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Discussion How much disconnected are you from the big things in gaming (roblox, fortnite, mobile, streaming etc.)

The only thing in the OP post list that I engage with are mobile games/a couple of which are Gatcha, but exclusively as a F2P pig who relies on luck alone. Everything else I've more or less avoided since games to me are a hobby to relax with, not a cultural or lifestyle thing.
Very, i started gaming in the 90s and have always played mostly single player games. Everything from Final Fantasy, Zelda but also more niche stuff like Tales of, Fire Emblem, Legend of Dragoon, Dragon Quest, Xeno games and many others. So my taste in games is pretty niche. So comparing my gaming life to the kind of games that usually dominate are often worlds apart.

I've mostly continued to play and enjoy the games i started playing as a kid, JRPGs, Zelda, some stuff from other genres as well. But i never went heavy into multiplayer games at all, never played call of duty and other FPS games after i played Goldeneye on the N64 as a kid. So from that point of view i have missed out pretty much all of the ''big things'' in gaming, but i was shaped more than 20 years ago what i enjoyed playing and have continued to play that type of game.
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The only thing in the OP post list that I engage with are mobile games/a couple of which are Gatcha, but exclusively as a F2P pig who relies on luck alone. Everything else I've more or less avoided since games to me are a hobby to relax with, not a cultural or lifestyle thing.
I think it’s the whole social media/parasocial thing and all the drama that goes with it that makes me want to stay away from a lot of online games, competitive stuff, gaming personalities, youtube etc. As well as just not having been used to it when I was younger.

Which I guess is kinda funny to say on a gaming forum. But then I’m mostly here to talk about turn-based rpgs and retro games :)
I follow the competitive smash scene very closely. Theirs a couple of variety game streamers I like but I usually catch the highlights videos of their streams after it's put on youtube. Theirs only one streamer I watch live often.

Most of the popular kid/teen games these days I'm out of touch with. Roblox, Mobile games, battle royales. I would include Minecraft but it's been a thing for years now. I've just never been interested in that sorta game.
I mean, I'm completely disconnected. Never done anything in the OP. At the moment the extent of my interaction with the gaming community is reading famiboards and similar forums. I play F-Zero X on an emulator but it's not much.
I played Minecraft and roblox like 10 years ago, but they're less fun unless you have friends to play with and then in high school I got into RPGs and now I play mostly small games
  • Streamers: I've tried to get into some streamers several times, but I just can't. I always end up spacing out doing other stuff and forgetting I was watching a stream. I don't think I'm compatible with streaming.
  • Pro scene: Honestly my brain still struggles with the concept of pro gamer being a thing that exists.
  • Roblox: Never touched it.
  • Any of the pc based competitive games: Played Starcraft 2, Overwatch, DOTA, and a couple others for a bit, but didn't really stick with them.
  • Fornite: Played more of it than I'd be willing to admit. Solidly okay game, as I've said before.
  • Minecraft: I've played it since before it had multiplayer, though I fell off a couple years ago - playing multiplayer sorta ruins single player forever and I haven't really had a group to play it.
  • Popular mobile games: I honestly don't even know what's popular.
  • Gacha games: Tried Fire Emblem Heroes, Mario Kart Tour, Genshin Impact, Megaman X Dive and Arknights, didn't stick with them long term.
i know roblox from my niece. im gonna be real it looks like total dogwater

really had my whole boomer moment there of "back in my day" except even games today look categorically better
i've occasionally played Fortnite, mainly from a bizarre historical perspective.
as brands™ (some Vtuber, a chain of hotels, Dude Perfect.) use the creative mode to create custom levels designed to promote those products.
as the hotel article notes. none of them are particularly active even when new. my experience with the Dude Perfect land devolved into finding players, but being unable to play the actual Dodgeball mode.

(i was particularly stunned to see Fortnite kids being fans of Solid Snake. hence why i took the screenshot.)

but they're still interesting artifacts, so i always take a quick look whenever an article about one pops up on my feed.

Roblox i haven't touched at all, but i briefly considered it when Terry Cavanagh (the developer behind VVVVVV, Dicey Dungeons, and Super Hexagon) randomly started making maps for it.

and Minecraft i had access to a trial version for a while thanks to the third Humble Indie Bundle, and played it fairly often during that period.
I rarely watch streamers or vtubers. I do sometimes watch highlight vids of those though. Some

Never player roblox, GTA online, or fortnite. I don't like.minecraft much but I've played a little. I don't play PC or MMOs.

I usually only play 1 or two mobile games.
Is this the thread to 'flex' how old we all are?

