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Discussion Do You Think the Mario & Luigi Series Will Ever Return Or Remain Dead Forever?

M&L ever return?

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Case of needing to find a developer, but I think yes, it will return at some point.

Partners in time could be remade to become a great couch co-op game in the future.
Very few Nintendo franchises stay dead forever so sure why not. I’m not terribly rooting for it to return as I prefer Mario RPG and RPG Paper Mario more, but Superstar Saga in particular is an absolute classic. I’d most love a new game with Wario and Waluigi joining or competing with the Mario bros.
Do rereleases/remasters count?

Honestly it's very rare a Mario subseries stays completely dead. Even stuff like Strikers came back. I think one day it will come back in some form, but I'm personally not itching for it much. Always preferred SMRPG and the first two PMs and the M&L series only has one truly great game IMO. But if they make another and it's good, sure I'll play it.
do we know where the key people from alphadream work at nowadays? didn't some of them got hired by nintendo?
Hiroyuki Kubota is at Monolith. He directed BiS and Dream Team and was responsible for the scenario of the first four games.
Fujioka is probably retired/freelance, others should be at Arzest but it's difficult to find credits for everyone who used to be at AlphaDream.
Yes, there will be a remake out sometime in the next five years. If Super Mario RPG can get remade despite being developed by Square Soft so can M+L.
If they hadn't done those remakes on 3DS, I'd say a remake of the original or Bowser's Inside Story like TTYD just got seems likely. I can't imagine the franchise is dead forever, but I wonder if they'll just be games that show up as classics once Nintendo figures out how they're re-releasing DS and 3DS games.

I see them as comparable to Golden Sun, but Golden Sun may have a better chance of getting a new entry due to having no other "Golden Sun" RPGs competing with it. However, if Nintendo wanted to have Paper Mario be more of an adventure series, perhaps there's space for Mario & Luigi to come back as the RPG series. I wonder what the implications of Nintendo's recent Super Mario RPG and TTYD remakes are, though.
Hiroyuki Kubota is at Monolith. He directed BiS and Dream Team and was responsible for the scenario of the first four games.
Fujioka is probably retired/freelance, others should be at Arzest but it's difficult to find credits for everyone who used to be at AlphaDream.
Monolith making a Mario RPG is a concept I can't imagine but that I also really want to see now.
It’s dead for the foreseeable future. It had two remakes in the last ten years that sold horribly despite being really good. I don’t think it’ll get another until Switch 3 maybe
I voted YES so we can manifest Mario & Luigi getting revived, even if it's just Switch ports of the 3DS remakes. The M&L games are my favorite of the Mario RPGs, and I would be incredibly sad to see them fade to dust.

(There's also the possibility that indie devs make spiritual tributes to M&L like so many did for Paper Mario, which I would be happy with!)
I don't think these games will return any time soon in the way these past games were, even if they were great fun and I would love to see more, based on past interviews I feel like Nintendo does not like to thread this covered ground as long as there is nothing new or innovative to add to the genre.

The current amount of "YES" surprise me.
As a lot of others have said, I imagine it's just a case of Nintendo finding the resources/right development team to do it.
The main issue is it's probably not a priority when Paper Mario is still around for a Mario RPG series so time and resources is probably being spent on other projects ahead of it.
Definitely don't see it staying dead forever though, Mario & Luigi had it's own charm and they'll know that fans will crave it more and more as time passes
Wario and Waluigi : Hero’s Reward.

Wario and Waluigi get summoned to another world (the summoner making a mistake trying to summon Mario and Luigi). They then agree to help as heroes when they see the large cash reward.

Lots of Wario’s moves involve farting.

Announced in the June Direct. Released Sept 24. Developed by Arzest.
I think it will be back with a remake on Switch 2, but actually continuing the series? That will take a while if ever. I think a problem is that Super Mario RPG 2 and an RPG Paper Mario both might get happen in the near future
Yes definitely sooner or later. It wasn't just a beloved series, but it's fairly established in the zeitgeist, remember that whole M&L beating Sephiroth's ass meme a while back? And I feel like I see random art projects harkening back to it every so often, it seems like making a character in the M&L sprite style is now a favorite of hobbyist pixel artists and animators, the way GBA Fire Emblem or Mega Man sprite edits were in the older days.

It's messed up how AlphaDream went down, but it's still a Nintendo franchise with Mario in the title, they've given far less fortunate properties second chances.
I think it will be back with a remake on Switch 2, but actually continuing the series? That will take a while if ever. I think a problem is that Super Mario RPG 2 and an RPG Paper Mario both might get happen in the near future
I agree. I think that they will maybe go with Mario RPG and Paper Mario moving forward. I'm not sure if there is really a need for three different styles/types of Mario RPG's. Two seems like plenty, especially if Mario + Rabbids continues too.

I'd love to see something more weird, like a straight up Luigi-focused RPG, or even Wario + WaLuigi.
In usual Nintendo fashion, it'll return when they have an idea of how to make it fresh. Dream Team, as much as I liked it, was already running on fumes, and Paper Jam was the definition of stale. Nintendo knows it, so they'll only go back to the series if someone has an eureka moment.

To answer the topic more directly: I think it will return, it just may take a long while.
After the success of the Mario RPG and TTYD remakes, I'm sure they'll want a franchise going forward to tap into that market. I don't expect Mario RPG to turn into a new franchise (1 sequel max), or for Paper Mario to go back to an RPG, so bringing back M&L makes sense.
Nintendo remaked the Famicom Detective games 30 years after their birth, greenlit a sequel for a franchise with a very simple gameplay loop like Punch-out a decade after the last installment, funded a sequel for a obscure Japan-only game like X (X-Scape), debuted for the first time a 20 years old unreleased game on the SNES Classic, 30 years later created a game (Master of Illusion) inspired by Miracle Trump which was a company's big success that happened in the '70s that is before they entered the videogame business existed.

