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Fun Club What is the worst game made by a AAA developer?

Well, to most this won't mean much since it was such a long time ago, but:
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker for the PS1 and N64
At the time it released, it was pretty much AAA, as it was published by Ubisoft, developed by a large team, presented at E3, high-budget cutscenes... The whole deal for 2000. Most people hated it though, and I can't think of another AAA title that's this level of bad.
Lost Planet 3. Why the hell did Capcom give their golden IP to an unproven studio, beats me.

And that's not it, same studio ran another franchise to the ground: Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z. One of the worst high budget games I've played.
why are so many of these picks not triple a games

anyways, seconding duke nukem forever. the old build that leaked is a significantly better game despite being nowhere near finished.

also team fortress 2 for setting a lot of the worst trends in the industry
FF13 is one of my favorite games of all time

In recent years... Scarlet/Violet.

As least when considering what the series can be. Meanwhile Legends was the best the series has been in a long time.
Paper Mario Sticker Star

Not only was it a terrible game that basically sent one of my favorite franchises into a death spiral, but it's lead to a never ending war of toxic arguments on any gaming site when Paper Mario as a series has been discussed.
It's posts like this that contribute to the neverending war of toxic arguments though
Probably something like Alone in the Dark: Illumination or the earlier mentioned NBA Unrivaled.
The bulk of the games being listed aren’t really AAA. If we’re talking highly expensive games that turned out to be legit bad then I think you have to put Anthem up there.
Sonic Frontiers is the worst one in recent memory if you consider Sonic Team to be AAA in this day and age. Historically I think Resident Evil 6 is a great pick.
I don't care for (western) AAA games in general, but if you were to ask me which one I'd consider the worst, I'd always point to one of those inanely hyped-up pieces of perfect mediocrity that started this whole trend in the first place - games like Heavy Rain (a failed attempt at making "Zodiac meets Mystic River" made by a complete hack and utter creep with a penchant for total contempt for the medium he's working in),
Heavy Rain I always think of like Bioshock Infinite. At the time it was hailed as a turning point for the medium, a wonderful piece of interactive storytelling. But the more you play Heavy Rain, the more you realise it’s just a crap game with a crap story that only passed muster at first glance because it’s disguised by the gameplay, and players are used to games playing fast and loose with the idea of characters having motivations that arent even in the same ballpark as the gameplay mechanics you’re given to play with. If you wrote a piece of genre fiction that just despised the reader in the same way, the reader would just be chucking the book in the bin while mumbling ‘this makes zero sense from the character motivations on up to the scenes themselves, and needed both a rewrite and an editor’.

The progression of the Uncharted series on PS3 I think of as just emblematic of the AAA industry at the time. It starts as a cover shooter after Gears popularised the ‘pop up and shoot targets then pop back’ play, but wants to be more more, it chooses cinematics but pushes any actual gameplay around investigation, puzzles and exploration to the back, making those aspects simplistic because at heart it’s a solid cover shooter, sold to cover shooter fans, it’s just masquerading as a matinee adventure serial as the cinematics and writing are it’s USP but it doesn’t actually want any gameplay to go that way. It knows what shooter fans want. I compare it to Mass Effect 2, when, similarly, everywhere you go, from a factory to an ancient ruin to an alien spaceship all has lots of convenient waist-high cover at geometric angles around as that’s what the combat arenas are about, you can see the combat side of the game is based on current trends but it’s still a BioWare rpg elsewhere, it’s not pretending to be something it’s not. It’s just that Uncharted isn’t really interested in the player doing the ‘elsewhere’ it leans on throughout so it always feels jarring to me. Having said that, the end bit of ME3 always makes me smile with the random turret section added in between you saying your goodbyes before the final section. Because heaven forbid the player hasn’t killed anything in the last 3 minutes.

The tedious ‘dissonance’ arguments just come up more with Uncharted as some players expect more from what are well-put-together games while others are more ‘hey it’s just a cover shooter I don’t care that it masquerades as something else as it’s USP’, which is totally fair enough. They just rarely came up at all for HR that just didn’t care that it made no sense at all, and I suspect that’s down to adventure game players already accepting that the writing of the game is going to paper over the cracks with a straight face even if those cracks become chasms if you ever play it twice.

Anyway, I don’t think either the Uncharted or ME games are bad, this isn’t a dig at either (I love the latter and think Uncharted is well put together for what it was/is). I just think that they, just like actually bad ones like HR and BI, are also full of the trends of the time, they all add up together to remind me of ‘trends in PS360 games’.
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I haven't played the majority of the games mentioned here, but watching footage and based on all the word of mouth, I have to say Balan Wonderworld. When the absolute core gameplay design of your game is like that, you know you messed up.

I've wanted to like that game many times. There are videos of people online pretending it is sufferable (it isn't)... and that somehow being sufferable (nope) equates to being good (sorry).

