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Discussion Will Metroid Prime 4: Beyond be 70 dollars?

Will Metroid Prime 4: Beyond be 70 dollars?

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NSMB2 Millionaire
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom launched for 70 dollars to great success.

Will Metroid Prime 4: Beyond be Nintendo's second 70 dollar game?
I have a preorder from years ago at $60 so it’ll hopefully be $60 for me regardless. If it has a Limited Edition, I might go for that.
Look at the how they priced Prime remaster compared to other Nintendo remasters. The strength of the IP isn’t that same as Zelda’s.

I think it’ll be $60, unless it had a cross-gen version that’s $70.
If they want to push units they gotta raise it to $90. People will will think man at $90 is must be good.

I actually think it will be priced at $70 if not for anything other than the super long development costs that started with the other studio. Then again, I wonder… Maybe Nintendo priced Tears like that because it was so content rich. Can’t imagine Beyond will have anywhere close to the amount of content as Tears did.
Yes. Nintendo games will move to higher price points with the Switch 2, with $70 for big games and $50 for everything else.
I could see both. But with the Prime Remaster being 40 instead of 60 like they would do with Zelda games....and that we already have preorders for 60.... I tend to 60 for this one.
I think it will be 60. This game is an opportunity to increase the franchise's notoriety, which is a strong objective for Nintendo to develop its IP. Too high a price would contradict that, in my opinion. Plus, it was announced almost at the launch of Switch 1.
Depending on if it can fit on 16GB cart or not. If it’s over 16GB then, it’ll be $70 for the 32GB carts. If not, it’ll be regularly priced at $60.

Although, I think for next gen (the successor) the cart price should go down over all. $70 games will be reserved for games that use 128GB carts instead of 32GB.
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Do you really think Nintendo's gonna go the 70 dollar route for a series that couldn't regularly break 1 million sales? Their next 70 dollar game is gonna be a Mario title, probably the Switch 2's Mario Kart.
Guessing $60 with a $70 Switch 2 upgrade. I’m not picturing a $70 Switch 1 Prime 4 given MP1R’s budget price point compared to other Switch ports.
Much as I love Metroid, I don't think the series' sales really warrant Prime 4 being one of the $70 games. We'll see though.
If Nintendo didn't think Prime Remastered could be full price but instead $40 whereas the great majority of their re-releases cost more, then Prime 4 won't be $70 - it'll be $60.
No, of course not.

Nintendo doesn't value the Metroid IP in the same regard as Zelda; and they know there won't be as much people willing to pay $70 for a Metroid game.
Given that Metroid Prime Remastered was launch at a lower price and the relatively low popularity of the franchise, I believe it will be 60.
The 70 price tag is going to be reserved for other games with a lot more sales potential like Mario, Zelda or Pokemon.
It wouldn't shock me. Best Buy took down pre orders a while ago. I could see Nintendo experiment with $70 for this game.

That said, if Best Buy tries to not honor my $50 pre order from 2018, I will raise hell.
It depends. They think the game could succeed in a way Metroid never managed to do? They could price it 70$.

Otherwise it’s 60$ for the switch version.

We still don’t know how they’ll price cross gen and switch 2 games though.
Most Switch games have been $60 and I don't see any reason why Metroid Prime 4 would deviate from that.
No lmao.

Nintendo didn't even think the prime 1 remaster could command full price when almost every other major remaster they've done could do.
That will never not be weird to me. We're in a world where a quality series like Metroid can't command a full price with an amazing remaster and while ordinarily a game being cheaper isn't a bad thing, the fact it states the perception of the franchise to the parent company is a wee bit sucky.
They could charge $1,000USD for it and I'd still buy it. Just take my credit card and give me game.
Hoping not, but can't really guess. On one hand, Metroid IP isn't big enough for this, but on the other Nintendo might do a RE2-like trick to make the game seem more desireable. Much like Resident Evil 2 came out on two discs basically due to lack of time, but this was spun in the marketing as the game just being SO BIG, which was a success. I can see Nintendo trying higher price to try and get more money while also generating hype by making customers compare this game with ToTK.
Personally, of course, I'd rather not see any 70 dollar game in my life again, but I'm guessing Switch 2 is heading that way anyway.
Hoping not, but can't really guess. On one hand, Metroid IP isn't big enough for this, but on the other Nintendo might do a RE2-like trick to make the game seem more desireable. Much like Resident Evil 2 came out on two discs basically due to lack of time, but this was spun in the marketing as the game just being SO BIG, which was a success. I can see Nintendo trying higher price to try and get more money while also generating hype by making customers compare this game with ToTK.
Personally, of course, I'd rather not see any 70 dollar game in my life again, but I'm guessing Switch 2 is heading that way anyway.

I'm leaning towards 60. Everyone was going to buy Tears of the Kingdom no matter what, and Nintendo took advantage of that. Unfortunately, we can't say the same thing about Metroid Prime 4. I just think it's too risky.
Depends on what strategy they want to take in selling the game. If they're mainly targeting the 2-3 million core Metroid fans who will pick it up no matter what, you might as well price it at $70 to maximize profits. If they want to expand the IP's reach and have this be a title that can bring in new fans, then a $60 price tag is absolutely the better choice
I think they want to expand the IP so it will be $60. On the other hand $70 gives it a "premium" feel so maybe that would entice buyers more than a lower price.

Hard to say. I think the only Switch 2 titles guaranteed to be $70 are the evergreens (Mario Kart, Animal Crossing)
^^^^^In development for 7 years... This is AAA for Nintendo. ^^^^^

Tears of the Kingdom was $70.

I imagine this game is unlikely to be profitable.
If Nintendo didn't see thr profitability, I doubt they would have continued to make the game.

And MP4 was not in development for 7 years. The costs of the Bamco version aren't added onto Retro's version

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