News NightDive has gotten a hold of the first 2 DOOM games, porting them to KEX (free update if you bought the previous version, SNES remaster also coming)


not just the first two games either, it's a collection of basically every official WAD ever made. plus some new content.
  • DOOM
  • TNT: Evilution
  • The Plutonia Experiment
  • Master Levels for DOOM II
  • No Rest for the Living
  • Sigil (the map pack developed by John Romero several years after the original release)
  • Legacy of Rust (a new episode created in collaboration by id Software, Nightdive Studios and MachineGames)
  • A new Deathmatch map pack featuring 25 maps
in terms of features it adds from the previous 2019 remaster.....
  • Online, cross-platform deathmatch and cooperative play for up to 16 players.
  • Community-published mod support (PC) with an in-game mod browser.
  • Choose between the original midi DOOM and DOOM II soundtracks or the modern IDKFA versions by Andrew Hulshult (including brand-new DOOM II recordings).
  • Improved performance with multithreaded rendering supporting up to 4K resolution and 120 frames per second on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
  • BOOM source compatibility makes it possible for hundreds of community-created mods from the past 25 years to be published in-game.
  • Accessibility options, such as a modern font to improve legibility, high contrast mode, text-to-speech, speech-to-text multiplayer chat, and more.
  • Translated into eight new languages: Mexican Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
  • the "DOOM Vault", containing concept art from DOOM + DOOM II’s development, early versions of monsters, weapons, items, props, FX, HUD + Menus and textures left on the cutting room floor.

as for the SNES version, that's getting a new cartridge release with various enhancements.
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it also notably features the involvement of the person who programmed the original port, Randy Linden.
Oh as a person who collects snes games....this...this is very dangerous to me haha. I am curious how improved the snes game is. What if it has....gasp......a title screen now!!!
Shoutouts to the Switch version for having keyboard and mouse support, wanted to try the new episode but realized I didn't have Doom on Steam, but getting Doom 1/2 years ago came in clutch!
...the new episode is definitely pushing Boom compatibility to it's limit though, the game hitches when playing the new stuff sometimes, but playing through a bit of Doom II with the new remixes is flawless!
Can confirm the bundle is free even if you just owned one of the two unity versions

Do you still need to have a Bethesda account in order to access officially sanctioned mods and all that?
I don't know personally, cause I bit the bullet on that a long time ago, but I do know that many of the ones counted as add-ons in the original Switch release (TNT: Evilution, Plutonia, Master Levels, Sigil 1 and 2, and No Rest For The Living) are no longer considered add-ons and can be played without that.

EDIT: oops, sorry, Sigil 2 is counted as a mod, I was confused cause id referred to it as 18 levels, which would be the length of both put together.
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Can confirm the bundle is free even if you just owned one of the two unity versions

Man, this is such an anal/inconsequential thing to care about, but when I eventually played this through the rest of this series I wanted all the games’ key art displayed in all their glory. Can’t buy Doom II now, not that I’d want to with this rerelease.

My brain dislikes the thought of having the original Doom 1993 port and this new Doom 1+2 together - can’t have Doom 1 repeated…but Doom 1993 and 2016’s full key art side-by-side looked so peak.

