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Discussion What have been your top 2 best Nintendo years and top 2 worst years as a Nintendo fan?

I'd like to ask, out of all the years you have been on the Nintendo space, which one were the top 2 best and top 2 worst, when it comes to release schedule and overall state of the community, so controversies or lack of announcements can affect things for the better or worse too. I personally have just been really into Nintendo since 2010 or so, before I was a very casual fan of mostly Mario and Pokémon, so I only can start counting from that year, so my top will be:

1-2017: not much to say here, 2017 was an amazing year to be a Nintendo fan, with the release of the Switch having a lot of amazing and genre defining games to start, made the console be worth owning immediatly, especially BOTW and Mario Odyssey, which both gave the fans experiences they were asking for years, plus stuff like Mario+Rabbids or Splatoon 2. The 3DS also was still giving us excellent games too, like Samus Returns, Ever Oasis, Monster Hunter Stories, Dragon Quest VIII or Superstar Saga remake, so that also did help quite a bit. Only real issues were a handful of dissapointing games, mostly on 3DS, although they were mostly just forgettable, nothing terrible or frustrating, and the lack of third party support for the Switch during most of the year. Overall, it felt like a true revival of Nintendo after the Wii U era, and expecially after the previous year of 2016.

2-2023: last year was also excellent when it come to Nintendo, and really other than a couple of misses like Everybody 1-2-Switch and Detetive Pikachu, it seems Nintendo was doing everything right, between excellent new games like Mario Wonder, TOTK and Pikmin 4, NSO finally getting GB and GBA and with excellent emulation and online, excellent remasters between Prime and Kirby RTD, excellent DLC's for Xenoblade 3, Sparks of Hope and a notorious increase in quality and value for the Booster Course pack, and that also adding all the Mario Movie hype and some excellent Nintendo Directs, and really my only issue I'd say was that while the third party side was good, it was inferior to the 2 previous years 2021 and 2022. Really, the only reason I put this below 2017 is because there wasn't all the early excitement of having a new console, and that none of the games fully manage to get all the impact that BOTW+Odyssey got.
Honorable mentions: 2014, 2019, 2013.

1-2016: a year that was 90% just bad to everything Nintendo related, starting for the fact that the Wii U was absolutely dead by this point and that it was a fairly average year for the 3DS when it came of third party support, but even outside of that, overall it felt like Nintendo was getting ready for the Switch the next year and we got mostly leftovers, since they barely released anything interesting for any of the 2 systems, and not only that but some of the games they did release divided the community or made most of fans angry, like FE Fates, Color Splash, Star Fox Zero, Mario Party Star Rush, Paper Jam (which did come out in Europe the prevoius year though) or Mario Maker 3DS, so the entire year was a lot of negativity from many fanbases, and there were also multiple controversies going on like the shut down of AM2R and to a lesser extend Pokémon Uranium, Bayonetta getting to Smash 4 and completely breaking the game and ruinig the competitive scene, or the censorhip or localization of FE Fates and TMS#FE, and overall it was also probably the year were Nintendo shined on the general videogame industry the least out of all of the ones I have been in the community, since it was really rare to see any Nintendo published game be nominated to game of the year on any outlet. There were some high points though, like Planet Robobot, Rythm Heaven Megamix, Picross 3D2 or Pokémon Sun and Moon, although that one had it's fair number of detractors since day one, plus all the Pokémon GO craze which did feel fairly separated to Nintendo overall to me.

