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Predictions When will Nintendo announce and launch the Nintendo Switch successor?

When will Nintendo announce and launch the Nintendo Switch successor?

  • Announce in H2-2024 and Launch in H1-2025

    Votes: 112 75.7%
  • Announce in H1-2025 and Launch in H1-2025

    Votes: 20 13.5%
  • Announce in H1-2025 and Launch in H2-2025

    Votes: 14 9.5%
  • All other options (H2-24 Announce H2-25 Launch, 2024 Announce&Launch, 2024/25 Announce 2026 Launch)

    Votes: 2 1.4%

  • Total voters
As we know, Nintendo will announce the Nintendo Switch successor this fiscal year, so by March 31, 2025 or earlier.
With this we also know that they should launch the NS successor this fiscal year or the next one at the latest, so by March 31, 2026 or earlier.
We're now going into the second half of 2024. When will Nintendo announce and launch the Nintendo Switch successor?
Switch can have a busy schedule for H1.

So I think Nintendo will announce the successor in H1 for release in H2. September or October is the ideal month. Nintendo always sell well at Christmas :)
Hoping for what I voted for: H2 2024 reveal, H1 2025 release.

Just please, no calendar Q4 release. Bad enough I have to fight scalpers, don't want to have to fight Black Friday shoppers too
It’s very strange being this close to the big moment. The successor has felt like this elusive figure we know quite a bit about, yet it’s always been out of reach. It’s interesting to reach a point where an official reveal in finally in the near future.

I expect a reveal H2 2024, with a launch H1 2025.
At the moment Ikinda think their plan is to just re-run the Switch

Announce it in October, do some kind of presentation/event in January, release in March. Maybe give or take month in either direction for the actual launch date
In Marketing there’s a saying that goes: the wheel’s already been invented. It’s in reference to making a decision without an added analysis because it’s an option that works.

In this case, the Switch reveal to launch strategy was done once. Nintendo can retry it with the Switch 2.

That said, it wouldn’t surprise me if the Switch 2’s reveal to launch strategy doesn’t necessarily happen 100% the same as the OG Switch because, something that worked before may not necessarily work again, nor do we know what elements that were or weren’t present in 2016-2017 may or may not be present in 2024-2025.
As we know, Nintendo will announce the Nintendo Switch successor this fiscal year, so by March 31, 2025 or earlier.
With this we also know that they should launch the NS successor this fiscal year or the next one at the latest, so by March 31, 2026 or earlier.
We're now going into the second half of 2024. When will Nintendo announce and launch the Nintendo Switch successor?
anounce the console late septembre after TGS and the septembre Direct, and launch in april/may of next year.
I could totally see another october announcement trailer (one or two games like the new 3D Mario + a surprise third party like Elden Ring or Cyberpunk 2077), then a conference in january 2025, then a launch sometime between march and may.
Same playbook as the Switch 1, except instead of an October hardware reveal, we get an August one. Partly because I think it would be funny for us to get a standalone trailer for the next console, only to get a September Direct that comes with a "the successor will not be discussed in this presentation" label.

And imagine the insanity that would brew from a hardware trailer that just says 2025, followed by a Direct that only talks about Switch games releasing until June 2025. And no indication of when they'll talk about the successor next. The absolute confusion as we're divided into camps once more: #TeamMarch vs #TeamHoliday as the main factions, with a small-but-proud contingent arguing for a summer release.

In short, I desire chaos.
there's no Switch 2, Nintendo is just pulling a practical joke on everyone before they spend another decade pushing the original model.
the "new hardware" mentioned in Investor's briefing is just a Switch Lite OLED.
I think the potential Pokémon Presents in August (maybe late July) will give us a better idea of the timeframe for announcement and release of the successor, we should get a launch date for Legends Z-A. And also there's a small chance that The Pokémon Company announces a new Switch game for Q4-2024 (maybe a spinoff or port/remaster). Depending on that and the Fiscal Year Three Months Earnings Release in early August and a potential Nintendo Direct in September we should know by then if they release this fiscal year (most probably March 2025 like with Switch) or the next one.
December Announcement
March Blowout
June Release

Since Nintendo already revealed that they would announce the successor before the end of the FY, I feel like specifically the initial announcement will occur this year, otherwise I feel like they would've waited until after the holidays to even formally mention the system.

That being said, in order to reach their sales forecast for Switch, I feel like the schedule that I have helps the most, compared to announcing it in September/October and releasing before the FY even ends.
After the previous direct that highlighted a strong H2 for 2024 and titles dated for 2025, I think the announcement will be in 2025. Not quite sure on when it’ll release… either summer or holiday 2025
Announcement will be almost a shadow drop mid October. We'll get a proper presentation in January, and March will see the launch just before end of financial year.
I don't think its impossible but if Switch 2 comes out late 2025 then that must be solely because of some pretty bad struggles in making the Switch 2 launch games, i don't think Nintendo ever aimed to have the console out that late, next year will be a financial bloodbath for them with only the Switch 1 for most of the year if that happens.
I don't think its impossible but if Switch 2 comes out late 2025 then that must be solely because of some pretty bad struggles in making the Switch 2 launch games, i don't think Nintendo ever aimed to have the console out that late, next year will be a financial bloodbath for them with only the Switch 1 for most of the year if that happens.
hot take: Switch 2 and its games are basically ready but they intentionally aim to have the console out late to milk 140+ million people to buy Donkey Kong Country Returns HD.
I voted for an optimistic and commonplace guess, but I don't think we should take "Switch Playbook Again" for granted.

Nintendo likes surprising us, and Nintendo likes having a specific plan. There's going to be some internal friction about how to best present, but I'm betting that's all fairly sorted already.

The big thing for me is that their leak-squashing test was successful on Pyoro. I think they're gonna try really hard to do what they can to keep it under wraps until reveal — but that strategy might also push reveal up a little more than we think.

Or it'll slip into a timeframe we didn't account for because they decide they need more time.

Either way will surely be fine.

We'll know something soon enough.

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