My life is so hard /s
So at the risk of sounding dumb what exactly is different from this release than the previous release? Same game but runs differently? More mods and a death match mode?
Seems like non-Switch platforms have access to more mods than the Switch version, probably due to some Nintendo nonsense
So at the risk of sounding dumb what exactly is different from this release than the previous release? Same game but runs differently? More mods and a death match mode?
From skimming a couple articles and poking around the menus, the most obvious stuff is
  • online cross-platform Deathmatch with up to 16 players
  • new soundtrack (you can use the original MIDI tracks or new rerecorded versions)
  • seemingly better optimized
  • in the "old" versions, the extra campaigns were add-ons you had to download through a menu, and it looks like here they're just included from the get-go; there's also a new campaign made by id, Nightdive, and Machine Games
  • some added accessibility/QOL options (for example, you can use a cleaner modern font for the menus over the retro blocky/pixely one)
From skimming a couple articles and poking around the menus, the most obvious stuff is
  • online cross-platform Deathmatch with up to 16 players
  • new soundtrack (you can use the original MIDI tracks or new rerecorded versions)
  • seemingly better optimized
  • in the "old" versions, the extra campaigns were add-ons you had to download through a menu, and it looks like here they're just included from the get-go; there's also a new campaign made by id, Nightdive, and Machine Games
  • some added accessibility/QOL options (for example, you can use a cleaner modern font for the menus over the retro blocky/pixely one)
To add onto this:
  • co-op can be played online (and cross-platform) instead of only splitscreen
  • an extensive museum detailing cut content from Doom 1 and 2
  • resolution options (for those who like Doom looking crunchy, like me!)
  • much more extensive control rebinding
  • is now Boom compatible, meaning a much wider variety of mods will be playable (Boom is a limit removing port that added some new features and became the standard for a lot of Doom mappers)
  • can also choose for the soundtrack to play via FM instead for that extra crunchy sound, or have actual midi playback on Switch, which are separate options from the "original" choice which are recordings of Doom music being played through the intended sound hardware, the SC-55
How much this matters to you may vary, but this all goes a long way to making this a much more definitive release, especially for such a legendary open source game that will have community support until the end of time.
Oh as a person who collects snes games....this...this is very dangerous to me haha. I am curious how improved the snes game is. What if it has....gasp......a title screen now!!!

Based on a DF interview with Randy Linden himself from a few years ago, I’d hazard performance might nearly double due to better optimization. So there’s that.
This is a fantastic package! The remixed soundtrack is awesome.

Doom is legitimately one of the very best video games ever made. It’s timeless and this new release is a great way to experience it. I love it.
Especially because according to LRG, they're making a better Super FX chip for this too
I just saw this as well. Everything about sounds pretty neat. I have the original on the snes and boy, while it is fun to look back on, it is not a way to play Doom haha. will for sure keep an eye on this release. The new controller that they have also sounds interesting, though knowing everything, its probably going to come with much more expensive package of the game.
Played a bit of the new episodes and oh my god they are incredible. MachineGames and Nightdive have knocked it out of the park with Quake episode, but Quake had an issue with very limited enemies, while Legacy of Rust adds new enemies, weapons, and music, and feels like a whole new experience.
Especially because according to LRG, they're making a better Super FX chip for this too

It would also mean a larger ROM cartridge with additional levels included as back then, the largest was a mere 2MB, and Doom itself used the second most expensive Cartridge that was available at the time.

Wonder if this Super FX is just a souped up Super FX, or instead a FPGA built in to replicate the chip, and have it run faster, say something like 30mhz compared to the SFX2 chip was clocked at 21.4mhz. It’s already been shown through Homebrew that an over locked SFX2 will run Doom faster.

This is exciting stuff. And because MVG works for LRG, we might see a video about this soon.
Got the initial Switch release but it didn't click with me. I adore Quake Remastered though, so perhaps the new episode will be my thing! It's a free upgrade anyways.
Seems like non-Switch platforms have access to more mods than the Switch version, probably due to some Nintendo nonsense
Yeah, the Switch version doesn't have access to community wads, only the curated ones. Shame.

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You had my interest, now you have my attention. Are the weapons and enemies new new or just reskins?
It's not Earth-shattering stuff, new enemies are clearly based on old ones: a couple of new Lost Souls, a new soldier variant, a new mini-boss (from what I've seen so far), but their behavior or weaponry requires different approach. New weapons take place of plasma rifle and BFG, and the BFG in particular feels completely new, while the more basic one is a plasma rifle with new skin and a twist to how it works.
Yeah, the Switch version doesn't have access to community wads, only the curated ones. Shame.

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Miyamoto confirmed Thatcherite???
Gave Knee-Deep in the Dead (Episode I of Doom) a quick playthrough. This is a great version of the game, even better than the 2019 Unity version (after it received a few updates), and it's pleasing to see both Doom games available together (rather than separately; which was strange, in hindsight).

