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Discussion First Press Games Scamming Various Indie Developers

a bit busy so sorry if my formatting here is odd:

But basically years ago a NES homebrew called Project Blue was put on Kickstarter for a Famicom cart. This was done by First Press Games, who did a few other limprints like Hole New World and Tobu Tobu Girl in the past.

As of 2019 though, FPG pretty much stalled on producing any product and is more notorious for blocking customers on social media, refusing refund requests (despite being a German corporation), and endlessly delaying their entire release slate every quarter without so much as a word. Psychotic Adventures Origins was given an ETA for 2020 after being listed for preorder in 2019, and that still hasn’t even gone to manufacturing as of December 2023.

So recently the project blue dev had enough of FPG ghosting him and made a public call out tweet, indicating they havent paid him money. Shortly after, they did pay despite months of attempts to get them to do so earlier going unanswered.

@FirstPressGames ran a Kickstarter for the Famicom edition of Project Blue over 3 years ago now. 3 years later, they have not produced the items they promised and they still owe us money. Absolute scumbag company, that takes advantage of collectors and developers alike.
— toggleswitch (@toggleswitch2)”

Later he held a reddit AMA on a Lim Print collector sub, where he further clarified they’ve given him almost no communication and it’s been 3 years. And they helped set up a kickstarter for his FC version, thus leaving those backers burned.

So yeah. Limprint is still a shaky business and these pubs are bad news. Beware.
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Yikes. I have no patience for theft really but specifically this kind of IOU-with-no-intention-of-paying/ghosting of indie developers and gig industry workers who depend on that payment to [checks notes] live.

Semi-related, I was really close to buying Tobu Tobu Girl Deluxe from First Print Games. Glad I didn’t support that company. The developer, Tangram Games, offers the game free to download on itch.io for anyone interested.
Holy shit, the dev just dropped a big reply on the AMA that pretty much goes in-depth on how fucked up First Press are:

I apologize for the length of this post, but I just want you to have a full idea of what working with these guys is like.

They have not shipped the bulk of the value that they received from Kickstarter in 2020. Like, almost all of the money is in the special editions
Contractually, they had a certain amount of time to produce those editions, which had expired by summer of 2022. At that time, at the latest, editions were supposed to be made and we were supposed to be paid, in full.

Around that time I sent them an email outlining several concerns that I had, including unshipped copies of special editions, unpaid regular edition royalties, (which they began ignoring pretty much immediately after release and which I have only ever received after spending hours and hours writing emails trying to get paid) and many other things.

They are obligated to provide us with sales reports (which they have to this day never done) and pay us automatically, on a regular basis. I have, 3 years later, never once received a payment from them without having to spend hours of my life getting it.

Shortly thereafter I replied to the message asking again for a reply and was once again ignored. I sent another which was also ignored. How would you feel if you had a contract with somebody and they chose not to honor it, then you contacted them multiple times asking for resolution, and they just... never responded?

And they continued ignoring me and putting me off for the entire month of August, into September. For example, the first message I sent was on the first of August. They ignored it that week, went on "vacation" for the next, said on the 15th they'd 'get back to you' but did not. Finally on the 29th I sent a rather angry message.

At this time they placated me by replying to one of my demands and sending the promo copies they owed me, which was probably their cheapest option.
All throughout September they continued filibustering and not replying the more important financial requests. I have received excuses as lame as "we don't have internet access when we're not at the office" which is just absurd.

On Sept 2, I was told they would work out the remaining issues, it would take "no longer than a few weeks". On September 20th I asked for an update. No reply. Sept 26th I again ask for an update. Again, no reply.

On October 3rd I sent an email where I showed some pretty clear frustration and was told "we will get back to you in a few days"
On October 7th and 8th I again asked for updates that were ignored. At this point, "a few weeks" had become 5 weeks. On October 10th I again showed some real frustration and was told that "we told you to wait" when in fact that had promised me a reply "in a few days". If it seems as though am I'm being impatient, remember it's been over two months of "just a few days" at this point.

Finally in mid October I get the regular edition royalties they have not been paying for the last 6 months. So it took me from August until October to get the money that they were supposed to give me automatically. And they had managed to still not deal with the larger issues of dealing with special editions and the royalties on that. And this shit went on and on for the whole month of October and into November when I finally cornered them on special edition money that we should have received IN FULL months earlier.
And at that point I finally was able to work out a payment plan for something that 1) we should have gotten all of, and 2) we should have gotten without having to spend 3 months of my life arguing over.

That's just a sample. The whole last year has continued more or less in this fashion. To this very day, some of the issues I outlined on August 1st, 2022 have not been responded to nor dealt with. So I apologize for the headline, but I feel like it is really an understatement of how miserable it is to work with FPG.
I wonder if you would prefer "First Press Games forced me to give them an interest-free loan?"

