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NSO Exploring NSO together... Randomly! (Game #17 picked!)

I mean, that's mostly from the 1st party side, there are a ton of 3rd party games that people would love on SNES NSO for example (Square Enix I'm mainly looking at you).

In any case, that's the point of exploring NSO, getting both the good and the bad and maybe finding some hidden gems!
Why add games to the NSO service when you can just sell games directly to people on the eshop through compilations?
Someone already spoiled this on a post above, but beating every single team isn't the end... In a plot twist (yes, one in a football game!) it's revealed the referee also wants to challenge you!


I'm pretty sure this is exactly what it means...

Now, this is the cheating part I mentioned above. The team you battle here is called "Nintendo Team" and it's completely bullshit. Every single player is very good and it's just a complete pain to beat them legit... I tried for a while but I eventually gave up and used Rewind to win and even then all I could manage was a measly 1-0.


I still feel I earned this, despite how I won that final match!

And with that, Super Soccer is over! Being honest, I didn't like it much. It's not unplayable but the perspective is simply bad, it makes both offense and defense very tricky, and the switch of perspective on the second half is just terrible. If that wasn't enough, the broken Foul system and the absurd cheapness of computer controlled teams just make this game a pure exercise in frustration. I'm not even sure why I pushed myself to beat 99% of it legit but I did anyway! Guess my south american blood didn't want to give up at football.


Anyway, with this we've reached 10 games cleared on the Exploring NSO project! To celebrate, I wanted to share two things!



Playtimes! If anyone had ever wondered how much time I dedicated to every game, here you go! I'm not proud of that Super Soccer time. I also now realize I actually didn't play that much of Wave Race, guess that's one game I should revisit sometime.

Second, and this could be spicy... the TOP 10 of games played so far!


Wario Land 3 gets the gold medal! Don't flame me Mario 3 fans please...


This post is a little lengthy so I'll leave the next roll for a future post.

Finally, there's one last thing I wanted to share here. I've decided to set up a special rule for one game... IF I ever roll Golden Sun: The Lost Age, this will active a massive Wombo Combo and I'll play through both Golden Sun games, one right after the other! Why? Simply because The Lost Age's best played directly after the original Golden Sun both for story reasons AND gameplay ones, as your progress from the first game actually matters there! Don't take this as a tease as I legit haven't rolled the next game yet, but I wanted to share this special rule just in case it gets rolled!
Fun twist, the ref cheats in this mode too. He ignores blatant cheating from the other team, but will penalize your for your mistakes hardcore. I didn't get that far but finding that out makes me just chortle. Imagine getting that far only to face a computer blatantly cheating against you for story reasons.
Fun twist, the ref cheats in this mode too. He ignores blatant cheating from the other team, but will penalize your for your mistakes hardcore. I didn't get that far but finding that out makes me just chortle. Imagine getting that far only to face a computer blatantly cheating against you for story reasons.
Even more justification for my decision of basically cheating to defeat them!
Game #11
K, enough hours passed. It's time for a new roll!

As always, first we roll for one of the six available consoles:


... SNES again. Out of 11 rolls, 5 of them have been SNES. Randomness can be nutty at times.

ANYWAY, there's 73 games on the SNES NSO list so let's roll a number:


New number! And the game is...


Wild Guns!


I don't think I've played this game before, but reading about it seems like it's actually a good game! Excited to try it out. As usual, anyone with experience on this is welcome to share it!
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K, enough hours passed. It's time for a new roll!

As always, first we roll for one of the six available consoles:


... SNES again. Out of 11 rolls, 5 of them have been SNES. Randomness can be nutty at times.

ANYWAY, there's 73 games on the SNES NSO list so let's roll a number:


New number! And the game is...


Wild Guns!


I don't think I've played this game before, but reading about it seems like it's actually a good game! Excited to try it out. As usual, anyone with experience on this is welcome to share it!
Ooh, this is a good one. A short and hard one but really good. Though it's best played with a buddy.

That reminds me that I've been wanting to play the remake.


Wild Guns! Finally a game with effort put into the title screen. So, for those not in the know (like me a few days ago), what is Wild Guns?


Wild West + Steampunk is always a neat combo

I'm not sure what to exactly call the genre, but I'd say it's an arcade shooting game. Basically, you control your character on a 2D plane, moving left/right or jumping to dodge enemy attacks while you also control your aim cursor and shoot at enemies. It's pretty simple all things considered, with most of the games' depth coming from your ability to properly dodge enemy attacks. There's a few extra mechanics, like the option to use a bomb for a screen-wide attack or different weapon types you can get from killing enemies/destroying objects, but the core of the gameplay is dodging and shooting.


Game features 2 playable characters, with the correct choice being, of course, the girl. There's really not much story to the game but if you read the manual it seems she's on a quest for revenge so it's just natural to pick her.


In terms of difficulty, Wild Guns is a little hard and you'll likely see the above screen quite a bit. It's not bullshit hard though and with some practice you should be able to beat the game...


Each level ends with a victory pose! I only played as the dude to get a screenshot of his pose

One of the few "negative" things I have to say about Wild Guns is its length, as the game features only 6 levels. Most levels feature 3 "screens" where you'll battle multiple waves of enemies and, usually, a boss. If you get a "Game Over" you always have the opportunity to retry the current level (from the beginning), so the punishment for dying isn't too much.


After almost 3 hours, I managed to clear the game! I only used savestates to save my progress as this is one of those "beat in one sitting" kind of games...

Overall, I thought it was pretty good! It's a little basic in terms of gameplay and a little short, but it's super fun. If you like games where the focus is on dodging and attacking back (like shoot 'em ups) you'll surely like this one.


You can compete against yourself if you're the score hunting type!


