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Discussion Rant thread 1 1/2 weeks after being hit by drunk driver.


Piranha Plant
I apologize for the awkward title is here and if this isn’t the right place to post this, but I just needed to rant and tell into the void a little bit here.

On New Years Eve my partner decided to go get some snacks from the store so we could have a nice night in with the two of us, watching some movies. This was around 5:30 p.m., my partner said “why don’t we just go now to avoid being out when people are drunk.” Sounds like a good plan, right?

Well, with our luck we were out on one of the many streets in my city. Before I have any chance to react outside of a “What the fuck,” a red truck swerves from the other lane, sideswipes the car in front of me and then continues on, hitting me head on.

The next several hours were a blur for me as I got knocked around in my seat pretty good, but my partner and I were both taken to the hospital right away. The accident happened right in front of a row of houses and I vaguely remembered both of us being helped out of the car by them.

Well, 1 1/2 weeks later I’m frustrated, annoyed, sore and in pain, and very angry. I came away relatively okay in the grand scheme of things, multiple lacerations and bruising and pains in places I didn’t even know I had, but I will heal for the most part. My partner fared much worse than I did. She spend a week in the hospital, having multiple surgeries to repair tears in organs and her back is fracture in 2 places. She is as okay as she can be in the situation, but she can hardly walk, staples in her stomach, and confined to a back brace for 3 months that may still end with her needing another surgery. She can’t work which is going to putting a strain on us and means I had to go back to work earlier than I physically felt I was able to.

All that being said, it doesn’t end there. The person who hit us was missing his right hand, missing fingers on his left hand, and was DRUNK on top of that. This 60 year old man got behind a vehicle that he had no business driving, in an impaired state without any care for the other people around him, and has changed our lives forever.

I’m scared to get behind a vehicle again. My mom took me back and forth from the hospital and I was nervous as hell to even be in the back seat. Every time I close my eyes I hear the crunching of my car and how lucky we are to be alive, my partner feels the same way. She feels helpless as she is going to be homebound for 3 months. I feel helpless as I have to rely on others for rides to work, all the while being nervous as hell to even step in the car.

For the final icing on the cake, we are going to sue the guy for all the usual stuff, medical and future medical related to the accident, pain and suffering, all that jazz.

I’m going after the guys insurance separately to pay for my car, but unsurprisingly his insurance is dragging their feet and trying to find ways to push the blame on to me even though the driver that hit us was arrested for a DWI that night.

I’m so tired, Fami. So tired of being jerked around by things that are out of my control, tired of the parasites at insurance agencies that always try to pass off the blame, and tired of the shitheads of the world who care so little about other people that one thing they do can ruin lives.

I apologize for the rant and horrible formatting, I’m on mobile and I’m not great at making threads anyway but just felt like a lot of this stuff was bottled up from the past 2 weeks and just needing to get it off my chest. Thanks for reading.
I am really sorry for what you guys have gone and are going through. It’s going to be tough, but at least you’re alive.

The idea that getting drunk is “fun” and “cool” has always been a plague of our society. And to this day it shocks me how people can be so irresponsible as to try and drive while under the influence.
The idea that getting drunk is “fun” and “cool” has always been a plague of our society. And to this day it shocks me how people can be so irresponsible as to try and drive while under the influence.

I think drinking can be a fun thing to do socially, I don’t agree at all with drunk driving though.

But to OP, sorry to hear that, really sucks how the awful actions of 1 person can have consequences for people who were doing nothing wrong. Hope you both get better soon.
I’m so sorry OP, that sounds like a nightmare. I’m glad to hear you and your partner are okay. I hope you can fleece this shitstain for everything he’s worth.
Jesus Christ that sounds horrible. What a traumatic experience. I'm sorry to hear that and I'm glad to hear you're suing the fuck out of him. Go easy on yourselves—you deserve a good year after all this.
I'm so sorry you are going through this friend. You can share what's going on with us, it's ok, life can be so tough sometimes and unjust. I hope you and your partner have a smooth recovery and can get return back to regular life. Please stay strong.
I think drinking can be a fun thing to do socially, I don’t agree at all with drunk driving though.
Yeah drinking is fine, it’s getting super drunk that I have issues with. Everything in moderation and all that.

Drunk driving though, definitely an asshole move to do.
I appreciate all the well wishes. It has just been an emotionally and physically draining couple of weeks and my partner and I basically only talk to each other so I felt screaming a bit into the void would be cathartic.

No new news on my front, still fighting with his insurance for them to reimburse me but I’m about done with getting the run around from them and debating whether I should just have my attorney include them in the suit, but who knows.

I found out some gross information about the driver that makes me feel all the more…Righteous, I suppose? About going after him for all the pain he has caused us.

I appreciate you all being receptive and letting me get it off my chest, it did take some of the weight off that I didn’t realize was taking me to a dark place.
Sending you and your partner happy healing vibezzz <3 ✨

I guess the good news is that at least the drunk asshole had insurance. Your insurance should be the ones going after him and his insurance, not you. But I know insurance companies can feel less than helpful sometimes.

You definitely should talk to either your insurance company or your attorney about including the other drivers insurer in the suit; they likely have more assets than the driver.
Very sorry to hear, OP. I am glad that you guys are okay, though. Fuck drunk drivers.
Sending you and your partner happy healing vibezzz <3 ✨

I guess the good news is that at least the drunk asshole had insurance. Your insurance should be the ones going after him and his insurance, not you. But I know insurance companies can feel less than helpful sometimes.

You definitely should talk to either your insurance company or your attorney about including the other drivers insurer in the suit; they likely have more assets than the driver.
I appreciate it!

My insurance is going after him, I might not have been very clear about that, but I’ve been constantly in contact with my insurance and they’re just dragging things out so I started to call against his insurance myself just to do…Something. But so far, it’s still just them beating around the bush and no concrete answers for me.

And yes, my attorney basically told me that I should go after his insurance myself/through my insurance company so I can at least get my car taken of and have a new vehicle in a, well, reasonable isn’t the right word but a “timeframe” nonetheless. My attorney is the ones who are then separately going after his insurance for medical bills, wages and all that stuff but unfortunately they don’t want to actually sue him I guess until my girlfriend is out of the back brace and has a plan of action for future medical appointments to keep her us as much money as possible.

It’s definitely going to be a long road but I hope to get there sooner rather than later.
First of all, I am sorry to hear what happened to you and your partner. That sucks so much and I hope you both make a full recovery.

As for that nervousness in the car, that will pass soon enough. I was extremely nervous being i a car for a few months after my first accident.
Every sharp turn made me tense up and be extremely alert.

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