It's terrible. Konami must have been so embarassed when they made it. There's not one reasonably interesting game mechanic to be found.
Heavy Rain I always think of like Bioshock Infinite. At the time it was hailed as a turning point for the medium, a wonderful piece of interactive storytelling. But the more you play Heavy Rain, the more you realise it’s just a crap game with a crap story that only passed muster at first glance because it’s disguised by the gameplay, and players are used to games playing fast and loose with the idea of characters having motivations that arent even in the same ballpark as the gameplay mechanics you’re given to play with. If you wrote a piece of genre fiction that just despised the reader in the same way, the reader would just be chucking the book in the bin while mumbling ‘this makes zero sense from the character motivations on up to the scenes themselves, and needed both a rewrite and an editor’.
Heavy Rain is a good pick. A truly awful game with a truly idiotic, nonsensical, and misogynistic narrative. Bioshock Infinite is certainly not good, and not worthy of the reception it received at the time, but the gameplay is passable and functional. The same can't be said of Heavy Rain.
The Pokémon games.
Nah, they're not even close to AAA. AAA refers to extremely high budget games. Pokémon games are the way they are precisely they're not given enough budget (or time)
I definitely consider mainline Pokemon to be AAA, especially when looking at the size of the dev team in the credits.
Aren't the credits a little bit misleading when it comes to the main group developing Pokemon? I trust DYKG and they've said a few times GameFreak is basically split in 2 with 1 team working on Pokemon and the others on new IP. I think that means the team working on Pokemon is at most 50-80 people and then the credits are filled with people contracted and outsourced for modeling and such.
Aren't the credits a little bit misleading when it comes to the main group developing Pokemon? I trust DYKG and they've said a few times GameFreak is basically split in 2 with 1 team working on Pokemon and the others on new IP. I think that means the team working on Pokemon is at most 50-80 people and then the credits are filled with people contracted and outsourced for modeling and such.
Not sure. But even if that were the case, those are still people involved with the development of the game. I still consider any tentpole game published by Nintendo to be AAA, even if the budget isn't the same as something at EA or whatever.
I take umbrage with Heavy Rain being here. That game is fantastic
at being a comedy

honestly tho, I think Beyond Two Souls is even worse than Heavy Rain.
Heavy Rain is a good pick. A truly awful game with a truly idiotic, nonsensical, and misogynistic narrative. Bioshock Infinite is certainly not good, and not worthy of the reception it received at the time, but the gameplay is passable and functional. The same can't be said of Heavy Rain.

I almost think the gameplay was worse than the story in Bioshock. The story is nonsensical and offensive, the gameplay is functional, yes, but I thought it was an absolute boring and chaotic mess that was a pain, slog, and drag to put up with.

For all the undeserved hype Quantic Dream got for their work (even before Heavy Rain), I think we can at least somewhat attribute the adventure game revival in the 2010s to it so while it is an awful piece of dreck, its also a piece of dreck that at least had a modicum of a positive impact by allowing better works in its lane to be made down the line.

I cannot in good faith say the same about Uncharted (or Bioshock Infinite for that matter, but I found the whole of Bioshock a tad... underwhelming).
amiibo Festival
Everybody 1-2-Switch

Resident Evil 6 supposedly had its fans, but when you consider the former pedigree of that series up to that point, how it performed on target hardware and its absurd lack of focus I can see how it ranks up there. Much of its existence is baffling. It was a 600-person project. It kinda feels like a "The Room" of videogames.

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash
Definitely unfinished and overpriced, but structurally it's a great multiplayer game. The fundamentals are great and you can turn the stupid Mega Mushroom off. I just don't get how it has such a lack of basic gameplay modes for single player, like a mere Tournament Mode - it's like it hates you in that regard. But as someone who doesn't have a Switch, I say this game provided me much more fun than I would expect going by reviews. Not an unplayable disaster.

this one is throwing me off because Ghost of Sparta is high tier classic GoW and it's Chains of Olympus that's the terrible one
THANK YOU. I always feel confused when people talk about these games like it's the same thing. Chains of Olympus was a disaster while Ghost of Sparta was one of the best iterations from that God of War style. How they both came from the same studio was beyond me.
Everybody 1-2-Switch
Heheh, I actually like 1-2 Switch!

A bit like how you feel about Ultra Smash, it's barebones at times but on a technical level, it functions. For me, the technology involved in 100 local players working AT ALL is impressive enough for me to give it at a 5/10, the polish on top of that elevates it to a 7, for me.
Heavy Rain I always think of like Bioshock Infinite. At the time it was hailed as a turning point for the medium, a wonderful piece of interactive storytelling. But the more you play Heavy Rain, the more you realise it’s just a crap game with a crap story that only passed muster at first glance because it’s disguised by the gameplay, and players are used to games playing fast and loose with the idea of characters having motivations that arent even in the same ballpark as the gameplay mechanics you’re given to play with. If you wrote a piece of genre fiction that just despised the reader in the same way, the reader would just be chucking the book in the bin while mumbling ‘this makes zero sense from the character motivations on up to the scenes themselves, and needed both a rewrite and an editor’.
Counterpoint: Heavy Rain gave us this:

Alone in the Dark 2008 was pretty damn bad.