Anyway, so that's Wild Guns. Fairly short game so I got it done quickly (also because it was fun). I'll post the next game tomorrow probably.
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Never played or rented this as a kid. I'm showing a I have a few minutes of playtime on NSO, but I have no memory of it (lol). Going to give it another go, even though soccer/football isn't something I'm really into relative to other sports (especially baseball).

So when I typed this post, I was actually thinking of Super Tennis, not Super Soccer (lol). I did go try Super Soccer for a bit, and wound up enjoying it more than I expected to. Granted, I don't really play soccer games so I don't have much to compare it to.

Wild Guns is another I haven't played before, looking forward to trying it when I have some time.
Game #12
Love me some Wild Guns! Such a stylish arcade shooter.
Indeed, I forgot to mention this on my review but the visuals in Wild Guns are super good. Beautiful pixel art, fun designs for characters/enemies and the animations are pretty cool as well. It manages to be hectic but still readable, unlike some other games in similar genres.

So when I typed this post, I was actually thinking of Super Tennis, not Super Soccer (lol). I did go try Super Soccer for a bit, and wound up enjoying it more than I expected to. Granted, I don't really play soccer games so I don't have much to compare it to.

Wild Guns is another I haven't played before, looking forward to trying it when I have some time.
Haha, I hope I don't roll too many of those old sports games like Super Tennis or, worse, the NES black box sport titles. I can't imagine them being particularly good.


I seem to be in a burst of motivation for this so I decided to roll the next game today! As usual, first we roll for a console (please don't be SNES again...)


3! That's Nintendo SIXTY FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUR. There's 31 N64 games on NSO so we'll roll the game next:


Number 13! Let's see...


F-Zero X!


I don't have too much experience with the F-Zero franchise. I played the SNES one and although I thought the controls were good I absolutely hated the difficulty in Grand Prix mode. I've also played some runs of F-Zero 99 which I think is super fun, despite the fact that I haven't won a race yet.

In any case, I imagine there's many fans of this game in here, so I'm interested in hearing from you!

Did the emulation issues on this game ever get fixed? I hope they aren't too annoying.
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If you're sensitive to even slight fluctuations, F-Zero X's frame issues may pose a problem. But nothing you couldn't adjust to especially since they are really so minor.
I haven't updated in a while, sorry. I've been playing through F-Zero X a little slowly, mostly since I've been playing FFV at the same time.

Managed to beat all the cups in Novice and now I'm trying Standard. I dunno if it's that I suck at the game or that the game's tough but it took me a bit to get 1st place on the Jack Cup. I'll try to get 1st place on the other 2 cups before posting my review. Definitely not gonna attempt Expert mode haha, I feel Standard is enough "exploration" for me. This isn't the "Mastering NSO" thread after all!
Never got far in X myself. My terrible response time has always made this kinda of game ridiculously tough for me.
I haven't updated in a while, sorry. I've been playing through F-Zero X a little slowly, mostly since I've been playing FFV at the same time.

Managed to beat all the cups in Novice and now I'm trying Standard. I dunno if it's that I suck at the game or that the game's tough but it took me a bit to get 1st place on the Jack Cup. I'll try to get 1st place on the other 2 cups before posting my review. Definitely not gonna attempt Expert mode haha, I feel Standard is enough "exploration" for me. This isn't the "Mastering NSO" thread after all!
I havenā€™t played X but it looks brutal. The only way Iā€™d be able to make any progress in X would be with save state abuse!
So... that post yesterday was the classic case of complaining about something and immediately fixing it! Managed to beat all the Standard cups last night. So...


F-Zero X! Fairly cool looking title screen, makes you wish the game had something like a story mode, doesn't it? Anyway, although I assume most people here know, what is F-Zero X?


F-Zero X is a high speed racing game, sequel to the SNES classic F-Zero (which I don't like much but shh). As you can see on the screen above, each race begins with 30 racers, which is very chaotic. I say begins since one of F-Zero's most interesting mechanics is the fact that racers (including the player) can be eliminated during each race, either by falling down of the track or by having their energy depleted (notice the Energy bar in the screenshot above). This adds an extra layer of risk to the game, making each race even more thrilling than it already was due to the difficulty.


F-Zero X features a wide array of characters with designs that range from regular humans to uh... Octoman. Sadly, not all racers are unlocked at the beginning and you must actually clear all cups in each difficulty to unlock the rest (each difficulty unlocks an additional row).


One of the coolest aspects of the game is its track design. As you can see from the map here, some tracks are heavy on verticality and loops. All the stuff you saw in Mario Kart 8's track design that was cool was actually already done many years before by F-Zero X!


Now, a word on difficulty. F-Zero X is a tough game, many tracks feature tricky lay-outs so you'll probably see the "Retire" screen a fair amount. Enemy racers are also quite challenging and you may also see the "Try Again" screen when you don't manage to win a cup... believe me that I saw it more than enough. Anyway, after enough practice I managed to beat the 3 cups in Standard Mode and I was ready to call it quits but...


An extra cup unlocks! First track, as Mario Kart EXPERTS may realize, is the N64 Rainbow Road. Sadly, the music here is just a regular F-Zero X song, it'd have been great to have a rock remix of the Mario Kart tune... So, this final cup was actually pretty hard, with the final race in particular being pretty difficult. But! I don't give up easily and eventually...


I won! Using Billy the monkey I managed to snag first place and prove that monkeys are the best or something like that. You can notice one of the funny quirks of F-Zero's "elimination" system in the rankings, since my closest competitor (Samurai Goroh) was actually eliminated in the final race so I managed to get a ridiculous lead at the end!

Overall, I really liked F-Zero X! It controls great and although it's pretty hard it's not BS (at least on Standard). It's a major improvement over the SNES iteration, which controlled great but was complete BS on Grand Prix.

