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Rumour Sonic X Shadow Generations release date + cover art leaks; other details

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Puffball Enthusiast
Release date is October 25th. Pre-order / Deluxe Edition bonuses include Gerald Robotnik's Journal (presumably some readable extra) and a Sonic Adventure 1 skin for the Sonic Generations portion of the game. The screenshots also confirm Rail Canyon from Sonic Heroes as a stage for Shadow Generations, and a new Black Arms transformation for Shadow. Strangely, there also seems to be Chao added to the intro cutscene of the game; though it's impossible to tell if they have any specific role from this alone (dare I dream for Chao Garden...)

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That’s just a Neutral/Fly Chao, which happens to look like NiGHTS; nothing new or special! Though the fact that we’re seeing all these variant Chao that, to my knowledge, haven’t appeared outside of the Adventure games is certainly interesting… I’m not sure they’d do this if there was nothing more to it. Not saying we should absolutely expect a Chao Garden…but something is up.

Also, good to have confirmation that we are indeed getting a stage (or stages?) from Heroes! I mean, I figured we would but I was less confident about it than Adventure 2, Shadow, and Sonic ’06.
Yeah, I know it's more like raising a Sonic/Shadow chao by just improving the right stats and not like the special Tails Chao you can get from linking your GBA to Phantasy Star Online and Sonic Adventure 2, but it's still fun to see an obvious NiGHTS reference when they happen. Especially one that's just... a character in a scene! Until confirmed otherwise, they're not connected to the player doing something, so they're just a deliberate choice to add.

For other stuff in the screenshots, I really like that they're apparently giving Shadow wings.


This is the most early 2000's deviantart-ass thing they could give to the most early 2000's deviantart-ass character ever conceived and it's so perfect in every way.
Especially one that's just... a character in a scene! Until confirmed otherwise, they're not connected to the player doing something, so they're just a deliberate choice to add.
While nothing is confirmed yet, I think it’s reasonable to expect these Chao to be more than just a neat reference that was added. Adding them to this scene does have gameplay implications, after all—all of the characters in this scene get sucked into White Space by the Time Eater and have to be saved by Sonic. So, at the very least, this implies that we’re going to be saving these Chao now, too. What exactly that will entail is still anyone’s guess, of course.
How can you call it Sonic x Shadow and not have them kissing on the boxart. Sega won't recover from this clear false advertising.
oooh I love that SA legacy skin, it's crazy how well the dreamcast look has aged (in my opinion).
it's like christmas for anyone who's shopped at hot topic from the years 2002-2012
For other stuff in the screenshots, I really like that they're apparently giving Shadow wings.


This is the most early 2000's deviantart-ass thing they could give to the most early 2000's deviantart-ass character ever conceived and it's so perfect in every way.
i can look at this for 3 centuries longer and still feel the raw jubilation
That’s just a Neutral/Fly Chao, which happens to look like NiGHTS; nothing new or special! Though the fact that we’re seeing all these variant Chao that, to my knowledge, haven’t appeared outside of the Adventure games is certainly interesting… I’m not sure they’d do this if there was nothing more to it. Not saying we should absolutely expect a Chao Garden…but something is up.

Also, good to have confirmation that we are indeed getting a stage (or stages?) from Heroes! I mean, I figured we would but I was less confident about it than Adventure 2, Shadow, and Sonic ’06.
I miss the Chao Garden dearly. The amount of time I spent with these little guys growing up during the Dreamcast era. We used to have VMU battles all the time with the rest of the kids on the block. The amount of batteries we used to chew through!

Even more time was spent on the GameCube. I had SA2 Battle, the GBA to GC link cable, and Sonic Advance. Started going all in with different color variations and the mini-games.

The best part of all that was the secret Chao from the Phantasy Start Online game. You can get a Tails Chao which had all S rank stats and couldn’t die. I think. It’s been 20 years 😅
I miss the Chao Garden dearly. The amount of time I spent with these little guys growing up during the Dreamcast era. We used to have VMU battles all the time with the rest of the kids on the block. The amount of batteries we used to chew through!

Even more time was spent on the GameCube. I had SA2 Battle, the GBA to GC link cable, and Sonic Advance. Started going all in with different color variations and the mini-games.

The best part of all that was the secret Chao from the Phantasy Start Online game. You can get a Tails Chao which had all S rank stats and couldn’t die. I think. It’s been 20 years 😅
Chao are actually the entire reason I’m a Sonic fan in the first place! When I was a kid, a friend of mine was wanting to sell of their copy of Sonic Adventure 2: Battle and convinced me to buy it from him because he knew I loved Pokémon and he told me there were these things called Chao that were a lot like Pokémon…and that’s the only reason I played the game, lol. Of course, I ended up falling in love with the game and the series entirely, but Chao in particular was a huge part of the game to me, too, and I spent so much time grinding Chaos Drives for Chao, lol.
Chao Garden FINALLY coming back would be a major selling point.

