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PlayStation PlayStation State of Play announced for October 27 at 2:00 PM PT/10:00 PM BST (20 minutes, focused on third party content)

This was generally a waste of time. One of the worst State of Plays in a while.

Yay for Star Ocean I guess…
I’ll try the KOF beta too…
Admittedly not really a show for me but Star Oceon looked alright! Better than the last few entries and kind of xenoblade chronicles x-ish. I'll probably grab that.
I'll bet my house it doesn't come in 2022.
That's VERY confident of you. I don't know, difficult to judge from this trailer. And they have more than a year, and covid delays might already be taken into account. But we'll see.
Terribly SOP, but I don't understand why people are upset, this was completely expected considering Sony's event last month.

Anyway, Star Ocean looks cool. Never played one, but I'm definitely going to give it a shot.
Star Ocean 6 is the Xenoblade X fangame of my dreams. It looks jank as hell and I will love it for that.

Terrible SoP otherwise.
Seems like people really didn't like this?
That's funny, I thought it was their best show of the year haha. Most of the time I feel like these Sony things are kinda slogfests just waiting for something interesting to show up but I thought a large majority of the games shown looked fun and like something I'd want to play.
At this point I'm firmly on the ''Enough freaking Star Ocean where's my goddamn Valkyrie Profile goddamnit!'' camp. Where's my Hrist game tri-Ace??

Still will play it tho.
I don't want to make a bad statement but seriously, it was horrible.

Bad selection of indie games being promoted, there are indies on the way with much better looking.

Star Ocean 6 is a good announcement, but yish it looked rough, like Arceus first trailer level.
The last few Star Ocean games have been so bad...really confused why they keep getting made, especially since Resonance of Fate and Valkyrie Profile are both far, far superior. Tri Ace should have made another one of those, SO5 sucked, I hated it.

The SoP was really lacklustre and there's far more exciting Indies coming out than the ones they did show and the ones shown didn't have a good showing at all either. Sony marketing in general for the past couple of years has really done nothing for me.
This is like if Nintendo announced a direct and just showed an indie world with the direct branding, but even worse

Sony has got to step it up with these, I really don’t think they get what makes directs successful
It was fine. But I gotta’ be honest - PlayStation in general is completely uninteresting these days. Nintendo and Xbox are far more exciting at the moment imo.
If this State of Play was called, State of Play - Indie Showcase, that one would have been better view from the public.
It would still be disappointing to me. The issue isn’t that they showed indie games. The problem is they showed nothing compelling.
Sony really need to differentiate the regular showcases and the indie ones from one another. Because this structure really does not do either of the two any favours.
They do, the State of Play are the minor shows and the big ones are "PlayStation Showcase"
Guys, I'm gonna say it.

Get ready.

That State of Play was some PEWP!
They do, the State of Play are the minor shows and the big ones are "PlayStation Showcase"
That’s unfortunate then, since most years will probably only feature one PS Showcase. Nintendo has three major Directs every year, full of big announcements + three Indie Worlds per year, usually with plenty of interesting reveals as well. Most State of Plays fall completely flat.
remember this?

Yet again a State of Play makes me thankful Nintendo has their shit together with presentations lol

It really feels like Sony just presses shuffle and takes the top X games of whatever comes out without any rhyme or reason to pacing or impact lol
That’s unfortunate then, since most years will probably only feature one PS Showcase. Nintendo has three major Directs every year, full of big announcements + three Indie Worlds per year, usually with plenty of interesting reveals as well. Most State of Plays fall completely flat.
Nintendo also has Nindies and Partner Showcase. Feels like State of Play don't have a clear identity at this point.
That’s unfortunate then, since most years will probably only feature one PS Showcase. Nintendo has three major Directs every year, full of big announcements + three Indie Worlds per year, usually with plenty of interesting reveals as well. Most State of Plays fall completely flat.
Yeah it’s just weird marketing all around. State of Plays sometimes DO have big reveals (I’m pretty sure the resurgence of FF7R was in one), and are pretty clearly made to be Sony’s “answer” to Directs, but then they’ll turn around and brand their best showcases as a “Playstation showcase” instead of a State of Play.

Feels like they don’t have any good idea of what they want SOP to be. The way they present them is as if they were directs, but the content itself most of the time….
Nintendo also has Nindies and Partner Showcase. Feels like State of Play don't have a clear identity at this point.
I mentioned Indie Worlds, yeah. I don’t think Partner Showcases are coming back though. Those seemed to be a 2020 thing, as Covid disrupted Nintendo’s software pipeline and weren’t comfortable announcing games until they were finished.
not their fault. SE looks like at Star Ocean with disdain.

like a bastard step-child it feeds just enough scraps to keep CPS away
I know that SE gave them a dollar and change to make Integrity and Faithlessness, that's not my point though (I wasn't blaming them). What I meant to say is that they went from a actually pretty impressive engine showcase for the time to the game we ended up getting. They really did deserved better than what SE gives them.
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There are videos in the Playstation thread.
I'll give it a looksie then. Thanks!

EDIT: Gave a glance over the trailers. Considering what it was, it's fine. Like it's obvious Sony almost entirely focuses on their big PS presentations and little else so expectations shouldn't be high here. There were one or two decent things and that's alright
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I'm excited for Little Devil Inside but I worry it's casting a large net but we'll see
It was fine. But I gotta’ be honest - PlayStation in general is completely uninteresting these days. Nintendo and Xbox are far more exciting at the moment imo.

...I have no idea how anyone can come to this conclusion in 2021. The Playstation brand has never been stronger - certainly the general gaming public disagree completely with the above.
...I have no idea how anyone can come to this conclusion in 2021. The Playstation brand has never been stronger - certainly the general gaming public disagree completely with the above.
He's came to that conclusion because it is his own personal opinion as noted in the "imo" at the end of his post.
State of Plays feel a lot like those trailers you get before your movie starts that everyone just plays on their phone during to pass the time until the movie actually starts. It just isn't how you keep your audience's attention. Like compare it to an Indie World at the bare minimum. The indie trailers are kept to a tightly edited 30 sec teaser just to give your brain something to latch on and all the dev interview sections are a primer for the reason they made the game. Then, the hosts give a strong sales pitch to lead into the release date. State of Play have the hosts do a weak transition and then player a trailer that seems fully controlled by the game's publisher that leads to a mismatch in pacing and several moments when the trailers simply are bad and most trailers go fortoo long.
...I have no idea how anyone can come to this conclusion in 2021. The Playstation brand has never been stronger - certainly the general gaming public disagree completely with the above.
I'm not talking about the general gaming public. This opinion is completely my own (hence the "imo") and it's coming from someone who owns a PS5 and a bunch of games for it. It's a great system and there are lots of great games coming, but I don't find most of SIE's upcoming output all that compelling. Doesn't mean I still won't buy a ton of software and enjoy the console.

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