I'm gonna roll the next game soon!
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Game #13
Double post! New roll!

As usual, first the console:


3 is N64! Again!

Thanks to last week's Rare megadrop we now have 32 games, so let's roll a number:


#29! It is...


Jet Force Gemini!


I think I rented this one once when I was a kid but I couldn't really progress much, it was pretty hard. I hope this one is decently playable on NSO with Joycons, a quick glance at the manual makes me think it'll be a little rough...

Anyway, I don't know much about this game so I'm interested on any impressions!
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An extra cup unlocks! First track, as Mario Kart EXPERTS may realize, is the N64 Rainbow Road. Sadly, the music here is just a regular F-Zero X song, it'd have been great to have a rock remix of the Mario Kart tune...
The Expansion Kit actually corrected this!

It's like, the only notable release for the N64DD, so I sort of get why they've never bothered working out the emulation so they could include it when rereleasing F-Zero X, but it's still a bit of a shame.
Played around 1 hour of Jet Force Gemini so far. I can see this will be tough, the game is a third person shooter from the era before twin stick controls and gyro so the controls are, um, difficult to say the least.

I've managed to clear 2 "levels" and it's been kind of a struggle. I hope I get used to the controls since I don't want this game to be the first one I don't beat in this project.
Jet Force is a long one, regardless if you get used to the controls or not. And there's a really nasty surprise waiting for you by the end.
You NEED all the Tribals to even unlock the final boss.
Been progressing steadily with Jet Force Gemini. It's kind of a long-ish game so it has taken some more time than usual... My official review will be posted later when I beat the game, but some quick more detailed impressions:
  • Graphics are great. It's honestly one of the best looking N64 games, tons of neats effects, good character models and nice environments.
  • Controls are still not great, with time you learn how to use them as best as possible but they're definitely the weakest part of the game by far.
  • Game is tough, even if it controlled well it'd be difficult...
In any case, despite the issues with controls and such I'm having fun, it's kind of a charming game.
I havenā€™t played X but it looks brutal. The only way Iā€™d be able to make any progress in X would be with save state abuse!

I'm absolutely not above save state abuse...I'm 43 and I never had great reflexes to start with.

I'm a bit behind on this thread. Still need to have a go at at the last few games, though I do remember playing some F-Zero X on the Wii U Virtual Console (I think). Never have played Jet Force Gemini.

With the N64 games, I assume it's better in tabletop or docked mode using the Switch N64 controller (which I did pick up).
I was checking some older posts and it seems the image links are broken... I have all the screenshots saved, does anyone know of a good/reliable image hosting site? I was using a Discord server but it seems URLs randomly changed so it ruined everything...
I was checking some older posts and it seems the image links are broken... I have all the screenshots saved, does anyone know of a good/reliable image hosting site? I was using a Discord server but it seems URLs randomly changed so it ruined everything...
I use https://postimages.org/ for all my uploading (and sharing) needs. Free and easy and already comes with preformated code for sharing on Forums or elsewhere.
I use https://postimages.org/ for all my uploading (and sharing) needs. Free and easy and already comes with preformated code for sharing on Forums or elsewhere.
Thank you! It seems to work well! Now begins the painful process of replacing all the screenshots... I'll take it slow haha.

EDIT: Replaced pics for Mario's Super Picross and F-Zero X... 10 games left!
EDIT 2: Kirby's Dream Course and Wild Guns back online... 8 remain.
EDIT 3 (15-03): Wave Race, Tuff E Nuff and Light Crusader revived... 5 still to go.
EDIT 4: Game & Watch Gallery 3 and Super Mario Bros Advance 4 restored... 3 more and I'm done!
EDIT 5 (18-03): All are up again!
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Thank you! It seems to work well! Now begins the painful process of replacing all the screenshots... I'll take it slow haha.

EDIT: Replaced pics for Mario's Super Picross and F-Zero X... 10 games left!

This is a great thread, and you've done a great job, so take your time by all means. I do greatly enjoy reading everybody's insights. It's like a window back to an alternate universe childhood (and high school years) where I had the money to get all the games I wanted.
Just keeping this alive. As I've already mentioned, Jet Force Gemini is a little on the longer side so it's taken more than usual to clear it, especially when it competes with parenthood, my hobby of making music and my desire to play other games (almost done with Final Fantasy V!).

Anyway, as an update. For those who haven't played the game, "JFG" has like a 2 part structure. Part 1 is somewhat linear, you'll play through different planets while trying to reach your main enemy. Part 2, after some plot shenanigans, turns into a collectathon bit where you must re-explore cleared levels with new abilities to find some plot-relevant stuff. So far, I liked Part 1 much more, I think most would agree that backtracking segments in games tend to be annoying. It gets especially annoying in "JFG" since the 3 characters have different abilities so you have to know beforehand who to pick before re-exploring each planet otherwise you'll have to do it more than once.

In any case, I still find the game mostly fun, it's just a little long for this project! I hope to clear it soon, this week or (more likely) next week, since I really want to play something new!
Just keeping this alive. As I've already mentioned, Jet Force Gemini is a little on the longer side so it's taken more than usual to clear it, especially when it competes with parenthood, my hobby of making music and my desire to play other games (almost done with Final Fantasy V!).

Anyway, as an update. For those who haven't played the game, "JFG" has like a 2 part structure. Part 1 is somewhat linear, you'll play through different planets while trying to reach your main enemy. Part 2, after some plot shenanigans, turns into a collectathon bit where you must re-explore cleared levels with new abilities to find some plot-relevant stuff. So far, I liked Part 1 much more, I think most would agree that backtracking segments in games tend to be annoying. It gets especially annoying in "JFG" since the 3 characters have different abilities so you have to know beforehand who to pick before re-exploring each planet otherwise you'll have to do it more than once.

