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Discussion Let's argue what games are included in the hypothetical GameBoy Classic edition.


Remember when Nintendo released the NES Classic to fill the holiday line up before the release of the Switch in March?
Let's hypothetically guess that they will do the same thing this year with the Game Boy Classic. What is the line up?

Rule 1: Only original GameBoy games. No GameBoy Color games.

Rule 2: 30 games in total are included

I think the following are undoubtedly in, right?
Super Mario Land
Super Mario Land 2
Link's Awakening
Donkey Kong '94
Pokémon Red/Blue
Wario Land
Kirby's Dream Land
Metroid 2

I don't think the will include any sequels apart from Mario Land, so only one Kirby's Dream and Wario Land. I also don't think that they would add the Donkey Kong Land games. As impressive they were back then everyone considers them subpar today, plus they're more like SNES games.

The rest have a high chance of being there imo:
Gargoyle's Quest
Final Fantasy Legend
Mole Mania
Mario's Picross
Mega Man V
Operation C
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge (or the first one)

Maybe a different MM but V is I think the most popular one on GB.

Next we have the second tier of possible games:
Kirby's Star Stacker
Wario Blast
Kirby's Pinball Land
Kid Icarus

Nintendo loves their Kirby spinoffs as we saw with the SNES Classic.

Next are some more first party games with a smaller chances:
Wave Race
Dr. Mario (lower chance due to lack of colors)
Yoshi's Cookies
Yoshi (the puzzle/stacker one)

Then some high probable ones, but due to licensing they may be missing:
TMNT: Fall of the Foot Clan
Battletoads (idk of this is owned by MS)

Then of course The Frog For Whom the Bell Tolls is a given in the Japanese line up.

So what did I miss? What game would you argue for that it should be included?
The Gameboy Pocket came in Red, Green and Yellow. Guess which games will be on each of it.

I would hope for Kirby's Dream Land 2 as 1 was just way too short.
Ducktales MUST be in the bundle!
Kirby's Pinball or Revenge of the 'Gator are also set.

Here in Europe Kwirk was also quite popular.
I don't share the "no Pokemon"-sentiment. They love selling old Pokemon games again. If they'd be really evil, they could pull a Sega and release a Gameboy Classic Mini Red and Blue Version. Each only having the corresponding Pokemon version.

Apart from that, I second your "they gotta put this for sure"-list :LOL:
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Remember when Nintendo released the NES Classic to fill the holiday line up before the release of the Switch in March?
Let's hypothetically guess that they will do the same thing this year with the Game Boy Classic. What is the line up?

Rule 1: Only original GameBoy games. No GameBoy Color games.

Rule 2: 30 games in total are included

I think the following are undoubtedly in, right?
Super Mario Land
Super Mario Land 2
Link's Awakening
Donkey Kong '94
Pokémon Red/Blue
Wario Land
Kirby's Dream Land
Metroid 2

I don't think the will include any sequels apart from Mario Land, so only one Kirby's Dream and Wario Land. I also don't think that they would add the Donkey Kong Land games. As impressive they were back then everyone considers them subpar today, plus they're more like SNES games.

The rest have a high chance of being there imo:
Gargoyle's Quest
Final Fantasy Legend
Mole Mania
Mario's Picross
Mega Man V
Operation C
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge (or the first one)

Maybe a different MM but V is I think the most popular one on GB.

Next we have the second tier of possible games:
Kirby's Star Stacker
Wario Blast
Kirby's Pinball Land
Kid Icarus

Nintendo loves their Kirby spinoffs as we saw with the SNES Classic.

Next are some more first party games with a smaller chances:
Wave Race
Dr. Mario (lower chance due to lack of colors)
Yoshi's Cookies
Yoshi (the puzzle/stacker one)

Then some high probable ones, but due to licensing they may be missing:
TMNT: Fall of the Foot Clan
Battle toads (idk of this is owned by MS)

Then of course The Frog For Whom the Bell Tolls is a given in the Japanese line up.

So what did I miss? What game would you argue for that it should be included?
I think Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters has a higher chance than third party games. The original Metroid 2: Samus Returns does too.

I suspect they’d lean towards the earlier GB games rather than some of the later ones, but anything that has already appeared on the Switch or 3DS VC feels like a candidate, particularly third party titles re. licensing. So many GB (and NES) licensed games are likely in an absolute hell of ‘who owns the rights to a game tied to a film and farmed out by a marketing agency that no longer exists to a software company that no longer exists when the original licensing contract for tie-in toys made by a handful of people on a shoestring budget likely doesn’t either’.
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I don't think the GB classic is happening just because of BOM
They will likely reuse the same SoC in the SNES/NES classic, which is cheap enough and they don't need to include a separate controller but adding a screen and battery would increase the BOM and unles they plan on selling these closer to $90~ at retail, they wouldn't make nearly enough back to justify it. It's more profitable to just get more subs for NSO and they don't have to deal with retailer margins and manufacturing costs.

I have no doubt they do have something like the GB Classic ready to go for a rainy day, like the NES/SNES classic was really intended to fill the gap the Wii U left behind when they cancelled production back in 2015 and needed something to fill retailer shelf space.
I would love for this to happen and them to include a translated version of Frog. More people need to play that game, it's an absolute classic. Original GB is so underrated these days
No Pokémon in the initial release.

A year later, Game Boy Mini Red and Game Boy Mini Blue, one Pokémon each

Everyone spends a few years saying "Game Boy Mini Gold and Silver this year for sure!" And it never happens

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