- Streamers: Not in general. But I specifically enjoy watching BOTW/TOTK streamers when that comes into my feed. There's always something fun that happens because everyone's experience in that game is so different. Dannydinosaur and Deebeegeek, I like.

- Pro scene: Nope. Not really. The studio got paid to draw some of them before though.

-Roblox: Don't play it myself but my nephew is really into it. Don't sleep on this though. Roblox (and other live service games like Minecraft/Fortnite) are thought to be the next frontier of marketing. I've sat in meetings about marketing within Roblox before and the values discussed were eye-watering.

-Any of the pc based competitive games: Does TF2 counts? I really like that game in the past. Otherwise, I don't have enough time to devote to live service games. Especially since I'm a happy gacha game player.

-Fortnite: Don't sleep on this one. I don't play it now but the time when I did, it was really fun enough.

-Minecraft: Not for me. But I like the Lego sets...

-Popular mobile games: Only the gacha ones!

-Gacha games: Oh boy. As long as they are generous with the premium currency, I'm in. Some of them have good stories too! And of course, the great husbandos and waifus.
I follow general gaming news, but I don't play any of the major Western service games except Helldivers 2. I don't watch any streamers live, but I do watch VODs and VOD edits from certain streamers (Vinny from Vinesauce, RTGame, occasionally VTubers). I don't play Fortnite or Roblox, and although I was very into Minecraft a few years ago, these days I barely touch it. When I do, it's to play a modpack, but I never get around to finishing it (to this day, the only modpack with an end goal I ever finished is SkyFactory 4).

I used to play FFXIV on the free trial, but I stopped once I got to Costa Del Sol (I just don't like MMO style combat). I was also really into Elite Dangerous for years, and I even boarded a carrier bound for deep space a month back, but I never got around to actually logging in after that.

These days I mainly do my Genshin and Arknights dailies, and occasionally try a strategy or simulation game (almost always Paradox). Lately I've been playing through Skyward Sword HD, and am eagerly awaiting Echoes of Wisdom and whatever Nintendo cooks up for the Switch successor. I occasionally play Helldivers 2, although it's now just one mission in a session as opposed to the whole mission series. If my friends invite me to some kind of multiplayer co-op game such as Lethal Company, I play that too.
Personally, I'm almost completely detached from pretty much all of the things that OP mentions in the sense I don't play/watch these (too little time anyways)

However, I know several of these through my kids. If you don't know Roblox at all, most likely you don't have children ;)

It's actually interesting how different gamer populations are so different: I saw many here mentioning how Roblox looks very poorly. And this certainly is true! But my children both play AAA titles with sophisticated graphics, but still they enjoy Roblox with its very poor graphics just as well - they don't care so much about the graphics aspect. Apparently, they find enough games that are fun and/or can be played with friends there.

I know that there are several aspects of Roblox that are problematic. For example using micro transactions to milk money from children. But that's similar to all the mobile games, and at least as a parent you have control how much money they can spend. And it's actually a learning experience for them if they buy something they regret later ;)

Another thing that's both great and terrible from Roblox is that everyone can make a game for it. Basically, they have a 3D editor and you can attach scripts to every object, and it's relatively easy to make a little game that looks similar to the other games on Roblox (because they all use the same basic graphics built into the Roblox engine). I actually think this is motivating for kids to make something! Trying to get my kids to learn a bit of programming through that.

On the other hand, creators of games get very little share of money in contrast to Roblox Corp. themselves, and apparently many creators are young themselves, so this is morally rather problematic...

Depending on who you ask I'm an "old fart" with 46 as well and while I'm very interested in new things I can't of course keep in touch with youth culture and trends nowadays, which is normal.

But I would say I'm in fact very disconnected and I have been for quite a while: I never used Facebook (ok, this has nothing to do with age, my grandma had a FB account when she was 92, lol), Instagram, X, Tiktok or the likes. I just don't see any benefits for my personal interests and I don't feel enriched by "friends & followers" and virtual reputation.
WhatsApp, a little Discord and Forums are just fine for my needs.

Streamers/Influencers: I recognise a handful of names but I don't watch or follow any. No benefits. I know what it is about though. Interesting phenomenon, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.

Pro Gamers: occasionally read about them or eSports, but don't watch or follow.

Roblox: I don't know what this is and I won't google it now, maybe I'll inform myself one day. Or not.

Competitive PC gaming: not for me, not interested in mobas and the likes. This kind of competition stresses me out much more than I enjoy it.

Fortnite: tried it for quite a few hours, fun, but not in the long run for me. I also wasn't good on it. Haven't played ever since.

