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Fun Club Flash Games |ST| Please update to the latest version of Flash to load this thread


Magical Famicomrade
[On a super serious note, Adobe Flash was discontinued in 2020. If you’re getting a notification to update/install Flash on any website, that’s a virus. Don’t do it.]


[This XKCD strip was published on October 3, 2008 :) ]
You know ‘em, you love ‘em, you miss ‘em. Newgrounds, Miniclips, Shockwave, Kongregate, Neopets, we did whatever we could to evade school and office firewalls with VPNs, finding the latest games and playing ‘em before they got blocked in an endless game of cat and mouse with IT shutting down a distinct lack of productivity.

Take a trip down memory lane; what are the games you remember from the 90s and 2000s? Do you remember the title, or even a few screenshots or gameplay? Are the games archived anywhere that you can find a link to play them? Is the music still stuck in your head years later? Did you just now find out that some of these people who made addictive flash games are now established game developers on consoles today? Hopefully they stand the test of time and your high scores remain undefeated!

Getting Over It (2017)

I’ll be honest, I never did play this one myself, but I think I recall seeing it here and there when it first launched. This video I found is surprisingly in-depth and offers a deep dive on the speedrunning community that’s apparently been thriving even after pop culture has moved on.

Agari.io (2015)

The most recent flash game I remember stumbling upon, and I think it’s about the time freeware games started to drop off in popularity. You start off as a small, gelatinous ball, and you use your mouse to move around collecting other tiny balls to make yourself bigger. Watch out though, other online players were playing for longer than you and are now trying to eat you! Hide in spiky viruses, but be careful when you get too big as those viruses can make your ball burst into smaller bubbles that can be easily captured by bigger players.

Robot Unicorn Attack (2010)

The song is now stuck in your head. It will not leave until you watch the above video.

Transformice (2010)


Canabalt (2009)

Supposedly this is the original endless runner, the game that spawned the genre. It had the slightest bit of story about a robot/alien invasion going on if you can watch the background without getting distracted too long that you fall to your death. I have fond memories getting hooked on this around the time I first played Mirror’s Edge; obviously they have very distinct game play but the stylisation going on almost seem complementary to each other.

Tuper Tario Tros. (2009)

This one holds a special place in my heart; in first year university I met my best friend because at first I was showing it off to a cute girl I had a slight crush on who also liked video games, and sure enough he got interested in what we were doing on my laptop, we started talking about games and she kinda left us both from the student lounge for our bromance to kindle. But enough about my waxing nostalgia, this game itself was so tight in how it was developed that despite only having one level, it could be replayed over and over again. The production quality feels like something Nintendo would have done, should have done, for the NES Remix games on Wii U.

[side note: where the hell are the NES Remix games on Switch?]

Don’t Shit Your Pants (2009)

This survival horror game is very simplistic, and this video pretty much demonstrates all the achievements, but fuck if it still doesn’t make me giggle with every possible variation of shitting/not shitting your pants.

QWOP (2008)

It’s so easy, look :) Don’t you want to give it another shot after watching this?

Impossible Quiz (2007)
(TW: Romani slur at 4:38)

Why yes, the passage of time is cruel and unrelating. This Markiplier video is ten years old as of this past March, and yeah the answers are as infuriating as ever.

Super Smash Flash (2006-2022)

I'm almost positive that an incredibly significant majority of registered users on this site have played some variation of Super Smash Flash at least once in their life. Somehow seeing this roster isn’t nearly as wild as what SSBU ultimately became, but damn I want to see Mr. Incredible fight Inuyasha.


Heli Attack 2-3 (2003-2005)

This is where I really start to date myself, because this was around grades 6 through 8 for me, and me and my classmates were doing whatever we could to find VPNs that we could discreetly load to get around the school firewall. Whenever the day was rainy, I always intentionally lingered in my classroom on the chance the bell would ring for an indoor recess so I could claim one of the four computers in our classroom to play games for 15 minutes. Sheer bliss.

Waterballoon Drop 3 (2000?)

This was a weird throwback for me trying to find it. I’m still not a hundred percent sure if this was the exact game I remember playing growing up, but the crappy low quality voice clips do sound intimately familiar to me trying to toss water balloons on your average pedestrian walking below (such as police officer, Italian-American, clown, etc).

Elf Bowling (1999)

A needlessly violent game against Santa’s jolly little elves, but somehow this weirdly got a GBA and DS release in 2005 within three days of each other on November 28th and December 1st, respectively. Fart jokes, butt jokes, hitting animals with bowling ball jokes, before the millenium this was about as good as web games got.

