Discussion Best Splatoon game

Which is the best?

  • Splatoon

    Votes: 14 20.0%
  • Splatoon 2

    Votes: 12 17.1%
  • Splatoon 3

    Votes: 44 62.9%

  • Total voters


Now that we've had a couple of months for the ink to settle, it's time for a Famiboards Tricolour Turf War!
Which do you think is the best Splatoon game, and what about it makes it the best?

I haven't played 3's campaign yet (or Octo Expansion in 2 yet), but I had the most fun with 1. I do think its campaign and starter maps were somewhat better than 2's, but honestly playing 3 online crystalized for me why I think I moved away from this series over time: the playerbase got better lol. Early Splatoon 1 and 2 were revelations because they were the first time I was playing an online shooter and not regularly the worst person on my team, but in retrospect a lot of that was because the average Splatoon player was still figuring out how to even really play.
3 > 1 > 2

Two felt in a lot of senses a slightly inferior sequel to OG Splatoon, rushed around some edges, and with some weird compromises here and there (Very obvious small detail: No minigames other than an inferior version of Squid Beats). Even the campaign felt like a weird lacking retread of 1's (To the point Octo Expansion feels like the actual sequel campaign to the OG...)

Three meanwhile feels like it's polishing everything about 2 and bringing in some new stuff that was absolutely needed, and actually evolves the Splatoon formula a bit. It's still struggling with some things (Like map design, but I'm hoping that's more the usual "we're saving the more complex maps for later"), but it feels it's at a better point to grow much more than 2 did.

(Campaign wise I'd rank them 3 > Octo > 1 > 2, for the record, but again, we're talking full game here, right?)

1 feels like an incredible tech demo but not a particularly strong game with frankly atrocious visuals and UI, godawful map design and weapon balancing, and obnoxious amounts of content locked behind amiibos. 2 would ultimately be a big step up in every way but in some aspects it took a circuitous and at times backwards route there. 3 is much like 2, in that it is a step over its predecessor from the start with its own clear growing pains that will hopefully be addressed with time.
Going off of the launch versions, then Splatoon 3 is the easy winner. If we're comparing everything Splatoon 2 has vs. Splatoon 3 at the moment...I'd still give it to Splatoon 3 actually, although it's a much closer competition.
2 was a very underwhelming sequel, in my opinion. It’s better than 1, I guess.

3 feels like a complete package. I say that having been lucky with the netcode, of course.
It's tough to decide, but I think 3 is the best overall. It's a lot more refined than the previous two. The only place I really hesitate is the single player mode. While it's by far better than the campaigns in 1 and 2, I think Octo Expansion is just slightly better than it.
3 is what 2 should have been. But 2 does have Octo Expansion, which is GOATed.

But neither of them have hit like 1 has, especially when it was finally completed. Still has my favorite map lineup, favorite OST, probably my favorite single player, and I really liked how it used the GamePad with super jumps and the minigames during matchmaking. It could just be nostalgia but I just don’t see a Splatoon game capturing me like the original did.

Especially since the playerbase is so much better now I just spend most of my Splatoon 3 matches getting my ass kicked. Multiplayer just isn’t as fun anymore.
3, and it's not even close

this ^

I didn't play 1, but I cannot see how it could possibly be above my experience in 3. The only thing I wish they'd resolve is the communication errors. There must be something they can do around them - I wish I knew what the engineering issue was behind it all. I'm genuinely curious.
Right now? 2 only because it has Octo. When 3 gets more updates including its big expansion it should eclipse it. I like the feel of 3’s multiplayer slightly more and it having two playlists for ranked and more options for friends is huge. I still haven’t gotten to play Salmon Run with friends, but it’s quietly a huge step up. 3’s tricolor mode stinks and makes Splatfests less fun.
I'll say Splatoon 1, because it's the one I had the most fun with playing ranked (which is what I spend most of my time on).

The 'Now you're playing with power' vibe that the game had was my favourite thing. Specials like Kraken,. Killer Wail and Inkstrike and maps like Flounder Heights, Mahi Mahi (the real one) and Bluefin Depot. Those maps had so much more space for you to concoct a plan other than fight fight fight.

