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Discussion It’s kind of sad that Resident Evil and Monster Hunter are killing it while Capcom’s new IPs seem to badly struggle.

Exoprimal was a huge bomb for Capcom last year and Path of the Goddess has extremely bad preorder numbers, with Capcom trying to sell it at a budget price to get any attention. Pragmata has disappeared as well and I wonder if that’s partially because Capcom needs to just feed the RE and MonHun machines above everything else.

Note that I really like Resident Evil, just feel a little bad for Capcom putting out two interesting new IPs and not really seeming to get any success out of that. Wonder if it will make the company even more RE and MonHun focused.
I love MH (well, the Ichinose ones, at least), so I’m happy they’re as successful as they are. But yeah, it’s a bit sad to see Capcom largely fail at cultivating much outside of these two behemoths.
I mean at least they're trying, not every game can be a hit. I don't think removing people from the RE/MH teams would suddenly make these lower budget games much better or appealing for large audiences.
The way I see it is that RE and MH can soar, such that others can coast along.

Moreover, two of the games you name have been or are going to be available through gamepass on day one.
So I imagine that's partly dampers any misfortune in terms of sale.

Exoprimal is also a MP title, so I hope that Kuni can have a more focused SP (cult) following to support it.
I have yet to try the demo (thankfully they released one), but my impression so far based on previews and gameplay footage has bern optimistic.

But I understand the concern, hope capcom keeps investing into these new ideas, because they are on fire with pumping out so many games.

No comment on Pragmata.
I mean Street fighter has been doing pretty good, Megaman and Ace Attorney have been getting a steady stream of awesome remasters/ports, and the latter is getting a new game eventually (AA7 was on the Nvidia leak)
I mean Street fighter has been doing pretty good, Megaman and Ace Attorney have been getting a steady stream of awesome remasters/ports, and the latter is getting a new game eventually (AA7 was on the Nvidia leak)
If I remember correctly AA7 is not on the Nvidia leak but 2020 Capcom Leak and the target release date was 2022.
Capcom is struggling hard right now. Resident Evil plays like a creaky old GameCube game and Monster Hunter looks like a PS3 release. Do not even get me started on Street Fighter 6.
Capcom shows what Nintendo would become if it went 3rd party. Still earning good money from some mega franchises, but whenever they release a 'Pikmin or Metroid' - like smaller title, it's a shocking failure and nobody cares about it.

*edited for clarity.
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Do we have any reports from Capcom explicitly stating that Exoprimal didn't meet expectations or is this a vibes based discussion

Vibes, I'd say

July 2023;

"Given that this game is an all-new IP, the situation is not without its challenges," Capcom told investors. "However, we view the fact that the game has amassed over 1 million players to be positive."

"Going forward, we will continue to release content for the game while monitoring player behavior with an eye toward expanding sales."

The sentinement is positive in terms of directions they want to go with also;

Aug 2023;

Can't really find a recent comment from Capcom, but I've seen the game on sale quite often and there's an playerbase.

The next Season will hopefully be announced for some content updates. I should take a dive again, it's been a while 🤔

Capcom shows what Nintendo would become if it went 3rd party. Still earning good money from some mega franchises, but whenever they release a Pikmin or a Metroid it will be a shocking failure and nobody cares about it.

Why do you think those two are failures?
Capcom shows what Nintendo would become if it went 3rd party. Still earning good money from some mega franchises, but whenever they release a Pikmin or a Metroid it will be a shocking failure and nobody cares about it.
Disagree lol.

Pikmin is a more full fledged title from Nintendo's biggest contributor Miyamoto. It wasn't a side project.

Kunitsu gami is more like... Project Hammer...

Nintendo definitely has projects that are one-offs that never see the light of day OR aren't successful enough to continue.

Chibi Robo......... Project Steam...... Project Hammer....

And honestly the following are basically that as well.

F Zero. Starfox. Like pretty much.

And again Starfox only comes back when Miyamoto wanted it to. Not because of sales.

EDIT: Oh you are saying that they ARE that way. Gotcha.
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Capcom shows what Nintendo would become if it went 3rd party. Still earning good money from some mega franchises, but whenever they release a Pikmin or a Metroid it will be a shocking failure and nobody cares about it.
Metroid Dread sold 3 million and Nintendo considers it as a success. This is a terrible analogy.
I think Sakamoto probably still would have gotten away with making Metroid titles. Super Metroid was still a big deal.

