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Discussion Middle school vs High school, which was more "ow the edge"?

Which age group reeks more of "edgy"?

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Teens and Preteens are both known for being moody, pretentious, and having raging hormones. But between Middle school (11 to 14) and High School (14 to 18), which age range would you consider the most "edgy". That is, the superficial version of "Edgy" where you reject anything fun in favor of trying to look as badass or "cool" as you can.

To me, Middle School was the epitome of "I'm 2 edgy 4 U" syndrome. Every middle schooler falls into one of two categories, either they follow the same stupid popular trend, or they get obsessed with niche or underground fandoms to try and prove how "unique" and "alternative" they are. High schoolers can be like this too, but I feel preteens tend to be more obnoxious about it.

Middle Schoolers are more likely to shun media, activities, and products they grew up with as kids in favor of gravitating towards what they perceive as "cool" or "adult". High Schoolers are more like young adults, in that, they couldn't care less about what other people think, and will partake in whatever activity or consume whatever media they find enjoyable. Teens in high school still will gravitate towards edgy or adult fare, but I feel high schoolers generally tend to be a bit more embracing of their childish tendencies than middle schoolers, who in comparison, seem to actively try to hide them at every turn. In other words, Middle schoolers will watch Squid Game and drink Monster while denying that they still kind-of seceretly watch Disney Channel shows and drink Capri-Sun. High Schoolers are more likely to do both shamelessly.

I know High School is stereotyped as the cringey "it's not a phase mom" period. But HS for me at least, was a pretty chill, if also pretty boring and useless 4 years of my life. MS by contrast, was peak adolescent "try-hard"-ness.
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Middle School was edgier, but it was also better and more memorable as a result of that. High school was just four years of chilled out teenagers, half of whom smoked a lot of weed, but as a result of that I have far fewer memories of kids doing stupid and funny things.

Also personally I never went through a phase where I was too cool for children's media. If anything the closest thing to that is now, in my late 20s, because my mom and I share online shopping accounts for discounts so I have to deal with her silently judging me for buying a bunch of Pokemon games if/when I want to do that.
Wow, yall. Maybe I just grew up in a different generation or something, but for me middle school was where kids were mostly chill and high school was when all the "You can't like that kiddie shit, you * insert epithet here *, you have to be like THIS now" garbage hit full force. All the judgement, all the bullying, all the peer pressure, all the walking on eggshells because literally saying anything could get someone shouting at you, was my high school days. Hell, even some of my teachers in high school would single out and insult kids and say racist/sexual shit at their expense to get laughs out of the class, the sort of things we'd now associate with twitter and 4chan edgelords.

Is it because I went to high school in the late 90s/early 2000s? Have things changed? 😅
Both and neither. Like 7th and 8th graders def tried to edge up the 6th graders. Same for say the 10th graders for the 9th graders in HS.

That being said Seniors tended to not care as much. They were just happy to be seniors and by Xmas break they were ready to just get out of HS. To a certain extent 8th graders were the same in that they were just ready for HS.
Middle school was awful, a fucking opressive social pyramid where, if you werent one of the “popular” kids, you got ragged on fucking relentlessly, and then those kids ragged on those who they felt were beneath them. We were all so fucking mean to eachother, i want to find anyone i ever made fun and apologize profusiouly. Highschool was different, everyone stopped caring about their social ranking, and were content with the group of friends we had. Even kids who spat a lot of venom to each other were okay in highschool. I think we all stopped trying to impress everyone
Wow, yall. Maybe I just grew up in a different generation or something, but for me middle school was where kids were mostly chill and high school was when all the "You can't like that kiddie shit, you * insert epithet here *, you have to be like THIS now" garbage hit full force. All the judgement, all the bullying, all the peer pressure, all the walking on eggshells because literally saying anything could get someone shouting at you, was my high school days. Hell, even some of my teachers in high school would single out and insult kids and say racist/sexual shit at their expense to get laughs out of the class, the sort of things we'd now associate with twitter and 4chan edgelords.

Is it because I went to high school in the late 90s/early 2000s? Have things changed? 😅
This was vaguely my experience as well unless I was just clueless/sleepwalking through middle school
I was bullied pretty relentlessly in middle school, so it was more prudent to try to fit in by rejecting "childish" things. I didn't do a very good job, though. One thing I remember doing that still makes me cringe a bit was when we were asked to share our favorite movie, I said a horror film that hadn't even come out yet.

High school was much more "chill." I know there was a resurgence of Pokémania, likely because of HGSS.
School between 13-14/15 (Middle school equivalent) was just horrible. I grew up in a rich tourist town and there were also a lot of kids from foreigners who were there as seasoned workers. Problem was (and still is), while there are a lot of differences in culture, language and wealth, unfortunately many want to stay for themselves (native people of the town / people who moved there from other parts of the country / each foreign country community). The school did a very bad job to work this out. So a lot of segregation happened at school and it felt like every group is in constant war with each other. It was exhausting. I was very shy and usually didn‘t participate in of this but got bullied a lot as the "awkward kid"

I didn‘t went to high school in that sense and did an apprenticeship (3 days work / 2 days school a week for four years) which is pretty normal where I life. School was cool, work very very bad.
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Middle school for me, I skipped out on watching Avatar:TLAB and OG SpongeBob because I thought it was for babies. If I could go back, I'd punch myself in face.
Early high and middle school tbh. Both sucked and college is 100 times better and more chill.
None for me for the most part. I was the type of person that didn’t belong to any particular group and generally got along with everyone?

Well mostly true. I did most of high school in South America and culture is very different there. Classes are smaller in general and everybody went to the same parties and while there were group of close friends who hung out during lunch or each other’s houses on our own, it was very common for everyone to be at least on friendly terms 80 percent of the time, so when there was a party, everyone was invited and went and everyone talked to each other.

Now when I would be with my mom in the states for part of middle school and high school… oh boy. Culture sure is different in the U.S. Lots of segmented people, bullying, edge nonsense, clicks, etc.

So my middle school in the states was awful. I did only one year of high school in the U.S. but it didn’t count because it was 9th grade and I was in a private school that only went up to 9th grade.

In in South America in high school, we’d go out to a pub or club and it was common to see people in your class randomly and just why the hell not, hang out.

I think it’s because the drinking age is 18 and 16 if someone that is 18 is with you, beer brought us all together lol

I did most of university in the US and that was awesome. Such a difference. Like once that happens, no one gives a shit if your nerdy or whatever you’re into.
I also find it pretty ironic that most of the popular "High School" based media (Riverdale, Gossip Girl, Teen movies, YA novels, etc.) are actually more popular with middle schoolers than actual high schoolers.

I remember in either junior/senior year, we were assigned The Fault in Our Stars for summer reading, and after watching the film adaptation when school started again that Fall, one of my classmates in art class mentioned how it was more for 11-13 year olds than us (we were 16-19 at the time). We all knew it was true, lol.

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