2-2020: I was going to pick 2015 at first, but I ended up going with 2020, which overall has been the weakest Switch year, since although when it comes to first party games 2018 probably was a bit worse, 2020 was a downgrade when it came from third parties from 2019 and even 2018, making it fair a bit below 2018 to me, however despite of only being the second worse in the first party side, still wasn't great since it had probably the least amount of original games (so excluding ports or remakes) of any Nintendo year, so it overall felt like a very unexciting year as a Nintendo fan. However, I wished that it was the only issue but it isn't, since to me the fact that completely killed this year were the controversies and overall discussion about NIntendo in social media, since by the end of the year a lot of people were very frustrated with Nintendo for the lack of gsmes and announcements, since even if there was a pandemic going on, they were making a lot less announcements than both Sony and Microsoft, so I saw a lot of people who just assumed Nintendo were being lazy, maybe because they got too confortable with the Switch's succes according to them, and then to make things worse all the drama regarding the Mario 35th anniversary happened, with the complete lack of care of 3D All Stars and all the limited releases, really giving people the image that Nintendo was being lazy or even anti consumer, and that was followed by Pikmin 3 being $60, which for some reason got more backlash than the previous Wii U ports, and of course all the drama with the competitive scene that got Nintendo a massive amount of criticism, with videos covering it getting sometimes millions of views on Youtube, and some other stuff like some unfortunate news about joycon drifting and all the lies regarding the Etikons which sadly were spread and a lot of people believe it to this day. By the end of the year I actually read hundreds or thousands of people that assumed that Nintendo was basically ruined and that Furukawa and Doug Bowser killed the company and turned it into another EA or Activision type shitty corporation, that were gonna only do the worst business moves ever and were gonna just do overpriced ports and few new games, which obviously didn't happend and it was a very absurd idea for the most part, but as a side effect it also created a lot of weird WIi U revisionis and people glorifying the previous bussiness men, with thousands of people saying that none of these things would have happend with Iwata or Reggie, which was not true for the most part and it personally frustrated me every time I saw those comments. Overall it was a weak year when it came to hype or releases, and an abysmal one when it came to the overall social media discussion.
Honorable mentions: 2015, 2011. 2018.

Since I have been on the community since 2010, I'd like to hear more from people that have been going since earlier.
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Despite the Wii U being a massive flop, 2014 was probably the best ever year for me as a Nintendo fan. Getting Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, and Smash 4 all in one year was crazy. Unfortunately, it was soon followed by two of the worst years in Nintendo history; 2015 featured Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, and nothing else, while 2016's biggest game was… Star Fox Zero. You could really sense that Nintendo abandoned the system prematurely. The number of Wii U games released in 2016 can be counted on one hand.
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One of the best has to be 1998… Ocarina of Time and Banjo-Kazooie, two of my top 3 games of all time, released that year.

For a second one year… Idk. There’s so many options. I need to think on it.

For worse years… same. I need to look deep into this.
Top 2 were 2017 and 2019 because some of my favorite games ever released those years (BotW and Dragon Quest XI S) and they just had killer lineups in general.

Bottom 2 were 2016 and 2018. I think I got one first party game both years not counting ports/remasters (Pokemon Sun & Moon and Smash Bros Ultimate) and both came out the end of the year. Those were some dire years for me.

2020 would’ve been bad but I got Fire Emblem Three Houses for Christmas in 2019 so I spent the first half of the year playing all of the routes because I had nothing else to do.
I'll have to think about it but i can't put any of the Switch years as 'worst' as a 'Nintendo' fan.
Because to me, i also consume 3rd party games on PC/Switch and there were stuff , alot, to play , every year on the Switch. I really feel like some Nintendo fans need to get over the 'only Nintendo games count' when it comes to evaluating the strength of each year of a Nintendo platform.
it does a great disservice to the third parties and indies that put out quality content on the platform.
Worst is tricky because whenever there’s a bad year for games I tend to just read books or start a sport again or something and not notice it being bad. But best? 2017 pulled me back from a long stretch of that apathy. And if we can say 12 month period not calendar year, there’s a spell through late 2007-2008 where so many of my favourite games ever came out.

But, it’s probably the last two years. I burnt out on some other hobbies, same deal as picking up books, and instead of noodling about in Mario a bit, this time I went in super deep and have played more than ever before in my life. I’ve expanded my taste enormously and learnt to enjoy so much. Nintendo’s consistently put out great stuff, and the Switch library is so deep there’s always something to try that’s unlike anything else I’ve played in my life. I love it.
2017 is probably one of the best year for Nintendo and was one of a generational comeback i have ever see a company make, since breath of the wild release and proved the gaming landscape that they're back.