This is all hypothetical though. Pikmin is also decently successful.

What are we even comparing? We don't even know the sales of Kunitsu Gami yet. Nor the budget. It's clearly a smaller budget title.
I think Capcom is doing fine, by their website they listed 8 of their IPs as main ones:

  • Resident Evil: between spin-offs, mainline games and remakes it almost an annual IP.
  • Monster Hunter: Both Rise and World were breakout success all over the world. Plus they have release Stories 2 as turn based RPG spin-off (now re-release original Stories).
  • Devil May Cry: Last mainline entry was a good success, I guess we will see a 6th game in the mid future as DD2 was recently finished but also would love to see a full remake of first game.
  • Dragons Dogma: Just got its second game after a whole decade.
  • Megaman: Little by little they have released their previous games (original, X, Zero/ZX, Battle Network, only sub-series left are Legends and Star Force) we got a new mainline game a few years ago. I know that people are expecting a new game or something like X9 in the near future.
  • Dead Rising: Despite people thinking it was a dead IP, they are planning a 1:1 remake of the original game that is releasing en just 2 months! This bodes very well.
  • Ace Attorney: Little by little they have re-releasing all DS/3DS games including GAA and AAI spin-offs. Its inevitable that we will get a new game soon.
  • Street Fighter: Last year they released a new entry that got massive critics success. In addition, they release all their 90's arcade games through 30th Anniversary Collection.
Exoprimal was a huge bomb for Capcom last year and Path of the Goddess has extremely bad preorder numbers, with Capcom trying to sell it at a budget price to get any attention. Pragmata has disappeared as well and I wonder if that’s partially because Capcom needs to just feed the RE and MonHun machines above everything else.

Note that I really like Resident Evil, just feel a little bad for Capcom putting out two interesting new IPs and not really seeming to get any success out of that. Wonder if it will make the company even more RE and MonHun focused.
Where do you even get preorder numbers? I see you yapping about bad preorder numbers constantly, but never once have you provided an actual source
Capcom isn't seeing Nintendo in software sales or IP portfolio, so why even make that comparison?
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They have a decent variety of games, but yes it’s not easy for them to be successful with new ip made recently. But that makes sense. It’s difficult for most new ip in general. And the ones they’ve made… don’t look as good as their old faithfuls so it is what it is.
There’s a huge drop-off after Monster Hunter in terms of sales these days from 15m (Rise) and 20m (World), plus their expansion sales at an extra 7.5m (Rise: Sunbreak) and 12.5m (World: Iceborne) copies apiece. Resident Evil VIII clocked up 10m and Devil May Cry 5 with 8m, so I’d say framing it as ‘two big IP’ then a number of smaller ones doesn’t quite tell the story of Capcom’s IP range. Still RE sells a ton of games and is hugely recognisable across multimedia, and notches up a ton of sales over time. Whereas MH has an unbelievably loyal and dedicated fanbase that show up on day 1 to hunt as it’s a co-op game and they want to hunt together, then it gets a further boost when the G-rank expansion is released.

They weren't failures because Nintendo is a platform holder. If Metroid or Pikmin were Capcom IP they would either not be made or sell significantly less.
This comparison doesn’t work. Metroid Dread sold considerably more than Megaman X (or any other Megaman game) ever did and the latter is a beloved, legendary game that turns up alongside Super Metroid in any 16-bit list, back when sidescrollers ruled the day. Capcom still knock out Megaman titles every now and then.
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I don't doubt that Kunitsu Gami will sell poorly but this reads like bad bait. The Kunitsu Gami team is the same team as Shinsekai into the depths, it was always going to be a smaller release at a budget price. Exoprimal was probably a flop but considering it's still getting new content a year in it couldn't have flopped that bad. Exoprimal also seems like a title that could have been used to create new techniques in the RE engine for games like Dead Rising or Dino Crisis. I don't necessarily think it's bad to experiment and make underperformers as long as they're interesting and don't ruin a company.

