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Reviews Rune Factory 5 | Review Thread


picross pundit
Metacritic (68)
OpenCritic (70)

RPG Fan (90%):
A game as jam-packed as Rune Factory 5 runs the risk of being overwhelming, but each facet works in tandem with the others so seamlessly that it blurs the lines between where one element ends and another begins. It spaces out the infinite gameplay loop of farming sims with simple but enjoyable dungeon crawling and tosses in an endearing cast of characters for good measure. Despite how full the game is, it’s likely you won’t be able to get enough of it, as its enrapturing nature always leads into something else for you to do. Once you’ve settled into Rune Factory 5, you’re in it for the long haul.

Video Chums (8.3/10):
Rune Factory 5 delivers an addictive mix of farming and dungeon crawling. Although it doesn't leave a great first impression, if you stick with it then you'll spend hours exploring memorable dungeons, befriending lively villagers, and growing your crops all year round.

Hardcore Gamer (4/5):
There’s a lot to love in the gameplay loop, characters and endearing story, and that’s what ties it together for anyone who can sit through the choppy framerate. For those who have been waiting for another entry in the series, Rune Factory 5 delivers more of what fans love in the brand new fantastic world of farming, taming and romance.

Hey Poor Player (4/5):
Obviously, I'm not completely satisfied with everything—the relationship mechanics are essentially a gamble, now, and we're straight-up chugga-chugga-choo-chooin' through certain loading zones, but there's a reason that I played 130 hours of this game. At the end of the day, Rune Factory 5 is a fresh and enjoyable new entry to the series, and I really think that fans will come to love it just as much as they have every other title.

Noisy Pixel (8/10):
Rune Factory 5 is a thrilling, addicting experience boasting countless events and mechanics that will hook you for hours on end. It excels at making players feel accomplished and satisfied with their feats while also providing recurring goals to pursue. Further, its likable, extensive cast aids in the pleasant friendliness of the simulation genre. The over-simplicity of its gameplay ideas and its deficient performance and graphical presentation can disenchant some players. However, if you manage to look past those factors, Rune Factory 5 is a standout Switch release.

NookGaming (8/10):
There is no wrong way to enjoy a Rune Factory game. That was true in 2006 and it especially holds true today. Endless discoveries make for an endlessly enjoyable take on the farm sim genre. Although it is a clumsier game than its predecessor due to technical issues, Rune Factory 5 upholds the ever-heartwarming and ever-rewarding legacy of the series.

Worth Playing (8/10):
Rune Factory 5 is about as safe and unambitious of a sequel as you can get. It feels and plays a lot like Rune Factory 4, with a different camera angle and new characters. It still contains all of the fun, addictive farming-and-fighting action that the franchise is known for. It's a solid and enjoyable game, and it absolutely scratches the Story of Seasons itch in a very satisfying way. But don't expect Rune Factory 5 to be anything more than a new Rune Factory game.

GGRecon (8/10):
There is a lot to do in Rune Factory 5, and players have the freedom to live out their ideal fantasy life at their own pace. Although there are a hefty amount of performance issues, Rune Factory 5 is still a charming experience that can be taken with you on the go, and is worth the wait for fans of the series. If you’re looking for a game to settle down with in the evenings, then Rune Factory 5 might be worth the investment.

NME (4/5):
Rune Factory 5 has many features that series veterans have come to love over the years and since each game is a self-contained story, newcomers are welcome to start here too. It’s an engaging, cosy sim game with meaty RPG hooks that players can tackle at their own pace. The transition to fully 3D hasn’t been without growing pains, though. The lag and bad framerate can be unbearable at times, and damage the experience.

The Mako Reactor (7.5/10):
Rune Factory 5 is an ambitious entry in the series that does many things well, but one that suffers thanks to a plethora of technical and structural issues. Despite it building on Rune Factory 4 in some nice ways, Rune Factory 4 Special remains one of the best games in a very long time while Rune Factory 5 feels like it needed more time to reach its full potential.

Gamersky (7.5/10, review in Chinese):
For non-series fans, it's like many classic retro series, and while it still retains its old style, it's a bit of a hit in this era.

Gamepur (7.5/10):
Fortunately, despite adding a great deal of customization, Rune Factory 5 keeps the simple joy of getting to know a community separate from you.