2006-2007 either years are peak, since the Wii was peak and i have fond memories of playing Wii Sports with my parents and family and DS lite released in 2006, which began one of the best handheld revision.

2016... It's one of the most miserable experience a fan could face... It was at a time where being a Nintendo fan was seen as sad and depressing.

2011. It was the beginning of Nintendo worst period in their history, and launched with an overprice handheld with no game, the Wii was completely left and dead and the reality set in, that the Wii was a fad and Nintendo as a brand was slowly dying and stagnating.

also that's when the god forbidden Wii U was around the corner... it's actually crazy how Nintendo forced a gimmick for the sake of having a gimmick.
Best: 2014 and 2022

2014 was great for 11 year old me coming right off Pokemon Y. Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, Smash 3DS/Wii U, ORAS, and also 3D World and ALBW since I didn't play them until this year.

2022 had Splatoon 3 and Pokemon Violet, 2 of my 3 most played games ever.

Worst: 2018 and 2020

2018 was the one year I pretty much wasn't a Nintendo fan. Releases on 3DS/Wii U had stopped for the most part and I couldn't afford a Switch yet, so I straight up just didn't play anything. If I were in this situation today I would just jump back into some older games, but I was less appreciative back then.

2020 was just really boring. I love New Horizons now but I wouldn't get to that until 3 years later, and everything else was rereleases.
2017 is probably one of the best year for Nintendo and was one of a generational comeback i have ever see a company make, since breath of the wild release and proved the gaming landscape that they're back.

2006-2007 either years are peak, since the Wii was peak and i have fond memories of playing Wii Sports with my parents and family and DS lite released in 2006, which began one of the best handheld revision.

2016... It's one of the most miserable experience a fan could face... It was at a time where being a Nintendo fan was seen as sad and depressing.

2011. It was the beginning of Nintendo worst period in their history, and launched with an overprice handheld with no game, the Wii was completely left and dead and the reality set in, that the Wii was a fad and Nintendo as a brand was slowly dying and stagnating.

also that's when the god forbidden Wii U was around the corner... it's actually crazy how Nintendo forced a gimmick for the sake of having a gimmick.
I agree about 2011, I didn't count it on my list, but it was really bad between the terrible first few months of the 3DS until the price drops, the DS almost completely going away after the 3DS was launched, as well as a horrible year of the Wii, more so in the Americas where we didn't even get Xenoblade until next year, while the PS3 and 360 were getting masterpiece after masterpiece every month.
I agree about 2011, I didn't count it on my list, but it was really bad between the terrible first few months of the 3DS until the price drops, the DS almost completely going away after the 3DS was launched, as well as a horrible year of the Wii, more so in the Americas where we didn't even get Xenoblade until next year, while the PS3 and 360 were getting masterpiece after masterpiece every month.
Really made apparent how difficult maintaining a handheld division and a console one was.

It's probably why it's good that Nintendo is keeping the switch momentum by making games, since the big titles fot holiday would have normally been seen as handheld titles.
2015. That E3 was a horrible monkey’s paw on so many levels, and nothing interesting actually released that I year I think. I get why people are saying 2016, but BotW E3 blowout is one of my best memories as a Nintendo fan.

2020. Being a scary year with the pandemic already, waiting for directs and for Nintendo to give us something was agonizing with all the partner showcases. Plus Origami King, while being great, further cementing (at the time) Paper Mario’s new direction (feel better about that now, but yeah). Hyrule Warriors was my biggest highlight, but even then, it’s not one of my absolute favorite switch games.
2015. That E3 was a horrible monkey’s paw on so many levels, and nothing interesting actually released that I year I think. I get why people are saying 2016, but BotW E3 blowout is one of my best memories as a Nintendo fan.

