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RTTP Final Fantasy XIII appreciation topic: Lightning in a bottle? Imma make room in my cupboard!

(Returned to the party)


Hello, lady of the house speaking?

When Final Fantasy XIII came out I was delighted. The first HD Final Fantasy woohoo! It was epic for me. At least I thought. I didn't dislike it when I finally played it, but it didn't feel like the game I wanted. Everything was off, kinda? Not sure why, but it couldn'live up to the hype for me.

FFWD to 2022. I recently purchased the Xbox360 version of FFXIII and Lightning Returns and man, I am completely floored in what these games bring to the table. The story, the paradigm shifts during battle, the characters themselves, I am completely floored. I have no idea why this happened now and not when I played them the first time around. Maybe because now I take time to check the datalog, take in every bit of info on the lore and the backstory of the characters?

Not everything is great though. I still dislike the upgrading system which feels very opaque in a way. Also, some characters are acting completely stupid. No, not Hope with his whining and not Snow with his hero complex, but Saszh and Vanille. I hate how they are portrayed considering their back story. I understand some comedic relief, but it feels kinda too much?

I really like the way they structured the chapters though. A lot of criticisms on the game focussed on the lineair path you follow most of the game. I can understand that on paper, but in reality, I feel it really does the story favours. Not everything has to be GTA and the small freedom you get early on scores you some nice bonusses.

Anyway, this is a topic to discuss FFXIII and how great of a game it is. I definitely wouldn't mind a Switch remaster!
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Music and battle system yay!

Everything else though


And fuck Snow. One of the worst FF characters ever.
Although XII is objectively better for example, XIII is my favourite FF. The music, the graphics, the combat system, the world, the story, most of the characters, very very great.
We had another "FFXIII is actually good" thread not too long ago. :) Cross-Posting here.

One of us! One of us!

I stan hard as heck for XIII, and I always bring it up when underrated games becomes a part of the conversation. I played it in 2012 and I was BLOWN. AWAY. But time has made sure to open up some of the flaws of the game to the trained eye over the years - I can't fault anyone for being underwhelmed by it if they played it in, say, 2018 or 2019. But it'll always be a special and dear journey to me.

Final Fantasy XIII is an awesome game, for so reasons.
I love the setting and backdrop, the world building isn't the best, in ways that has been covered by posters above me, with its over-reliance on the assumption that players read through tons of text, as well as the confusing "everything ends with 'Cie" naming conventions. But - I'll say that the setting is nothing if not wildly imaginative, and imaginative settings that isn't afraid to go the extra mile is something I deeply respect in creative works. The world feels wondrous, fascinating, and you move through the locations feeling as if you're really in, that's right, a fantasy.

I love the story and characters, Lightning takes center stage in this game, and she wears the uniform of the protagonist (as well as her impeccably designed real uniform in the game) with both poise and pride."Badass female protagonist" was once so sought after in games, but it's something that can also be a stereotype, a character that is badass for the sake of being badass, and doesn't get more traits than that. Lightning doesn't exactly bathe in character traits, nor does she, like some other characters in the game, acquire real development, but she is badassness personified!

Early on in the game, when Serah fulfils her Focus, it becomes clear that Lightning and Snow doesn't like each other and I LOVE this. This sort of "sister and sister's boyfriend tension" is a great starting emotional hook that it's easy to relate to, and that feels like it grounds the game a bit, a welcome contrast to its fantastical, borderline absurd world. Lightning and Snow becomes L'Cie, as does two kids called Hope and Vanille and a guy called Sazh, and them all getting lumped together is exactly what Final Fantasy is all about - a bunch of misfits being forced together under dire circumstances, becoming friends in order to fight off evil. Except in XIII, it happens immediately, goes off on a wrong foot, and is happening under a pretty awry situation.

Now, while I do like the characters, they're admittedly pretty thin, and sometimes they feel kind of wooden, mostly due to the sometimes pretentious dialogue. But what I do like, is the emphasis on them. Coming off XII, who felt very plot-lenient, it's cool for XIII to sort of relegate the L'Cie stuff to the background - for good reason - and instead spend ample amount of time on cutscenes and dialogue. Even though it's cool that the cast gets together so quickly, I also like how they get divide shortly after that, with Lightning teaming up with Hope, and Vanille with Sazh, and it allows them to bond and connect with one another, and small nuances like Hope getting amazed by how Lightning fights gets brought to the surface.

I love the combat. Like with other FF games, FFXIII reinvents combat. I really adore what they did with this game. When it opens up, it's unwaveringly exciting to play, and it speaks to the strength of the combat when I always have fun, even though all there is is combat. It's a known criticism that the game isn't that good until you play with a full party. And it's totally true - the intro is glorious, but fighting with only 2 party members gets trite quickly.

When it all gets unlocked though, I'm always, always having a blast. Paradigm shifting is a fantastic idea for combat, and it's a way to perfectly intersect on-the-fly strategic decisions with intense, real-time action. There's just so many different setups and liberties one can take with the system, that really highlights how other FF combat systems can fall short on - for example, fully capitalise on the idea of switching between offense and defense. You don't just stand by for a round to cast Cure here, you can switch to different quantities of Medics, you can perhaps go Tortoise for a second, maybe utilise the Sentinel class, but always keep an eye on the characters and their real-time stats, to make sure that nothing goes wrong, which can easily happen in a game built on such quick decisions.

This results in combat where things just seem daunting at first - you don't make a dent in the enemies, and you might die a lot. But when properly managing the paradigms, when properly paying attention to the stagger, you can end up in a state where you launch enemies up in the air, slicing through their health in a matter of seconds, which is immensely satisfying, always.