Spaziogames (7.4/10, review in Italian):
There was probably no need to fix something that was never broken in the first place, and so we think that Rune Factory 4 Special is still a better game, but nonetheless this fifth episode marks the beginning of a new era of games on Nintendo Switch. Let's just hope that the hard edges of the new graphical engine will be softened out soon.

IGN Italy (7.3/10, review in Italian):
Lacking in innovation and technical prowness, Rune Factory 5 compensates with a solid and faceted experience that could eat a good chunk of your spare time if you get entangled in its intricate web of different mechanics.

Nintendo Life (7/10):
Is Rune Factory 5 for you? Well, that depends. Do you like RPGs or farm sims? If you answered yes to either or both, then you’re sure to find something you’ll love in this release. Even so, it might be worth waiting for a modest sale before you take the plunge. The relaxing pace, RPG elements, and charming aesthetic make this a compelling experience, but issues with poor performance, disappointing visuals, and sometimes clunky gameplay hold Rune Factory 5 back from greatness. If 3D visuals aren’t a dealbreaker for you, we’d recommend you pick up Rune Factory 4 Special first, as it’s cheaper and oddly feels more modern in some respects. Despite flawed execution, we’d still give Rune Factory 5 a recommendation — if its precise and unique genre blend really clicks with you, you'll forgive many a flaw. Just know that it doesn’t truly excel in any area.

TheSixthAxis (7/10):
Rune Factory 5 takes a few missteps, for sure - the clunky framerate and a lifeless town being the biggest of them – but it's the kind of fantasy farming experience I've been clamouring for ever since the last game came out. The routine of tending your farm, clobbering some goblins, and giving your spouse a bunch of gifts is as addictive as ever. Even if this isn't the most polished entry in the series, it's absolutely a welcome return for the series that fans will eat up.

But Why Tho? (7/10):
Rune Factory 5 is a refreshing farming RPG that should really appeal to fans of the niche genre…It may not be a perfect or highly innovative game, but Rune Factory 5 is definitely worth the time spent playing.

INVEN (7/10, review in Korean):
'Rune Factory5' is a game where you can experience 'Fantasy Life'. It provides an environment where players can play combat and stories harmoniously while following the main story, and they can access and enjoy all the things in various ways.

RPG Site (7/10):
For all of its good and bad, Rune Factory 5 still manages to capture bits from the series that keep it enchanting. It’s rough around the edges in ways that are hard to ignore, but for those who can push through the occasional chugging, there’s a lot to love. Hakama’s latest vision for the series bodes well for future iterations, offering some much-needed change while remembering the pieces that make the series so beloved.

iMore (3.5/5):
Rune Factory fans will enjoy the game's switch to full 3D. However, it still has a lot of growing pains to get through.

GameSkinny (7/10):
Rune Factory 5 has one of the best casts and writing in the series, but a batch of performance and presentation issues spoil the crop.

RPGamer (3.5/5):
Rune Factory has always been a chill experience with some light action RPG elements to it, and that’s exactly what the newest title delivers.

Hobby Consolas (65/100, review in Spanish):
‎Rune Factory 5 can be a very lasting and deep entertainment if you overlook its insufficient graphics, made worse by very questionable artistic design decisions. Their country life may not be so idyllic, and the combat system is very basic in nondescript dungeons. It is not translated into Spanish.‎

IGN (6/10):
Rune Factory 5 is entertainingly chewable fodder thanks to the soil fertilized by its predecessors, but its attempted leap to a 3D world leaves it struggling with lots of frustrating technical issues.

Destructoid (6/10):
I do like Rune Factory 5. It has a great cast, a wealth of activities, and much of the farm sim experience I love. But every time I found myself smitten with the game, something would come along to point out just how underwhelming it is as a whole. For those who are already fans of the Rune Factory series, I imagine any complaints I’ve listed above might be easy to overlook. For everyone else, you may want to try your hand at a previous entry in the franchise to see if you even like Rune Factory’s combination of farming and fighting before giving this one a go.

Screen Rant (3/5):
Rune Factory 5 is a good fit for longtime fans of the Rune Factory series and could be a fun way for slice-of-life gamers to combine enjoyable combat with the relaxation of farming.

Twinfinite (3/5):
Long-time fans of the series might be disappointed, but it is at least check the same boxes that all of the other titles in this niche genre do. More casual players will probably just want to pass on this entirely, as the pros won’t outweigh the cons.

