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Hardware Will Nintendo Stick with the Hybrid Nature of the Switch, or will they split their handheld and console divisions again?

Their internal structure likely won't change at all
But that doesn't mean they wouldn't release some different hardware form factors especially if it's all in the same development ecosystem
There's nothing I can think of at the moment that would remotely make them step away from the hybrid form factor, they dont have the resources to really make games for two platforms, they arent gonna abandon making a portable gaming device, and there's really nothing to lose from maintaining the hybrid nature even with the potential addition of new gimmicks. Stuff like Ringfit, Labo , super mario party and the existence of the switch lite show, they can both do "gimmicks" and also make varying form factors all while having a centralized/unified platform and pipeline.
Going hybrid is one of the major things behind the Switch's success, abandoning the concept would be a questionable choice.
Keep the hybrid as the flagship model and have multiple form factors including a Lite, stationary console, and VR headset. All using the same chip, same OS, and ideally same software but with some VR-exclusive games. The stationary box and the Lite can be lower priced entry points.
I don't think they can support 2 HD systems, no one can, they had trouble supporting the Wii U and 3DS in the past and I doubt they want to risk something sinilar happening again.
In the traditional sense, no. Like they are not going to make individual software for a handheld and console again. It will be all the same games even if they do ever release a stationary console again.
This scares me more than anything. The hybrid design of the switch is perfect and Nintendo can just keep building on it. It’s a home run. People want to play AAA quality games on the go. Nintendo has a real chance here if they do switch version 2 the right way. We will see.
Hybrid seems to be a long-term compelling platform.

Having said that, I do like it when Nintendo goes zany with their ideas. In most cases, those ideas can probably be handled via peripherals. I am willing to be surprised by something that requires an entirely new form factor to work though!
Nintendo is not back 2 Hardwares if nothing else, cause consolidated games development pipeline, Switch wont be what it is if 1/3 or 1/2 of the games were on a sibling device, cannibalizing each other
Hybrid is the way to go regarding software developing, tho it would be nice see a non-portable model too. If I'm being honest I would go with a stationary Switch successor because I have my OG Switch already for my portable needs.
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I don't see why they would go back, the long term future of entertainment will be things like glasses and visors that either project into your eyes or provide augmented reality experiences, tech is trending towards to smaller and more personal gadgets. I don't know why any company would take a step towards that then take a step back.
I didn't phrase it on a good way but, if they released some pro model, I would be happier if they provided a cheaper option as some components like screen, speakers and battery wouldn't be needed.

Ah, yeah, that is possible. I‘m surprised it hasn‘t happened yet since Iwata did talk about multiple form factors way way back.
Switch 2 will definitely be a backwards compatible hybrid. After that I can't say, the industry could change a lot in a decade or so.
Nintendo have put themselves in a unique position with the Switch. Microsoft and Sony can't have a hybrid system because it would compromise their image of 'home of AAA gaming'. They also can't have a console and a portable/hybrid on the market at the same time as it would split their resources and they'd be competing with Nintendo who have pooled everything into one system. This was partly what lead to the downfall of the Vita. First party devs didn't want to put their games on it, so it ended up getting half assed versions like Uncharted Golden Abyss. If Naughty Dog wanted to put a game on the Vita then it would take away resources from the PS4/5 - which is probably not acceptable for Sony. So in that sense Nintendo has positioned themselves as the only company who are capable of going all in on a hybrid system and it's working amazingly for them. It's the home of Nintendo/indie games and AA ports. Not to mention Nintendo is now likely to be moving to next gen when the other consoles are in their mid cycles, so they are able to have all the attention on themselves and pick up ports from those systems as it narrows the performance gap.

They would be mad to move away from the concept and personally I think the Switch 2 needs to have full backwards compatibility to keep a grasp on the userbase they've already gained. Starting from 0 is too risky for Nintendo, they aren't consistent enough.
I don't think they are going to go back to two separate libraries at least. Different form factors to play them on is a possibility, but they will keep games compatible across them.

Of course this is Nintendo so who knows. Maybe they'll get into brain computer interfaces and throw out the concept of screens altogether.