Anyways I think people overexaggerate Capcom's inability to cultivate their IP outside of MH / RE but they do need to do better.
I am glad Capcom is finding success with their golden children and are investing in new IP. For me is that I dont find the new IP interesting enough and I dont like RE games, so at least I am getting some of their back catalog so its not that bad I guess.
pretty sure the only way to rectify this is to actually put effort into megaman
It's not that people don't want new IP... It's that we need a redemption for megaman,

Until this happens a CURSE is upon all new IP capcom makes.
Megaman X
Megaman Legends
Exoprimal was GaaS slop that was unappealing from the first reveal when what people really wanted was a new Dino Crisis. And it's far too soon to say Path of the Goddess is a flop. New IP can be hard to turn into a success but Capcom is in a pretty great position right now since Dragon's Dogma II seems to be doing well and Street Fighter 6 was a success for them last year. I'm sure several third parties wish they were in the position Capcom is right now.
🌃 I honestly dunno if people are willing to try new games in new series right now unless they're very very cheap due to the cost of living crisis and all that. Like even personally as an enthusiast, I find I have to be choosey with what games I get and unless I'm 90% sure I want it, or can get it for less than 30 AUD (~17 USD) I'm unlikely to get it.
Video games are a luxury and unless wages go up to make the past few year's inflation less bad or rents and groceries go down, I don't see people taking a lot of chances
Exoprimal was GaaS slop that was unappealing from the first reveal when what people really wanted was a new Dino Crisis. And it's far too soon to say Path of the Goddess is a flop. New IP can be hard to turn into a success but Capcom is in a pretty great position right now since Dragon's Dogma II seems to be doing well and Street Fighter 6 was a success for them last year. I'm sure several third parties wish they were in the position Capcom is right now.
Do people really want a new Dino Crisis or is this another layer in this vibes discussion
I totally forgot about Path of the Goddess, but that's my type of game. I'll buy it on steam today. If think the switch2 can help those releases as well. Capcom and Nintendo users overlap quite a bit. (empiric info based on my friends haha).
There’s a huge drop-off after Monster Hunter in terms of sales these days from 15m (Rise) and 20m (World), plus their expansion sales at an extra 7.5m (Rise: Sunbreak) and 12.5m (World: Iceborne) copies apiece. Resident Evil VIII clocked up 10m and Devil May Cry 5 with 8m, so I’d say framing it as ‘two big IP’ then a number of smaller ones doesn’t quite tell the story of Capcom’s IP range. Still RE sells a ton of games and is hugely recognisable across multimedia, and notches up a ton of sales over time. Whereas MH has an unbelievably loyal and dedicated fanbase that show up on day 1 to hunt as it’s a co-op game and they want to hunt together, then it gets a further boost when the G-rank expansion is released.

This comparison doesn’t work. Metroid Dread sold considerably more than Megaman X (or any other Megaman game) ever did and the latter is a beloved, legendary game that turns up alongside Super Metroid in any 16-bit list, back when sidescrollers ruled the day. Capcom still knock out Megaman titles every now and then.

There have been five AAA Resident Evil games released in the last 7.5 years with another three in development. There has been one DMC game in the last 11 years (only 1 in the last 16 years if we ignore the Ninja Theory title) and none appear to be in development with Itsuno hinting about making a new IP next.

RE’s ability to be a nearly annual release and still sell 10m copies with each entry makes it a very valuable franchise. Right there with Monster Hunter even though each game sells a lot less.
Path of the Goddess is a tricky IP to sell. It's going to need to review really well to have a chance.

Dragons Dogma seems to have done well for them though, so the IP library is growing.
Capcom is struggling hard right now. Resident Evil plays like a creaky old GameCube game and Monster Hunter looks like a PS3 release. Do not even get me started on Street Fighter 6.
If you mean financially, Capcom is arguably doing the best they have in the last 10 years. If you're talking about quality, that's subjective. But the overall public sentiment around Capcom is far better now then it was in the early 2010s.
I miss Capcoms AA content but it's hard to argue with how well RE and MH does - they're really really good at what they do.

Do we have any reports from Capcom explicitly stating that Exoprimal didn't meet expectations or is this a vibes based discussion

It's a pretty safe assumption to make at this point sadly, I thought it was quite cool in concept.