As an addendum I just want to say, I make music as well as games. And so I work with a total of like 6-7 publishers. And every single one, except FPG, I have a friendly relationship with, that mostly consists of them sending me money without me having to cajole them, and us having friendly banter about things that we mutually appreciate.

TLDR: the same ghosting shit they pull on customers is done to devs, to equally laughable degrees.
This is a wild story to read about FPG. I knew they kept lying to their customers about product updates but this situation is also terrible. The developer to have the patience to deal with their bs for so long would drive me crazy. I am glad they got their money after complaining on Twitter and Reddit.
This is a wild story to read about FPG. I knew they kept lying to their customers about product updates but this situation is also terrible. The developer to have the patience to deal with their bs for so long would drive me crazy. I am glad they got their money after complaining on Twitter and Reddit.

the annoying part is they're the third indie to have had to do this in 2023. POWA had to do a similar thread to get them to reply to an inquiry, and Mindseize's dev just got a reply last week indicating they just now started production of the standard editions of that game, publishing that update on their kickstarter (while also apologizing profusely to backers who are rightfully annoyed the physical edition is just endlessly delayed, as the dev has no idea why either)
Uh oh, the Goodboy Galaxy GBA physicals are handled by them too. There hasn't been an update on them since late last year.
I am bumping this to inform you there is no new update and the carts did not make Q1 like FPG promised the devs

there is nothing new

except that they quietly bumped the release date by another quarter on their website, refuse to comment on it (all their social media block comments, and any pages they forgot to like on their reddit ads, they delete the replies), continue to dodge refund requests from customers who ask, (despite being stationed in germany, and by EU law, they must provide a refund) and to my knowledge the project blue guy was never fully able to get anything resolved besides a payment they hastily did upon that reddit thread gaining traction. Which based on how it's now deleted, they probably pressured him to close down.

Do not buy from these guys. I don't even care if you like chained echoes so much, don't bother. These unstable fomo limprint companies ain't worth lighting your money on, especially when as of now, we have the Psychotic Adventures Origin, POWA, Mindseize, and Project Blue devs all on the record as not being paid for their work or given any meaningful status updates.
So many updates + refund guide New
Well there's a whole heck of a lot more since the last post. Unfortunately, nothing I'd call great, especially from the FPG side of things.

It's been most of Q2 and barely a peep from FPG on the status of hardly any games at all. They shared a photo of a few CE items on their twitter, but that's it. Little else of note from them and they still haven't updated their release update pages since March, meaning a bunch of games still estimate a Q1 ship date lol

Another dev came forward about being unpaid! the dev of Psychotic Adventures Origins noted they're still waiting on FPG to pay em and FPG is having troubles getting the game through sony.

This game is from 2019, as another reminder. So that's 5+ years of not paying or updating the indie developer on the status of their game, and adds another one to the list of devs that got scammed.

I then heard from Reddit limprint circles several times this past month of people asking for refund requests kept getting ghosted (despite the company being in germany) or wanting to get Chained Echoes so I did a lot of digging with some sources and friends who had/have interest in buying their stuff, and well, made a huge big investigatory article on it. I was hoping by now someone bigger would have spread the news and led to a conclusion that would have made this update post a lot easier to write, but it seems my tips will continue to go unanswered, so I'll share highlights here.

Basically, First Press Games has hardly ever sold out of any product whatsoever. Even their first, in-hand releases are still plentiful in stock and nowhere close to selling out because barely anyone bought them. This would explain why they slowed down on production, as barely any money came in to speak of. The only real exceptions are the ultra CE for Crimzon Clover (though this hardly had quantity to begin with) and all CEs for Chained Echoes, which is the game that would easily get them the most income if estimates are right. (and why it ended up being the only game they provided meaningful status updates for last year) Shopify sites are easy enough to poke at and see what's remaining, so one of my sources did that for their switch stuff, and got this rough estimate as of late May for their pre-CE games.


Yeah, low sales = low income = not enough to manufacture physicals, a tale as old as time really. But rather than be upfront about it or update customers/devs, the guy in charge of FPG, Slawomir Mionskowski is very, very stubborn and has ghosted/dodged people, especially on the refund front for a long while now. This is illegal to do in Germany/EU in general due to consumer rights laws, yet the guy continues on doing it anyway. Someone on the Chained Echoes discord server got so desperate for a refund, that they managed to get his phone number, and contact him directly through that in order to get a refund, and the dude was very much a jerk the entire phone call and only caved once the caller threatened to report him

And honestly? the only success story to getting refunds from FPG that I hear of even now, is to threaten over support email to report them to Verbraucherzentrale, a German consumer agency. This has been the only thing that got people refunds in a timely manner, and due to how this guy is still dodging so many requests and screwing over devs, I even wrote up a guide in the article to actually file a refund report to these guys even if you're outside Germany. https://www.verbraucherzentrale.de/beschwerde is the site for those who don't want/need to read that though. It's very clear that like a ton of other Limited Print companies that haven't done hot lately, they won't be able to sustain themselves for long; but rather than be up front about that, they're just adamantly refusing to budge and have to pretty much be kicking and screaming to provide any sort of status update on 5 year old, overdue games to both customers and the indie devs who partnered with them with no pay to show for it.

