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Discussion Speculation: Nintendo randomly updates the official Fire Emblem Facebook page



Last update was back in December 2016 promoting Fire Emblem Fates, and only has updated the banner with a render of the Shadow Dragon artstyle of Marth. Possibly means nothing, but we Fire Emblem fans could hope
Both a remake of Fire Emblem 4 and the next mainline game are assuredly in production. Knowing Nintendo the FE4 remake might even be finished and we're just waiting for Nintendo to say "yet it's real and it's launching x". Updating their FB profile banner is likely unrelated to any planned announcements.
Based on my hours of listening to Kit and Krysta there's probably some new initiative to reactivate /update their old Facebook pages and may not be directly related to new product. But it could tangentially be related to new marketing initiatives coming down the pipeline for the brand as a whole
One last smash ultimate dlc character after all, everyone's long awaited favourite, the forgettable protagonist of fire emblem engage
I'm honestly baffled by how little of an impact engage had, especially since it was meant as a celebratory anniversary title.

It's also cheaper to get then TH.
Something for Next Gen perhaps?
Quite possible, since that's when Nintendo refereshes its brand.

That said Kit and Krysta have said Nintendo sometimes just do things because they can, like updating the Direct intro sequences, there's no deeper meaning, its just the content lab using up their budget for the year. This could be something similar. There may be new hires and they were tasked to renovate long abandoned pages on facebook.
Could this be a sign of an incoming Nintendo Direct?
It is possible they are preparing for a reveal in a Nintendo Direct later this year but I do not believe this means we have an imminent Direct (unless we have a Fire Emblem Direct coming up!).
I never understood why Nintendo has all these Facebook pages for different series but hardly uses them at all. It’s also disappointing how Nintendo has a number of Twitter accounts for various series in Japan that are actively used, while outside of Japan all we really get is a Splatoon account, for the most part… Like, it’s not hard to maintain a handful of accounts for different series and occasionally make posts from them, so why the hell doesn’t Nintendo of America bother to do more?
it’s not hard to maintain a handful of accounts for different series and occasionally make posts from them, so why the hell doesn’t Nintendo of America bother to do more?
because it is hard, actually, and expensive
because it is hard, actually, and expensive
I used to maintain social media accounts for the StreetPass group I ran and updated them with original content very regularly, in addition to a couple of other accounts for various projects around the same time, too, all in my spare time and done entirely for free (in that I wasn’t getting paid; I was spending money on it, though), and it really wasn’t that hard at all for me (though it was a passion project, so it naturally came easier for me I suppose), so I really don’t think it should be hard at all for a company like Nintendo to hire a person or two to do the same thing but, y’know, as an actual job they get payed to do. It’d be especially simple if they’d mostly just be localizing posts from the Japanese accounts, too. Not to suggest that it’s as easy as most people assume, either, but it’s absolutely something that shouldn’t be a problem for Nintendo of America.

Plus, y’know, this is something that Nintendo’s already doing in Japan. If NCL can do it (and provide most of the work, just waiting to be localized), there’s no good reason why NoA can’t as well.
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I never understood why Nintendo has all these Facebook pages for different series but hardly uses them at all. It’s also disappointing how Nintendo has a number of Twitter accounts for various series in Japan that are actively used, while outside of Japan all we really get is a Splatoon account, for the most part… Like, it’s not hard to maintain a handful of accounts for different series and occasionally make posts from them, so why the hell doesn’t Nintendo of America bother to do more?
Not addressed by Kit and Krysta directly wrt to facebook but NCL apparently loved the idea of creating a Twitter account for each game and they had to fight hard against it. This could he a relic of that
I used to maintain social media accounts for the StreetPass group I ran and updated it with original content very regularly, in addition to a couple of other accounts for various projects around the same time, too, all in my spare time and done entirely for free (in that I wasn’t getting paid; I was spending money on it, though), and it really wasn’t that hard at all for me (though it was a passion project, so it naturally came easier for me I suppose), so I really don’t think it should be hard at all for a company like Nintendo to hire a person or two to do the same thing but, y’know, as an actual job they get payed to do. It’d be especially simple if they’d mostly just be localizing posts from the Japanese accounts, too. Not to suggest that it’s as easy as most people assume, either, but it’s absolutely something that shouldn’t be a problem for Nintendo of America.
There's a big difference between doing social media voluntarily for a fan group/project and doing social media as a job. It is not as simple as localizing posts from the Japanese accounts since even there you are not machine translating like fansites often do, but rather making sure the content matches with how the games are localized for your region.
Both a remake of Fire Emblem 4 and the next mainline game are assuredly in production. Knowing Nintendo the FE4 remake might even be finished and we're just waiting for Nintendo to say "yet it's real and it's launching x". Updating their FB profile banner is likely unrelated to any planned announcements.
Honestly at this point I believe fe4 remake was a fake leak to rat out people who were leaking stuff. They're definitely working on a new FE game but I still believe a remake would be fe6 or fe7 and not both games. Just have to wait and see though
There's a big difference between doing social media voluntarily for a fan group/project and doing social media as a job. It is not as simple as localizing posts from the Japanese accounts since even there you are not machine translating like fansites often do, but rather making sure the content matches with how the games are localized for your region.
I am very aware of this, but regardless, it should not be a problem for a company like Nintendo. After all, the Japanese branch of the company has no problem doing it.