It has yet to reach a million units sold as of march 31
It has a concurrent playerbase on Steam of sub 50 players and a yearly peak from january of 600 ish.
It has not been in the top 50 most played on Xbox since forever despite being on gamepass since launch

We do know it reached 1million players after a couple weeks, so there was at least quite a bit of players that tried it initially (it me) but they have made zero announcements of players since. Now we cant know for sure, but absolutely nothing points towards Exoprimal doing even decent at this point.

I wouldnt be surprised if they release the current roadmap of content and then stop support it.
Where do you even get preorder numbers? I see you yapping about bad preorder numbers constantly, but never once have you provided an actual source

Steam and most other online stores will list games by best seller and you can infer the preorder numbers by comparing placement in that chart relative to other games.

Amazon and Walmart also just show the preorder numbers for games (just for their own site, of course) with physical releases.

Path of the Goddess is not getting a physical release so we can't use Walmart or Amazon figures (though not getting a physical release is a pretty bad sign), but it ranks pretty lowly on Steam etc.
I miss Capcoms AA content but it's hard to argue with how well RE and MH does - they're really really good at what they do.

It's a pretty safe assumption to make at this point sadly, I thought it was quite cool in concept.

It has yet to reach a million units sold as of march 31
It has a concurrent playerbase on Steam of sub 50 players and a yearly peak from january of 600 ish.
It has not been in the top 50 most played on Xbox since forever despite being on gamepass since launch

We do know it reached 1million players after a couple weeks, so there was at least quite a bit of players that tried it initially (it me) but they have made zero announcements of players since. Now we cant know for sure, but absolutely nothing points towards Exoprimal doing even decent at this point.

I wouldnt be surprised if they release the current roadmap of content and then stop support it.

I am not asking for assumptions. Capcom provides hard numbers for their games sales milestones and even then, we have next to no idea as to what their expectations were for this project in relation to their other projects.

It's totally fine to just say 'we don't know'. If it bombs, oh well, but rather have a hard confirmation on it not meeting expectations rather than going off of vibes
New IPs are risky, even Nintendo's attempts at a new IP during their most successful era were mostly underwhelming.

The difference is that Capcom is kind of ignoring their other stablished franchises aside from ports and remasters. They should be 50% MH and RE, 40% other existing IPs and 10% new IPs.
I think some of their other big games and IPs are more niche than people want to admit (things like DMC) or projects made to unwisely chase trends (Exoprimal).

Dragon's Dogma is a good franchise but I personally think it was a mistake to make a simple by the numbers follow up for its revival. I can see Dragon's Dogma being a massive franchise if they lean into more MMO like design or go very hard into a Baldur's Gate / Dragon Age level of narrative freedom.
Taking risks is taking risks, of they were guaranteed wins they wouldn't be risks, that doesn't mean tisks aren't worth taking. They're fortunate they can afford to attempt these new IPs, it's ultimately on them to form something that excites people.

Pragmata is a really weird one, it's probably known more for its kinda awkward delay apology announcements than a concept people are looking forward to. It'll happen when it happens, unless it's actually Deep Down.
There have been five AAA Resident Evil games released in the last 7.5 years with another three in development. There has been one DMC game in the last 11 years (only 1 in the last 16 years if we ignore the Ninja Theory title) and none appear to be in development with Itsuno hinting about making a new IP next.

RE’s ability to be a nearly annual release and still sell 10m copies with each entry makes it a very valuable franchise. Right there with Monster Hunter even though each game sells a lot less.
Yeah fair point, I’d forgotten just how many RE games get released
I think some of their other big games and IPs are more niche than people want to admit (things like DMC) or projects made to unwisely chase trends (Exoprimal).

Dragon's Dogma is a good franchise but I personally think it was a mistake to make a simple by the numbers follow up for its revival. I can see Dragon's Dogma being a massive franchise if they lean into more MMO like design or go very hard into a Baldur's Gate / Dragon Age level of narrative freedom.
DMC5 sold 8.1 million copies, even if a lot of those were on sale. It's not like MH or RE level for Capcom but it's not all that niche either. King of it's genre quite easily.
New IPs are risky, even Nintendo's attempts at a new IP during their most successful era were mostly underwhelming.

