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Discussion What do you think the 2024 lineup was like, before the Switch 2 delay?


Assuming the rumours are true, Switch 2 was targeting around the end of 2024, but had to be delayed to 2025 for unknown reasons.

Now that we know Nintendo's full lineup for this year, we can potentially brainstorm how it was supposed to look like before the delay.

With Nintendo releasing a limited edition Switch Lite in September with EoW, I wonder if Switch 2 was supposed to release after, so in October or November. Maybe with Super Mario Party Jamboree as one of the launch titles?
What do you think, Famiboards?
I kinda wonder if it was ever actually delayed. The software lineup for this year doesn't scream "break glass in case of Switch 2 delay" to me. I think it was always 2025 but they kept 2024 open as a possibility.
If I remember correctly, someone has confirmed that Delay is fictional and the initial goal was H1 2025.
I imagine the main thing would be most months that were all but empty this year would be filled, with a double up on smthn like NES Remix
Nintendo releasing a limited edition Switch Lite in September with EoW makes me think there may not have been a delay.
I imagine the games we have coming would roughly get shuffled back two months for the most part and Prime 4, 3D Mario, and maybe Pokemon, would join the current line up. Donkey Kong Country Returns would still launch after the successor would be out in this scenario.
I'm sure there's never been a delay.

Super Switch was always planned for 2025. And I'm also sure that even if Nintendo don't exclude early 2025 release, they're waiting for the end of 2025, which is the ideal time because Nintendo always does well at Christmas. As I said, Switch has more than enough for the first half of this year :)
It seems more likely that the "rumours" were either outright fabrications or massively blown out of proportion (e.g. Nintendo once briefly talked about when they should target for release and then decided 2024 wasn't the best option) because social media hype merchants will say whatever they think will get them most clicks/ad money.
Assuming the delay actually existed, which I'm not so sure of anymore - I'd guess it was the same but with Mario and Luigi releasing in August instead of November, and the Switch 2 taking it's release slot.
Maybe Zelda and Brothership has been pushed back as well, July and August seems empty with only NES Championship which is not even a full price game.
I find it hard to imagine the delay actually was a thing given the latest Direct tbh. But if it existed, the lineup would probably be the same, maybe with SwIItch titles filling up the gap between NES World Championship and Zelda?
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I think this would’ve been the slate regardless. Assuming Switch 2 has backwards compatibility all of these titles would be able to run on both platforms. None of them looked like something that was hastily backported because plans changed. Also there’s been some recent chatter about the rumor coming about due to poor communications with partners or partners thinking the release was sooner than it was actually planned to be.

Anyways, I think people keep assuming that as soon as Switch 2 gets announced that Nintendo is going to immediately stop putting out Switch 1 titles, but historically that’s not always been the case. We got 3DS titles into 2019, NES got new titles all the way into 1994, SNES got new ones until like 1997 (or later in Japan), and I’m pretty sure there were some GBA releases that came after the DS launched (like Mother 3). I suspect the Switch is going to still see support for a couple more years because Nintendo would be foolish to abandon a 140+ million user base at the drop of a hat, especially if backwards compatibility is happening. I also think this is why Beyond doesn’t have a specific release date, not because they don’t want to reveal if it’s a cross-gen title but because they want to see how the rest of the software planned for Q1 and Q2 look before plugging it into the schedule.
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entered the thread to posit that perhaps there was in fact no delay but uh looks like everybody has me covered
I'm on the wagon that there never was a delay and info just got mixed up. I think the 2024 lineup, as we know it, was always intended.
I used to fully believe in a delay but don't subscribe to that notion anymore. Either 2024 was never in the cards or it didn't have much of an impact on this year's lineup and I find the former option more believable.
If there was such a scenario I'd assume new 3D Mario would release with the console and Mario & Luigi would have been a summer game.
Maybe Zelda and Brothership has been pushed back as well, July and August seems empty with only NES Championship which is not even a full price game.
August is usually empty, Zelda makes more sense on September imo. Anyway it's very possible nothing got really delayed and that was always their plan.
You can’t make games in a couple of months, so at most all that would change is the release timing. So I don’t think that delay rumor has too much validity.
I think it was the same. I don’t think it was delayed, but we have first party switch games like ZA and Prime 4 releasing in 2025 anyway, so there’s no reason something like Brothership couldn’t release at the same time despite being a Switch 1 game.
I agree with the assumption that there was no delay of Switch 2. What we saw in the Direct was a well in advance planned lineup of high class software tailored for the late life cycle of the Switch and not some emergency blowout, I'm sure. The technically impressive late gen Metroid Prime 4 reveal, definitely running on current gen Switch, is the best proof.

