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Fun Club Day One Sony Games on PC + Sony's Horrible BC track record + x = Me Never Buying a Sony System Again


T1D Gamer
x = all the random BS and shenanigans Sony puts their consumers through.

I just wanted to rant. I was thinking about how Sony is finally putting games on PC and how the end game is most likely them releasing games day-and-date with their Playstation console releases as well. This made me think long and hard (for about 10 seconds) how I would handle being a console gamer in the future if (when) this occurred. Then I realized that Sony releasing games the same day on PC as console would push me (and probably many others) away from their console because the PC platform allows me to access my older games and play them in their best form for free for as long as I am alive*.

Sony has a poor record with backwards compatibility and preserving their legacy titles. They have a bad track record with providing people with free upgrades / performance enhancements. They have a bad track record with being unpredictable about the future proofing of their platform. etc. etc. etc. All of this makes me feel like moving to PC to experience all of their games and all of the security (ironic using that word in regards to pc) I would get knowing I am not beholden to the shenanigans of a console manufacturer.


*citation needed
Erm... is this a parody of Nintendo hate threads? Genuine question. I don't know if Sony do these things but I have been wondering if Nintendo is a uniquely bad as some make out.
Day and date games from Sony was always something I was considering when I was playing on PC, but now that I'm moving away from PC for various reasons I really don't think it would affect me anymore. I'm still going to buy PS hardware for their exclusives going forward. I understand why people are feeling like the PS ecosystem looses value if the games can be played on PC without any wait.
I don't think Sony is any worse than Nintendo and MS have been historically when it comes to BC. I imagine the PS4 and everything beyond it will keep being carried forward, like how MS is trying to get as many Xbox games compatible on their newest systems and how I think Switch 1 games will carry forward from now on. I could get going PC only if they ever release their games day and date there as then you'd also get MS games too so you'd only be missing out on a handful of 3rd party exclusives or console only games but I definitely wouldn't expect that. They're gonna keep pushing their systems and their 1st party games do help get folk invested in their systems. As for enhancements of older games, they seem to be doing a good job there so far. It's still early in the gen so I wouldn't expect every game to get it immediately

I personally don't think they're doing a bad job but everyone gets put off by different things so I understand
so far all you get on pc are years old games that were given away for free on ps or are sold at 10 bucks, versus full price on steam
I highly doubt we will see day-and-date Sony releases on PC as long as they have hardware to sell.
When the PC crowd cares more about legacy content than the Sony CEO, that makes me not want to buy their console. At least Nintendo does care about old games even if their delivery system sort of sucks.
Erm... is this a parody of Nintendo hate threads? Genuine question. I don't know if Sony do these things but I have been wondering if Nintendo is a uniquely bad as some make out.
I mean you can certainly read it like a parody thread but it's also all true..
This is a massive assumption:

the end game is most likely them releasing games day-and-date with their Playstation console releases as well.

For this reason:

Sony releasing games the same day on PC as console would push me (and probably many others) away from their console

I just don't see an immediate future where Sony releases first party games on PC day one, without that coinciding with a major shift in their business strategy (as has happened with Xbox these last few years). And there's no reason for them to shift strategy while their console is selling so well and their first party games are making them millions.

You can never say never (who thought Xbox would be where it is today 10 years ago) but I don't think its something that's likely to happen in the near future.
I don't game on PC, nor do I care about Playstation having "Exclusive" titles that're only available on Playstation. Are they nice to take advantage of the hardware? Sure, but I bought a PS5 because of games that don't release on Switch and/or run better on Playstation 5 over Switch, so day and date releases with PC doesn't affect me in the slightest.

And frankly, it won't affect the masses perception of Playstation either.
As much as I would like to consider PC as my main platform, my refusal to pay full price for download games makes it difficult and the reason why I can't give up on PS consoles anytime soon.
you’ve made an assumption that’s going to crater your whole plan - they are not going to release games day one on PC.

Likely for the exact reason you laid out lol.
I just don't see an immediate future where Sony releases first party games on PC day one, without that coinciding with a major shift in their business strategy (as has happened with Xbox these last few years). And there's no reason for them to shift strategy while their console is selling so well and their first party games are making them millions.

You can never say never (who thought Xbox would be where it is today 10 years ago) but I don't think its something that's likely to happen in the near future.
Microsoft ignoring or taking half measures on PC, which more or less for gaming is their platform as well, through the 360 era let Steam become the giant it is today and left money on the table that other companies gladly took.
The amount of people who wouldn't get a Sony console if the first party Games would come to PC day and date is diminishingly small. PC is a healthy platform, but ultimately the reason most buy a console is for ease of use. Same reason Microsoft is all in on same day release on PC for their first party games. It's extra revenue, not lost one (plus bigger vector for follow up purchases)
Although I'll be grabbing a steam deck, I still want a ps5 to play games with my pals online. Plus I don't believe day and date games from Sony will release on PC anytime soon.
Yh ps5 is my last one tbh ill just get their games on whatever steamdeck is out then. I grew up as a sony and ninty fanboi but now im rlly enjoying the xbox ecosystem and gamepass saves me so much money i can go visit my girlfriend more often haha (she lives in another country).

Only hard thing will be waiting for final fantasy but ohwell its a small sacrifice.

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