In any case, I still find the game mostly fun, it's just a little long for this project! I hope to clear it soon, this week or (more likely) next week, since I really want to play something new!

I want to play Jet Force Gemini, but my sister borrowed my N64 controller a couple of months ago.

Still waiting to get it back...
It's finally over... Time for my Jet Force Gemini review/impressions!


This is how the title screen looks when the game first greets you!

So, what is this game about?


Jet Force Gemini is a third person shooter where you play as members of a galactic police team that's trying to save the universe from an evil dictator called Mizar. Gameplay has 2 "modes", a free roaming mode where you can move and jump but can't aim and an aiming mode (activated by holding R) where you can aim but your movement is limited to 4 directions (forwards, backwards, left and right). Remember that this is a game before dual sticks or gyro were a thing, so the somewhat unusual controls are kinda expected...

Sadly, the controls aren't just "unusual", they're plain bad. In the "aiming" mode, you aim with the control stick and move with the C buttons, which is fairly odd. However, the main issue really is the aiming itself. I don't know if I should blame NSO or the joycons for this but the aiming is simply really inaccurate, any stick movement results in huge movements of your crosshair, which makes aiming very hard. I really can't overstate how frustrating it's to try to simply lightly move your aim to try to hit an enemy in this game. Even, as I played through the game I found it simpler to move my entire character rather than the aim thanks to how bad the controls are.

Anyway, moving on from the controls...


Jet Force Gemini features 3 playable characters: Juno, Vela and Lupus. At the beginning of the game you can only use Juno but you eventually unlock all 3. They play almost the same but Juno can walk in lava, Vela can swim underwater and Lupus has a jetpack-ish ability that he can use to float for a bit. During the first half of the game, each of the 3 characters follows a separate story that shows their journey to reach the lair of the main villain.


Game features several weapons, although several of them you'll barely ever use. In fact, since the aiming controls are so bad the most accurate weapon ends up being the weapon the game itself calls inaccurate, the Machine Gun. There's also Homing Missiles that are basically mandatory to beat the final boss.


Every once in a while you'll encounter a boss battle. They are locked to the aiming mode, which as you can imagine makes them an absolute delight to play... Luckily, there's only like 4 of them in the entire game.


Jet Force Gemini is a fairly long game. After the 3 main characters meet in the main villain's lair, plot shenanigans happen and the second half of the game begins. For this half, the team gets new armors and the ability to use a jetpack, which is kinda cool!

What is not kinda cool though is that second half is basically a huge backtracking section. Here, the game asks you to explore almost every level you had already cleared to find parts for your spaceship but also to rescue Tribals, NPCs that are scattered throughout each level that you must rescue to be able to reach the final boss. Main issue of this entire section is that to get all Tribals and spaceship parts you'll have to play through almost every single level of the game again and, for some levels, more than once since there are sections that only specific characters can reach (thanks to their unique abilities). I strongly recommend using a guide here unless you want to spend an eternity doing this...


Eventually, however, you'll collect everything, defeat Mizar and save the galaxy! After you do so, the title screen changes to a cool one featuring the entire team.

It seems I've been shitting on the game a fair bit, so for my last section of the review I left some screenshots that showcase how good the game looks!



There's some neat effects and environment design in Jet Force Gemini, which is easily the game's strongest aspect. Music is also pretty good!

Anyway, that's it for JFG! I wish I could say I enjoyed the game more, but the truth is that between the bad controls and how long/tedious the second half I ended up feeling pretty "meh" by it. If the game had just been the first half I'd be much more positive on it but oh well... It's not a completely awful game but I can't really recommend it too much.

For those curious, playthrough was 21 hours and 49 minutes, the current record for the Exploring NSO project!

I already rolled the next game, I'll post about it tomorrow but I think it's a fun one!
Game #14
Double post! Time for yet another new roll...

First, console!


Number 4 is the Genesis! This is the second time, after Light Crusader last year. There are currently 45 games for Genesis NSO, let's see...


Number 24! This was the first roll and the game is...


Shining Force II!


I don't know much about this series but I think it's like Fire Emblem... probably means this game is fairly long so it'll likely take a while to beat. In any case, I'm excited to try it since I love FE. If anyone has any impressions/recommendations, please share!
Double post! Time for yet another new roll...

First, console!


Number 4 is the Genesis! This is the second time, after Light Crusader last year. There are currently 45 games for Genesis NSO, let's see...


Number 24! This was the first roll and the game is...


Shining Force II!


I don't know much about this series but I think it's like Fire Emblem... probably means this game is fairly long so it'll likely take a while to beat. In any case, I'm excited to try it since I love FE. If anyone has any impressions/recommendations, please share!
Ooh. I beat Shining Force 2. It has much more in common with an RPG than a full on strategy game. The only time in the whole playthrough where the strategy aspect came to play was one point in the story.

But yeah, this game is great. An awesome example of Camelot's early work.
My impression of Shining Force II was "this is like Fire Emblem but with zero strategy and everything takes an eternity". Same with the GBA one. I'm not even a Fire Emblem fan, but I appreciated them so much after trying all the other GBA SRPGs.
Yeah, the appeal of Shining Force is the character designs and humorous story (for the era) rather than a lot of strategy. Its more helpful to think of it as an old JRPG with a really, really, really big party.

Honestly just level up your phoenix companion, you'll blaze through most fights.
My impression of Shining Force II was "this is like Fire Emblem but with zero strategy and everything takes an eternity". Same with the GBA one. I'm not even a Fire Emblem fan, but I appreciated them so much after trying all the other GBA SRPGs.