Just want to browse the internet archive? Fortunately, there are many repositories of all those old games from yesteryear collected online. It’s not complete, and you may end up looking elsewhere, but these are as good a start as any. Just be mindful that some of these games are born from the less culturally sensitive 90s and 2000s, and may not have exactly aged well. Just something to be mindful of, as I already had to remove Tamale Loco from this list


Just as an FYI

If no one can help you find your game here that you can’t remember, I also recommend visiting r/TipOfMyJoystick and people there should be more than happy to help you with the more information you can provide.
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I suspect most of the flash game websites that still exist at this point have probably integrated a version of this, but you can actually install a flash emulator into modern browsers as an extension. Compatibility certainly isn't perfect, but it's good enough for a lot of things.

I suspect most of the flash game websites that still exist at this point have probably integrated a version of this, but you can actually install a flash emulator into modern browsers as an extension. Compatibility certainly isn't perfect, but it's good enough for a lot of things.
Actually yes, Ruffle is a great Flash substitute! I downloaded it myself when I found a cache of all the old Neopets games that have since been retired and I now have installed on my computer. Played them for about 15 minutes before I moved on, but man that one Destruct-o-match got me hella Neopoints back in the day.

I suspect most of the flash game websites that still exist at this point have probably integrated a version of this, but you can actually install a flash emulator into modern browsers as an extension. Compatibility certainly isn't perfect, but it's good enough for a lot of things.
Thanks for posting this, I'm gonna have to give it a go later for one of the games I'm about to mention.

So my first thought when I saw this thread was InkLink which was on Shockwave.com. The original drawing game! My absolute favorite thing to do was give someone a boot for absolutely no reason, because four boots and you're gone, so I'd just click on a random person and see if we got four on them, haha.

And finally, there was this guy called BigJon, and he made incredible flash recreations of popular gameshows, like The Price Is Right, Deal Or No Deal, Card Sharks, etc. You downloaded them to your computer and off you went. He eventually got C&D by Fremantle, but every so often an updated version of The Price Is Right appears online in certain communities if you know where to look.

I'm gonna give the latest version and download and see if this Ruffle works with it.
It's probably worth mentioning that ruffle running in the browser is subject to stricter security restrictions than the original Flash plugin was, for reasons I assume are obvious. Certain swfs may work better with the desktop version because of this.
Finally. I get to share this masterpiece. Behold, one of, if not, the greatest Flash game ever made: Quest for the Crown

For those on mobile who are unable to play or don’t necessarily have time to delve into such a long quest, I highly recommend watching this full playthrough:

Since no one has mentioned the GOAT, Peasant's Quest, I'll do a little write-up.


You play as Rather Dashing, a peasant wearing short, short pants who decides to take revenge on beefy-armed dragon Trogdor after he burninates your thatch-roofed cottage. It's a pretty simple setup -- get items to bypass a roadblock that will allow you to get to your objective (in this case, a guard who doesn't think you're peasant-y enough to visit Trogdor's lair), while trying to get a maximum score along the way through different interactions with the world. This is a Sierra parody through and through, right down to the faux-AGI parser and funny death sequences. Thankfully, the game is a lot more forgiving and a lot more logical, to the point that a tiny child me was able to finish it with a max score.

All of the Homestar Runner games were of at least medium quality, but Peasant's Quest was head and shoulders above the rest. A full adventure game, in my browser? With minigames? Cleverly programmed responses? Voice acting? (Sort of.) Hard to overstate how mind-blowing this was in 2004. Not for nothing did Matt Chapman call it "the best thing we've ever done and probably will ever do" for the website. It might be one of the best things on the internet, period. It certainly was at the time.

Go ahead and play it at the link above -- most H*R content is available thanks to the Ruffle emulator.
Along with Peasant Quest, don't forget the Homestar Runner back catalog of other great games like StinkoMan and Trogdor, can't leave those behind!
Stinkoman 20X6 never caught my eye the same way, probably because playing a platformer with keyboard controls is...well, y'know. But there's no denying the level of polish there.

