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Discussion How will Nintendo handle the inevitable reveal of the Switch Successor?


What are ya’lls predictions/thoughts/hopes on how Nintendo will eventually reveal the next generation of their games? Do you think they’ll shadowdrop an announcement? Reveal it as part of a Direct? Premiere a trailer with prior warning? None of the above? When could they do it? What do ya’ll think?
tweet saying to tune in at X time for the first reveal of the Nintendo Switch successor

2 minute trailer that shows some of the year 1 games and a release window

some minor details confirmed in a press release that same day

full reveal a few months later with more of a deep dive and a release date
I see a repeat of the original Switch.

  • Reveal in October (trailer)
  • Blowout in January (live showcase)
  • Worldwide release in March
  • Trailer drop sometime before the holiday shopping season ramps up, showing off the hardware. Trailer contains hints about the launch year software lineup and a vague 2025 release date. Nintendo states that more details will come in January.
  • No mention of the successor at September Direct/Mini/Partner Showcase or The Game Awards. People are shocked by this, somehow.
  • Switch Successor Presentation 2025 in January. Further details the hardware, announcement of a March release date and launch pricing, and reveals of major Nintendo and third-party games due to hit the system throughout the year.
  • July or August - teaser trailer and let companies start to announce their games for it
  • September - Crossgen Direct
  • October - First trailer showing the new futures of the hardware
  • January - Direct to define the launch lineup and price
  • March or April - release date.
Honestly I can't say for sure. Unlike 3DS and Wii U, Switch is still alive and kicking in its late age and have a stellar lineup for fall. No remakes, all new shit. With that sweet Zelda limited edition console, how Nintendo will plan things without hurting Switch's hardware sales is hard to predict. I don't expect a Switch-like reveal trailer in October at all.

Even 2025 is shaping up to be great for Switch with heavy hitters like Pokémon Z-A, Civilization VII and Metroid Prime 4. Maybe a March launch isn't in the cards at all. After all, Furukawa said the reveal will be in the FY, they have time until end of March.
The more I think about them wanting to hit that 13.5 million target, the more I think they're gonna save the reveal for next year. The upcoming line up of games is good, but I don't think that's enough for them to move that many units for the holidays on top of a reveal of new hardware coming soon.

Unless they do manage to sell that much somehow by some other miracle while also revealing Switch 2 in the fall, and I eat shit.

I just have a weird feeling we might not be seeing Switch 2 until Jan/Feb for a late summer or early fall release.
I think it'll be revealed in September either at the end of a direct with more details trickling out until it's released.

"But the holidays." Who cares? Everyone who has a Switch will buy new games and they can do a price drop or something ahead of launch to incentive the laggards.
Geoff will be talking about Echoes of Wisdom up on stage at the game awards, then the camera will cut to Aonuma in the crowd playing something on Switch 2, headphones in, not paying attention

Full blowout a month later
I was thinking about this earlier (and I think I might've mentioned it in a thread even), but I do think the first time we see this console, it will have a grander (if just a little more grander) of a reveal than the Nintendo Switch did, mainly because of whatever title Nintendo chooses to launch if with.

I don't know what "grander" really means in this sense (revealing it in a Direct, doing a presentation focused on it closer to its reveal than the Nintendo Switch January 2017 Presentation was to the Nintendo Switch reveal, etc) but I do think whenever it is revealed, it is also revealed alongside the announcement trailer of the next 3D Mario/Mario Kart/Something else, basically the game they do decide to release it with. Even with Nintendo shortening the time between the announcement of their major releases to launching them (with, I believe Echoes of Wisdom possibly being the quickest we will have seen in a while at just over three months), I can't see them doing that with their new, major launch title for the hardware. If they follow the Nintendo Switch reveal to release cycle to a tee, this would mean the game would be teased in the console's announcement trailer and then be given a full trailer in the presentation of the console, which, for the Nintendo Switch, was less than 60 days before the console released. This would probably result in the shorts major first-party game announcement trailer to release that we have seen from Nintendo recently (if not of all time).

The Nintendo Switch had the benefit of Breath of the Wild having multiple trailers even before the game was shown on the Switch so that when it was shown in the Nintendo Switch Presentation, that amazing trailer we saw could serve as the final trailer for the game. That is not really a benefit this hardware will game with its launch title, where I don't think they can show it for 10-15 seconds in the console's first look video and then not talk about it at all until we are around 60 days until it and the console releases.

With this being said, truthfully, to combine this thread with the one related to if we get a Nintendo Direct this September - If the console is revealed this year, I do think that Direct may be the place to do it. Yes, I know they haven't done hardware reveals like this in Directs before but I think having a 10 minute segment devoted to the hardware and one or two first-party games (probably being the two first major games releasing for the platform) is maybe the way to go. If the console is revealed next year, maybe the same goes for the usual February Nintendo Direct that they release. Ultimately however, Nintendo will do what they view is best and they do have the experts around them to help in this regard so I trust them.
On one hand I feel they can just straight up copy the Switch playbook, October video reveal, January presentation, March launch. On the other, I could see them potentially waiting until December / January for the reveal video if they want Black Friday sales to happen uninterrupted assuming it’s March still. Hard thing to guess!

Beyond anything else, I’m not expecting anything until after Zelda since it’s launching alongside new hardware.
A name reveal later this year, maybe a device silhouette, so that everyone can refer to it with some clarity while not completely deflating the Switch for the remainder of the FY. A pre-recorded Showcase to show off the device and its games in Jan/Feb, release in May/June.
A slightly more detailed reveal trailer like the Switch one in September, showing a few more games inlcuding one "dream / impossible" 3rd party game. Could be RDR 2, could be Elden Ring.