2020. Being a scary year with the pandemic already, waiting for directs and for Nintendo to give us something was agonizing with all the partner showcases. Plus Origami King, while being great, further cementing (at the time) Paper Mario’s new direction (feel better about that now, but yeah). Hyrule Warriors was my biggest highlight, but even then, it’s not one of my absolute favorite switch games.
I personally think 2015 is mostly saved because they actually released a few interesting and overall great games, like Mario Maker, Splatoon, Xenoblade X, Yoshi's Wolly World and Majora's Mask 3D. Still not great though, and that E3 was indeed horrible.
2015. That E3 was a horrible monkey’s paw on so many levels, and nothing interesting actually released that I year I think. I get why people are saying 2016, but BotW E3 blowout is one of my best memories as a Nintendo fan.

2020. Being a scary year with the pandemic already, waiting for directs and for Nintendo to give us something was agonizing with all the partner showcases. Plus Origami King, while being great, further cementing (at the time) Paper Mario’s new direction (feel better about that now, but yeah). Hyrule Warriors was my biggest highlight, but even then, it’s not one of my absolute favorite switch games.
100% agree some people really weren't here with us in the trenches of late 2015 and it shows 🤧🤧 the Nintendoom will never be matched
100% agree some people really weren't here with us in the trenches of 2015 and it shows 😅 the Nintendoom was unmatched
2015 was extremely sad, especially E3, since the reason Nintendo took the puppet approach, was because how sickly Iwata was and it was the only way to make him be part of E3 and as usual the internet reaction for the puppets were bad.

Man... 2011-2016, were pretty bad, even though their were some gems.
2015 was extremely sad, especially E3, since the reason Nintendo took the puppet approach, was because how sickly Iwata was and it was the only way to make him be part of E3 and as usual the internet reaction for the puppets were bad.

Man... 2011-2016, were pretty bad, even though their were some gems.
Don't even remind us of the belated Wii and Wii U launch days, and the 3ds midlife crisis omfg 😂 2013 was a doom demon of it's whole own don't invite that mf back into our life
2015 was extremely sad, especially E3, since the reason Nintendo took the puppet approach, was because how sickly Iwata was and it was the only way to make him be part of E3 and as usual the internet reaction for the puppets were bad.

Man... 2011-2016, were pretty bad, even though their were some gems.
Aye Zombies U is still going to be a banger though y'all just don't see the vision
Worst is proooobably 2014 and 2015? Still high points like Xenoblade X, but like the market in general I wasn't feeling 3DS and Wii U like their predecessors. So that would've been the time period furthest from even their newness, but before things like NX and BOTW started seeming very exciting.
Are we counting exclusive third parties? If so, my 2 favorites are:
1995 and 1998. If not: 1998 and 2017 (I think).

Worst ones: 2003 (if counting TWW and Pokémon RSE as 2002 games) and 2016.
If not: 2008 and 2016.
2011-2013 was a lot worse than 2014-2016
November 2013 - May 2015's moment of hope is what made June 2015 - May 2016 hurt so bad imo

Seeing Iwata go as the pillars of Nintendo crumbling was by far the lowest moment to me. I'm not a religious person but i hope the man can see our days ahead today
I think the wiiu generation failed miserably but Nintendo's situation is actually far from bad because the wii and nds left a lot of cash flow enough for Nintendo to survive several crises. I think Nintendo's worst two years were undoubtedly after Yokoi Gunpei's departure and the civil unrest throughout Nintendo after the unfavorable N64 release, and Sakamoto Yoshio's team was dismantled in the civil unrest of the millennium, which indirectly led to the 2d Metroid sequel not being released until 2021.
For me personally 2016 and 2018 for worst years. I got back into Nintendo with the Wii U in 2014 and only really got a lot of use out of the system for a few months, 2015 was already the beginning of the end, but 2016 was just dire: I didn't buy a single Wii U game and was pretty disconnected from anything they were doing outside some 3DS stuff like Fates and Sun and Moon. I didn't even finish Fates. I joined the online Nintendo community towards the end of the year so I can't imagine i'd ever get quite so disconnected ever again but it was a pretty bad time to be a newer Nintendo fan ....