When Sonic or Sega games have had pre-order bonuses, have they eventually released those cosmetics and bonuses for purchase by everyone later? I don't need that skin, but I would like that book, assuming it's a pre-order bonus. (I guess I could probably read the lore online eventually.)

I don't want to pre-order this game because I would prefer to buy it on Switch but want to know the quality of the Switch version first.
idk something about the cover is really off putting. maybe its the clipart looking models or if its the glimpse of white background. something something......
It looks too edgy for my liking. Sonic used to be someone I respect with his blue color and humor. This cover looks like "mature take on DQ" nonsense to cater to the West instead of making it wholesome for us in Japan. Sega has fallen.
Chao Garden FINALLY coming back would be a major selling point.

When Sonic or Sega games have had pre-order bonuses, have they eventually released those cosmetics and bonuses for purchase by everyone later? I don't need that skin, but I would like that book, assuming it's a pre-order bonus. (I guess I could probably read the lore online eventually.)

I don't want to pre-order this game because I would prefer to buy it on Switch but want to know the quality of the Switch version first.
I assume it's something also included with early physical editions like the Banana Suit in Monkey Ball Banana Rumble, little booklets have been pretty common with Sega's physical releases.
I agree with the cover comments. It's the colors for me, as red, white, and black sets a tone that I don't look for from Sonic games. I like my blues and greens. They're really pushing the Shadow side of things, when I wish it had been a little more equally balanced towards Sonic as I imagine the game is. Shadow also has that USA Kirby aggression-you-can't-take-seriously going on.

I assume it's something also included with early physical editions like the Banana Suit in Monkey Ball Banana Rumble, little booklets have been pretty common with Sega's physical releases.
Ah, okay! Then I guess I might not worry about it, since I wouldn't be buying physical. I'll learn soon enough.
idk something about the cover is really off putting. maybe its the clipart looking models or if its the glimpse of white background. something something......

It's a bit off for me too. The way Classic and Modern Sonic are moved over to each side, it doesn't look natural for this artwork of Shadow in the middle.

... I'm really curious how they will handle the old release on Steam. I wouldn't be surprised if they become scummy and delist it or something.
Yeah, I know it's more like raising a Sonic/Shadow chao by just improving the right stats and not like the special Tails Chao you can get from linking your GBA to Phantasy Star Online and Sonic Adventure 2, but it's still fun to see an obvious NiGHTS reference when they happen. Especially one that's just... a character in a scene! Until confirmed otherwise, they're not connected to the player doing something, so they're just a deliberate choice to add.

For other stuff in the screenshots, I really like that they're apparently giving Shadow wings.


This is the most early 2000's deviantart-ass thing they could give to the most early 2000's deviantart-ass character ever conceived and it's so perfect in every way.
sonic team finally getting over their irrational fear of being too "edgy" and just embracing it? we are so fucking back.
Really hope the Shadow part is going to be as long as the Sonic part and not just a nice little extra,
I want the ps5 version, but I do not like the cutoff so close to the shoes. The Switch cover looks much better.
It's a bit off for me too. The way Classic and Modern Sonic are moved over to each side, it doesn't look natural for this artwork of Shadow in the middle.
It’s a perfect metaphor for how Shadow is being shoehorned into a fifteen year old anniversary game for the purposes of promoting a movie!
It's a bit off for me too. The way Classic and Modern Sonic are moved over to each side, it doesn't look natural for this artwork of Shadow in the middle.

... I'm really curious how they will handle the old release on Steam. I wouldn't be surprised if they become scummy and delist it or something.
Shadow has always been a disruptive figure. He moves for no man or hedgehog.
Wouldn't the equivalent be a remakester of Super Mario 64 DS, but they put Waluigi front and center.
Galaxy 2 or 3D Land felt like the closest equivalent to me, since they both released around roughly the same time as Sonic Generations (2010-2011). Out of the two, I feel like Galaxy 2 would be more likely to get a port/remaster/remakester, etc.

I just think it would be hilarious if Mario and Sonic directly competed in sales again for the third time this generation (Sonic Forces vs Super Mario Odyssey and Sonic Superstars vs Super Mario Bros. Wonder)
Galaxy 2 or 3D Land felt like the closest equivalent to me, since they both released around roughly the same time as Sonic Generations (2010-2011). Out of the two, I feel like Galaxy 2 would be more likely to get a port/remaster/remakester, etc.

I just think it would be hilarious if Mario and Sonic directly competed in sales again for the third time this generation (Sonic Forces vs Super Mario Odyssey and Sonic Superstars vs Super Mario Bros. Wonder)
I was just thinking about how to take an "iconic" box art with a multiple characters group shot that feels "perfect" and sausage in a soufflé it with someone who feels really out of place.
Wouldn't the equivalent be a remakester of Super Mario 64 DS, but they put Waluigi front and center.
Shadow is the second most popular character in the franchise after only the titular Sonic himself. It’s like putting Miles Morales on the box front and center.
Sonic Colors ran like trash afaik, and that was a Wii game
It was a Wii game that the porting studio ran through an AI upscaler to crank up the polygon counts of all the stage models and then didn't optimize the results. The PS4/XBO were able to brute force the game through sheer horsepower but the Switch understandably had a hard time running the unoptimized mess that resulted from that.