The difference is that Capcom is kind of ignoring their other stablished franchises aside from ports and remasters. They should be 50% MH and RE, 40% other existing IPs and 10% new IPs.
Capcom is already close to that if you look at the past few years

2021 (4 games):
Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter Stories 2
Ghost N' Goblins Ressurrections
Resident Evil Village

2022 (3 games):
Shadows of Rose

2023 (3 games):
Resident Evil 4
Street Fighter 6

2024 (3 games):
Dragon's Dogma 2
Kunitsu Gami
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster (this is basically a remake which is a big part of Capcom's business so i'm counting it)

Now granted, this doesn't include stuff like TGAAC or Ace Attorney Investigations 2 which had to have a ton of work done to them with localization on top of the remastering process and it also includes expansions so it's actually favoring RE and MH right off the bat

MH + RE 53%
Existing IPs 30.7%
New IPs 15.3%

Obviously though we don't know how much this will be representative of their output in the future since 2023 and 2024 are doing a lot of the heavy lifting, and this is where I get into the biggest problem: Capcom doesn't make a ton of games in general. They're not like terribly bad of course but they don't produce much compared to Nintendo or SE or Bandai. If they did produce more, I think they'd almost have to tap into their other series because of the economics of it, they cash in on MH and RE so much that making them more crowded would just eat into sales. They really need to outsource more because something like Mega Man sidescrollers doesn't really have a reason to be dead.

All this is to say, I don't think the problem is so much focusing too much on MH and RE (although this is an issue), it's that they basically only focus on internal projects with very few exceptions. It's actually kind of a miracle a Dead Rising remake is even being made because where are the resources coming from. Their output is like if Nintendo just treated themselves as EPD and nothing more, when Capcom is a publisher and should be treating themselves as one.
I think some of their other big games and IPs are more niche than people want to admit (things like DMC) or projects made to unwisely chase trends (Exoprimal).

Dragon's Dogma is a good franchise but I personally think it was a mistake to make a simple by the numbers follow up for its revival. I can see Dragon's Dogma being a massive franchise if they lean into more MMO like design or go very hard into a Baldur's Gate / Dragon Age level of narrative freedom.
Yeah DMC is super niche cos most people don't like super Duper difficult games but that's ok and niche games shood still exist and maybe capcom is gonna make a new mega man one day that doesn't punch you in thr face, maybe battle network will come back cos that's been selling super well
battle network will come back cos that's been selling super well

I would jump through the roof, wish Star Force gets a re-release too.
The MMBN anime and Star Force anime are so good too.

Maybe even an ZX Advent sequel.

I think there’s a lot of players who grew up with all of these through handhelds, which are just waiting for some newer entry, MMBN sales has shown that desire.
I would jump through the roof, wish Star Force gets a re-release too.
The MMBN anime and Star Force anime are so good too.

Maybe even an ZX Advent sequel.

I think there’s a lot of players who grew up with all of these through handhelds, which are just waiting for some newer entry, MMBN sales has shown that desire.
People love mega man but not really the twitchy platformers unless you are old and I reckon a new mega man game for the whole family could do numbers, at least 5 million copies. Nintendo basically cornered the market on actually good family friendly games but megaman could do it I think, and I'd love more RPGs that won't upset my brain a lot. Still, we'll just have to see, there's bound to be something within 5 years
Do people really want a new Dino Crisis or is this another layer in this vibes discussion
I think Dino Crisis dominated that recent official Capcom poll for franchises from them people wanted to see? It was possibly brigaded but at the same time I'm not going to complain if it results in a new game lol.

I am glad Resident Evil is doing so well/usually very safe because it's my favorite Capcom series by a mile lol.
I think Dino Crisis dominated that recent official Capcom poll for franchises from them people wanted to see? It was possibly brigaded but at the same time I'm not going to complain if it results in a new game lol.

I am glad Resident Evil is doing so well/usually very safe because it's my favorite Capcom series by a mile lol.

Yes it was obviously botted judging from the obvious disinterest of the franchise in Japan versus the rest of the world.

Meanwhile, Capcom is putting more interest in seeing if people want more Sengoku Basara products in their surveys versus Dino Crisis. That should give you an idea.
Exoprimal didn't look good from the marketing material and Path of the Goddess feels too niche. I didn't even know it was a Capcom game until the other day.

But very weird doom thread, they're doing more than fine.

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