Eurogamer Italy (6/10, review in Italian):
Long time fans of the series will feel at home with Rune Factory 5. It’s a well developed farming sim with lot of things to do and some well crafted jrpg elements. An intriguing story will let you meet some interesting characters, and even marry one of them. The problem is that the game is marred by some nasty technical issues that in some sens ruin overall experience. Low frame-rates, hitches, lags and stuttering are very frequent and some textures are rendered at very low quality. If you love these kind of games maybe you can overlook these issues, but we feel the game lacks the polish we saw in the previous entries of the series.

Siliconera (5/10):
If you need a farming-and-fighting fix, Rune Factory 5 is an option. It just isn’t the best one out there. It’s living in the shadow of its far superior siblings.

Nintendo World Report (4.5/10):
The occasionally enjoyable combat cannot make up for the unreliable farming controls, repetitive music, poor performance, ugly visuals, and lifeless world. One or two of these shortcomings could have been forgiven if Rigbarth was a world worth soaking in, but it's simply not. The mountain of issues amounts to Rune Factory 5 being lesser than the sum of its faults and one of the year's biggest disappointments so far.
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Man, I was really hoping the performance would improve for the global release. Might end up skipping this one and wait for 4 Special on sale for a replay.
My copy arrives tomorrow. 50/50 if it goes straight to the backlog or not. Juggling too much right now and Kirby looms, but I’m curious to try it.
Nintendo Life (7/10):
Is Rune Factory 5 for you? Well, that depends. Do you like RPGs or farm sims? If you answered yes to either or both, then you’re sure to find something you’ll love in this release. Even so, it might be worth waiting for a modest sale before you take the plunge. The relaxing pace, RPG elements, and charming aesthetic make this a compelling experience, but issues with poor performance, disappointing visuals, and sometimes clunky gameplay hold Rune Factory 5 back from greatness. If 3D visuals aren’t a dealbreaker for you, we’d recommend you pick up Rune Factory 4 Special first, as it’s cheaper and oddly feels more modern in some respects. Despite flawed execution, we’d still give Rune Factory 5 a recommendation — if its precise and unique genre blend really clicks with you, you'll forgive many a flaw. Just know that it doesn’t truly excel in any area.
I'm really disappointed in the performance issues. This game shouldn't be that taxing on the Switch. I really don't know if I want to buy it now or just go with 4 Special until this gets patched (if ever).
Switchup gave it 87%, while they mentioned the performance issues in their opinion they weren't major.
Yikes! They dropped the ball here.

Is a shame since RF is one of my favorite franchises but eh, there are many other games to get already (I might as well buy Atelier Sophie 2 instead).
It’s really sad that there are performance issues still, since a big part of the appeal of RF for me is how seamless it played. Looks like I’ll be waiting for a sale on this one.

Honestly I would not mind if RF went back to top-down perspective, just give us HD graphics, add polygons to the models, bam we’re golden.

EDIT: Found a nice overview video review of the game here.

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I was looking forward to this, but maybe I should just buy RF4 for now, hmm...
Worth Playing (8/10):
Rune Factory 5 is about as safe and unambitious of a sequel as you can get. It feels and plays a lot like Rune Factory 4, with a different camera angle and new characters. It still contains all of the fun, addictive farming-and-fighting action that the franchise is known for. It's a solid and enjoyable game, and it absolutely scratches the Story of Seasons itch in a very satisfying way. But don't expect Rune Factory 5 to be anything more than a new Rune Factory game.

GGRecon (8/10):
There is a lot to do in Rune Factory 5, and players have the freedom to live out their ideal fantasy life at their own pace. Although there are a hefty amount of performance issues, Rune Factory 5 is still a charming experience that can be taken with you on the go, and is worth the wait for fans of the series. If you’re looking for a game to settle down with in the evenings, then Rune Factory 5 might be worth the investment.

NME (4/5):
Rune Factory 5 has many features that series veterans have come to love over the years and since each game is a self-contained story, newcomers are welcome to start here too. It’s an engaging, cosy sim game with meaty RPG hooks that players can tackle at their own pace. The transition to fully 3D hasn’t been without growing pains, though. The lag and bad framerate can be unbearable at times, and damage the experience.

IGN Italy (7.3/10, review in Italian):
Lacking in innovation and technical prowness, Rune Factory 5 compensates with a solid and faceted experience that could eat a good chunk of your spare time if you get entangled in its intricate web of different mechanics.

GameSkinny (7/10):
Rune Factory 5 has one of the best casts and writing in the series, but a batch of performance and presentation issues spoil the crop.

