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Avatar Bet: When do we expect Nintendo's next system to be revealed and released?


Howdy, y'all (I'm not Southern, I just wanted to be cheeky). Former strongest soldier for #Team2023, @D36, with the help of @Meelow, here to present the wonderful residents of Famiboards with a little bet. An avatar bet, as it were. With all of leaks and rumors surrounding Nintendo's next system getting hotter by the day, one would wonder if an announcement is imminent. Through @Meelow's suggestion, I've taken upon myself to make this thread to see this bet through.

As the thread title suggests, we will be betting on when the successor of the Nintendo Switch will be revealed, as well as when it will release. At first, I wanted the bet to be between H1 and H2 of next year, but at Meelow's behest, I decided to go with specific months. For example, it may be revealed on October 2023 for a March 2024 release, à la the Switch's release.

As for what avatar you'll have, should you lose, well......
For the reveal losers:


For the release losers:


For those who lost at both..... I'll have something..... personal for you😈

Now for some ground rules:

Rule#1: Post when you think the reveal and release will happen like the below example:

Reveal: October 2023
Release: March 2024

I'll have a second post tallying up the results day by day. Voting for the reveal will end when said reveal happens, release for when we get a release date (might happen, once we get a reveal trailer, but maybe Nintendo wants a long ad campaign). Oh and losers will have to keep their avatars until the system releases!!! 😈

Also: No changing votes after losing! You lose the bet, you lose the bet!

Rule#2: Feel free to bring up any reasons behind your votes, but please keep things civil. No talking down on anyone for their opinions and such...... or else......


Rule#3 (Currently in progress, may be subject to change or removed, depending on circumstances): Winners will get a neat addition to their avatar (should they want it). Those who guess the reveal right can get a Gold Medal on their avatar and those who get the release right will get a crown. Sounds incredibly garish, but it's optional and we haven't found someone who's good at Photoshop, yet. They're bragging rights, but I say it makes things just a little more fun.

Rule#4: The bet will end on October 2nd, so hurry and vote before then, if you want in on the action. I'll post the final results and the thread will be closed, when we get a release date (again, this could be shown during the reveal trailer, so who knows).

It's my first thread on this board and the first one I've made in a very long time, so if you have any suggestions on what I can improve on or do differently, I'd appreciate it. With that out of the way, have fun! 😁
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amazing, we got hardware thread 2 before switch 2 was even announced

edit: to give this post more substance, lest it be called a "drive-by," I once pondered in 2022 if perhaps we wouldn't see new hardware in 2023. I was lambasted for illogical dooming, trolling, etc. so after all this time I have no interest in (seriously) drawing any hard lines about reveal or release of this stupid thing, and I can't imagine I'm alone
amazing, we got hardware thread 2 before switch 2 was even announced

edit: to give this post more substance, lest it be called a "drive-by," I once pondered in 2022 if perhaps we wouldn't see new hardware in 2023. I was lambasted for illogical dooming, trolling, etc. so after all this time I have no interest in (seriously) drawing any hard lines about reveal or release of this stupid thing, and I can't imagine I'm alone
Honestly, rather have something like this here, than potentially derail the thread more than it already has.
I just don't see any appeal personally, though clearly at least two people do lol
It's more of a fun distraction than anything. We don't know when Nate's birds will start singing, after all.
I just don't see any appeal personally, though clearly at least two people do lol

It's a fun thread. And this way the other thread doesn't turn into something else.


Reveal: March 2024
Release: September 2024
I’ve never taken part in an avatar bet, but the Switch 2 is good enough reason to start.

I expect a June 2024 reveal and a November 2024 launch.

They have Princess Peach Showtime releasing in March, and I don’t see them wanting to step on its toes by announcing a Switch 2 a couple months before or a couple months after release.

If 3D Mario is indeed a launch title for the hardware, June is THE time to reveal it. 3 months after Peach’s game and the month historically known as Mario Blowout Month (Odyssey and Wonder come to mind in 2017 and 2023 respectively). That gives them a 5 month hype cycle between reveal and release, just like the original Switch.