Both SF 1 and 2 are contemporary with Fire Emblem Gaiden, so... Make of that what you will for the standards of map design at the time. If you only played the Echoes version of Gaiden, know that it used to feel even worse. Still, I think their other attributes of SF 1 and 2 make them really fun, unique games. Love little things like checking all the book shelves to get different titles and just the way more unique world with a bunch of different kinds of races in your party.

2's also got some of my favorite battle and town themes of any RPG, so it's got that going for it too.

It's been a while since I last posted, I imagine many of you have had sleepless nights wondering about my experience with Shining Force II.

Now, I haven't beaten the game yet... In fact, I doubt I'm even halfway through it. BUT! Instead of waiting until I'm done I wanted to share my first round of impressions, so here we go!


So, Shining Force... What even is it? As some may know, this game was actually developed by Camelot (of Golden Sun "fame") before their partnership with Nintendo began. Like GS, Shining Force is a RPG but in reality it's similar to another Nintendo series... Fire Emblem!


Just like in modern FE, you can name the protagonist! You can't choose gender tho.

Shining Force II is a strategy RPG. It features tactical combat, with each battle taking place in a tile based map. Characters have stats, unique classes and different roles in battle.


However, there are meaningful differences with FE. In this game, there's towns and a map to explore, akin to a regular RPG. Towns have NPCs you can interact with, stores, treasures and that kinda stuff. There's even optional characters you can recruit while exploring!


Just like in FE, through the game you'll recruit a variety of characters from different backgrounds, classes and races. While I don't show it much here, there's a lot of non-human races in Shining Force, like rat people and bird people.


Now, for the core of the game... battles! Like I mentioned above, battles are tactical based, taking place on a tile based map. There's simple animations for attacks, which are honestly pretty bland, although the sprites are cool looking. Just like in FE, characters have different movement ranges according to their classes, with centaurs having more range than humans for example.

So, how similar is Shining Force to Fire Emblem? Actually, less than it seems at first glance. The combat system has some pretty meaningful differences. First one is turn structure. In FE, turns are separate into Player Phase and Enemy Phase. In Player Phase you can move ALL your characters and after you're done, the enemy will move all their characters on their turn. In Shining Force there's no such structure, instead turns depend on each unit's speed stat, with speedier units moving first. As a result, turns will constantly switch between you and the enemy. IMO, while this system is interesting, it leads to less strategic gameplay since it's not really easy to figure out what unit will take the next turn so you'll often adopt turtling strategies since it's very risky to be too offensive.
A second major difference is how attacks work. In Fire Emblem, the unit that begins combat attacks and then the other unit counterattacks (if possible), and then a second attack may occur if there's enough difference of speed between the combatants. In Shining Force II all of this is random. The unit that attacks will always attack, but counterattacks and double attacks are completely random. There's also random misses and critical hits. Unlike FE, where random effects depend on certain character stats (like Luck), all of this depends on character class and can't be altered by the player. IMO, this is a much worse system than FE since being so random eliminates a lot of strategy and simply causes frustration.


Finally, story and characters! Shining Force II is similar to traditional RPGs. There's a boy who randomly turns out to be a hero, a force of evil that wants to destroy the world and a princess that needs to be saved. Nothing particularly special, although some of the dialogue has made me laugh, like the unhinged guy above.

Overall, I'm enjoying the game a fair amount. It's less strategic than Fire Emblem but it's still fun. Battles tend to be shorter and more common than in FE, which is a nice change of space.

As of now, I finished what could be called the first "section" of the game and have played a few hours into the second section. From what I can tell (thanks to HLTB) I have a ton left, so stay in tune for my second update, which will hopefully cover what's left of the game!
Double post! I finally beat Shining Force II. Playtime clocked at 31 hours and 20 minutes, the highest of Exploring NSO so far! Previous record was 21 hours and 49 minutes for Jet Force Gemini... Anyway, let's go for the screenshots!

We had left off on the ending of the first part, the main evil dude is keen on resurrecting the lord of devils and our heroes have to find a way to prevent the world's end from happening...


New characters, like Peter the phoenix, are introduced as the heroes request help from a God but get swiftly denied.


Your party also starts growing in variety with additions of wolfmen and birdmen. I love how class names are barely understandable due to the character limit.


Like most SRPGs, Shining Force doesn't really introduce many new mechanics past the initial hours, but as you progress you'll reach another element borrowed from Fire Emblem... promotions! From level 20 onwards, characters can be promoted after being blessed by a priest.


Some characters get new portraits after promotion, which is pretty neat! Another cool aspect is that some classes have branching promotions, which gives the game some replay value.


Difficulty raises as the game progresses, with the iconic chess battle being one of the toughest of the game. Shining Force II is actually a pretty challenging game, but it manages to do it in a fair way. I managed to complete the entire game without ever grinding or anything of the sort. I only lost in 2 battles even...

On the topic of difficulty, there's one main aspect of the game I forgot to mention on the previous post: character deaths! Fire Emblem is well known for its permadeath feature, so how does Shining Force handle it? Well, if a character falls in battle, they get "exhausted" and are removed from the battle. However, if you visit a priest, the character can be revived (for some money) and continue to be used throughout the game. So, in a sense, the game handles death similarly to "Casual" mode in modern FE games. Hence, sacrificing characters actually becomes part of the strategy! The only tedious aspect is having to backtrack to a church after most battles to revive your fallen warriors. Given the unpredictability of the turn system, plus all the randomness, it's actually fairly easy to have your characters die... woops!


Anyway, as the plot continues you'll recruit even more characters and kill some devils until eventually, after going through many hurdles (like a weird stair maze), you'll reach Zeon and engage in the final battle! It's pretty tough...


... but I managed to clear it and beat the game... Groovy! In the end, you save the world and rescue the princess. The main hero even gets to kiss the princess in the finale, which is completely random as they had never truly interacted outside of like 3 dialogue boxes in the entire game. Actually, if you look for it you can find a fair amount of online rants regarding this, especially by fans that shipped the main hero with another character... no franchise can skip shipping wars!