As was Silent Hill: Homecoming, also released in 2008.

And I never played them personally but I remember the backlash to games like Castlevania - Lords of Shadow 2, Bomberman: Act Zero, Sonic 06, SimCity (2013), Duke Nukem Forever and Final Fantasy XIV (the first release, obv).
Bioshock Infinite

I’m sure there’s some really bogus story segments, and it certainly didn’t live up to Bioshock 1, but I remember having a pretty good time?

What’s so bad about it? Was it a gameplay/design/quality issue? Or is this something about the setting or subject matter that was unacceptable or out of touch?
Final fantasy xiii

No joke I legit think it’s a bad game from start to finish nearly everything about it is terrible
amiibo Festival
Everybody 1-2-Switch

Resident Evil 6 supposedly had its fans, but when you consider the former pedigree of that series up to that point, how it performed on target hardware and its absurd lack of focus I can see how it ranks up there. Much of its existence is baffling. It was a 600-person project. It kinda feels like a "The Room" of videogames.

Definitely unfinished and overpriced, but structurally it's a great multiplayer game. The fundamentals are great and you can turn the stupid Mega Mushroom off. I just don't get how it has such a lack of basic gameplay modes for single player, like a mere Tournament Mode - it's like it hates you in that regard. But as someone who doesn't have a Switch, I say this game provided me much more fun than I would expect going by reviews. Not an unplayable disaster.

THANK YOU. I always feel confused when people talk about these games like it's the same thing. Chains of Olympus was a disaster while Ghost of Sparta was one of the best iterations from that God of War style. How they both came from the same studio was beyond me.
Considering Ghost of Sparta came after, I think it was just good old listening to feedback
I almost think the gameplay was worse than the story in Bioshock. The story is nonsensical and offensive, the gameplay is functional, yes, but I thought it was an absolute boring and chaotic mess that was a pain, slog, and drag to put up with.
Yeah but have you "played" Heavy Rain
What’s so bad about it? Was it a gameplay/design/quality issue? Or is this something about the setting or subject matter that was unacceptable or out of touch?
All of the above and then some. It's an incredible testament to bad games that that somehow gained critical and commercial success mostly due to a AAA presentation.
Final fantasy xiii

No joke I legit think it’s a bad game from start to finish nearly everything about it is terrible
welllll... sorta kinda. it was very of its time; trying to be hyper-cinematic and prestigious. for its time, it kind of did do that, even for its own downfall but, i really think it still to this day is ragged on more than it deserves. compared to some true turds, i don't think it is one.
Not only was it a terrible game that basically sent one of my favorite franchises into a death spiral, but it's lead to a never ending war of toxic arguments on any gaming site when Paper Mario as a series has been discussed.

You realize you're contributing to that, right?

If you do, please stop it, if you don't, please re-read what you just wrote.
For me, as far as more recent games are concerned that I’ve played and not just read about, it has to be NFS Payback. It was one of those PS Plus monthly freebies, and thought why not?

The game itself is…fine at least in terms of the cars, and the general world. But oh my fucking god, the way you upgrade cars, especially since you have to wait x amount of time like it’s a goddamn free-to-play game is infuriating. On top of that, the “story“ is pitiful at best, and in no way made me care at all for the characters. I thought the race events were pretty cool, but the game was a slug in terms of upgrades for your cars, and it actually took any fun away that upgrading a car should have.
The mass effect trilogy are 3 of my favorite games of all time. To say I was disappointed and surprised by how terrible Mass Effect Andromeda was is an understatement. Not only was it crushing to me as a huge Mass Effect fan, but for my money, its the worse, most sloppily put together game to come from a major triple a developer, one that before this, had a pretty good track record. Who knows if bioware will ever make a good game again though, i hope they do, it’s sad to see how far they have fallen.
THANK YOU. I always feel confused when people talk about these games like it's the same thing. Chains of Olympus was a disaster while Ghost of Sparta was one of the best iterations from that God of War style. How they both came from the same studio was beyond me.
You’re not wrong about Chains of Olympus. However, post-God of War III, I was over the series thus far less willing to look past its warts. Ghost of Sparta felt so inessential. Then, I borrowed Ascension from a friend, and it felt even less essential.

Chains of Olympus has the best story of the prequels so it at least has that going for it. The one scene where Kratos has to abandon Calliope forever in order to stop Persephone and Atlas from destroying the world is one of, if not the only time the writers managed to make Kratos even mildly sympathetic.

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