Minecraft: genius game obviously, tried it and watched it for a very short period, absulutely didn't click with me.

Popular mobile games: I usually don't play on mobile. Tried Clash of Clans, initially fun but got extremely annoyed by how the flow of the game is disrupted by the monetization aspect after a while, when it really kicks in.
Tried Diablo on mobile, no fun even if technically impressive, uninstalled it. I played Pokemon Go quite excessively for a while, it became a chore, uninstalled it.

Gacha games: I don't know much about them but even slight gacha aspects in games turn me off more than they motivate me. So a full blown gacha game... not for me.

MMO(RPG): Very few. WoW, LotRo, yes played thousands of hours and it was fascinating (social aspect, gameplay loop), but I eventually dropped them and never returned. I was appalled, how rude people were over meaningless shitty aspects they obviously take waaaaaay to seriously and it became worse. I try not to expose myself to a cesspool of insufferably vocal fools.

Hahaha, well, everyone and everything has their time and place! When it comes to video games, I'm likely going to stick to single player or coop games with friends or forum people I get along with well and with not much competition.
Streamers, I used to watch some big Zelda ones, now I'll watch some on YouTube if I have lots to get through but not on Twitch anymore
Pro scene, I don't know much at all 😅
Roblox, never played it and cannot personally understand the hype but if people love it then good for them, enjoy!
Any of the pc based competitive games, I don't play these either. I have friends that play Overwatch and things but I've never gotten into them
Fortnite, I've never played it and it doesn't really appeal to me much
Minecraft, When it first came out, I LOVED it! I'll watch long plays of them when I'm gaming myself or working on something that I want ambience for in the background, but I don't play it much now
Popular mobile games, My dad weirdly enough got me into Mario Kart Tour (he loves it) but that's about it, also Genshin although attention on that has waned
Gatcha games, I was really into Genshin for a while but it got too grindy for me for my current circumstances so I don't play it much now
I’m 100% disconnected from “modern gaming”, or whatever you want to call it. I personally call it “trash” but that’s my opinion.

I’m 37 years old. Have two kids and wife. The vast majority of my gaming time is spent playing almost entirely Nintendo games for relaxation and enjoyment. I’ve owned pretty much every video game console since the early 90s, but as I get older time is more limited and also is money. I’d rather spend that time and money on Nintendo, for the most part I know what I’m getting is quality and polish, and no BS like what you see with “AAA gaming”.
I don't know much about roblox, but I am trying to learn more about it so I can better connnect and play it with my nieces and nephews. Minecraft is an incredible game that encourages creativity. Its a great social experience, and with RTX on the pc it looks jaw droppingly good. Fortnite is a cool thing that I got into recently. The battle royale is decent, but even if that's not for me festival mode has the rockband vibes I was missing for the past few years. Racing mode and lego mode are fun too. Best part is that I can do it all as goku, or whichever character I'm

I play call of duty every year. A lot of hard work, sweat and tears go into making those games, and even in the “bad” years, they are still great fps games, with more content than most modern games launch with, bombastic campaigns, and super fun multiplayer.

For a couple of years I wrote things that were popular off because I felt I was too much of a “hard core Gamer” to play those. And playing those widely appealing “popular” games would hurt my “Gamer” reputation. Hey, turns out, that was close minded and stupid. Now I am the type of person who is looking forward to playing this years college football game, alongside games like Astro bot, Mario and luigi brothership, Zelda, and dragons dogma 2 hopefully

Regarding the DLC situation, I agree that there is a lot of it, but I've also partially accepted that selling skins is the entire business of Call of Duty and Fortnite. The good part is that it's completely optional, and you can engage with it as much or as little as you want, and now because of that no one has to pay for a map pack, which would split the player base back in the day.
Completely disconnected from everything mentioned in the OP.

I don’t even play multiplayer games.

Single-player console games for life.
No idea what roblox is.

For streamers. I don't care. Even if there some controversy with a streamer. I just don't give an fuck about them.
I used to play FIFA/EA FC if those count but I took a break

I remember trying a bit of Minecraft, the solo survival mode seemed interesting but never got too far. Never cared much for playing it multiplayer, although I remember seeing some online mini-games including a precursor to the Battle Royale craze (Hunger Games mode)
I don't think i'm disconnected, simply not involved with parts of gaming I have no interest in. Gaming is no longer just the console industry or the big 3 , but people who talk about Roblox as if it's the only thing in town is also vastly overstating it's footprint.

I did play a few gatcha games back a few years, yes i spent money on them.
Still play Pokemon Go/Pikmin Bloom but that's it.

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