But the studio Sega contracted to do Colors also had a scandal hit when it turned out they were using code from an engine they weren't licensing or crediting for Colors, so i hope Sega won't be using them again for this one.

I've said it before that since Colors was "just a Wii game" they must've felt the need to pump up the graphical complexity, whereas with a game as pretty as Generations they might feel a straight port bumped up to 60fps would be sufficient, and the Switch should be able to run that fine. Fingers crossed.
It was a Wii game that the porting studio ran through an AI upscaler to crank up the polygon counts of all the stage models and then didn't optimize the results. The PS4/XBO were able to brute force the game through sheer horsepower but the Switch understandably had a hard time running the unoptimized mess that resulted from that.

But the studio Sega contracted to do Colors also had a scandal hit when it turned out they were using code from an engine they weren't licensing or crediting for Colors, so i hope Sega won't be using them again for this one.

I've said it before that since Colors was "just a Wii game" they must've felt the need to pump up the graphical complexity, whereas with a game as pretty as Generations they might feel a straight port bumped up to 60fps would be sufficient, and the Switch should be able to run that fine. Fingers crossed.

Oh yeah, I'm sure the Switch would have absolutely no problems running the game in a smooth 1080/60 if they wanted to make it happen, but it's a multiplatform release and there's bad precedent.
Wouldn't the equivalent be a remakester of Super Mario 64 DS, but they put Waluigi front and center.
Super Waluigi x Mario 64 DS

I didn't even notice that was Rail Canyon so that's cool (although I was hoping for Egg Fleet instead). I wonder how many new stages Shadow will get, and how different they will play from Modern Sonic stages?
So we still don’t know if the city stage is Radical Highway or Westopolis (or both…or neither??), do we? Rail Canyon can be identified by the design of the rails, at least.
It’s a perfect metaphor for how Shadow is being shoehorned into a fifteen year old anniversary game for the purposes of promoting a movie!


Well put!

So we still don’t know if the city stage is Radical Highway or Westopolis (or both…or neither??), do we? Rail Canyon can be identified by the design of the rails, at least.

I'm having a hard time determining this from the first trailer, though it's a 50/50 chance as both levels are super important "first levels" for Shadow. We'll probably know today when the new trailer drops.
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So we still don’t know if the city stage is Radical Highway or Westopolis (or both…or neither??), do we? Rail Canyon can be identified by the design of the rails, at least.
Hard to say, I wanna say Westopolis by the BG alone. I wonder if each game is represented by one stage again like SG or if they do multiple like Mania. If the former, I'd say Westopolis for sure since Final Rush's already in (unless thats the StH counterpart level??)

Sonic Colors ran like trash afaik, and that was a Wii game
TBF, that was because Blind Squirrel turbosmoothed every model/geometry in Sonic Colors Ultimate so needlessly. The wisps had way way way too many tris for what they needed. Someone's been working on a mod of the Steam version where they improve the visuals of the game and that includes toning down the amount of Tris everything has while keeping the looks the exact same. It was a horribly unoptimized port with absolutely no regard for hardware power.

That said, I expect SG to at least run at a good 30FPS with maybe no drops if handled well. 60FPS probably isn't out of the question but the former is my expectation for now.
I really hope this has DRS and unlocked frame rate on Switch so it benefits running on Switch 2
Hard to say, I wanna say Westopolis by the BG alone. I wonder if each game is represented by one stage again like SG or if they do multiple like Mania. If the former, I'd say Westopolis for sure since Final Rush's already in (unless thats the StH counterpart level??)
They’re both very important stages for Shadow, so you’d think both would be in…but then they may be too similar to each other to justify both being in, too…so I’m not sure what to expect! Given the choice between the two, though, I’d say Westopolis is probably more important to include, since it’s the only stage that you visit in every path in Shadow the Hedgehog.

As for the ARK stage, I do think it’s definitely Final Chase from Adventure 2, directly branching off from Final Rush in Sonic Generations. We see Hint Rings in the stage so it’s likely the first stage of the game, and that would make sense if Shadow’s story picks up from where we last saw him in Sonic Generations. After all, he’s never rescued from White Space like the others since he was a rival, and presumably this is where Black Doom steps in and does whatever he does to make Shadow relive his past.
Man, I hope Sean Schemmel comes back as Black Doom. His Doctor Claw ripoff delivery added a lot of unintentional charm.
Man, I hope Sean Schemmel comes back as Black Doom. His Doctor Claw ripoff delivery added a lot of unintentional charm.
I just realized I've never actually heard the official Black Doom, so whenever I see him I hear the SnapCube dub voice

it's meee
the devilll
I mean it's showing up at SGF is a couple hours, right? Why else would it be there if not to expand on something we don't know about? This is just me keeping the Chao garden copium alive.
I was already gonna get this given we're big Shadow fans in this house, but the return of the Chao garden would make me double dip easily.
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