Since i'm expecting a March 2025 launch, there would be a January launch "event" that has more games and stuff like pricing and the exact date and launch lineup.
They’ll have a dedicated Switch 2 showcase like they did with the predecessors before it. See what new things the hardware itself has to offer plus the launch games and launch window games. Probably will be in January.
I think this was the last direct before the Switch 2 reveal, because they went out of their way to emphasize that the direct would have no information regarding Switch successor, i don't think they will repeat that message before a september Switch 1 direct again. Rather i think september will have no direct instead it will probably have a Switch 2 reveal of some sort, we may even get to see the first teaser of the 3D Mario game if its a launch title to start to build hype for the Switch 2 and the Mario game. Then in January they will make a big presentation where everything is revealed and we see all games slated to come out during 2025 for the Switch 2.

The reason why i think Nintendo will show the Mario game already in september is because a big 3D Mario game is something they will want to build up hype for at least 6 months before release instead of just revealing it 2 month before release at the big January presentation.
August 2024 - Nintendo sets the release date for the Switch 2 (March 2025) and they confirm that all Nintendo-published Switch 1 titles in development and coming after February 2025 will be cross-platform titles,

Pokémon Presents August 2024 - They confirm that Pokémon Legends AZ will be coming in Summer 2025 as a Switch 2 cross-platform title.

September 2024 - Next Nintendo Direct's date is officially revealed and they confirmed that they will reveal the switch 2 at the end and this marks the first Nintendo Direct to feature the Switch 2.

September 2024 Nintendo Direct - At the end of the direct, a Switch 1-styled first reveal of the Switch 2 is shown and they confirmed that Metroid Prime 4 will be a cross-platform title, and four new Switch 2 exclusive games are revealed (BOTW 4k, Mario Kart, 3D Mario, and Animal Crossing). A Switch 2-focused Presentation/Direct is confirmed to be released at January with a heavy focus on Switch 2 exclusives.

Switch 2 Presentation/Direct 2025 - along with the 6 titles previously revealed last year (excluding the ones coming before February 2025), 9 Nintendo-published Switch 2 exclusives are revealed.
New first party IPs are shown:
  • A monolith soft title coming at Summer-Fall 2025,
  • A new IP releasing at launch and it will be developed by EPD4's Ring Fit Adventure team
  • A new IP coming later in 2025 and it will be developed by EPD4's Labo team .
Older first party IPs getting new games from first party devs include :
  • Super Mario Maker 3, coming in Summer-Fall 2025
  • A new Star Fox title coming later in 2025 developed by a new team at EPD4
  • Pikmin 5 will be coming in 2026
2nd party titles include:
  • A 3rd Fire Emblem Warriors game from Koei Tecmo and IntSys coming in Winter 2025
  • Golden Sun 4 from Camelot coming in Fall 2025
  • A Draglia Lost title from Cygames also coming in Fall 2025
Metroid Prime 4 will be released in H2 2025, Mario Kart and 3D Mario will be released in Fall-Winter 2025, Animal Crossing and BOTW 4k will be released as Switch 2 launch titles, and more new/returning features and its price will be revealed for the Switch 2.

February 2025 direct - Switch 2 will be mainly focused on the first half of its already revealed games with only new Switch 2 game revealed being Mario + Rabbids Sparks of hope 4K releasing in summer 2025.

March 2025 - The Switch 2 will be released.
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Dk in in January
Pokémon legends in mid February
Metroid prime 4 in early April
1 more switch one game in may, probably small scale like rhythm heaven or a port

Switch 2 in June late or early July
Announcement in February
Full blowout in late April /early may
I am thinking August/September for first showcase. There will be a September Direct as usual and the "one last thing" will be preceded by "And here's a look at what we have coming next for the future of gaming" or something like that. There will be a Switch 2 trailer showing some new features, and then the host will say "we will have more to share about Switch 2 at a future Direct." They can't just start mass production and expect the system to not be leaked by suppliers, there's too many moving parts in the chain. Not to mention, we have heard directly from Nintendo and from news sources that they really want to avoid shortages, and are planning a huge production run, so it will need to start earlier than usual. I strongly reject the idea that they will show it for the first time in 2025 if they have a spring/summer 2025 launch slated. It's too risky. As they showed earlier this week, they are willing to take increasingly aggressive action to stop announcements from leaking before the official unveil.

And as for the idea that showing off Switch 2 will tank Switch sales, they have already sold more than enough Switch units to have a wide install base for their upcoming lineup. And if they announce backwards compatibility or an "enhanced" mode for Switch games on Switch 2, then that will reassure customers that buying Switch games won't lead to them becoming obsolete in a year. I point this out all the time, but Sony announced and revealed the PS5 well before launch and that didn't ruin the PS4 for them.
they're gonna have that girl (nicknamed "Karen") who attained viral popularity by appearing in the Switch 1 reveal trailer show up on-stage at Gamescom holding the new system.

then everyone in the audience will get a free console to take home.
September Switch-only Direct showcasing Fire Emblem remake and a new 3D Kirby for February and confirming Metroid Prime 4 for March
January presentation showcasing the console for the first time and a good portion of the lineup for the year
February Switch-only Direct Mini with Rhythm Heaven Megamix for April and Switch Sports Resort for July
May 1st release date

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