RPGamer (3.5/5):
Rune Factory has always been a chill experience with some light action RPG elements to it, and that’s exactly what the newest title delivers.

Hobby Consolas (65/100, review in Spanish):
‎Rune Factory 5 can be a very lasting and deep entertainment if you overlook its insufficient graphics, made worse by very questionable artistic design decisions. Their country life may not be so idyllic, and the combat system is very basic in nondescript dungeons. It is not translated into Spanish.‎

Eurogamer Italy (6/10, review in Italian):
Long time fans of the series will feel at home with Rune Factory 5. It’s a well developed farming sim with lot of things to do and some well crafted jrpg elements. An intriguing story will let you meet some interesting characters, and even marry one of them. The problem is that the game is marred by some nasty technical issues that in some sens ruin overall experience. Low frame-rates, hitches, lags and stuttering are very frequent and some textures are rendered at very low quality. If you love these kind of games maybe you can overlook these issues, but we feel the game lacks the polish we saw in the previous entries of the series.

Nintendo World Report (4.5/10):
The occasionally enjoyable combat cannot make up for the unreliable farming controls, repetitive music, poor performance, ugly visuals, and lifeless world. One or two of these shortcomings could have been forgiven if Rigbarth was a world worth soaking in, but it's simply not. The mountain of issues amounts to Rune Factory 5 being lesser than the sum of its faults and one of the year's biggest disappointments so far.
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I played about an hour today and it was the most dreadful first hour I’ve played in a game in a long time. Like, not even interested in playing anymore bad.

Probably gonna send it back, I have the membership card at GameStop you can exchange a game within a week
Such a disappointment :(
Gonna have to wait for a new Story of Seasons, I guess.
I played about an hour today and it was the most dreadful first hour I’ve played in a game in a long time. Like, not even interested in playing anymore bad.

Probably gonna send it back, I have the membership card at GameStop you can exchange a game within a week
yikes 😔
Despite the reviews, this is my favourite game so far in 2022, its just a really fun game with a very addicting gameplay loop just like Rune Factory 4 in my personal opinion.
Despite the reviews, this is my favourite game so far in 2022, its just a really fun game with a very addicting gameplay loop just like Rune Factory 4 in my personal opinion.

Alright man I’m gonna give it a little more time but it’s gotta turn it around pretty quick
So, this thing seems to be selling pretty well on the eShop (Better than it should probably). Hopefully the developers will eventually release a Rune Factory 5 Special that fixes most of the issues.
Rune Factory always had a pretty sizable fanbase on the DS and 3DS so it makes sense that it would transfer over to the Switch. I agree that hopefully RF6 will be better optimized in the future.
No ST for this? It probably won't be too fancy but I can hack one together if there is a demand for it.

FWIW I am enjoying the game so far. Played about 25 hours. It's far from perfect but quite fun all the same. Gameplay loop is still great, and I really like most of the characters.
No ST for this? It probably won't be too fancy but I can hack one together if there is a demand for it.

FWIW I am enjoying the game so far. Played about 25 hours. It's far from perfect but quite fun all the same. Gameplay loop is still great, and I really like most of the characters.
I'd appreciate it too, having a lot of fun with the game.
No ST for this? It probably won't be too fancy but I can hack one together if there is a demand for it.

FWIW I am enjoying the game so far. Played about 25 hours. It's far from perfect but quite fun all the same. Gameplay loop is still great, and I really like most of the characters.
I got some unexpected cash and I think I'll buy this game now, despite what I've heard about performance issues. I do want to support the franchise. So yeah, I'd love an ST for RF5!
Performance isn't ideal, but I haven't felt like it interferes with gameplay at all. Aside from the first few seconds after you go outside/teleport somewhere, it's mostly ignorable. At the very least, I never feel like it makes the combat, farming, or mini-games worse. Well, the controls themselves can be iffy at times and make you miss stuff or have to watch long attack animations because you pressed A one too many times, but that kind of jank is still not too bad. The game itself is very fun, and I keep finding myself staying up too late because I keep wanting to get in one more day.
So, this thing seems to be selling pretty well on the eShop (Better than it should probably). Hopefully the developers will eventually release a Rune Factory 5 Special that fixes most of the issues.
I forgot 4 Special even existed; I am unsure weather to check out that or 5 now that that reviews seem to be middling
All for the ST as well! Would be a novel experience to get to interact with other Rune Factory fans around the launch window of a new entry after so long.

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