I love the art direction. Something sometimes touched on, but that always, always needs to be mentioned - the art direction is just sublime. Like with the world building, but much more clear and concise, the game presents a world that just feels so.. rich. Rich with everything, detail, imagination, graphical prowess. It's not just sci-fi, it reaches beyond it - beyond any aesthetic genre, in fact. I think it just looks gorgeous, even today, because true art direction stands the test of time. It's a far cry from the toned down desert cities of XII, or the straight played realism of XV.

It really feels like all bets were off when it came to designing this world. The attention to detail is there, and the designers just went all out and created one impressive locale after another. And then, there are the character designs, of course - Nomura is on fire in this game!

And I love the OST. To top it all off, FFXIII sports incredible music. It feels like the game just has some degree of quality in every aspect of it, and the music is no exception. It fits the tone, presets catchy themes, and runs through the adventure as a sort of silver thread, adding a distinct sense of flair and richness to everything.
FFXIII is a great example of a game where my sheer amazement at the graphics and music carried me through. My jaw was dropped the whole way.

And the battle system ended up proving more than adequate once it revealed itself fully, too.

Shame about the characters, though. They were almost humorously awful. Sazh would be a so-so, bland character in any other game, here he's the superstar standout by comparison to the rest of these jokers.

I love the setting and backdrop, the world building isn't the best, in ways that has been covered by posters above me, with its over-reliance on the assumption that players read through tons of text, as well as the confusing "everything ends with 'Cie" naming conventions. But - I'll say that the setting is nothing if not wildly imaginative, and imaginative settings that isn't afraid to go the extra mile is something I deeply respect in creative works. The world feels wondrous, fascinating, and you move through the locations feeling as if you're really in, that's right, a fantasy.


This results in combat where things just seem daunting at first - you don't make a dent in the enemies, and you might die a lot. But when properly managing the paradigms, when properly paying attention to the stagger, you can end up in a state where you launch enemies up in the air, slicing through their health in a matter of seconds, which is immensely satisfying, always.


I love the art direction. Something sometimes touched on, but that always, always needs to be mentioned - the art direction is just sublime. Like with the world building, but much more clear and concise, the game presents a world that just feels so.. rich. Rich with everything, detail, imagination, graphical prowess. It's not just sci-fi, it reaches beyond it - beyond any aesthetic genre, in fact. I think it just looks gorgeous, even today, because true art direction stands the test of time. It's a far cry from the toned down desert cities of XII, or the straight played realism of XV.

It really feels like all bets were off when it came to designing this world. The attention to detail is there, and the designers just went all out and created one impressive locale after another. And then, there are the character designs, of course - Nomura is on fire in this game!

And I love the OST. To top it all off, FFXIII sports incredible music. It feels like the game just has some degree of quality in every aspect of it, and the music is no exception. It fits the tone, presets catchy themes, and runs through the adventure as a sort of silver thread, adding a distinct sense of flair and richness to everything.
Great points, all. The world building was dire from a lore perspective, but from a visual perspective it was a phenomenon. It's easy to see why so many people love it.

To counter all of that, it's hard to avoid talking about the linear level design and total lack of final fantasy staples like exploration and towns, though. The fact that most people enjoyed the game most when it offered a tiny taste of that kind of approach at chapter 13 shows that they took the wrong approach, imo.
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I've been playing it for the first time in July, and I enjoyed it a lot. The paradigm system is very engaging and satisfying, and the cast grew on me over time. Not sure if I will ever play 13-2 and LR, but it was one of the more enjoyable FF games as far as I'm concerned.
Played this fairly recently and while I’ll admit it’s one of my least favourite in the series, it has its virtues! Still looks great. Really like the soundtrack. I like the idea of “running plays” with the paradigm system, even if battles feel a little like a clusterfuck sometimes.

It should absolutely be on the Switch, weird that hasn’t happened yet.
All music battle themes were dope.
The graphics were outstanding.

But the CG cutscenes were filmed by Jean-Michel Framing and his cousin Jean-Marc ShakyCam. Everything moved so fast you missed 80% of the details and scenery.

Snow : If we kill BadGod, Cocoon will be destroyed and this is exactly what BadGod wants, we can’t do this !
Lightning : Yeah, we won’t let this happen ! Anyway, let’s kill BadGod, that’s what we really want and totally not what he’s asking us to do.
BadGod : Gargl…
Lightning : OH NOES ! Everything is getting destroyed and what BadGod wanted is happening right now ! Who could’ve thought ?!
Fang : Ok, you all suck at this. Vanille, please help me save these idiots.

Also : the overly complicated terms that never get explained ingame but you can read the lore in the menu to get it, because the game sure won’t lose time to actually explain anything. Using the « Show, don’t tell » a bit too much.
I love FF13, despite the flaws. The music is great, the combat is fantastic (once it opens a bit), and I love the scenery and visuals especially later in the game. The part of the game when you start to incrementally power up as you do hunts, improve your weapon, do side quests, get better accessories, etc., all over Pulse is honestly one of my favorite parts of any game. It hits my brain just right. And even if I really don't like some of the characters (Snow isn't my favorite, although he's saved slightly by having a good voice) I don't think they're quite as bad as a lot of people often say. Fang is awesome, especially.
Whenever I see Lightning’s sci-fi sword ‘hilt’ it just reminds of a bottle opener coming out of a Swiss Army knife. Cool multi-tool vibe I guess :)
I remember being hyped for this game at launch, and then it came out...

There is a lot that I loved about the game. The characters were some of the best ever. The game is gorgeous. The battle system was awesome. However, the story was completely dumb/impossible to understand and the game was longer than it needed to be.

Also, XIII-2 > XIII
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