse but lets agree to disagree. I'll only get another warning if I respond any other way.
"Well, they've been around a while so lets leave them be." Is a strange stance on child abuse but lets agree to disagree. I'll only get another warning if I respond any other way.
Who said anything about leaving them be? Investigate them, identify harmful practices and change the company culture so those don't repeat themselves. That's still a very far cry from shutting the whole thing down.
They are trans exclusionary hate group and the TV license was a terrible idea.

The TV license isn't a terrible idea and many similar countries have an equivalent. Primarily leaving only private individuals with very specific vested interests in charge of major News outlets is how the state of the world has gotten so shit, in many ways. France, Germany, Japan, etc. all have a similar one, and the UK is going to be worse off without it.

And, frankly, it's going to cost the citizens of the UK far more in the long run to be in a country without what the BBC has spent decades providing, because the BBC is far more than their news room.

The news arm has been slowly and steadily made in a TERF group to justify the dismantling of the company, because there's no low the conservative party won't stoop to, to line their own pockets.
The TV Licence is a perfectly good idea. It always makes me laugh when people whine about it, then happily pay a Sky subscription, watch the ads on their Sky subscription, then pay even more money to Sky for other things, while Sky has a tiny fraction of the production output of the BBC.
The TV Licence is a perfectly good idea. It always makes me laugh when people whine about it, then happily pay a Sky subscription, watch the ads on their Sky subscription, then pay even more money to Sky for other things, while Sky has a tiny fraction of the production output of the BBC.
Try buying something on Sky sports box office, then you get to pay even more on top of the subscription while still watching the adverts.
Try buying something on Sky sports box office, then you get to pay even more on top of the subscription while still watching the adverts.
Yeah, it's payments all the way down. Makes the license and what ITV does look like an enormous bargain

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