I thought 2017 was weaker than a lot of people so 2018 being as weak as it was really felt bad, it kind of made me see the Switch as a disappointment and I was starting to get the same feeling I got with the Wii U, and even with something that could have been cool like Mario Tennis Aces some of the complaints about the game made me skip it, I didn't buy any first party games except Smash at the end of the year and some gifted ports, I will say we did get some good third party games like Hollow Knight and Valkyria Chronicles though. I thought the Switch became an excellent console after that though.
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For me personally 2016 and 2018. I got back into Nintendo with the Wii U in 2014 and only really got a lot of use out of the system for a few months, 2015 was already the beginning of the end, but 2016 was just dire: I didn't buy a single Wii U game and was pretty disconnected from anything they were doing outside some 3DS stuff like Fates and Sun and Moon. I didn't even finish Fates. I joined the online Nintendo community towards the end of the year so I can't imagine i'd ever get quite so disconnected ever again but it was a pretty bad time to be a newer Nintendo fan ....

I thought 2017 was weaker than a lot of people so 2018 being as weak as it was really felt bad, it kind of made me see the Switch as a disappointment and I was starting to get the same feeling I got with the Wii U, and even with something that could have been cool like Mario Tennis Aces some of the complaints about the game made me skip it, I didn't buy any first party games except Smash at the end of the year and some gifted ports, I will say we did get some good third party games like Hollow Knight and Valkyria Chronicles though. I thought the Switch became an excellent console after that though.
If 2017 was weak to you then what you got as some strong years? 🤯
Since the answers so far seem to be skewed to recent years, I'll throw some older picks. Keep in mind that I am going with North American release dates

1987- Metroid, Punch Out, Kid Icarus, The Legend of Zelda. Goat year.

1994- Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country, Super Punch Out!, Wario Land

As for a weak year, I'd say 1989. The GameBoy launched but the NES was weak from a first party perspective.
If 2017 was weak to you then what you got as some strong years? 🤯
2019, 2022, 2023, to a lesser extent 2021 (Metroid Dread, MHR and TGAAC do a lot of heavy lifting).

2017 was good but I remember only really liking BOTW, Odyssey, XB2 and Sonic Mania and even then I had big problems with some of those games. Everything else I bought was ok to disappointing (Mario + Rabbids in particular was snooze town).
I'll have to think about it but i can't put any of the Switch years as 'worst' as a 'Nintendo' fan.
Because to me, i also consume 3rd party games on PC/Switch and there were stuff , alot, to play , every year on the Switch. I really feel like some Nintendo fans need to get over the 'only Nintendo games count' when it comes to evaluating the strength of each year of a Nintendo platform.
it does a great disservice to the third parties and indies that put out quality content on the platform.
Ok i have thought about it.
Best years

Worst years

A caveat here there's a lot of runner's up years here, for example i consider 1992-1995 to be absolutely amazing to be on a Nintendo platform
ditto for 2017-2023* (entire Switch run)
*potentially i may add 2024 here after this year is over

Similarly despite some influential and banger releases i consider 2011-2016 to be the nadir of Nintendo as a whole. Wii U was a flop worse than GameCube and 3DS while successful was not as dominant and almost entirely forgotten by the wider games community, it was the most isolating period to be in their ecosystem. At least during the GameCube days, GameBoyAdvance was very strong.
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I don’t know about best, but worst is without a doubt 2015 and 2016.

2007/2008 were good. 2022/2023 were good. 2013/2014 was good. 2001/2002 was good.

2011-2013 was a lot worse than 2014-2016
Iwata died and the one thing Nintendo was doing well was getting people to spend hundreds of dollars on scalped statues. Even if both periods had the Wii U there was still a chance the Wii U could improve, we got Pikmin 3, and there were smash bros daily updates.
I don’t know about best, but worst is without a doubt 2015 and 2016.