In a more serious note, i do see them adding a microprojector of sorts to a future console to make the "home console on the go" concept free from having a TV. They in fact had some patents for projection distortion correction from a few years ago, iirc.
Hybrid will be a part of Nintendo platforms for a long time in the future, but I can see them dropping the tabletop play mode. People either go for docked or handheld mode, tabletop is nothing but a cool extra. Attachable joycons makes the system fragile and I'm hoping they replace the thing with better gimmick next gen. Joycons will stay, probably, as non-attachable "Wiimotes".
Tabletop is genius. I often use it for co op play or even lying on the couch with a book on my lap. It’s one of the main reasons I want an Oled.
The switch really does feel like their iPhone moment, it speaks to such a broad range of users and is so versatile, I dont think I see the need to divide focus again. I think they'll continue to push and pull at the variations they can deliver though and experiment, we've saw the switch didn't stop them doing Labo or Ring Fit, but I'd agree with most users that splitting into two main focuses again is extremely unlikely.
I'm both excited and terrified at what Nintendo will do next hardware-wise. Buckle up either way as at least they're never boring. Having said that, I fully expect it to be Switch 2 (maybe they'll throw in a pun just for the LOLs you know damn well they do for their own amusement regardless of the joke landing or not).
hybrid is clearly the way to go forward to them. i just can't imagine them once again splitting their development efforts between two platforms.
Unless they have a super innovative idea on both sides that would beat the hybrid concept, then no. This works too well for them, at least right now.
They just having the best financial result ever in the last FY thanks to the hybrid concept of Nintendo Switch. I don't think they're going back to split consoles era because it would be wasting too much resources for Nintendo especially they're still struggling with pandemic.
They wouldn't be able to make Switch level games on a handheld PLUS PS5/PS6 level games on a console. No one could, at least not consistently. So, nah, I don't think they'll ever go back to having two lines or divisions of hardware. Multiple form factors? That I think we'll get going forward, like a home only version of the Switch that's cheaper, similar to the Switch Lite
Being able to see portable games on the big screen and being able to take the big screen games on the go was basically the dream I've been after for years. Would be absolutely awful if they moved away from this.
They're basically gonna ride or die with Switch and successors called like Switch 2, Switch 3, etc. Embrace what has worked for Apple, Sony, and Microsoft and keep the Switch as the brand name if Nintendo's hardware going forward.
I'm not exaggerating when I say the switch got me back in to gaming. I've always preferred handhelds but for some reason the DS and 3DS never clicked with me so I kind of moved away from them and gaming in general. I think the ability to play full 'console' games on a handheld still blows my mind.

If I were to game on the TV I'd only get 2-3 hours a week but I manage to get much more in because of the hybrid nature and I really hope it doesn't change. It also doesn't hurt that you can plug it in to the TV for multiplayer.
I truly think the hybrid model is here to stay. It just doesn't make sense anymore to have your development teams having to support two complete separate platforms that don't share a library, especially with how expensive development costs can be nowadays.
In (south hemisphere) winter of 2017, I beat Zelda BotW when my car got stuck in the snow in this exact place:

it was one of the weirdest and cool gaming experiences I've ever had.

So I hope they keep allowing me to play my Switch (and its successors) in weird places like this.
I think Nintendo will stick to the hybrid form factor for a while.

The problem with this is that the seamless switching from docked to portable mode just isn't feasible with this sort of design.

That's the thing, that hypothetical Nintendo console would be the WiiU2, not "a Switch". It still would be a hybrid though. Remember, it uses the OLED Switch as the official controller.

What are these two holes for?


Is it for the Wii U2's controller dock? :unsure:
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That's the thing, that hypothetical Nintendo console would be the WiiU2, not "a Switch". It still would be a hybrid though. Remember, it uses the OLED Switch as the official controller.

What are these two holes for?


Is it for the Wii U2's controller dock? :unsure:
You're a Lite owner I surmise?

I think it's unlikely they split apart again, but I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually do. I could see them coming up with some innovative idea that doesn't work for hybrid and trying it out.
You're a Lite owner I surmise?