The amount of utterly bullshit stuff you could pull off was genius and something Splatoon 3 could learn from, especially the map design. (Specials are already a big step up from 2)

Looking at the whole package Splatoon 3 is easily the best of course, although mostly because of Salmon Run.
I haven't played Splatoon 3, and will probably never play Splatoon 3, because I felt that OG Splatoon was sooo much better as a concept than Splatoon 2.

Splatoon 1 (especially Turf War) was "perfect" game design, where the game and its use of the controller merged into a unique experience. That you could directly see the progress of the game on the controller made so much sense, and got me hughely invested in Splatoon 1.

Splatoon 2 just felt like a "shooter with ink mechanism". Salmon Run felt like a better concept for Splatoon 2 than the other modes (where ink on the ground mattered more). The Octo Expansion was fun as a single player experience, but it was paid DLC, and it didn't remove the fact that playing multiplayer Splatoon with regular controllers is a lesser experience.
3, and it's not even close

In about half a year from now you'll be laughed at if you say 3 isn't the best by a long shot. I think it's slightly rough around the edges currently but once it has a few content updates and some patches it'll be the undisputed king.

Ah, but that's the rub isn't it? Splatoon 3 is lagging way behind 2 in terms of content updates, and if datamining is to be believed, that's potentially not going to change soon.

They couldn't even keep splatfests going every month for the time in series history while they were actively running. On top of that, tricolour sucks and they had to immediately promise it would be heavily rebalanced down the line after a single instance. And the other new mode promised before launch, Big Run, has gone completely AWOL

3 also has seems way less stable with a huge increase in the number of communication errors.

3 will quite possibly get there eventually, and it's a little unfair to compare because we know how 2s updates went and don't know exact how 3s will, but right now, 2 is definitely a better game.
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Ah, but that's the rub isn't it? Splatoon 3 is lagging way behind 2 in terms of content updates, and if datamining is to be believed, that's potentially not going to change soon.

They couldn't even keep splatfests going every month for the time in series history while they were actively running.
We haven't had our first content update yet, this isn't something you can accurately say yet. It's all still according to schedule and we don't know how much the update will bring.
We haven't had our first content update yet, this isn't something you can accurately say yet. It's all still according to schedule and we don't know how much the update will bring.

That's the point? Splatoon 2 was getting weapons unlocked every single week from launch. Stages were being added every few weeks. 3 has had nothing.

By November of 2s launch year, it had more stages than 3 does now, and I can't find an accurate weapons list by release date but wouldn't be surprised if that was comparable too.

(And yes, I'm aware 3 launched later, but it was clear from the Xenoblade release date swap that it was intended to launch earlier and there have been significant internal difficulties getting it out the door Vs 2, what with the weirdly unbalanced tricolour mode, big run disappearing, no equivalent new ranked mode like clam blitz yet, etc.)

It's a shame it isn't marching the release speed of 2.
That's the point? Splatoon 2 was getting weapons unlocked every single week from launch. Stages were being added every few weeks. 3 has had nothing.

By November of 2s launch year, it had more stages than 3 does now, and I can't find an accurate weapons list by release date but wouldn't be surprised if that was comparable too.

(And yes, I'm aware 3 launched later, but it was clear from the Xenoblade release date swap that it was intended to launch earlier and there have been significant internal difficulties getting it out the door Vs 2, what with the weirdly unbalanced tricolour mode, big run disappearing, no equivalent new ranked mode like clam blitz yet, etc.)

It's a shame it isn't marching the release speed of 2.
Like I said, we don't know the size of the content drops yet. By next month we could have more post launch content than Splatoon 2 did three months in, it's just on a different schedule.
For me, it's gotta be Splatoon 3.

The more fleshed out campaign and quality of life improvements throughout really elevate the experience; it's got everything I like about 1 and 2, but more of it, and more refined.

The series has always had an incredibly strong core concept, and 3 feels like it does the most of the three to build on it.
For perspective, I got 2 at launch but didn't play much until February 2022. I then got the first game and played its campaign in early summer, followed by 2's campaign and Octo Expansion. I've 100%ed 3's campaign and already put the most time into it of the three (help).

