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Discussion Do you like Metroid Prime 2: Echoes or Metroid Prime 3: Corruption more?

Do you like Metroid Prime 2: Echoes or Metroid Prime 3: Corruption more?

  • Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

    Votes: 68 54.0%
  • Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    Votes: 40 31.7%
  • I like them equally

    Votes: 18 14.3%

  • Total voters
Just curious where Fami stands on this. Obviously Prime 1 is the most popular and well revered. I'm guessing Echoes will win this poll, as it seems to resonate more with core gamers due to it's complex design, darker tone, challenging gameplay, and of course, the immaculately designed Sanctuary Fortress.

But I wonder how many others, like me, prefer Prime 3? I love both games to death but I've always put Prime 3 above Prime 2 due to it's amazing pointer controls, beautiful art direction (Skytown is simply gorgeous!), unique story moments told through gameplay, and how it expanded the Metroid universe to feel bigger than it ever has. Let me know your thoughts :)
I quit Prime 2 half way through. The dark/light gimmick was unfun, I didn't find any of the areas interesting, and combat felt like a chore.

Prime 3 was overly linear and clearly inspired by the shooters of its time but I actually enjoyed it front to back. The areas were interesting and the combat felt significantly better.

Prime 1 is still the best, though.
Prime 2 is the only one of the Prime Trilogy I didn't finish, I hated the light and dark gimmick, I enjoyed Prime 3(Which also was my first Prime game) a heck of a lot more. Especially with it actually introducing other characters to interact with a big pur my drink moment for my boy Rundas and the motion controls were simply divine
Prime 2 is the best game in the entire trilogy and one of the best games of all time in my opinion. Very slept on. The light/dark world gimmick may be a bit cliche, but it was well executed. Everything else in Prime 2 is great, fantastic difficulty balance and fantastic originality everywhere else.

I'm happy they did something new in Prime 3 but it didn't come together as well. The ship was too limited for how much it was empathized and the story/cutscenes felt like it was trying to be Halo a little too much.
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As a staunch Prime 2 defender, I’ll be honest and say I initially preferred Prime 3 on first playthrough of the series. Prime 2 was so dreary and depressing, while 3 was a big shift and this felt more “novel”

But with time and replays it’s easily Echoes now. All of its “faults” like feeling more tedious or oppressive, samey dark world visuals, all became things I came to appreciate. Whole game just has such a vibe that’s really stuck with me, and of course, Sanctuary Fortress.
I guess I'll be one of the few going to bat for Prime 3? I've only played through 2 and 3 once each, but I found 2 to be a slog and 3 a breath of fresh air in comparison

Echoes kinda just hit me as "we're doing this again, but harder and drabber this time". It's easily my least favorite of the Metroid games I've actually played (I'm currently going through Metroid 2 for the first time though, so it might have competition at the bottom). The light world/dark world mechanic was just tedious to deal with and is something I'd already seen done better in probably a dozen other games, and the beams having limited ammo was just... why? Overall I tend to think of Echoes as the Lost Levels of Prime games; difficult and frustrating seemingly just for the sake of challenging "super players" who wanted "Metroid Prime, now with more bullshit". I get how that can appeal to some people, but it really didn't work for me. It's very much one of those "play a game, form an opinion, and then be completely blindsided by how totally out of step with the overall consensus that opinion apparently is" situations for me

3 meanwhile felt better paced and more like it had its own identity. Maybe it's because my first real introduction to metroidvanias had been Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, but I really didn't mind the map being broken up across different areas rather than one single cohesive world, and I liked the greater visual variety that came with that sort of thing. And while I didn't necessarily love everything they were doing with the additional NPCs and more "cinematic" setpieces/moments, my take on that was "hey, at least they're trying something different". I'm not gonna say it's a masterpiece but at least I actually had fun playing it

Neither is really as good as Metroid Prime 1 in my esteem, but when I think of Echoes I struggle to think of things I actually enjoyed about it, while with 3 I have at worst vaguely positive feelings towards it
It's a close call, but I slightly prefer Prime 2. For me, it's a game with major ups and downs. It has some fantastic moments, like most of Sanctuary Fortress, but it also has some very poorly executed ideas (i.e. boost guardian, spider ball guardian). The high points are enough to lift it above Prime 3. That might change, however, since I haven't played Prime 3 in a while and don't fully remember everything.

