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Discussion Dragon Quest’s bigoted composer Koichi Sugiyama has died, age 90

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News breaking today. Passed away on 9/30. More info to come

Machine translation from DQ website: https://www.dragonquest.jp/news/detail/3546/

Composer Koichi Sugiyama (real name: Koichi Sugiyama) passed away on September 30, 2021 due to septic shock. He was 90 years old.

Koichi Sugiyama has worked on the music of our game "Dragon Quest" series for many years, contributing to the development of the series. The deceased composed all of the more than 500 songs in the "Dragon Quest" series, and the composition of "Dragon Quest XII: The Flame of Destiny" in production was the last job. I'm very sorry to hear that you continued to work with me, but the music of "Dragon Quest" is in your memory forever and will continue to live in the world of Dragon Quest games. . I would like to express my sincere respect and gratitude for Mr. Koichi Sugiyama for his lifetime.

Funerals and farewell ceremonies were held only by relatives and close relatives.

Please refrain from memorial services, offerings, offerings, etc. due to the wishes of the bereaved family. We are planning to have a farewell party with you later, but the schedule is undecided. Thank you for your understanding.

Square Enix Corporation

"Dragon Quest" team
That machine translation got awkward there for a bit in the middle. Bit if a mixed bag given how much he added to DQ with his music but took away from that legacy with his bullshit evil views.

Edit: I feel kind of bad about being snarky about this in hindsight, maybe a death isn't really a good cause for celebration. Anyway, do check out the post below if you are wondering about the context.
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Context as to why the reactions might not be so sympathetic
For some context:

edit: I just saw that the original tweet in the OP was deleted but Brian Ashcraft wrote an article about it back then

One of those old fuckers that felt like his death would never happen.
Always the pieces of shit who live on for so long.
Goddamn. I'm buying DQ XI today to celebrate. The only reason I hadn't so far was because I didn't want him getting my money.
I hope Square-Enix will act swiftly and find a better person to compose for DQXII.
Septic shock!? That's not something one can easily get nowadays, I wonder what caused it? He may have been a terrible person, but I wouldn't have wished for him to die, just to stop working on DQ.
Awesome, hopefully someone who isn't a piece of shit starts composing the games.

I thought Manami Matsumae's work on Dragon Quest Swords was pretty great but it's been a while since she composed for something as big as mainline DQ. Luckily there's no shortage of talented composers.
Condolences for his family but…

…DQ is now free from its shit-stained musical harness and that’s swell
One would hopes so. While I know nothing about Japanese laws, his estate might retain control over those rights though.
Almost certainly. One of his other legacies was helping to create Japan’s draconian music copyright laws.
I'm not a fan of wishing people to die ... but there are exceptions.
Let's just say I won't miss him.
Condolences to his family though, which I hope is not as bad as he was.

I would also not be sad if DQ could never use his music again. Never really liked it. Make actual good music now!
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I’m not going to pretend I don’t love his work, but it’s probably for the best that the guy is no longer around.
Yeah, drinking tea with the war criminals he loved so much.
Such a heartwarming moment.
Historical context (How the hell can someone be a war denial and be celebrated?): for this from my very old minor in Japanese history:

Due to the US policies of Reverse Course putting war-time leaders back into power.
Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan
WW 2 Nationalistic views for Japan are far more prevalent than Nazi sympathizers in Germany .

Cnn - Liberal Prime Minster called traitor by government for visiting Nanking memorial
With the reversing of purging of the war-leaders Japan basically kept the same structure and politicians that were there during war time minus the military.
The 2 strongest candidates for latest prime minster grandfathers were both politicians during WW2.

1972 polls (His generation) Study on the Fifteen Years War and Responsibility for War [in Japanese] p.2 Show that more than 54% of population in 1972 thought the war was something japan was forced into or that it was self-defense:
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He made some nice music when he cared. But generally he was a fucking asshole ... so ... let the door to heck hit you on your way there.
And Randy Pitchford is stepping down as President of Gearbox. All this day needs now is a heartfelt apology from THQ Nordic for the 8Chan scandal and it will officially be the best day in gaming ever.
Damn, SE really missed the opportunity to do a "one more thing" at the end of their Tokyo Game Show presentation to announce this megaton. Hype would have been through the roof.
In my mind his biggest legacy will always be as a man who actively used his fortune for pure, unaltered evil. So him not being around anymore is a big plus personally.
hot take: if you want something DQ related with good music you should check out the new Dai anime 👀 Hayashi is excellent

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On one hand, finally a fresh composer for DQ. Very likely also not a disgusting human being.

On the other hand seeing a big "In memory of Koichi Sugiyama" screen in the next DQ game ....
OMFG, DQXII might have good music now!!

Uhmmm, sadly, the music might be composed already. Per the Square Enix post:

Square Enix said:
すぎやまこういち氏は長年に亘り、弊社ゲーム作品「ドラゴンクエスト」シリーズの音楽を手がけ、シリーズの発展に寄与されました。故人は「ドラゴンクエスト」シリーズの500曲以上に及ぶ楽曲のすべてをおひとりで作曲されており、制作中の『ドラゴンクエストXII 選ばれし運命の炎』の作曲が最後のお仕事となりました。これからも共にご制作いただきたく思っておりましたので、誠に残念でなりませんが、「ドラゴンクエスト」の音楽は永遠に皆様の記憶の中にあり、「ドラゴンクエスト」のゲームの世界でいつまでも生き続けてまいります。すぎやまこういち氏の生前のご功績に対する心からの敬意と感謝とともに、謹んで哀悼の意を表します。

Square Enix translated through DeepL said:
Koichi Sugiyama wrote the music for our Dragon Quest series of games for many years, and contributed to the development of the series. He composed all of the music for the Dragon Quest series, over 500 tracks in total, and his last work was on Dragon Quest XII: The Chosen Flame of Destiny. It is with great sadness that we announce that the music of Dragon Quest will forever be in your memories and will live on in the world of the Dragon Quest games. We would like to express our sincere respect and gratitude to Koichi Sugiyama for his achievements during his life, and our deepest condolences.
As a human being, he was an asshole, used his status for pushing a bad political agenda and he won't be missed by us certainly.

As a composer, maybe hot take but i found the old classic tracks he composed for DQ to be very good, and they probably will continue to use them. (and that is interesting because he owns the rights for that music through his label)

He did dirty with the overworld theme in XI, which is just boring, and the lack of the orchestral versions in the launch release.
Talented guy (at least the old tracks), but man was he hateful as hell. Spending the many fortunes he received to spread that hate.

Hopefully a more loving individual takes up the mantle.
I do hate to celebrate someone's death, no doubt there are people that loved him who will be upset by this.

But I also won't miss the guy.
I do hate to celebrate someone's death, no doubt there are people that loved him who will be upset by this.
Yeah, you're not wrong. I do somewhat regret my prior posts in here (even though they're about the games' OST and not him as a person specifically), as it feels crude to celebrate someone's death like that, even when the person in question wasn't a good human being...
I think if the person in question has actively used their fame and wealth to make the lives of other people worse, then you're totally okay with being absolutely vile about said persons death.

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