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Reviews Digital Foundry || Metroid Prime Remastered - DF Tech Review - An Essential Buy For Nintendo Switch

I'm playing with full gyro enabled (no right stick usage at all), and I just love the fact that Samus's Arm Cannon dynamically shifts position depending on what you're aiming at, just as in the Wii version. With stick controls, it remains in the same position, at all times.

The pointer controls in the Wii trilogy were definitely extremely well translated into the game, it’s great to see the new pure gyro controls retain that too! I’ve been playing with right analog plus gyro, so I don’t have that free movement you do to the same degree, it’s definitely cool to see how much difference the control schemes can have beyond the obvious stuff.
I'm playing with full gyro enabled (no right stick usage at all), and I just love the fact that Samus's Arm Cannon dynamically shifts position depending on what you're aiming at, just as in the Wii version. With stick controls, it remains in the same position, at all times.

God this game is gorgeous.
Yeah, moreso in Brazil where 40$ worths about 1/6 of a salary.
I generally have to save for months in order to buy a game so I really prioritize longer games. Last one I bought was Shin Megami Tensei V when it entered on a sale so I got it for like 35 dollars or something like that, and I've been playing that for months and didn't finish yet!! Meanwhile I rented Dread for 2 weeks, finished the story in 8 days and kept playing til 88%. Also finished the story of Bayonetta 3 in one week, rented that one too. My renting contact doesn't have Prime Remastered yet, if they did I'd be playing it right now lol.
Buy I think I'll end up buying it physical later if any asian exporter has it for the MSRP or lower.
That's really unfortunate, I've noticed their pricing in other countries is not adjusted whatsoever. Not only that, but some countries pay more than I do, despite making far less. Also, if you are going to rent, definitely rent Metroid Prime. It's short enough you could finish it in 2 weeks. Even as a working dad with two kids, that's probably how long it'll take me. But if you want to buy it, of course I will say go for it because it's my favorite game of all time.

Hope things improve for you in Brazil. Given the cost of living, $40 being 1/6th of a monthly salary is outrageous.
It's 2023, motion controls are not a joke anymore, there's people interested in them and DF basically controls the hardcore gaming discourse to a scary degree.

Not a good sign seeing the first advancement in direction input in 20 years being laughed off like that by an outlet like DF.

I do agree with this to be honest, I was thrilled to find out motion controls are back. We get it, graphics goblins and faux hardcores exhibit lower competency with regards to adapting to modern control schemes, but they shouldn't be disparaging them for those who aren't completely past it. Perhaps they should stick to commenting on graphics.
He literally says "which is fine I suppose, if you're into that sort of thing". I get he laughs a bit but at the end of the day its just personal preference and this is very overdramatic.
Oliver doesn't express personal preference anywhere else in the whole video.

It's been what, 25 years since we got the controller that set the actual standard? Did we have any real advancements since then?

Motion controls are a great addition to controller inputs, they add to precision and granularity of movement, reducing them to that sort of thing and laughing them off is not something i would expect for a serious media outlet in 2023, even less with a game in a console where they're so prominent, and belonging that game to a series that actually had IR aiming before.

Am i being overdramatic? Maybe. Is my point right? I know it is, and i'm tired to pretend it's not.
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I'm playing with full gyro enabled (no right stick usage at all), and I just love the fact that Samus's Arm Cannon dynamically shifts position depending on what you're aiming at, just as in the Wii version. With stick controls, it remains in the same position, at all times.

Not quite all the time, if you enable free look while locked on. You get it way more with the pointer controls of course, but you can see it a little bit.

(I realize most people don't like that option but I always did.)
Oliver doesn't express personal preference anywhere else in the whole video.

It's been what, 25 years since we got the controller that set the actual standard? Did we have any real advancements since then?

Motion controls are a great addition to controller inputs, they add to precision and granularity of movement, reducing them to that sort of thing and laughing them off is not something i would expect for a serious media outlet in 2023, even less with a game in a console where they're so prominent, and belonging that game to a series that actually had IR aiming before.