Nope, I have the regular AC Switch, its just that I play 100% docked so I just pop the Switch in and leave it. I'm now curios if they can make a dock that makes the whole screen visible and make the Switch stand vertically without falling over.:unsure:
Nope, I have the regular AC Switch, its just that I play 100% docked so I just pop the Switch in and leave it. I'm now curios if they can make a dock that makes the whole screen visible and make the Switch stand vertically without falling over.:unsure:
yes. some third party docks already do that
That's the thing, that hypothetical Nintendo console would be the WiiU2, not "a Switch". It still would be a hybrid though. Remember, it uses the OLED Switch as the official controller.
A $350 controller, with a hypothetical TV-only ~$400-500 console. Am I reading this right?
There’s absolutely no chance they’ll ever split their home and portable systems ever again.
Unifying their development environment into a singular output has only been beneficial for Nintendo and every franchise that has come to Switch thus far. Metroid is the most current IP to hopefully benefit from this experiment but before the Switch was a thing, gamers always had a choice to get their Nintendo fix on a handheld or home console(which instantly divided the player base and growth potential for certain IP's).

This version of the Switch was a concept that Nintendo had no clue would be this popular and successful, but the next-gen Switch should take everything the current Switch has done and perfect its abilities as both a handheld and hybrid gaming device.

The current Switch struggles in this department where on paper its the best handheld experience currently available, but is lacking the raw grunt to scale up while docked in order to bring that same level to big screen.
The only way I ever see Nintendo having a dedicated mobile platform is if their hardware development team comes up with some crazy idea that wouldn't be feasible in a home console platform such as AR/VR in a mobile sense/stereoscopic 3D. It's just not in their DNA to have an additional pillar just to have an additional pillar - they want to push the boundaries on new methods of play. Even then, I remember Iwata discussing the Switch as a platform, not just a console, so I could see it being an extension of the Switch platform ala the Switch Lite.

That being said, I think we are at least 10 years out from streaming as a primary form of gaming content. There is just too much of the world that has unstable internet connection for it to be feasible en masse. I think a form of game rental similar to an extended NSO or GamePass is a much more realistic future if Nintendo wanted to move away from a games ownership model.
I feel like they'll stay hybrid. There's no reason for Nintendo to split when they have shown how successful the switch is at getting the handheld and home demographics. The market niche they have made for themselves seems like it would also be a big reason to stay hybrid.
If you look at Nintendo's history of making gaming hardware, then it is safe to say that at least their next gen hardware will still be a hybrid like the Switch. They probably are working on some wild ideas in their R&D right now, but with the Switch doing so well, I don't see the concept being thrown away anytime soon.
yeah, the hybrid format was a smashing success for Nintendo, its the logical end point for their hardware strategy. Barring some tech break through the next will be nintendo cloud gaming app in 5 years or so - when they're forced to
If you look at Nintendo's history of making gaming hardware, then it is safe to say that at least their next gen hardware will still be a hybrid like the Switch. They probably are working on some wild ideas in their R&D right now, but with the Switch doing so well, I don't see the concept being thrown away anytime soon.
I don’t know. I just don’t know what they will do. Very scary times. I’m just going to enjoy my OLED model and whatever fps releases on it.
The only way I see Nintendo moving from portable first is the popularization of cloud gaming. But for this we must wait for 5G to be on most of places and cheaper mobile broadband plans.
But when this happens I think that consoles you also become more niche. Only a few people will want to buy a dedicated machine for some latency and iq improvements. The default setup will be the Nintendo TV App and buying a controller.
Nobody has the capacity to make games for two platforms where every platform gets a mainline entrance of each game at the same time.
Hybrid was the correct desicion back then and should remain it. Love the idea and so does the majority
Flow back, the river does not.

Switch is the result of the current opportunity of mobile hardware and ARM chips being now strong enough for full sized experiences, while being still very power efficient.

Same reason why Apple went ARM only and unified their platforms under the same architecture.

This results in facilitated and flexible development of both software (for everyone) and hardware (for the company). They can make all kinds of devices running the same software.

It’s a privileged position to be in and none of these companies will back down from it willingly.
Stick with, as long as it works for them.
They may change their strategy in a far away future.
Switch has been way too succesful for them to ditch the concept. It also differentiates them from PS/Xbox so I strongly doubt they'll go back to regular consoles, especially if DLSS or other form of AI upscaling lets them have ports of more demanding games.

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