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Discussion Just Completed Princess Peach Showtime and...


My god, the framerate. The framerate dives, HARD. Especially on loading screens where it seems to dip into single digits, to the point it seems like one of those 3D Mark testing programs and you have an underwhelming PC.

Even after completing each level and there's this animation of a thread of light that gets broken, and it dips hard again.

Everything else remains alright regarding framerate (could be higher, but it's not unplayable). In fact I'm relieved that the framerate is pretty playable where it counts. 👍

I usually associate Nintendo games with quality, but it's like they just didn't care. Perhaps it was made with a Switch 2 version in mind that could handle the loading screens?

But you could easily have cheated the loading screens with still images of Peach in various costumes, and I'm sure with optimisations you could get the rest running fine. I just don't understand why Nintendo released it in the state it was compared to most of their other titles.

I get it, Nintendo aren't perfect when it comes to maintaining smooth frame rates, I found Link's Awakening fine, I found Hyrule Warriors fine. But for some reason Princess Peach Showtime is the first time my wife and I just sat together dumbfounded by the lack of care this game got.

Despite the criticism. I love the game, I cannot wait for Peach in the Next Smash Bros with all her alternative costumes and moves. I love that we got a a Princess Peach game, and hope they make more. But I just think a thread is warranted to discuss what went on for Nintendo's QA to approve this?
It’s actually a huge improvement over the frame rate for Goodfeel’s other big 3D switch game, so maybe that was enough to satisfy Nintendo.
As you point out, the framerate mostly suffers in moments when the player isn't controlling anything. So, I think Nintendo's question was "we have issues in the least impactful areas of the game that will take X effort to improve—is the improvement to the player experience and any potential revenue gain equal to or greater than X?" and they concluded no. I agree that making the loading screens static would be an easy fix and is therefore an odd thing to not do. This definitely isn't the first game where I've noticed choppy loading bars, but it was particularly noticeable here. I wonder if another, less ideal solution would have been to make the loading times longer.

I found the performance issues puzzling but not very bothersome. I expect Nintendo saw reactions like mine (or even milder ones) and concluded it was fine. I also think the target audience was more focused on children than it is for most Nintendo games, and I don't know that most children care about things like framerates, especially during loading screens and cutscenes. (See: an entire generation of kids raised on N64.)

With all the talk of "games that will run better on Switch 2," maybe we have a good game to test with Princess Peach.
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I noticed the poor framerate during the loading screens while watching somewhat stream. is that what you're referring to?
Gameplay seems fine.
I mean ever since GoodFeel switched to unreal 4 their games performance on Switch has been shoddy whether it's the image quality (Yoshi) or the performance (Princess Peach).

By comparison Pikmin 4 seemed to be a much better use of the engine.

Hopefully new hardware will help smooth out any future games issues in that regards.
Yeah, i was actually surprised by how bad the performance was in some areas, especially for what looked like such a small, controlled game scenario. There usually isn't ever much stuff in the screen simultaneously, maybe particles, but not much else. Not bad or underwhelming in quality, just lacking in that sense.
Yeah it’s the worst performing Switch game I’ve played - and the load times are reminiscent of PS1.

Still - it’s pretty fun to play and my little kids love watching it. My wife even plays it and she’s not into games. It’s like a Nintendo promo video come to life in our house.
I'm not saying it isn't an issue, but performance buckles on any loading screen with animations... because it's a loading screen.

Now the loading times? Atrocious. PS1-era bad.
As any Zelda fan can tell you, you aren't going to get this. Her moveset is largely locked in to what you're stuck with from the GameCube game and that's that
I wanted to "Yahaha!" this, but I choose to believe otherwise

Smash 6 is where it will change

We'll get Sheik instead of Impa, we'll get a Zelda based on Echoes of Wisdom (or Age of Calamity), we'll get either Pig Ganon or Demon King Ganondorf

And we'll get Peach with mode switching. She'll be the game's foremost swordie, among other things
I can’t say I really noticed any frame rate issues outside of the loading screen. Now that is absolutely terrible and I don’t understand how that was deemed acceptable for a Nintendo game.