Am i being overdramatic? Maybe. Is my point right? I know it is, and i'm tired to pretend it's not.
I agree with everything you said about motion controls adding all sorts of input options a standard controller cannot.

Oliver having a small sensible chuckle towards the end of a 15 minute video doesn't seem like that big of an issue. There are plenty of other YouTube channels that still regularly shit on motion controls and call them casual kiddy shit. This really doesn't seem like a big thing by comparison.
Good timing.

Some people might not have bought the game had it not included gyro aiming.

Like me. First foray into the series. But lack of gyro would have been a deal breaker.

Maybe it's just me, but horizontal movement with big controllers is much better for slight adjustments, not big ones. In the Digital Foundry video, the guy is using the Switch Pro for gyro completely both horizontally and vertically, which means he's making a lot of awkward wrist movements to get full horizontal movement. It just doesn't work that good. Even in Splatoon I use horizontal stick + vertical gyro.

This I will agree with. Gyro assisted fixed recticle aiming is always great, but cursor type aiming is not so good with a shackle-type controller (so named because it shackles your hands). What little use I've made of a shackle controller with motion controls was the block touching levels in SM3DW. It is much more awkward. I switched back to joy-cons shortly afterwards.

Split controllers need to catch on more. How else can I assume a thinking pose while still seamlessly maintaining control?

As for him not mentioning gyro + dual stick, he sort of does. He mentions Gamecube control option has gyro controls as well. To be fair, for standard dual stick the gyro is really burried in the options. Also, not gonna lie, Prime is really not a game that benefits from gyro if you're using dual stick. The lock on basically trivializes it.

Obviously this is a kiddie game for casuals. But that's okay, not every game can be hard-core like BOTW where the key to success is one-shotting a stal monster with a single arrow to the head without any assist.

Okay, I guess Z targeting does work for a Talus's ore deposit. But I didn't even know that was thing until after my playthrough because I never needed it. It was only playing Wind Waker, the first 3D Zelda I played without motion control aiming, afterwards that I learnt of it after griping about how difficult Gohdan was to me. Though on my recent playthrough of BOTW, I didn't bother with it much anyway. I felt I was more accurate targeting the ore deposit manually.

Now preferring to use Wii mote gyro controls with joycons? That makes more sense.

Yes. But even with split controllers, I still prefer the other type. It also has the advantage of masking gyro drift.
I'm playing with full gyro enabled (no right stick usage at all), and I just love the fact that Samus's Arm Cannon dynamically shifts position depending on what you're aiming at, just as in the Wii version. With stick controls, it remains in the same position, at all times.

I might have to try dual joycon full gyro controls tonight...
Some people have a bone to pick with DF because they don't praise everything about Switch games constantly it seems.
That's quite an assumption to make, and totally uncalled for.

I'm not a fan of DF, that's an undeniable truth, but It has nothing to do specifically with their treatment of the Switch, but with their whole philosophy and how they're pretty much aware of their role in the hardcore gaming discourse and console wars.
I'm playing with full gyro enabled (no right stick usage at all), and I just love the fact that Samus's Arm Cannon dynamically shifts position depending on what you're aiming at, just as in the Wii version. With stick controls, it remains in the same position, at all times.

Didn't know the cannon moving position was a thing in this remaster, it's amazing how much work they've put on this. Do you know if they kept the beam charge effect on the cannon (ie the cannon freezing while charging ice beam) using full gyro? I remember they took out those effects on the Wii version because it was difficult to have they with the cannon moving.
Didn't know the cannon moving position was a thing in this remaster, it's amazing how much work they've put on this. Do you know if they kept the beam charge effect on the cannon (ie the cannon freezing while charging ice beam) using full gyro? I remember they took out those effects on the Wii version because it was difficult to have they with the cannon moving.
Witness the glory for yourself! Disabled the HUD / UI for this one:

I quite like DF's Switch coverage and the negativity surrounding them kinda puzzles me, as they obviously try their best to add accurate and fair perspectives to gaming tech. The way DF was oftentimes discussed on the purple forum was very ugly and I hope we can keep that kind of non-constructiveness in check here xoxo.