The only thing I sometimes ask myself is if at some point they decided between hardware revisions - "pro" upgrades with slightly more bells and whistles every few years - or a full blown successor with the in the meantime well proven form factor. With how strong the Switch is performing saleswise (and maybe pandemic related shortages, who knows) they aimed for the latter if they theoretically had to make such a decision.

What I expect though after this very long life cycle is that they could prepare everything and everyone involved very well for the next Switch and that we are likely to see a strong launch and launch window software wise.
I don't believe the Switch 2 was delayed at all. It was always meant to be a 2025 release.
I imagine the games we have coming would roughly get shuffled back two months for the most part and Prime 4, 3D Mario, and maybe Pokemon, would join the current line up. Donkey Kong Country Returns would still launch after the successor would be out in this scenario.
Basically this, but I could also see Mario Party Jamboree still being exactly where it is as a cross-gen "casual fun for the whole family" kind of thing they'd want out early

The way they keep hammering how it's "the biggest Mario Party ever" just feels kinda "maybe this was meant to last them all or most of the generation, MK8D-style"
There would have been 5 switch 2 exclusives titles released in 2024 with botw4k, prime 4 and the new IP releasing as switch 2 launch titles at October, November would had got 3D Mario and December would had got Mario Kart 9.
Switch 1 lineup will stay the same as now but with Metroid Prime 4.
Hard to envision 2024 being much different. The first 3-4 months would have been locked in regardless of any supposed delay. TTYD is "only" 6 months after SMRPG and Brothership is another 6 months. Would they have really wanted an even more constrained Mario RPG release schedule? Possible but I would need something like a gigaleak to really entertain that.

LM2/NWC definitely could have been shuffled, but from where? Hard to believe they ever intended to release LM2 next to TTYD, PPS, or M vs DK.

Jamboree continues the roughly triannual Mario Party schedule. Highly doubt it was significantly impacted. Zelda is more likely to have been moved by comparison I guess.

Altogether the 2024 lineup is pretty normal. Nintendo rarely release games during August (except for filled years 2017/2019), December is hit or miss (can't really rule out a December release this far out I suppose), and April not having anything makes sense given March/May were filled. They could easily have had another September/October game though. Maybe DKCRHD was targeting this year but was delayed in tandem with the park.

I suppose some could argue the late 2024 releases were originally slated for 2025 but that seems way too optimistic to suggest Nintendo could take all of their releases in a given quarter and just move them up by 3+ months. If that is proven to have occurred then Nintendo has truly mastered their pipeline.
Nintendo was always going to have a period properly supporting both, regardless of whether there was a delay or not.

I feel like, if the system was delayed and due to launch October/November, they probably swap Zelda with an Endless Ocean or World Championship or something so it can be the big game to tide us over, keep Mario Party at Christmas to keep both systems rolling with the family crowd, and maybe bring Mario & Luigi forwards a month or so to be the big last hurrah. I think changes are minimal, this is just how Nintendo rolls now. We're probably going to see games for the Switch 1 through to 2027 at least.
Might be joining Team #NeverADelay. I can see Nintendo initially telling developers that they're generally just aiming for "the fiscal year ending in March 2025", and so a number of them started working on titles targeting the holiday season because... well, when else are you going to release a new console? Only to be blindsided when Nintendo came back later and revealed that they quite liked how the Switch's March launch went actually, and so they'll be doing that again.

As such, I think the lineup was planned to be this. There is nothing here that feels like it was obviously pushed up or anything... still waiting for these games to show up on Nintendo's US site, btw. You already caught Pyoro, guys, what's the hold-up?
Probably been said already but
The system was never given a release date so it could never have been delayed
People willed an earlier release date into being and then willed a delay into being by default.
There would have been 5 switch 2 exclusives titles released in 2024 with botw4k, prime 4 and the new IP releasing as switch 2 launch titles at October, November would had got 3D Mario and December would had got Mario Kart 9.
Switch 1 lineup will stay the same as now but with Metroid Prime 4.
Prime 4 is clearly not ready for a 2024 release
At the start, i think the delay is real, as delay is too common in product development so i don't surprise about that.

But when i see their sales target and their lineup, i start thinking that they have no delay actually. They plan to release NG in 2025 from the beginning.
I think you may have had a full direct in February that would have revealed the line-up, though then what happens in June I don't know
I think people thinking there was a delay is a perfect case of goings on we are not meant to know. At this point I don't think this was ever delayed. 2024 was always going to be just a lighter year.
Quoted by: Joe
2024 was always going to be just a lighter year.
I don't even think it's a particularly light year. The half 2 line-up is looking pretty solid. In fact, if this is the Switch's final year to itself, it might be the best final year a Nintendo console has ever had, relatively speaking.
I don't think a delay ever happened, I think the Switch 2 was always slated for next year, and the lineup for the Switch for this year only reinforces that, given how stacked it is.

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