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Reviews EDGE Magazine #379 review scores - Sonic Frontiers, God of War Ragnarok, Gotham Knights, and more


picross pundit

God of War Ragnarok - 7
Somerville - 7
Pentiment - 9
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II - 6
Gotham Knights - 5
The Chant - 6
Sonic Frontiers - 3
A Little to the Left - 6
The Entropy Centre - 5
Marvel Snap - 8
How to Say Goodbye - 6

Cover - Nightingale
Hype - Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, Like A Dragon: Ishin, Under The Waves, Jumplight Odyssey, Ninja or Die, Demonschool, Another Crab’s Treasure
Hype Roundup - Pepper Grinder, Sports Story, Surmont, World of Horror, Stranger Things VR
Studio Profile - Tarsier Studios
The Making of - Wildermyth
Time Extend - Sleeping Dogs
The Long Game - Resident Evil Village
from the sonic review
If all this is horribly disappointing, the emphasis on combat – never a Sonic strength – is outright baffling. From bog-standard robots to minibosses and the hulking titans that preside over each area, all have one thing in common: they’re as much a slog to fight as Sonic is to control. Many have gimmicky vulnerabilities: you may have to complete a ‘cyloop’ around them (slowly steering Sonic to trace a specific pattern with his shimmering trail) to remove their shield, or complete a protracted QTE sequence as Sonic clings on for dear life.

Once they’re open to attack, combat involves you mashing the attack button to perform combos as you chip away at those overly long health bars. You can unlock more powerful moves via the skill tree, either ending a chain of attacks with a more powerful strike that locks you into a lengthy, tedious animation, or a dash-based start to a combo – which also locks you into a lengthy, tedious animation. Given the persistent control problems, you might think these occasions when Frontiers takes charge would be a blessing in disguise. But they speak to a game that never feels comfortable giving you full command of its star. We’re left feeling blue, but 3 not in the way Sonic Team intended.
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Need that snippet of the God of War Review
here you go:
As the looting and puzzling become exhausting, the 30-hour main plot begins to stale. Ragnarök offers many scattered scenes of engaging pathos, enabled both by stellar motion and voice performances and by that no-cuts ethos, showing you these gargantuan, mythic personalities at their most vulnerable. At one point we see Kratos divest himself of all the fancy armour you’ve heaped on him and contemplate his own much-abused body in silence, cradling the scar on his abdomen. Elsewhere, Freya dissects her past marriage with Odin in one of many generously written sidequests, and there’s a promising, albeit swiftly curtailed subplot involving Thor – another patriarch visiting his emotional constipation on his family.

But there are just as many false crescendos and annoying Marvel movie quips, and the plot marshalling it all is a bog-standard MacGuffin hunt, culminating in a surprisingly (and, to be fair, deliberately) muted assault on Asgard. If the no-cuts direction brings you closer to the cast, it also produces a narrative that has more plateaus than peaks or troughs – not so much a story as a meandering, open-mic podcast for traumatised divinities, endlessly chewing over the same cautionary nuggets about violence breeding violence while you swat eyeballs or pillage yet another sumptuous blind alley. The combat is beefy enough to carry you through the slower stretches, but even when you’re lopping heads off dragons it can feel like what you’re really killing is time.

Have they rated S/V yet?
they say the review is coming in the next issue.

And oof at that snippet, pacing is so important for me in modern times, it'll definitely make me think twice about playing.
I always like reading Edge as they’ve usually got an alternative take on stuff to much of the rest of the games press. And that makes it a more interesting read than 20 reviews that all reach the same conclusion, in much the same way that film critics don’t all reach a consensus in anywhere near the way the games press often does. I tend to read reviews after I’ve played stuff, and they often point out flaws I didn’t notice or praise things I pretty much shrugged at either. At this point I’m surprised they bother sticking with the granularity of review scores out of 10 though. I like the way that some outlets have ditched them, which then hilariously has aggregators assign them a score anyway :D
Yeah Gotham Knights and Sonic Frontiers are definitely deep discount kind of games for me despite being a fan of them both.

The Entropy Centre also is kind of surprising since it's got very positive reviews on Steam.

Pentiment is really good it looks like, I need to make time for that but there's just so many games I'm playing now I just have time for it.
Pentiment's artstyle definitely caught my eye when it was revealed so I may give it a go over Christmas. Impressions for it seem to be very positive.