Oliver and John do most of the Switch coverage nowadays, and it's obvious they're doing it because they like the platform. Oliver is quite a dry and critical reviewer overall, but I think he's fair in his assessments. For instance, contrasting his very positive Automata review (steady 30FPS, visually almost on-par with PS4) with his more critical No Man's Sky one (framerate, texture and pop-in problems).

The fact that he mentions gyro at all as a selling point "for those who are into it" (as well as lots of other options, which are by definition only for those who are into that =P) is a plus in my book.
I don't have anything against Digital Foundry on Nintendo front (only thing I follow). But this gyro thing wasn't good look. I have been hating this kind of attitude towards motion controls since Wii came out. Even though some of it might be warranted, this attitute towards the gyro controls certainly isn't. Otherwise great video.
Yeah, moreso in Brazil where 40$ worths about 1/6 of a salary.
I generally have to save for months in order to buy a game so I really prioritize longer games. Last one I bought was Shin Megami Tensei V when it entered on a sale so I got it for like 35 dollars or something like that, and I've been playing that for months and didn't finish yet!! Meanwhile I rented Dread for 2 weeks, finished the story in 8 days and kept playing til 88%. Also finished the story of Bayonetta 3 in one week, rented that one too. My renting contact doesn't have Prime Remastered yet, if they did I'd be playing it right now lol.
Buy I think I'll end up buying it physical later if any asian exporter has it for the MSRP or lower.
I bought Megaten on sale as well. Put in over hundred hours..beat it and walked away feeling underwhelmed. Now I’m playing Prime 😊
You sure about that? I’m positive I’ve seen it. I dunno, they seem very random in this remaster
It's based on the new lighting system, so it will be triggered differently than in the original. It happens mostly in very dark areas or underwater, but yes the charged shot does indeed trigger it sometimes. That user was incorrect.
Some people have a bone to pick with DF because they don't praise everything about Switch games constantly it seems.
This is ignoring the very specific criticism people have about an otherwise glowing review.
Witness the glory for yourself! Disabled the HUD / UI for this one:

Amazing, truly amazing, the level of effort and love put in this game surpass every expectation. It has been nearly a week and I can't believe yet we have Prime on switch, and with this level of work. A dream fulfilled.

Thank you for the video, it's indeed glorious!
Some people have a bone to pick with DF because they don't praise everything about Switch games constantly it seems.
The only thing I found annoying, which isnt limited to just when DF is doing it, is the successor talk.

Which is fine to talk about, but shoudnt be part of their analysis videos.
Motion controls are a great addition to controller inputs, they add to precision and granularity of movement, reducing them to that sort of thing and laughing them off is not something i would expect for a serious media outlet in 2023, even less with a game in a console where they're so prominent, and belonging that game to a series that actually had IR aiming before.

At the end of the day it is just another control method and if he doesn't like it he doesn't have to pretend to like it.

Am i being overdramatic?


Is my point right? I know it is, and i'm tired to pretend it's not.

Turning off a video because they made a comment about motion controls you didn't like then bitching about it to this degree doesn't make your point right. It's an option. It is there for people who like it. If you don't like it you don't have to use it. If someone doesn't like it they do not have to pretend to. It doesn't matter if they are an enthusiast. Enthusiast doesn't mean you like everything and use only the most precise available.
At the end of the day it is just another control method and if he doesn't like it he doesn't have to pretend to like it.