2007/2008 were good. 2022/2023 were good. 2013/2014 was good. 2001/2002 was good.

Iwata died and the one thing Nintendo was doing well was getting people to spend hundreds of dollars on scalped statues. Even if both periods had the Wii U there was still a chance the Wii U could improve, we got Pikmin 3, and there were smash bros daily updates.
Agree on 2015 but i give 2016 a pass because we were getting details of the Switch, and while releases were very slow, the mood was more hopeful than at anytime since 2011 because we knew we'd be leaving the 3DS/Wii U era behind.
I'm gonna go with maybe 2010 and 2023? Don't really remember anything before 2010 very well.

2016 is obviously the worst, with 2015 or 2020 taking second place.
I still remember when BOTW got delayed to 2016. I think it was around the beginning of the fiscal year. I remember thinking everything was lost at that point. 2015 still had some bangers though. But 2016? Yeesh
I still remember when BOTW got delayed to 2016. I think it was around the beginning of the fiscal year. I remember thinking everything was lost at that point. 2015 still had some bangers though. But 2016? Yeesh
Box Box Boy
Pokemon Sun and Moon
Pokken Tournament
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

It wasn't until Switch that I played the latter two, but it wasn't a completely garbage year
Based entirely off my personal experiences (including when I played certain games)

Best: Maybe 2023? Metroid Prime was incredible and quickly became one of my favorite games all time, SMBW was one of the best 2D Mario games I’ve played since NSMB Wii, I got into Fire Emblem after playing Path of Radiance and Sacred Stones, and also played the solid Metroid Samus Returns and Yoshi’s Island.

Worst: Probably 2016, not a single game besides Pokémon Sun and Moon interested me, the Wii U was dead, and the 3DS was beginning to decline. The Switch announcement was exciting but I never cared for Zelda, so I knew that I’d just wait to get the console until what’d become Mario Odyssey released.
I feel every Nintendo fan has to put 2016 as one of the worst years ever for the company. They're lucky they had such a breakout hit with Pokémon Go + Sun & Moon at the time or else it would have been even more of a disaster
Best: 2023 and 2015.

2023 because of TotK
2015 because of the Wii U firing on all cylinders (Xenoblade X, Splatoon, Mario Maker etc)

Worst: 2018 and 2012.

2018 was a huge dud if you didn't care for Smash (Which I don't)
2012 because though I loved New Super Mario Bros. U, this was the big Wii exhaust pipe year, so I played almost nothing Nintendo-related at all
Worst was the N64 years outside of 98 (OOT) for me. I just felt let down by the rush to abandon 2D games and head into 3D platformers with dodgy cameras, collectathons and 3D fighters with dodgy collision detection.

Best is a tough one. SNES was strong throughout. but then it skips forward 20 years to me. 3DS being packed with MonHun games. Then the Switch. I don’t know.
2019, 2022, 2023, to a lesser extent 2021 (Metroid Dread, MHR and TGAAC do a lot of heavy lifting).

2017 was good but I remember only really liking BOTW, Odyssey, XB2 and Sonic Mania and even then I had big problems with some of those games. Everything else I bought was ok to disappointing (Mario + Rabbids in particular was snooze town).
I feel you i fw the unpopular opinion enjoyer of peak 🔥🔥 your list still got 2017 in my top bracket though. 2023 was some gas for sure and my only contender to 2017 if we don't value the vibes only games. But vibes valued 2017 the 🐐 to me the community was at a peak 2017

2019 surely had some gas games in Link's Awakening, SMM2, Three Houses and Luigi Mansion off top of head but had some lows too coming off such a high from smash into a Pokemon Shield holiday release, but that just me my hopes were too high. I may be bias on vibes here though damn

2022 had too many lows for me i got my hopes up way too high for Switch Sports and the Pokemons again. And the damn June direct 😂🤧 but Kirby was one the highest highs of the switch to me! and Splatoon 3 finally fixed all 2's bs maps and abilities. I remember though Kirby made a friend of mine so happy that wasn't really happy too much atm so that really one the peaks to me for sure
Best: 2023 and 2015.