Anyway, that's my experience with Shining Force II! I had a lot of fun actually, easily my favorite game of the Exploring NSO saga so far. It's definitely not as deep as Fire Emblem but I'd say it's just as fun.

Moving on, I already rolled the next game but I'll post about it later in what, I hope, is NOT a triple post hehe.
Shining Force 2 was fun when I played it. And I think as an experience its much improved over the first.

I especially dig the secret final area you can get at the end of the game, which is a nice reward for making it through the experience.

Glad you had your fun with it.
Game #15 New
Ok, a day has passed so let's roll the next game!


5 is Game Boy! We recently had a big Mega Man drop of games so the number of titles has increased to 31... Let's see what we get...


Not Mega Man :( Anyway, let's look at the table...


Metroid II!


To be honest, I heavily considered skipping this roll since I have played and beaten Metroid: Samus Returns on 3DS... However, I figure playing the original after the remake must be an interesting experience and it's been several years since then so I'll give it a shot still! Interested on any feedback regarding how the original compares against the remake!
Metroid II!


To be honest, I heavily considered skipping this roll since I have played and beaten Metroid: Samus Returns on 3DS... However, I figure playing the original after the remake must be an interesting experience and it's been several years since then so I'll give it a shot still! Interested on any feedback regarding how the original compares against the remake!
I actually booted up the Game Boy NSO app the other day and Metroid II was catching my eye. I beat Metroid on NES not that long ago and had a blast, so maybe it is time for me to start II soon as well? Never played it or Samus Returns. In any case, I hope you have fun with it!
Ok, a day has passed so let's roll the next game!


5 is Game Boy! We recently had a big Mega Man drop of games so the number of titles has increased to 31... Let's see what we get...


Not Mega Man :( Anyway, let's look at the table...


Metroid II!


To be honest, I heavily considered skipping this roll since I have played and beaten Metroid: Samus Returns on 3DS... However, I figure playing the original after the remake must be an interesting experience and it's been several years since then so I'll give it a shot still! Interested on any feedback regarding how the original compares against the remake!
They have almost nothing in common beyond the basic premise, so it's probably not as interesting a comparison as you might think. Samus Returns technically uses the original game's map as a base, but it's unrecognizable.
Metroid II!


To be honest, I heavily considered skipping this roll since I have played and beaten Metroid: Samus Returns on 3DS... However, I figure playing the original after the remake must be an interesting experience and it's been several years since then so I'll give it a shot still! Interested on any feedback regarding how the original compares against the remake!
They are so different you will hardly recognize anything from the remake in the original. So don't worry about comparisons I say.

One big point about the OG versus the remake is how, "ambient" and semi-Survival horror it is versus the remake.
Was on vacation last week so I managed to enough time into the game to actually beat it!


So, Metroid II! A Game Boy sequel to a NES original, I feel it's kind of a unique proposition in that sense. I think most other GB entries of popular Nintendo franchises weren't direct sequels, instead being more like side episodes or spin-offs. Anyway...


... this is how the game looks! I was actually a bit surprised, I expected it to look much worse! The limitations from the Game Boy are definitely noticeable in the backgrounds (or lack of) but it fits the tone of the game. And yes, Metroid can't crawl here, as is tradition.

I don't think I really need to explain how a 2D Metroid game plays on Famiboards but just in case, the shortest explanation is that it's a shooter/platformer where the main gimmick is that the map is interconnected and free to explore, the only limitation (in most cases) being your current moveset. As you acquire new moves/weapons, you can explore new parts of the map and progress through the game. That's the usual Metroid gameplay though, since Metroid II actually handles it a little (or not so little) differently...


In Metroid II, the main "lock" that keeps you from progressing is mostly acid. Usually, you'll enter a new area, start exploring and suddenly find a pool of acid blocking your way downwards. How do you clear it you ask? Well...


In Metroid II, the main objective is killing Metroids. The game's plot is that Samus is sent to planet SR-388 to exterminate the Metroid race entirely, as its deemed too dangerous by the Galactic Federation. The counter you see on the bottom left of the UI even tells you how many Metroids are left to kill in the planet. So, what does this have to do with the acid? Apparently, Metroids can control the acid level of the planet so after you kill a bunch the acid drops and you can progress.


As you can see from the counters, there's actually a ton of Metroids to kill but they come in different variations so it's not that tedious. In fact, I think the game manages to handle the repetition nicely with variations on the layout of the screens where battles take place and in how you encounter the Metroids. Thanks to the game's music and graphics it can also get a bit "scary" when you explore an area and you don't know when you'll find a Metroid to fight. This is especially true of the final boss.


In terms of gameplay, Metroid II is fairly good. Samus handles well and, despite her large sprite, the screen size is enough for you to see most enemies and obstacles. There's a few moments that feel a little BS but in general it works. The game even manages to introduce new powerups that would become standards like the Space Jump and Spider Ball.

My only gripe with the game really is the world design. Unlike a traditional Metroid game, there's actually very little backtracking to old areas to find new areas, most of the time you just descend until you find acid, then explore a bit killing Metroids until the acid drops and then return to descending. There's nothing inherently wrong with that but it's a bit disappointing for a Metroid game and it's also not helped by the amount of repetition. Many screens look very similar, so at times you'll get a little lost exploring since you're not sure if you're progressing or not. I feel this could be intentional by the devs but it mostly feels like Game Boy limitations to me.


Anyway, after killing enough Metroids you'll finally reach the final boss: the Metroid Queen, although there's some neat surprises along the way I didn't wanna spoil for those who haven't played the game! It's a very hard battle, I barely managed it with the amount of Missiles I had...