Still, I just can't get behind the idea that Prime 2 is better than Prime 1. Especially since I've been playing through Prime 2 again this week, I've remembered that it just has too many moments where I said out loud "this is stupid." Prime 1 is a much more consistent package, in my opinion.
1 has no argument for being better than 2 and 3 is worse than 1 so. I think 1 was a great start but 2 is when Retro thought yeah we know we could do better and they nailed it

happy to see I'm in good company here.
Both are much weaker than the first game. I appreciate them trying new things to stick out from Prime 1 but sadly most of the new additions in each don't land as well as they should. Only the first game struck a great balance, even if certain individual pieces are improved in the sequels. That said issues in both Prime 2 and 3 are harder to ignore with each replay.

Echoes has poorly implemented ammo system, which makes the game more tedious than fun, repetitive looking environments. underutilized dark world mechanic. Worst fetch quest in the series. Just over all a more uneven game than the first in pretty much every regard. Even looks and sounds worse. What happened?

Corruption is overly easy, thanks to poorly thought out hypermode. (An overreaction to the difficulty of Prime 2) It has the worst opening sequence in the series with endless cutscenes,and boring gameplay, and bad pacing. Worst boss fights in the Prime Trilogy. Exploration takes a backseat to pew pew shooting far too often. Which was never the series strong suit.

Overall, I would say Echoes is the better game thanks to having the best boss fights in the trilogy and the difficulty is just right but it's a tossup.

I still like both games but they are both much weaker than the first Prime. Really hope Prime 4 doesn’t fall into some of these same trappings.
Prime 2 is one of the GOATs.

However Prime 3 is also a GOAT on its own...that I need to revisit to refresh my memory of everything in the game.
I should give it to 2 because it's more similar to 1 but 3 is so much fun... I wouldn't want them to revisit that concept but for what it is...I love it.
Both are much weaker than the first game. I appreciate them trying new things to stick out from Prime 1 but sadly most of the new additions in each don't land as well as they should. Only the first game struck a great balance, even if certain individual pieces are improved in the sequels. That said issues in both Prime 2 and 3 are harder to ignore with each replay.

Echoes has poorly implemented ammo system, which makes the game more tedious than fun, repetitive looking environments. underutilized dark world mechanic. Worst fetch quest in the series. Just over all a more uneven game than the first in pretty much every regard. Even looks and sounds worse. What happened?

Corruption is overly easy, thanks to poorly thought out hypermode. (An overreaction to the difficulty of Prime 2) It has the worst opening sequence in the series with endless cutscenes,and boring gameplay, and bad pacing. Worst boss fights in the Prime Trilogy. Exploration takes a backseat to pew pew shooting far too often. Which was never the series strong suit.

Overall, I would say Echoes is the better game thanks to having the best boss fights in the trilogy and the difficulty is just right but it's a tossup.

I still like both games but they are both much weaker than the first Prime. Really hope Prime 4 doesn’t fall into some of these same trappings.

