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Discussion What game(s) has your favourite voice acting?

Dynasty Warriors 3

But seriously I think the Xenoblade games do a good job, and Nintendo is killing it with the LATAM Dub of BotW, HWAoC and TotK

His Pocket Edition extra voice lines are phenomenal

And Darin Dipaul’s portrayal of his past life in his episode two is awesome

Especially Episode Ardyn’s Resist Your Fate ending
recently, Tsukihime 2024. the new cast is doing good work
my favorite is Kana Ichinose as Hisui. people know her best as Fern from Frieren
I also like Shino Shimoji as Akiha. She was behind Xenoblade's Mythra/Pyra and Tales of Arise's Shionne
It’s not flashy, but The Last of Us (both parts) is pretty easily the best for me. Might be the only games where the voice acting genuinely feels real and not, well, acting.
It's Mass Effect 2 for me, easily. When I played that for the first time a few years ago I realized that it was not that movie game qualities are necessarily bad it's just that other video games have simply been doing them wrong. Usually super serious movie like voice acting kinda falls flat in games but Mass Effect does it very well barring a few characters.

I'll also say that character action games like Bayonetta, Devil May Cry and No More Heroes always seem to have fantastic voice direction. I also like the performances in Nier Automata and really can't separate the characters from their voice actors (especially 9S), even if some of the anime grunts and extra characters are a bit much.
The voice actors for Baldur's Gate 3 also did their own mocapping and it shows. Very convincing and high quality stuff.

I'm fond of Yakuza 7's voice work on the Japanese VA side of things. Ichiban rocks.
I actually really like the dub, too. I think the story goes that the game was sitting ready for a while so dub had a LOT of time. It's magnifecent, and sometimes way funnier than the Japanese one
There's definitely a bunch of genuine answers somewhere in my brain, and yet none are coming to mind as quickly as Wand of Gamelon and Faces of Evil. The amount of times I will just randomly reference a line from one of those while talking to friends is absurd.
It starts with Star Fox 64, 100%. Yes I will admit the nostalgia curve is working here, but the lines are timeless.

Naughty Dog's games tend to have great voice acting, especially the Uncharted series.
A bit biased since I am currently replaying the game but Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology


The game had a fantastic casting. And Stocke is one of the best stoic protagonist out there and the surrounding cast compliment each other very well, it also helps that it has a killer soundtrack in those moments.

Outside of that the Xenoblade games have some of my favorite performances and the AI Somnium Files as well.
Apart from that, all the Naughty Dog games are fantastic.
Ditto the Yakuza/Like a Dragon games (in Japanese obviously, I'm civilised).
Also, The Witcher 3
I play games on mute, while listening to music or podcasts, but my friend was a voice actor in Red Dead Redemption 2, so I'll say that one!
More modern games have really taken things to new levels but my immediate first instinct is Final Fantasy 12. Fantastic cast and delivery yes, but on top of an amazing script and localization that makes every line ooze charm and feel almost like a stage play.
Steve Burton as Cloud Strife in the remake series isn't everyone's cup of tea- but I'll take it since I felt Square was obsessed with portraying him as permanently moody for a long stretch, so getting this catty, even at times whiny performance made me fall in love with him all over again
I think you're thinking of Cody Christian, Steve Burton was the old voice.
Mine would be Final Fantasy XVI. Every single performance is spot on, which is especially impressive for a localization. We've come a long way since Final Fantasy X's dub. Ben Starr as Clive is especially fantastic, and I'm thrilled that he's getting more voice roles.

On the same subject, people like to rag on Final Fantasy XV's English dub, but Ray Chase was really great as Noctis.

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