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Discussion It’s kind of sad that Resident Evil and Monster Hunter are killing it while Capcom’s new IPs seem to badly struggle.

Taking risks is taking risks, of they were guaranteed wins they wouldn't be risks, that doesn't mean tisks aren't worth taking. They're fortunate they can afford to attempt these new IPs, it's ultimately on them to form something that excites people.

Pragmata is a really weird one, it's probably known more for its kinda awkward delay apology announcements than a concept people are looking forward to. It'll happen when it happens, unless it's actually Deep Down.
Deep Down :(
My buddy and I have been playing Exoprimal recently as our “turn off brain and chat” game and it’s actually been a shocking amount of fun!! I’m really sad that game didn’t catch on.
I consider myself a Capcom fan and I had no idea before entering this thread what Path of the Godess is.

I see that Maximilian even played this game two weeks ago and I'm subscribed to him lmao, I still missed that.

Looks cool.
Steam and most other online stores will list games by best seller and you can infer the preorder numbers by comparing placement in that chart relative to other games.

Amazon and Walmart also just show the preorder numbers for games (just for their own site, of course) with physical releases.

Path of the Goddess is not getting a physical release so we can't use Walmart or Amazon figures (though not getting a physical release is a pretty bad sign), but it ranks pretty lowly on Steam etc.
That seems like an extremely flawed method, given the fact it provides no actual numbers of any kind.
I think some of their other big games and IPs are more niche than people want to admit (things like DMC) or projects made to unwisely chase trends (Exoprimal).

Dragon's Dogma is a good franchise but I personally think it was a mistake to make a simple by the numbers follow up for its revival. I can see Dragon's Dogma being a massive franchise if they lean into more MMO like design or go very hard into a Baldur's Gate / Dragon Age level of narrative freedom.
DMCV did 8 million, it's not niche by any metric.
Yes it was obviously botted judging from the obvious disinterest of the franchise in Japan versus the rest of the world.

Meanwhile, Capcom is putting more interest in seeing if people want more Sengoku Basara products in their surveys versus Dino Crisis. That should give you an idea.
A series having more interest outside of Japan than in it is not a sign of botting, especially Resident Evil has also always been more popular overseas as well
Exoprimal didn't look good from the marketing material and Path of the Goddess feels too niche. I didn't even know it was a Capcom game until the other day.

But very weird doom thread, they're doing more than fine.
A lot of third party threads turn into doomposting nowadays, assuming they didn't start that way
I think the obvious reason is that Resident Evil and Monster Hunter are getting games that look awesome and are critically acclaimed at release, while their new IPs look bad or confusing, review as such, and then no one cares. 🤷‍♂️

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