Sorry but....I can't agree with this at all. Corruption boss battles are easily the best for me. Especially the hunter fights
I enjoyed both, but I give the trophy to Echoes. The light/dark world is really cool and the game is quite challenging. Beating it felt very satisfying. I really hope we get those remasters.
Echoes. Corruption I think is a decent “Wii Remote Pointer Controls” tech demo but a mediocre game and a massively disappointing end to the trilogy. Echoes has some flaws but it has some cool looking bugs to squash and great art design.
Corruption is a big drop in quality from the other two. It seems to have no idea what it wants to be. It's classic Prime in the first Bryyo and SkyTown segments, but the rest of the game before and after is generally not very good, and the combat is Prime at its spongiest. Easily Retro's worst game.
I enjoyed corruption so much more. Having played Echoes recently, while I still enjoyed it, it just annoyed me so much more than the other games. navigating the area felt more of chore than anything else. Instead of having just a simple path to each area, it felt more like a maze of having to go back and forth between light and dark worlds which is made more annoying by the fact that you have to go through a loading cutscene each time. I do really enjoy the boss fights in echoes though, but that's really about it. I think I just enjoyed the setting and combat much more in corruption in comparison.
I haven't played Prime 3 so I won't vote but despite Prime 2 having a lot of problems I was shocked by how good it was when I first played it last year, it honestly feels just as good as Prime 1 with a lot of its own benefits and very few of its own flaws.
It's close; both are fantastic games, but ultimately I have to go with Prime 3 for how incredible it feels to control, and for having my favourite worlds in the series in the ethereal clockwork structures of Skytown and the ominous hellscape of the Pirate Homeworld.

The Prime trilogy are all great games in my opinion, not a weak entry among them.
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Metroid Prime is my second favorite game ever. Actually, it's Metroid Prime 1.0 that holds that spot. I actually think Echoes is better than any other version of Prime 1, so the answer to the OP is easily echoes.
Sorry but....I can't agree with this at all. Corruption boss battles are easily the best for me. Especially the hunter fights

Yeah, the Hunters (especially Rundas and Gandrayda) are my favorite bosses in the whole series. And the Ridley fights are way better than Prime 1 and the 2d games.
Easy win for Prime 2. Both it and the original game are 10/10s for me, but I also still love Prime 3 and would give it a 9/10. Adding all the characters, while cool and interesting in its own way, took away the isolation factor I loved about the first couple. 2 had more of that than 1, sure, but it was still quite limited. I just wish they could get Switch releases…
Prime 2 has the Light Suit, which is my favorite of her outfits. But I overall enjoyed Prime 3 more....

So, I guess you can say it evens out!
The level design in prime 2 is unbelievably good. Maybe the best level design I've played In a game ever. It's like good Ole metroid but with a couple of zelda like dungeons tossed Into it as well, it's outstanding. And the title screen and torvus bog subterranean themes, chef kiss. Better then prime 3 but 3 is still a 10/10 game for me too.
I haven't played Prime 3 so I won't vote but despite Prime 2 having a lot of problems I was shocked by how good it was when I first played it last year, it honestly feels just as good as Prime 1 with a lot of its own benefits and very few of its own flaws.
This is why I need Prime 2 Remastered. I need to see more people have this experienced.

It’s almost never brought up as one of Nintendo’s GOATs but I’d absolutely put it up there. It’s absolutely top 10 all time for me personally.
Echoes. It's the quintessential adventure single player experience, with a labyrinthine alien world and exciting, complex bosses. It's long as fuck and never stops giving. Corruption is not far behind though
Prime 2 is more grueling and less fun to complete with its oppressive dark world mechanics, ammo consumption, and withholding its mcguffin collection until the very end with the sky temple keys vs chozo artifacts & batteries of Prime 1 & 3. Both 2 & 3 have amazing music tho
I've been quite surprised to find out how much negativity for Echoes there is out there, my immediately reaction was that it's the best one by far. I remember buying it at the same time as Resident Evil 4, playing them in tandem, and always considering them as equal top tier experienes. Corruption made me sick of the entire Prime style of game less than half way through. The first game seems generic Metroidy, where as 2 sticks in my memory as having tons of unique themes and designs, and 3 just throws a bunch of junk at the wall that never really sticks.