I am also very morbidly curious to try Sonic out now.
I started Sonic last night. From the two hours I played of it, that snippet seems like it lines up pretty well with my experience. I definitely wouldn't say it's a 3/10 game, it's a lot of fun in fact, but there is tons of jank and controlling Sonic doesn't feel awesome a lot of the time.
Pentiment doesn't look that good to me, but otherwise seems like Edge is on the ball. Marvel Snap seem good based on that Kyle Bosman video
I really need to try out Pentiment, and -without having played GoW- I think the snippet sort of sums up how I tend to feel about huge Sony blockbusters.
I always like reading Edge as they’ve usually got an alternative take on stuff to much of the rest of the games press. And that makes it a more interesting read than 20 reviews that all reach the same conclusion, in much the same way that film critics don’t all reach a consensus in anywhere near the way the games press often does. I tend to read reviews after I’ve played stuff, and they often point out flaws I didn’t notice or praise things I pretty much shrugged at either. At this point I’m surprised they bother sticking with the granularity of review scores out of 10 though. I like the way that some outlets have ditched them, which then hilariously has aggregators assign them a score anyway :D
If all reviewers reached the same consensus we wouldn't even need more then 1 critic. As Nintendo Life Sonic Frontiers discussion showed even at the same outlet different reviewers can have very different experiences and opinions on a game.

I guess the question is who should "get" a review? The person most excited/knowledgable about a franchise? The person who's least excited/knowledgeable about a franchise? This gets even more complicated if the game goes in a radically different direction from it's predecessors like BotW or Frontiers.

Pragmatically I'm sure most reviews go to the person who's got availability to get the review done by the embargo deadline. It is why I think a reviewer should infuse themselves into a review and state where they're coming from so that potential game buyers can tell if this is a reviewer in a similar head space and expectations or not.
Can’t say I agree with the GoW review. Reading the review, I know exactly where these feelings that the reviewer wrote came from, but I think a 7 would not be fair given the overall game experience and content.
Can’t say I agree with the GoW review. Reading the review, I know exactly where these feelings that the reviewer wrote came from, but I think a 7 would not be fair given the overall game experience and content.
I agree with you. Just goes to show how subjective reviews are. Ragnarok is far and away my GOTY, but I can see where the reviewer is coming from.
these reviews sure do have some edge

(nah yeah but scores continue to be a weirdass subjective system, doesn't invalidate the content of their reviews)
I agree with you. Just goes to show how subjective reviews are. Ragnarok is far and away my GOTY, but I can see where the reviewer is coming from.
Edge usually sees besides the insane production values that these games use, while the rest of the press can't get past the visuals...it's a state where the industry is for quite some time.
Can’t say I agree with the GoW review. Reading the review, I know exactly where these feelings that the reviewer wrote came from, but I think a 7 would not be fair given the overall game experience and content.
I'm curious, what about the game experiences and content make a 7 not fair?
It's better than GoW 2018, a game that won GOTY at the Keighley's, in just about every single way.
But what's unfair about that? For you, sure, Edge's perspective is something you disgaree with and that's fine but I'm struggling on this point of fairness
I may have just made a fool of myself (again) by misreading something.

I think they actually gave it an 8 and I made a ass of myself
Someone made a fake review where they gave Ragnarok a 6/10 like a week or two ago. Maybe you crossed some wires.
It's better than GoW 2018, a game that won GOTY at the Keighley's, in just about every single way.
Admittedly I have no horse in this race and only played several hours of GOW1, but I’ve definitely heard buzz from multiple people online that they like Ragnarok less than the first one (at least a little) mostly due to issues in this review, like the pacing, meandering, and story. Definitely doesn’t seem to be the case for many people, but I wouldn’t say it’s an uncommon opinion.
I disagree with their scores for God of War and Sonic and think they should be much higher.

However, I’ve read the actual reviews, and honestly can’t take issue with a lot of their takes (even if I personally don’t necessarily agree, I can see where they’re coming from), so great reviews by them again, and those scores are gonna ruffle a lot of feathers lol.
I know people hate to see low scores for games they love, but I think Edge tends to have realistic scores. A 10/10 should be that: basically perfect, a 9.5 or above, rounded up to that 10. Virtually no flaws. More or less groundbreaking in its genre, a reinvention of the series, etc.--Super Mario Odyssey, BOTW. Doom Eternal, or GOW, for what they are, are just good. They don't reinvent the series, they don't do anything groundbreaking in the genre, they're just good games with great gameplay and a good story for the latter (with good gameplay, of course). So a 7 or 8 out of 10 seems completely reasonable, especially when GOW:R is generally seen as just more or the same even if it has some improvements.

3 for Sonic Frontiers seems a little excessive, though, even if I haven't played it. That entails it is just awful.
I can understand why someone would rate God Of War Ragnarok a 7. For me personally it's a solid 8 out of 10. My main issues is the combat feels clunky and cumbersome, especially compared to other character action games. There are some pacing issues, and the game can be tedious and repetitive at times.
Outside of those issues, it's a fantastic game. Gorgeous visuals. Kind of wish it was PS5 only, to see what they really were capable of.

I thought Gotham Knights was pretty decent. It had it's enjoyable moments. I would put it at around a 6 or 7.

I bought Sonic Frontiers for my son and he enjoys it. I haven't tried it out myself yet, to form an opinion.

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