I'll have to give the controls a tweak to make them match how I set them up in the previous versions before I jump back in with that great looking new episode, Legacy of Rust; Call of the Machine (by MachineGames) in the Quake II remaster was excellent (weak final boss aside), so I have high expectations here.
Just played "Thatcher's Techbase" and it's insane. I even managed to found the secret exit (thank god I saved before getting to it because I don't want to redo 30% of the entire level !).

In the main level :
896 enemies to shoot (in Ultra Violence).
35 secrets zones.

This is madness and I love it. Also, the soundtrack is a banger.
Blegh. Legacy of Rust is mostly the style of level design I don't really enjoy (i.e., Doom II's); you enter a tight, small~ish room, hit a button, turn around, kill a huge amount of enemies, rinse and repeat. Perhaps I shall try again on a slightly lower difficulty level.
Bethesda is finally moderating the mods section, but in the worst way possible.
Thatcher's Techbase, the amazing and quite insane mod that let's you kill the Cyber-Demon Thatcher has been removed from the Mod support in Doom & Doom 2 Enhanced release, because it features, take this, "Real world politics".

Someone please don't tell them about Wolfenstein.

Thatcher's Techbase, the amazing and quite insane mod that let's you kill the Cyber-Demon Thatcher has been removed from the Mod support in Doom & Doom 2 Enhanced release, because it features, take this, "Real world politics".

Someone please don't tell them about Wolfenstein.

So I guess people can't use the Wolfenstein enemies from Doom 2's secret levels in maps?

Ah well, at least there seems to be some moderation now.
Thatcher's Techbase, the amazing and quite insane mod that let's you kill the Cyber-Demon Thatcher has been removed from the Mod support in Doom & Doom 2 Enhanced release, because it features, take this, "Real world politics".

Someone please don't tell them about Wolfenstein.

fuck offffffffff
in case it wasn't obvious from how recently it was made, the mod was uploaded to by it's original creator.

it doesn't seem they're doing a single thing about attribution (that is, mods not being uploaded by their original authors) and are instead laser-focusing on a historically significant mod that was played by an actual member of UK Parliament.

someone also reminded me that John Romero himself made a map intended to protest Russia's invasion of Ukraine, lord knows how Bethesda would respond if he ever decided to upload that.
first patch, includes support for ultrawide displays and 3D audio
  • Added 21:9 resolution graphics for DOOM, DOOM II, The Plutonia Experiment and TNT: Evilution
  • Left turn, right turn and strafe keys added to keyboard bindings, allowing playing with old-school keyboard-only tank controls
  • Added 3D sound option in Sound Menu, allowing more than two speaker setups to be used – this allows individual sound effect levels to be taken into account compared to the original DOOM sound system
  • Cheats can now be activated from the pause menu. Entering the original game’s cheat codes will unlock them for future use. You can also unlock all cheats from the Gameplay Settings menu
patch notes
what da heck is KEX
Night Dive's internal engine they use for remasters, the code dates back to around 2008 as part of an unofficial recreation of DOOM 64.

the developer of that, Samuel Villarreal. was hired by Night Dive and eventually created an official remaster of the game. and they've been cleaning up ID's other titles since then.
patch notes

Night Dive's internal engine they use for remasters, the code dates back to around 2008 as part of an unofficial recreation of DOOM 64.

the developer of that, Samuel Villarreal. was hired by Night Dive and eventually created an official remaster of the game. and they've been cleaning up ID's other titles since then.
Perhaps worth noting that, according to the DoomWiki Samuel's online handle was Kaiser, hence why KEX probably stands for Kaiser EX (the unofficial recreation was named DOOM 64 EX). Seems NightDive really has a penchant for picking up community members and devs from old 90s games, I remember the founders of NightDive being ex-System Shock artists? (Probably a big part why the System Shock Remake ended up so goooood.)

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