Keeping with Mario, if the Switch 2 isn’t releasing in the first half of the year like Switch and 3DS, it’s absolutely gonna take that November spot that has become commonplace for hardware releases, and alongside that will be a fresh new Mario adventure to bring joy to the holiday season.
I believe Meelow hits the sweet spot so I'll follow in his footsteps.

Reveal: March 2024
Release: September 2024
Fami, i think we need to have an intervention.

You have an avatar bet gambling problem.

And i have a "Have to see creepy avatar pics" problem due to that.
You can't do this to me, i'm almost 40. In a Tales of game, i would be treated like as good as dead.
If you bet for both the reveal and the release month, given that there are around 10 more or less realistic months it could be revealed (October 2023 to August 2024) and 10 months where it might can release (March 2024 to December 2024), you have at best a chance of 10*10=100:1 that you don‘t have to change your Avatar to one of those horrible things. Good luck, I‘m not taking part of that.
Reveal: October 2023
Release: March 2024

(I would prefer to say reveal H2-23 and release H1-24... pinning down an exact month seems like a fools errand..)

Also, when I lose, I'll be customizing my new avatar.
Reveal March 2024
Launch September 2024

I think Nintendo has enough steam with what they’ve currently announced to last them through mid Summer. They will forgo the typical February direct and when direct/switch 2 mania is at its all time peak, they will announce the reveal showcase for the new console.

Little side prediction: I think the initial advertising will focus on graphical capabilities of the system and they will reuse the old slogan “Now you’re playing with power.”
Rules query - the time that you're stuck with the avatar seems to assume that wrong guesses will be early (e.g. guess May, release is September, have to use avatar May to September). What happens if the wrong guess is the opposite way around (e.g. guess September, release is in May)?

An option could be that you're stuck with the avatar until the end of the month you guessed.

Anyway, thought that might be worth clarifying? (Unless I've missed/misread something, which is always possible, lol.)
Quoted by: D36
Rules query - the time that you're stuck with the avatar seems to assume that wrong guesses will be early (e.g. guess May, release is September, have to use avatar May to September). What happens if the wrong guess is the opposite way around (e.g. guess September, release is in May)?

An option could be that you're stuck with the avatar until the end of the month you guessed.

Anyway, thought that might be worth clarifying? (Unless I've missed/misread something, which is always possible, lol.)
My idea was that you would start using the avatar once the system is revealed, so if you got something wrong, you would have it until the day the system releases, even if the release date isn't in the first trailer. Hope that answered your question.
My idea was that you would start using the avatar once the system is revealed, so if you got something wrong, you would have it until the day the system releases, even if the release date isn't in the first trailer. Hope that answered your question.
Ah, okay - so it's effectively for the period from announcement of release date to release of the system - e.g., if I guess September 2024, and it's announced in March for May 2024, I'd have the avatar from March to May. That makes sense.

(I'm still contemplating my bet.)
Not joining the bet, I'm very found of my Bender avatar, but just want to say I really enjoy this type of avatar bets.

And the edits for the winners should be fun to see
Argh, thought I had until the end of 2 October. Oh well. (Was going to bet March reveal and September release.) Good luck to everyone who bet, and may we all enjoy the Switch 2 at some point in the new year. :)
Oh missed the voting window, but I didn't really want to avatar bet anyway. I do want to put in my 2cts for posterity.

I think Switch 2 is going to be announced through a press release in February, so Nintendo can include it in their FY guidance in March, but I think they're going to keep their (main) reveal under wraps until April, so that Princess Peach Showtime still gets all the attention it deserves in March. There is usually five to six months from full reveal to release, so that would put it in September or October. On Era I said September, but I've started to lean towards October, because it seems like a better month to release Metroid Prime 4 (and GTAVI? who knows), with a 3D Mario before Christmas.
What’s exactly the reveal in this case?

What if Nintendo announces via a IR doc that the Switch successor is coming in 2024 in January without any details but they reveal the first details via a trailer later in February, with a full reveal event in March, what month would be the reveal in this case?
Quoted by: D36
What’s exactly the reveal in this case?

What if Nintendo announces via a IR doc that the Switch successor is coming in 2024 in January without any details but they reveal the first details via a trailer later in February, with a full reveal event in March, what month would be the reveal in this case?
It has to be a reveal trailer.
I know I said results wouldn't be until we get a release date, but........ Oh well..........

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