Also, while I know it’s certainly not the same as a professional social media job, I ran my group (which wasn’t just some tiny unknown fan group, you know—it was one of the largest StreetPass groups in the country with thousands of followers and hundreds of active members, which is a lot for a relatively niche local meet up group—and in addition to that I also ran the accounts for a social media campaign that went viral internationally and actually prompted a response from Nintendo, if the StreetPass group isn’t enough) and its social media accounts as if it was one, adhering to the same kind of standards that you’d see on Nintendo’s official accounts in a way that, frankly, most fan accounts simply don’t—ensuring posts are positive and professional, using proper official terminology and correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar, and, yes, ensuring that posts about games are consistent with the actual games themselves (as someone who actually plays all Nintendo games that part comes easy), in addition to other expected duties like running ads and managing insights, creating images and videos, coordinating events, etc. And while we didn’t really deal with reposting Japanese content in English, if we had I wouldn’t have ever just thrown something into a machine translation and regurgitated it on our accounts, and it’s kind of insulting to assume I would have (though not an unreasonable assumption, I suppose, because plenty of fan accounts do just that).

Anyway, my point is I’m not totally detached from the reality of what’s expected from running an official social media account, and the fact is that managing additional accounts for the series that have them in Japan is absolutely something that should be very well within Nintendo of America’s ability. And localization from Japanese to English is kind of their thing, so I can’t imagine why you’d expect localizing Japanese posts to be a problem for them.
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Honestly at this point I believe fe4 remake was a fake leak to rat out people who were leaking stuff. They're definitely working on a new FE game but I still believe a remake would be fe6 or fe7 and not both games. Just have to wait and see though
They remade Gaiden, the black sheep game in the series. They're not skipping FE4 to remake FE6-7, FE4 is one of the most popular games in Japan. Also the same people who leaked Engage leaked a FE4 remake, what good is a "fake leak plant" if it's alongside a real ass leak?
FE remake would make for an awesome summer 2025 release date, similar to three houses, but make that bad boy a cross gen title and we’re good to go.

Also I’m genuinely surprised how much the fire emblem team has improved on HD development, despite engage being a controversial title, it’s definitely one of the best looking Switch game and has amazing presentation.

Makes me excited for the remake, since engage is more of a celebration for the history of FE, meanwhile the remake will be more story focus and mature, especially if the rumours are true, with which game they’ll remake.

Also it’s important to note Nintendo probably told Intelligent Systems to make the game a cross gen title.
Also I’m genuinely surprised how much the fire emblem team has improved on HD development, despite engage being a controversial title, it’s definitely one of the best looking Switch game and has amazing presentation.
They squeezed Unity quite a bit for that. That said, continuing to use it is up in the air given Unity's issues. But if they keep at it, they could be one of thr engine's best showpiece if they make a game for Drake
I can already see it:
After the announcement of switch 2 we get a fire emblem direct:
FE 4 echoes for switch 1
FE villains
FE spinoff
FE for switch 2 is in the work
FE4 remake cross gen
FE Soul Calibur style fighting game
FE action RPG spin-off
FE RTS Pikmin style spin-off
FE dating sim