After beating the queen, the most iconic and important scene of Metroid II comes: the baby (DABABY for those with culture). Samus killed every single Metroid in the planet but when she comes in contact with a Metroid newborn she hesitates and lets it live. This Metroid becomes core in Super Metroid's plot and later in both Fusion and Dread, so it's a big part of Metroid II's legacy.


You can share a moment with the baby and the night sky before the game finally ends! 5 hours isn't bad for a first playthrough of the game.

Overall, I'm a bit mixed on the game. It plays well but the map/level design is a bit of a letdown. It kinda grew on me on the final areas though so it left on a positive note, as I was getting a little bored when the Metroid count was around 25. As Fami had warned me, the game's very different from the 3DS remake, much less action focused and with different bosses and stuff. I kinda wanna replay Samus Returns now actually!

On another note, I already rolled the next game but I'll share that tomorrow. I also discovered the "Settings" menu of NSO apps, so in the future my screenshots won't have the controls in the bottom... I feel very silly I had missed them until now šŸ˜“
I already did a play through of Metroid 2 for the first time last year, and I have to say I was really surprised by how much I liked it. I have enjoyed it more than the original Metroid since I felt like I had an easier time navigating the map, and it was a bit easier in my eyes. Sure it can be a bit repetitive, but because of how short it can be, it didn't feel all that bad.
Game #16 New
Ok, time for a new roll! First, console...


5 is uh... Game Boy again! Maybe now I get Mega Man?


#19? Let's see...


Castlevania Legends!


Just after Metroid we get Castlevania, sometimes things just write themselves huh. I've actually never played a Castlevania game before so this is kinda fun in that sense...

However, I read some impressions online and the game doesn't seem particularly beloved so uh, well, I'll give it a shot. Any impressions welcome!
Oh shit Legends is one of the Castlevania games I haven't played yet. If I find the time I'll play this one alongside you! I assume it's a short game anyway

Time for Castlevania Legends! As you can see, I toggled the "button commands" off and we also have Game Boy Color palette!


So, what is this game about? It's actually a Castlevania prequel, featuring the birth of Dracula and the adventure of the first Belmont vampire hunter: Sonia Belmont. However, some Google searching tells me it was retconned out of the official timeline for some reason.

Anyway, this is basically a 2D action-adventure platformer. I've never really played another Castlevania game so I don't know if it plays like other games from the franchise but I'd describe it as a pretty slow paced game. Sonia has slow walking speed and her jump isn't particularly high and doesn't travel much distance. Her main weapon is a whip, which can shoot fireballs when upgraded to its maximum level.


Like many older games, it's fairly hard so you'll probably get game over'd a few times. Luckily, both death and game over aren't too punishing as the game's checkpoint system is very generous.


Legends is a fairly short game, featuring only 5 levels (plus a short bonus stage). Each one is fairly long though, but you'll still be done with the game in a couple hours.

Level design is a bit of a mixed bag. There's fun components here and there but there's also a fair amount of BS. One of the most annoying aspects of the game is that enemies respawn if you scroll their spawning point out of view and then in again, which makes vertical levels particularly frustrating, since enemies from below AND above you will often respawn when you jump and the screen moves.


Each level has its own boss, some of them even being classic Castlevania characters. Each boss drops a new skill for Sonia after defeat, ranging from the ability to stop time for enemies to a full heal. These skills consume hearts when used, which generally drop from candles (you can see them in the UI in the above screenshot). Sadly, hearts reset to 0 every time you die, so you'll only really use these skills if you're good at the game, which is fairly contradictory since you won't really need them in that case.


Final boss is (obviously) Dracula and, after defeating him, you'll have a nice shot of Sonia looking at where Dracula's castle used to be. Old games really liked the "protagonist in a mountain looking at their adventure's remains" shot huh.

Castlevania Legends actually has 2 endings, so I made the effort of playing through the game twice.


On my second playthrough I picked the game's "Light Mode", which is basically Easy mode since your whip is always fully upgraded there. To get the true ending, you need to collect some hidden items on each stage and beat Dracula.


The upgraded ending now features Sonia's flowing hair and a screenshot showing her with a baby, implying that the Belmont family continues or something.

Overall, I had fun with this. It's a very average game to be honest but it's short so yeah. Next game will be posted later today or tomorrow! I wonder if @jirou managed to play the game too!

Time for Castlevania Legends! As you can see, I toggled the "button commands" off and we also have Game Boy Color palette!


So, what is this game about? It's actually a Castlevania prequel, featuring the birth of Dracula and the adventure of the first Belmont vampire hunter: Sonia Belmont. However, some Google searching tells me it was retconned out of the official timeline for some reason.

Anyway, this is basically a 2D action-adventure platformer. I've never really played another Castlevania game so I don't know if it plays like other games from the franchise but I'd describe it as a pretty slow paced game. Sonia has slow walking speed and her jump isn't particularly high and doesn't travel much distance. Her main weapon is a whip, which can shoot fireballs when upgraded to its maximum level.


Like many older games, it's fairly hard so you'll probably get game over'd a few times. Luckily, both death and game over aren't too punishing as the game's checkpoint system is very generous.


Legends is a fairly short game, featuring only 5 levels (plus a short bonus stage). Each one is fairly long though, but you'll still be done with the game in a couple hours.

Level design is a bit of a mixed bag. There's fun components here and there but there's also a fair amount of BS. One of the most annoying aspects of the game is that enemies respawn if you scroll their spawning point out of view and then in again, which makes vertical levels particularly frustrating, since enemies from below AND above you will often respawn when you jump and the screen moves.


Each level has its own boss, some of them even being classic Castlevania characters. Each boss drops a new skill for Sonia after defeat, ranging from the ability to stop time for enemies to a full heal. These skills consume hearts when used, which generally drop from candles (you can see them in the UI in the above screenshot). Sadly, hearts reset to 0 every time you die, so you'll only really use these skills if you're good at the game, which is fairly contradictory since you won't really need them in that case.