I did some research into Flash preservation for a grad school paper not that long ago -- things are in much better shape than they were even a few years back, but there are lingering questions about presentation and edge cases that still cause headaches. The people behind all of these emulators and projects are doing incredible work.
I played a ton of Flash games on Kongregate around a decade ago when my dad died and I was interested in playing a bunch of short games and the badges gave me a tangible goal with them

i'll give a shoutout to RPG Shooter: Starwish, it's a space themed side scrolling shooter/VN hybrid that I have some fond memories of and is in my opinion the best Flash game i've ever played


too bad the person that made it kinda just vanished after saying they were interested in making a sequel
This was my favorite
Edit: removed the video
I forgot there was pixel nakedness
Someone made a “The Room” point and click and it was the perfect mockery of that movie
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Bah, Ruffle doesn't work with BigJon's TPIR, because that game is an .exe that runs .swf files, and Ruffle only runs .swf files.
This is one of those things that was just ever so slightly before my time, like the brunt of the YouTube Poop era. Or maybe it's just that at no point in my life have I ever been "with it"? In any case, the only thing here I recognize is Super Smash Flash. I did play some Flash games at school, but I have much stronger memories of Logical Journey of the Zoombinis and Kid Pix Deluxe 3.

The one Flash game that I do recall playing a lot was Mighty Guy on Funbrain.com. Just a simple platformer starring a stick figure that was divided into two episodes. They're still on there and still work, though I don't remember it having this baffling control scheme where you click to move...
So many good ones to choose from...You gotta check out the "This is the Only Level" and "Achievement Unlocked" trilogies if you haven't already, IIRC they're on Flashpoint.
I dunno if anyone here remembers Hapland? I feel like it was a formative part of my personality.

It's emulated here https://foon.uk/farcade/hapland/ and you can buy a nicely "remastered" version now

Also, you can buy a collection of the "Achievement Unlocked" series and other similar games now too
Robot Unicorn Attack


AND LIVE IN HARMONY HARMONY oh god it's stuck in my head again GET IT OUT

This is the Only Level
This was legit. They squeezed a lot out of that one level.

So yeah, Flash games are great! My own contribution:

The Last Stand has a simple but engaging hook. You ration your hours during daylight to search for fuel, supplies, weapons and other survivors. Then at night you have to defend your base against hordes of zombies. Perfect length for when you have a free afternoon, and I always wished the dev had expanded on that gameplay loop instead of going open-ish world with the third game.
The GOAT of flash games, later becoming one of the GOATs of remakes: The Binding of Isaac 🫡
I agree with the thread but why is Getting Over It on this list? It's not a Flash game at all
...because I wasn't thorough enough in my research and assumed it was at face value when I finished writing the draft at 1AM lol, but in Googling it now I found out Getting Over It was based on a freeware game from 2002 called Sexy Hiking, so I guess it counts by proxy 😅 not really
let’s go even further back… deeper, deeper… alllll the way back to Frog in a Blender

the dude who made that used to piss out of the window in the office directly above where I worked / lived in middle school
You will be freed from this curse if you sing it loudly and obnoxiously to your spouse 😋
they’re not really the Erasure-enjoying kind of queer — that’s more my role in the duo, lmao
let’s go even further back… deeper, deeper… alllll the way back to Frog in a Blender

the dude who made that used to piss out of the window in the office directly above where I worked / lived in middle school
That actually has me in awe; how did you identify this person's urine stream out your window/assuming you did confront them, how did it come up they were making that game?

they’re not really the Erasure-enjoying kind of queer — that’s more my role in the duo, lmao
Maybe they just need the right kind of deep cut; I am adamant in my belief that no matter how bad an artist may be, or may be horribly offensive to my own musical pallette, they have recorded or will record at least one song that I can always begrudgingly admit is a bop.

Plus, I could always go explore more of Erasure's discography myself; I once bought Always on a 7" vinyl and never even listened to the B-side 😂
Maybe they just need the right kind of deep cut; I am adamant in my belief that no matter how bad an artist may be, or may be horribly offensive to my own musical pallette, they have recorded or will record at least one song that I can always begrudgingly admit is a bop.
that’s a fun philosophy! that is not my wife’s philosophy!

no way in hell am I gonna bombard them with Erasure

only T-Square right now
That actually has me in awe; how did you identify this person's urine stream out your window/assuming you did confront them, how did it come up they were making that game?
they had already made it, they were known, and that was their office. they did not get many visitors, lmao. it did not happen just the one time.
that’s a fun philosophy! that is not my wife’s philosophy!

no way in hell am I gonna bombard them with Erasure

only T-Square right now
A valid excuse, and so long as they are being introduced to quality music regardless 😋

they had already made it, they were known, and that was their office. they did not get many visitors, lmao. it did not happen just the one time.
I wonder why they didn't get too many visitors 🙃

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