Like, the loading screen is something you’re gonna be seeing a lot of throughout the game, so you think they’d at least try to make it, y’know…not terrible?? And if fixing the frame rate during the loading screen just wasn’t possible for whatever reason, they really should have just left it as a black screen rather than do the whole curtain thing with it.

I just don’t understand how this happens. Sonic Superstars has a similarly terrible loading screen that wouldn’t be nearly as bad if it weren’t for the fancy animation they insist on using for the loading screens that only makes the frame rate issue much worse and more noticeable! How is that worth keeping when it’s just dragging the player experience down?
Yeah it’s the worst performing Switch game I’ve played - and the load times are reminiscent of PS1.

Still - it’s pretty fun to play and my little kids love watching it. My wife even plays it and she’s not into games. It’s like a Nintendo promo video come to life in our house.
My daughter is loving it too, it seems a smart way to introduce new players to various game genres.

Obviously, she doesn’t notice any technical issue 🤣
I mean this game, Link's Awakening and Hyrule Warriors aren't internal Nintendo games so I'm not sure why you would associate them with "Nintendo Quality". Yoshi crafted world and Link's Awakening have definitely showed me pretty early to not expect the same quality as Odyssey, Smash, Splatoon, Arms, MK, Wonder, etc... from Nintendo partners studios.

PS: I didn't name the 2 3d Zeldas bcuz those having technical issues is understandable.
Quoted by: Tye
I mean this game, Link's Awakening and Hyrule Warriors aren't internal Nintendo games so I'm not sure why you would associate them with "Nintendo Quality". Yoshi crafted world and Link's Awakening have definitely showed me pretty early to not expect the same quality as Odyssey, Smash, Splatoon, Arms, MK, Wonder, etc... from Nintendo partners studios.

PS: I didn't name the 2 3d Zeldas bcuz those having technical issues is understandable.
Hyrule Warriors isn’t fully Nintendo-published (it’s a Koei Tecmo game where it matters most—in Japan), Link’s Awakening’s issues are hugely overblown (as are Hyrule Warriors’, I’d argue, though the Warriors game feel certainly isn’t as polished as is generally the case with Nintendo games), and Yoshi’s Crafted World was totally fine, too. So is Princess Peach: Showtime! overall, but the stuttering on its loading screens is so out of place for a Nintendo game and way more noticeable to the average person than anything else in the other games you listed. That’s where it starts to feel like a cheap, unpolished third-party game (even if it’s just the loading screen in this case), and even Nintendo’s other externally developed games don’t get that bad. Sure, they don’t all feel exactly on par with Nintendo’s internal efforts, but they’re generally still highly polished regardless. But the loading screen in PPS is one of the most blatantly unpolished things I’ve ever seen in a Nintendo game—it’s on par with Sonic Superstars in that regard.
I know the loading screens in Metroid Dread tank the framerate because they're switching to the Switch's CPU boost mode, which downclocks the GPU down to a measly 76.8 MHz (1/10th of regular docked speed) in order to clock the CPU up at 1785 MHz (up from the standard operating 1020 MHz). I imagine Princess Peach Showtime is doing the same.

The problem with letting the GPU stay clocked at regular speeds is that the long load times will get even longer if the CPU can't stretch its legs. In these cases, more "polished" loading screens either mean far simpler ones where a low framerate looks fine, or longer loading times.
Stuttering during loading screens it kind of a nitpicky thing to complain about. Sure, it's not ideal, but it's also very harmless. Fixing it is probably going to be very low on most developer's priority list.

Also depending on what's causing it, there's a non-zero risk that fixing it means longer load times.
Quoted by: Tye
Stuttering during loading screens it kind of a nitpicky thing to complain about. Sure, it's not ideal, but it's also very harmless. Fixing it is probably going to be very low on most developer's priority list.

Also depending on what's causing it, there's a non-zero risk that fixing it means longer load times.
Sure, it doesn’t impact gameplay, but it’s something you see all the time so it certainly leaves an impression, and not a good one. It’s just uncharacteristically unpolished for a Nintendo game. I just don’t understand why Good Feel decided to keep the curtain loading screen despite it looking absolutely awful instead of just making a more simple loading screen in which stuttering wouldn’t be an issue.

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