Watch the money flowing in
They squeezed Unity quite a bit for that. That said, continuing to use it is up in the air given Unity's issues. But if they keep at it, they could be one of thr engine's best showpiece if they make a game for Drake
As far as comparing the performance of the SMRPG remake and the TTYD remake, I have to conclude that Unity is better than the HD Paper Mario engine (since Color Splash).
We cannot rule out the possibility that Iron18 (FE4 remake?) was cancelled, just as FE13 was cancelled.
If there is no announcement at the September direct, people will start to think so.
If it's cancelled its because the quality isn't up to snuff, but i suspect they just want to give FE a breather because it will be in the Switch 2 launch lineup.

it's probably also a reason why no 3D Zelda this year, including those WW/TP HD games people keep asking for.
Maybe we’re getting Fire Emblem 4 this summer…as a SNES port on the shop, officially in English for the first time!

Limited time only, of course.
I just hope Fire Emblem 4 actually exists. I don't know if Nate has heard anything since the last Nintendo Direct, but it's a rumor that's been circulating for a very long time....
As far as comparing the performance of the SMRPG remake and the TTYD remake, I have to conclude that Unity is better than the HD Paper Mario engine (since Color Splash).
as far as performance goes, there's a lot that matters more than the engine choice. the engine isn't going to tell us anything practical
As much as it really doesn't mean anything, I like others have to wonder if this is part of a new generation refresh to their PR. Especially with Twitter dying.

I really, really wish that, if they aren't going to give up on Twitter, at least have SOMEWHERE on their website where all official news is posted. Any news or sales on their Twitter account should be on the main website at the same time! Why isn't there a feed in the Nintendo Switch News HOME screen app that just mirrors their Twitter posts!
As much as it really doesn't mean anything, I like others have to wonder if this is part of a new generation refresh to their PR. Especially with Twitter dying.

I really, really wish that, if they aren't going to give up on Twitter, at least have SOMEWHERE on their website where all official news is posted. Any news or sales on their Twitter account should be on the main website at the same time! Why isn't there a feed in the Nintendo Switch News HOME screen app that just mirrors their Twitter posts!
Truly hope Nintendo are working on revamping the news feed to make it somewhat similar to Twitter for NG switch

In which you can personalise it with some algorithms, but the news feed includes ,,Nintendo news’’ in which you can read and see all the latest announcements and just mirror it like Twitter just as you mentioned.

Like… let’s be honest Twitter, Facebook are slowly dying out and has become radicalised, TikTok is going to fall in obscurity once it’s fully banned in the US, and god forbid, I personally don’t want to use Reddit.

Maybe recreating the Mii verse in some way to ease the access of information and make it ,,Nintendo fan focus’’ heck, maybe partner with some website and created dedicated Mario or Pikmin feed inside the news feed.

Personally don’t know…
I can already see it:
After the announcement of switch 2 we get a fire emblem direct:
FE 4 echoes for switch 1
FE villains
FE spinoff
FE for switch 2 is in the work
This would be the dream (content can be tweaked) but I’m sure there’s a non-insignificant number of people who would rue the series specific Direct haha

FE4 remake cross gen
FE Soul Calibur style fighting game
FE action RPG spin-off
FE RTS Pikmin style spin-off
FE dating sim

Watch the money flowing in
Honestly Hopes is almost there from an ARPG setting; not sure which continent people would prefer for the other spinoffs


On the note of the Facebook banner update… SD Marth is certainly a choice and honestly doesn’t feel indicative of anything
(On a side note why hasn’t Fire Emblem World properly included Engage in its movies and characters sections?)

Last update was back in December 2016 promoting Fire Emblem Fates, and only has updated the banner with a render of the Shadow Dragon artstyle of Marth. Possibly means nothing, but we Fire Emblem fans could hope

The Splatoon Facebook page was also updated today.
Obviously means Splatoon X Fire Emblem in the Tokyo Mirage Sessions idol format but with splatoon music.
This would be the dream (content can be tweaked) but I’m sure there’s a non-insignificant number of people who would rue the series specific Direct haha

Honestly Hopes is almost there from an ARPG setting; not sure which continent people would prefer for the other spinoffs


On the note of the Facebook banner update… SD Marth is certainly a choice and honestly doesn’t feel indicative of anything
(On a side note why hasn’t Fire Emblem World properly included Engage in its movies and characters sections?)
Well, it would fit the vibe of "they want switch 2 to have the same journey as switch 1 in terms of announcement"

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