2023 because of TotK
2015 because of the Wii U firing on all cylinders (Xenoblade X, Splatoon, Mario Maker etc)

Worst: 2018 and 2012.

2018 was a huge dud if you didn't care for Smash (Which I don't)
2012 because though I loved New Super Mario Bros. U, this was the big Wii exhaust pipe year, so I played almost nothing Nintendo-related at all
2015 🤯🤯 i definitely got 2014 firing on all cylinders over though Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8 and Wave 1 DLC, Captain Toad, Hyrule Warriors, and Smash Bros U, were all gas to me and one Nintendo's finest years imo. But i feel you Mario Maker and Splatoon was a crazy combo in 2015, i was one who slept on Xenoblade though i can't lie

I'm sorry to hear you didn't care about smash ultimate though damn 2018 must have been the trenches for you 😂
I'd agree that 2017 and 2023 were the standout years for me, so much going on and so much excitement. 2024 is shaping up nicely, though.

2003/4 was tough... Really felt like they were dying, moreso than the Wii U era. The GCN was disappearing off shelves and Nintendo were regulated to a tiny corner in the back of retailers (if given any space at all).

2010 was a tough one for me personally as a Nintendo fan. I was dangerously broke, finding it really hard to get back on my feet after an incredibly acrimonious separation, and jobs (ergo money) were very hard to come by. I had to sell on a lot of the stuff I had collected over time just to live, and I knew I'd probably never get any of it back. Some of the stuff is ridiculously expensive now. So nothing that was Nintendo's fault in the slightest, but something that sticks with me to this day.
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As a platformer guy, 2010 as a great year for me. Super Mario Galaxy 2 was a great refinement of what SMG1 did, Sonic Colors was the straightforward Sonic title without the wacky gimmicks I'd wanted from the series for a decade at that point, Epic Yarn was an incredibly charming release, and DKC Returns was the 2D powerhouse return the franchise desperately needed.

As far as worst, yeah, it's hard to top 2016 in recent history. While the writing was already on the wall from the 2015 Direct, the former year felt so emblematic of all the questionable trends Nintendo had engaged in this time period, culminating in a year that felt incredibly weak unless you were an RPG fan (and even that had its limits). Planet Robobot was a triumph and that possibly the best Kirby game ever emerged in that time period demonstrates how great that IP is, but so much on the 3DS and Wii U in that year was already of meh quality or had little personal relevance. Federation Force and Star Fox Zero stand out in particular as the questionable context surrounding both games (and the seemingly lack of awareness by Nintendo about that) left them doomed before they ever released, regardless of their quality.
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As a platformer guy, 2010 as a great year for me. Super Mario Galaxy 2 was a great refinement of what SMG1 did, Sonic Colors was the straightforward Sonic title with the wacky gimmicks I'd wanted from the series for a decade at that point, Epic Yarn was an incredibly charming release, and DKC Returns was the 2D powerhouse return the franchise desperately needed.

As far as worst, yeah, it's hard to top 2016 in recent history. While the writing was already on the wall from the 2015 Direct, the former year felt so emblematic of all the questionable trends Nintendo had engaged in this time period, culminating in a year that felt incredibly weak unless you were an RPG fan (and even that had its limits). Planet Robobot was a triumph and that possibly the best Kirby game ever emerged in that time period demonstrates how great that IP is, but so much on the 3DS and Wii U in that year was already of meh quality or had little personal relevance. Federation Force and Star Fox Zero stand out in particular as the questionable context surrounding both games (and the seemingly lack of awareness by Nintendo about that) left them doomed before they ever released, regardless of their quality.
Yeah, 2010 was probably the last great year of the Wii, solid from both first and third party side.

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