Oddly enough, Chained Echoes seems to be the exception. People in the Chained Echoes server have been told by Deck13 staff that they already got paid and to not worry about it, and pretty much dismissed people who were unhappy with the partnership choice when the CE got announced. Even the game's solo creator recently commented on the kickstarter his faith in FPG and linking to FPG's blog (more in a bit on that), which I personally find laughable honestly, but it seems that team being in Germany has a lot to do with it. Needless to say, people aren't happy with the partnership still.

So my writeup comes out, gains some small traction on reddit/bluesky... and just after months of no communication First Press starts a blog of status updates shortly afterward.

Except these get increasingly weird and don't make much sense, and all still dodge the obvious questions about the long time for the standard editions (were carts/discs even ordered? why are devs not paid yet? why the refund dodging and ghosting?) and focusing mostly on the CE (the components that would logically take years to make, but even then, not this long for some of the longest-in-the-works CEs), recently blaming the major delays on bad cardboard manufacturing for the Collector Edition boxes.

First, a Chained Echoes status update, which is barely a status update and reads so corporate or boilerplate it pissed people off more than anything else. Interestingly, these early blogs had comments enabled for a time, but all with manual approvals to go through; only one comment to my knowledge was approved before they deleted it and closed the comment section down, and it was just a simple comment thanking FPG. This keeps up with their trend of fully locking out outside communication and comments on every social media. If you wonder why they hide twitter replies or shut down facebook comments all the time, this is why. They don't like being told that people aren't happy with them, which is why I'm convinced the refund dodging is on purpose.

Then they put out another status update implying the CEs were to ship out next week and was mainly held up by cardboard problems (AKA, the week that's ending just now). and continue to not mention the standard editions. I swear this was recently edited to make it more clear that they meant preparations for shipping out CEs this week, rather than the CEs actually shipping out this week, but they left the bit about the comment section that no longer exists still there, so...

But then this next update is the first that actually feels like an update, and also a wild little ramble that makes no sense and includes veiled legal threats. It goes on again about cardboard going bad and how they're almost over that hill and the games totally will come out (while still ignoring developers, the standard editions, the refund dodging, the closing of outside contact, etc etc) and to just wait a bit longer. Then there's this fun gem:

However, we have also noticed an increase in libellous and defamatory posts on various platforms, also including leaking of personal information of our staff. We are fully prepared to take legal action, if necessary.

oh so these guys are willing to take legal action about people saying their company is breaking EU/German law but not pay the indie devs properly? This is the richest part to me and I can't tell if they mean the guy who got ahold of the CEO via phone number, or me for writing about it (and nobody but the CEO was even mentioned in the article by name and the only other person I was told of at the company, was a guy who'd be an intermediate for devs who no longer works for FPG anymore, so I think they literally just mean the CEO guy here), but if it's me,

then lmao, pay your devs

Anyhow before the big hyped "next week" update drops, the Goodboy Galaxy devs had enough and hired a legal counsel to press FPG directly on the status of their physicals (as they've also been ghosted, but i do not know if they've been paid or not yet). They're currently looking into it themselves as of now, and posted a kickstarter update about it here that does way better of a job apologizing for something out of their control better than FPG ever could.

So with that legal pressure and a bunch of people annoyed with them, what was their huge, current update on the state of everything? Another rambly post blaming it all on CE cardboard and continuing to not address any of the other major issues with their releases. Pretty much also reconfirming a lot of these games got delayed yet again, even though that's obvious to anyone who looks at their ETA page and see a bunch of stuff slated for Q1 still even as we are 2 weeks away from Q3 2024.

So yeah, that's the big big mess with first press games lately. If you have anything preordered from them, I strongly advise following my guide or emailing FPG's support email threatening to report them to Verbraucherzentrale if they do not cancel your order and provide you with a refund. That's pretty much the only thing I got as it seems outside of Chained Echoes, (who seem to be in on this, if i may be frank, or at least very dismissive/non caring about their partner violating EU law in handling preorders for their game since they got paid already) nothing is remotely close to being actually done. All of this due to a guy insisting on "perfection" without realizing that to get to "perfection" there's a thing called transparency and honesty.

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