Is there something Nintendo can NOT do? or that they forgot about their history?

So the only possible answer is: maybe.
Technically the last release was in 2019, so I don't even consider the series to be dead for it to need a revival. Yes I know the recent releases were remasters, but I don't think that matters in the grand scheme of things.
Won't it be hard to rerelease the later games? Is it possible without a dual screen?

I personally think Nintendo or whichever company they allow to make the next Mario RPG will want to do their own thing. Instead of continuing what another company did. I'd rather see Nintendo talk Intelligent Systems into turning Paper Mario into a proper RPG franchise like the first two games again.
Probably not, or at least not for the foreseeable future. No studio to call home and its "shepherds" currently being in the wind doesn't do it any favors.

Additionally, if Fujioka does come back, it'll probably be to fulfill his longstanding desire to work on a proper follow-up to Mario RPG. My guess would be either a straight sequel or another "evolutionary tangent", much like M&L was. I'd rather see either of those possibilities come to light, at this point, rather than just bringing back M&L.
On a long enough timeline, definitely

I don't think we live in a world where franchises like F-Zero, Another Code, Famicom Detective Club, and Endless Ocean can return but Mario&Luigi of all thing stays dead and buried forever
I don’t know why, but I’ve always been fairly certain that the series will return. Obviously they have to find a new developer, but I think Nintendo knows this is a franchise worth keeping around.

I’m actually somewhat surprised we didn’t get anything on Switch (so far). And no, Superstar Saga on NSO doesn’t count 😂
A much more interesting question would be if we expect it to return within like, 10 years. Being gone forever is pretty silly to imagine considering Nintendo's history.

I could see it breaking for that long in this case, obviously it was fairly burnt out with both new and remade entries and it does feel like the niche is pretty filled if it's possible Super Mario RPG might get a sequel alongside Paper Mario. I'm surprised everyone is so confident a remake would be the first thing they'd do - seems risky considering how much they double exhausted that relatively recently on 3DS. Porting 3DS games is one thing but porting 3DS remakes of DS/GBA games? Extra reheated. I'd bet on it returning with a new entry first, more invigorating in this case. Unless maybe it really has been over 10-15 years since the 3DS remakes.
Remake maybe. But if Nintendo wanted a brand new game, they'd probably just start a new subseries at that point
Maybe? Nintendo seems more open to allowing multiple Mario RPG series to run concurrently than they used to. Plus, having a traditional RPG series in M&L and a “simplistic” RPG series in Paper Mario makes some sense…but it made more sense when both series didn’t have to share space on the same console, AlphaDream is dead, and Nintendo is signaling that Paper Mario is going back to its roots.

If I had to guess, since games are taking longer to make, they’d rather pump resources into having one Mario RPG series, and Paper Mario has more of a cultural cache.
I could see it getting replaced with an all new rpg brand/entity, maybe something more in line with SMRPG with a diverse set of playable characters
Hopefully. Might be my favorite Mario series after 3D Mario. On the bright side, Nintendo has to know that the 3DS titles underperformed because they upped the cadence of release considerably.
  • 4 years between Partners in Time and Bowser's Inside Story
  • 4 between BIS and Dream Team
  • Then Dream Team, Paper Jam and two remakes in the span of 5 years.
No more remakes. After running the series to the ground, it needs to come back with a solid original title.
do we know where the key people from alphadream work at nowadays? didn't some of them got hired by nintendo?
It'll come back in the form of a Superstar Saga remake at the end of the switch 2's life cycle.
They were running out of ideas with this series, (and with the Paper Mario).
Just do the obvious Wario & Waluigi RPG or Paper Wario RPG, and let another studio have a crack at a Mario RPG.
It'll return but not any time soon. By the time it happens enough time will have passed for it to be a retro revival thing.
Very few Nintendo franchises stay dead forever so sure why not. I’m not terribly rooting for it to return as I prefer Mario RPG and RPG Paper Mario more, but Superstar Saga in particular is an absolute classic. I’d most love a new game with Wario and Waluigi joining or competing with the Mario bros.

Give me this, or alternatively Peach and Daisy join as the additional pair.

Mario & Luigi 6: Damsels of Distress.

Don't wait too long to hire me Nintendo.

Caught this over at the purple place, and thought it worthy to share, given the subject matter.

TL;DW - It seems Alphadream had a quite few things that led to their demise and why Nintendo didn't bother saving them. Crunch, of course, was an unfortunate factor.
I never played these games, but I didn't think the IP was dead? The developer shut down or something right? but the series was never announced as dead? idk I'm a pleb
I'd definitely want it to come back, I love it when Yoko Shimomura works on Mario games.

I do think Nintendo should decide on an RPG series to go with forward. Multiple Mario RPG's is overkill.
I never played these games, but I didn't think the IP was dead? The developer shut down or something right? but the series was never announced as dead? idk I'm a pleb
to be fair I don't think any series is ever announced as dead
As much as I loved the series, I'd think I'd prefer it stay dormant for now, and instead have Paper Mario return to its roots and SMRPG get a sequel. Bring it back when there's a team with a clear vision and new ideas on how to approach the overall concept (as I think Alpha Dream was kind of running on fumes by the end).

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