I voted for Splatoon. Yes, the later games surpass it in many ways, but the debut has a lot of charm. It also has the best idol group and map design. The campaign can't compete with 3's, but I think it's better than 2 and Octo Expansion.

If they remodel most of 3's maps and add more good ones, it'll easily be best in my mind. For now though I have to hand it to the quirky original.

That being said, I recognize that I'm putting the one I've played the least first...
Splatoon 1's final boss is not just the best in series but one of my favourites of all time to be honest.

When Calamari Inkantation kicks in at the final phase, and you're dodging and weaving through a hail of attacks, I felt like pure energy was coursing through my veins and my brain was lit up like a Christmas tree.

It's one of those rare moments in gaming where I felt like there was nothing in between me and the game, that my mind and my character had become one everything just flowed so seamlessly.
Splatoon 1's final boss is not just the best in series but one of my favourites of all time to be honest.

When Calamari Inkantation kicks in at the final phase, and you're dodging and weaving through a hail of attacks, I felt like pure energy was coursing through my veins and my brain was lit up like a Christmas tree.

It's one of those rare moments in gaming where I felt like there was nothing in between me and the game, that my mind and my character had become one everything just flowed so seamlessly.

Pushing DJ Octavio back on that final stretch as the music drives you forward ... Sublime.
I voted for 2 for the OST and online alone despite the fact that 3's online mode OST (save for splatfest themes so far) actually has some amazing bangers. And, of course, splatoon 1's online being the best one.

But 3's singleplayer is uncontestably better than base 2. One thing to note though: there are many short and piss easy (to the point of boredom) levels in splatoon 3. But the amount of actually great levels design and challenge-wise is imo higher than in both sp1 and sp2.

SP3's endgame was by far the best and the actually challenging levels (eg: after alterna, target shooting challenges etc...) were considerably harder than anything on the previous titles.

But if I had to pick, between say:
  • sp1 back when miiverse was still online
  • sp2 with the octo expansion and playing the game with splatfests still active
  • sp3 on a later patch with more songs, weapons, online stages and the dlc + online fixed for good
I'd probably pick the last option.
1 or 3.

1 has the novelty of the whole concept and multiplayer, a good campaign with the more challenging final boss. 3 has a solid campaign for the most part, some levels are too short to really push their ideas, it can be more uneven at times, but at least is something different, and has an spectacle of an ending, on the multiplayer side at least salmon run is always playable, a decent amount of general improvement but still lacking.

2 is just kind of there for me, doesn't help that I could never really get online matches consistently, salmon run being on a schedule meant that I almost never played it, an uninspired base campaign despite having a cool concept for the story, Tidal Rush is my favorite final boss theme of the series tho, so I can give it that. Haven't finished Octo Expansion.
For now, Splatoon 2 wins. It had the best online, the best collection of stages, introduced Salmon Run and was overall a great time. I also like Clam Blitz.

3 is just getting started though, so it's not a fair comparison really. 2 just has way way more content at the moment.
The first 1, by far. Innovative, more responsive, and tailor made for the controller. I preferred the maps too.
1 because the online/netcode was passable but 2 took it a step down and 3 as well with being a contender for the worst online for the current market or multiplayer shooters.

Though just to add more to it 2 felt like a half step sequel while 3 should have been what the switch got following up from the first game but I’m also not a fan of a lot of stuff in 3 it feels like they added a bunch of content that’s just bloat.
Only taking into account the gamefeel and movement improvements that have been made in Splatoon 3, it wins easily.
Pure gameplay: 3

Maps: 1

Music: 1

Best hostes: 2 by a small margin, but 1 is almost there

Best city: 3

Salmon run: 2 (until now, they destroyed salmon run in 3 since is Lmost impossible to win a match)

Splatfest: 2… they destroyed the best mode in 3.

Overall, I still believe the best game is splat2, but my nostalgia goes to 1.

Splt3 has the best gameplay by far, but so many small problema that I have growing pains with it to the point I believe is becoming a bad game.

I could play splat2 with any weapon and have fun. In 3, if I don’t use some weapons, my team get busted.

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