Final boss is (obviously) Dracula and, after defeating him, you'll have a nice shot of Sonia looking at where Dracula's castle used to be. Old games really liked the "protagonist in a mountain looking at their adventure's remains" shot huh.

Castlevania Legends actually has 2 endings, so I made the effort of playing through the game twice.


On my second playthrough I picked the game's "Light Mode", which is basically Easy mode since your whip is always fully upgraded there. To get the true ending, you need to collect some hidden items on each stage and beat Dracula.


The upgraded ending now features Sonia's flowing hair and a screenshot showing her with a baby, implying that the Belmont family continues or something.

Overall, I had fun with this. It's a very average game to be honest but it's short so yeah. Next game will be posted later today or tomorrow! I wonder if @jirou managed to play the game too!
Yes!! I'll have to post my full thoughts belated because I don't want to half ass them, sorry! But I will post them, say Sunday at the latest. Busy times, but at least it doesn't have to be a whole essay since the game itself is short.
Will comment on your thoughts when I post mine as well, hope that's all ok šŸ›
Anyway, this is basically a 2D action-adventure platformer. I've never really played another Castlevania game so I don't know if it plays like other games from the franchise but I'd describe it as a pretty slow paced game. Sonia has slow walking speed and her jump isn't particularly high and doesn't travel much distance. Her main weapon is a whip, which can shoot fireballs when upgraded to its maximum level.​
It's not really much like any other Castlevania. The basic gameplay is broadly similar to its predecessors, with some Game Boy Castlevania-specific elements carried over from the previous two like climbing ropes instead of staircases, but the level design and mechanics like the new abilities you get are... weird. It all feels very unbalanced and confusingly inconsequential. Older Castlevanias are very precise and difficult games, and this one can be kind of annoying in a sloppy way, but it's relatively easy and very messy and all over the place.

And yes, it is very slow. Not quite as slow as The Adventure, but it's pretty bad.

This feels like one of the most forgotten entries in the series, all told. The Adventure gets all the hate, but between the lack of memorable music, the very uninspiring level design and ineffective evolutionary dead end gameplay ideas, and coming years after the actually very good Belmont's Revenge; it's pretty much just remembered as "the one with the girl Belmont". It barely ever comes up compared to the first two Game Boy games.

Time for Castlevania Legends! As you can see, I toggled the "button commands" off and we also have Game Boy Color palette!


So, what is this game about? It's actually a Castlevania prequel, featuring the birth of Dracula and the adventure of the first Belmont vampire hunter: Sonia Belmont. However, some Google searching tells me it was retconned out of the official timeline for some reason.

Anyway, this is basically a 2D action-adventure platformer. I've never really played another Castlevania game so I don't know if it plays like other games from the franchise but I'd describe it as a pretty slow paced game. Sonia has slow walking speed and her jump isn't particularly high and doesn't travel much distance. Her main weapon is a whip, which can shoot fireballs when upgraded to its maximum level.


Like many older games, it's fairly hard so you'll probably get game over'd a few times. Luckily, both death and game over aren't too punishing as the game's checkpoint system is very generous.


Legends is a fairly short game, featuring only 5 levels (plus a short bonus stage). Each one is fairly long though, but you'll still be done with the game in a couple hours.

Level design is a bit of a mixed bag. There's fun components here and there but there's also a fair amount of BS. One of the most annoying aspects of the game is that enemies respawn if you scroll their spawning point out of view and then in again, which makes vertical levels particularly frustrating, since enemies from below AND above you will often respawn when you jump and the screen moves.


Each level has its own boss, some of them even being classic Castlevania characters. Each boss drops a new skill for Sonia after defeat, ranging from the ability to stop time for enemies to a full heal. These skills consume hearts when used, which generally drop from candles (you can see them in the UI in the above screenshot). Sadly, hearts reset to 0 every time you die, so you'll only really use these skills if you're good at the game, which is fairly contradictory since you won't really need them in that case.


Final boss is (obviously) Dracula and, after defeating him, you'll have a nice shot of Sonia looking at where Dracula's castle used to be. Old games really liked the "protagonist in a mountain looking at their adventure's remains" shot huh.

Castlevania Legends actually has 2 endings, so I made the effort of playing through the game twice.


On my second playthrough I picked the game's "Light Mode", which is basically Easy mode since your whip is always fully upgraded there. To get the true ending, you need to collect some hidden items on each stage and beat Dracula.


The upgraded ending now features Sonia's flowing hair and a screenshot showing her with a baby, implying that the Belmont family continues or something.

Overall, I had fun with this. It's a very average game to be honest but it's short so yeah. Next game will be posted later today or tomorrow! I wonder if @jirou managed to play the game too!
Such a pretty lady.
yea, I remember playing this a couple of months back, and while I didn't despise the game, I am going to be honest, and just say it was very boring from beginning to end. It didn't take me that long to beat and honestly I don't really remember all that much about the game. Its a game where I am glad that it finally got its rerelease, and happy that I had the chance to beat, but I don't think I would ever go back and replay it.

it also doesn't help that its not really all that pretty of a game. Yea its on a Gameboy, but man, but 1998, there was a lot of other games that showed what type of visuals you could get from the system.
Game #17 New
Time for a new roll!

First, console:


Game Boy again, what in the hell. Maybe this is finally time for Mega Man, third time's the charm and all that? Still 31 games in the GB list:


29! That's definitely Mega Man...


... III!


I think this is one of the "not good ones" but eh, it's Mega Man, I'll probably like it either way! I haven't played any of the GB entries so this will be fun! Interested on any impressions.

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