It gave us Dark Samus, the beautiful dark and light suits and beams, the secret charge combos, the Ing, the Luminoth, and a multiplayer deathmatch mode! Corruption's claim to fame seemed to be mainly motion aiming, plus they played up the role of the gunship, like cool you get to fly to different planets, but really it's just a fancy elevator. It tried to sell us on that cast of new characters and a bunch of plot with spoken dialogue this time around, but it never once really grabbed me, I don't know what they were going for with the whole Aurora Unit plot, are they hinting at some connection to Mother Brain or what? It seemed like they wanted to but there was probably some mandate not to interfere with mainline game canon, so why bother? And folks always complain about endgame artifact hunting, but that's at least more interesting then going around collecting batteries.
Echoes. When I first played it I liked Corruption more, but I've come to love its opressive atmosphere. There are some downsides, like when the game boots you to the bottom of Dark Torvus Bog from its best location, but I find Corruption to be just bland overall.
The light/dark stuff got tiresome in 2 but had most of the strengths of 1
3 had a really shitty first hour or so then was great, gorgeous and great controls.
A tie.
Even without Sanctuary Fortress, I still consider Prime 2 to be GOAT-tier. It has everything I could ever ask for in Metroid, and I absolutely adore light world/dark world mechanics.

But it's SF that seals the deal for me. I can more or less count on one hand the amount of areas in a video game that has wowed me to such an extreme extent.





Neither of them really "feels like a Metroid game" to me - Echoes is clearly gunning for Zelda, whereas Corruption can feel like a sci-fi shooter from the era - but if I go by the metric of which is closer to the Metroid experience and just overall the better game, it's Echoes.
There are some days when I’d pick Echoes as the best one, and wow that game is overall incredible, but most days I usually pick Corruption as my favorite of the two namely because the shooting controls are so much fun! Sky Town is absolutely incredible and the boss fights are generally my favorite in the series. The whole trilogy is amazing!
Neither really come close to MP1 in my opinion, but I think I prefer 3 over 2. I just find 2 kind of aggravating to play. Too much friction from unnecessary annoyances. But it has far higher peaks than MP3.
Prime 2 embraces too much of that Gamecube era bloat so I place it bottom. I don't enjoy the navigation in Retro Metroid enough to do that much backtracking.
I didnt love the parallel worlds in prime 2 and the ammo system but loved the atmosphere and the feeling of ”more metroid prime”.

In Prime 3 I loved the pointer controls and skytown, but less the overall halo influences and the fifty shades of brown pallette.
I quit Prime 2 half way through. The dark/light gimmick was unfun, I didn't find any of the areas interesting, and combat felt like a chore.

Prime 3 was overly linear and clearly inspired by the shooters of its time but I actually enjoyed it front to back. The areas were interesting and the combat felt significantly better.

Prime 1 is still the best, though.
First comment nails it.

MP2 felt rushed, I like it fine enough but the dark/light gimmick was meh, multiplayer was kinda pointless.

MP3 for me has way to much inspiration from it's peers back then. MP1 still the best
I never finished Corruption since I decided I wanted to wait for a potential remaster, but I really liked Echoes. The first area was pretty dull, but the game really shines once you get to Torvus Bog and Sanctuary Fortress.

i did have to play it on easy difficulty though. I would would have gotten way too frustrated to enjoy it otherwise.
I think the best of Prime 3 is definitely the best of the series as it has genuinely really clever puzzles and good platforming segments and Bryyo and Elysia are gorgeous art wise, but it has the worst combat in the series, too many minigames, and Norion and Pirate Homeworld are really boring looking.

I think Prime 2 edges it out even though the highs aren't as high and the Dark World is not well executed art-wise. Prime 2 is the best in the series, tons of great stuff and gorgeous art and great music.
Sadly, I've never been able to give 3 a fair shake because I hate the motion aiming so badly. It's the one main series installment I've never completed because I just didn't enjoy playing it--all the more reason I pray for 3 to come to Switch with regular controls so I can finally finish it and have fun while doing so. I couldn't even be excited for Prime 4 when they showed it off at the direct because all I could think was "but where are 2 and 3??"

So obviously, my vote goes to 2, but maybe not for the fairest reasons :-/

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