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Discussion Do you just wake up one day and just not want to exist


Famiboards one and only Lost Kingdoms simp
Not a cry for help

I sure do, man I'm just ugggh lately. Mindset is super low, hate a lot of things. Don't want to do anything. Super unmotivated, and feel like shit. I don't want to get up for work tomorrow at 4am. I just want to sit or lay down in silence and just be. I hate being like this but I don't know how to get out of this mindset.

Not a cry for help
I used to.

Now my son smiles socially and always cracks a massive grin when I play with him or sing dumb songs to him.

I’m not saying go out and have a kid or anything, but it does change your perspective on how much you really matter to others.
On a completely different note, but on the topic of existence...I have been getting a lot of Deja Vu latly...if you can even call it that, as this is not a simple familiarity...but a detailed remembrance of things happening before. Kinda of makes me think about what existence even means from time to time.
Used to. Hard a depressive episode in high school where I was struggling with my identity, hated how i looked, wanted to be 'someone else' or living another life.
Oddly, this was in in the late 90s before Ocarina of Time which I had been anticipating since 1995 when it was just Zelda 64 and those screenshots of Link were posted on Nintendo.com, so I said to myself I would at least live long enough to play Zelda Ocarina of Time.

The game came out, I played it, the depression didn't go away, but I got over it. I found other things to look forward to, and realize many years later that the ideal Life and self that I wanted was never realistic, and those people who i thought had it all, also had their own problems.
Yeah all the time
The good things in life aren’t worth all the bad stuff you have to go through
I definitely used to, and still have some days where I think it would just be easier.

What used to drive my desire for this was thinking that I needed a do-over. That if I got another chance at my life I could do it better because the way I was just isn’t working or cutting it. The thing that’s been pushing me away from that is just how little we know about death/what happens after it. Far as I can tell, there is no sequel. So it’s best to dive in and repair the life I have.

Honestly, no. In my life right now I have a great job I truly enjoy, a relationship that brings me unending joy, a roof over my head, games to play, food to eat, clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, relatively good health, relatively reliable healthcare… honestly things are going more right for me lately than they ever have. I realize this maybe isn’t bringing anyone in this thread any joy, and I do absolutely understand I have immense privilege to be able to say even half of this, but to answer your question OP: nah, life is actually great.

Now the reason I’m saying all that is to say this: there definitely was a time in my life when I was miserable. Many many years ago. But, hey, things worked out for me alright. And, as hard as it can be: try to maintain a positive outlook, don’t look at the news/social media so much (unfollowing almost all world/america-centric news and liberal use of the “mute” function on Tweetbot was one of the best things I’ve ever done tbh), drink more water (you’re almost certainly not drinking enough because no one is), go for a stroll every now and then, and hopefully maybe things will get better for you too.
Not right now, but i used to. I was victim of abuse from my ex-partner and mother of my first 2 kids and during this time i used to feel so miserable that i had these kinds of thoughts all the time, wondering if it would be better to just die one day and be done with it.

The good thing is that i found someone who believed me and helped me in leaving this relationship and now I’m marrying her, probably saved my life.
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Not so much these days. Sometimes I have bad days and I'm fairly lazy in general but I generally get by. I think figuring out and accepting the various facets of my identity helped.
I know i'm not going to have a perfect life; even if the stars aligned and all my problems would be solved (like winning the lottery, money solves a lot of issues but it's not really equal to happiness) that feeling of relief would be temporary, until i started to focus in smaller problems. That's human nature, you need to have a lof of willpower to not focus on the negative things.

I consider myself lucky (although in some aspects i'm on a shitty situation without an easy solution), and i have good things on my life that really help me having a positive outlook on life, or a different outlook when things go wrong: i try not to focus on disappearing, but yes finding a solution and being angry at what is causing the issue. Also, going on walks (specially around nature) and catching sun helps more that what people give credit for.

Of course, each person is a different case and in no way i'm saying this to anyone out there as a solution for your problems (housing crisis is making you depressed? Go yell at a landlord or to some land in an expensive place so that your depression is cured!) so don't @ me, but always try to go for a walk.

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