Turning off a video because they made a comment about motion controls you didn't like then bitching about it to this degree doesn't make your point right. It's an option. It is there for people who like it. If you don't like it you don't have to use it. If someone doesn't like it they do not have to pretend to. It doesn't matter if they are an enthusiast. Enthusiast doesn't mean you like everything and use only the most precise available.
I wish i was given an opt out of right stick aiming and so many people at my side justifying being dismissive as Gyro haters does.

I'll bitch as much as i want, and i'll criticise anyone who is supposed to be serious and objective and forgets to do so when It comes to Gyro.

If people can bitch endlessly about resolution, i can do so about inputs.
If you go by what they say then their reasoning is it feels “different & unwieldy compared to mouse, Wii pointer, & DS stylus controls.” I would quote the actual thing verbatim but not sure if I do.
Anyone know how to edit a myspace page? I think I must've mentioned not enjoying motion controls in something years ago. I need to remove that.
I'm going to come out and say it: Gyro aiming is still a step back from the IR aiming we had on Wii.

Gyro requires calibration or it becomes prone to drifting. It also, as implemented in most shooters on Switch, has no neutral position. What that means is if you want to move the crosshair right, you move your wrist right and then have to leave it there: moving your wrist left back to neutral means moving the crosshair left. away from the target you just aimed towards.

With IR aiming on the Wii, at least, most developers used floating crosshairs that allowed you to move the cursor left or right to move the screen, then move your wrist back to neutral to keep your gun aiming forwards towards your target.

Metroid Prime Remastered does emulate this at least with the free aiming similar to Trilogy and MP3, but the gyro being prone to drifting is still going to be an issue unless you frequently recalibrate.

Hopefuilly we someday get a joycon that has the IR sensor pointing the other way and that can use something like the Dock to get a constant point of reference.
I really like the dual stick + gyro in metroid prime, I think it's the perfect way to play a shooter on a console.
I'm going to come out and say it: Gyro aiming is still a step back from the IR aiming we had on Wii.

Gyro requires calibration or it becomes prone to drifting. It also, as implemented in most shooters on Switch, has no neutral position. What that means is if you want to move the crosshair right, you move your wrist right and then have to leave it there: moving your wrist left back to neutral means moving the crosshair left. away from the target you just aimed towards.

With IR aiming on the Wii, at least, most developers used floating crosshairs that allowed you to move the cursor left or right to move the screen, then move your wrist back to neutral to keep your gun aiming forwards towards your target.

Metroid Prime Remastered does emulate this at least with the free aiming similar to Trilogy and MP3, but the gyro being prone to drifting is still going to be an issue unless you frequently recalibrate.

Hopefuilly we someday get a joycon that has the IR sensor pointing the other way and that can use something like the Dock to get a constant point of reference.
This is why dual stick + gyro assist is the way to go 😎
I wish i was given an opt out of right stick aiming and so many people at my side justifying being dismissive as Gyro haters does.

I'll bitch as much as i want, and i'll criticise anyone who is supposed to be serious and objective and forgets to do so when It comes to Gyro.

If people can bitch endlessly about resolution, i can do so about inputs.

I didn't say you can't bitch, I said implying you're opinion is the correct one just cause you're whining loudly and throwing a tantrum that someone doesn't like thing you do doesn't make you correct.

You don't come off as someone giving real a real critique. You just come off as childish.

Which is fine. I don't care lol. But you are being overdramatic and 100% you aren't correct. Opinions can't be right or wrong. And while they can be criticized you haven't offered one worth taking seriously.
Gyro or gyro mix should be a staple control scheme. I despise how resistant core audiences have been to it's adoption. Nintendo shouldn't be the only major proponent of it. I know Sony is increasingly including it in their games, probably under the accessibility initiative, but I've seen responses in Sony and Microsoft centric posts and threads on the subject that vehemently reject it's inclusion.

For some people gyro/gyro mix just doesn't feel good. I've tried to use it in a few games after hearing how highly some people seem to regard it, but for me dual stick feels so much better. Nothing wrong with an audience having their own preferences, not sure why you need to try to force other people to like a control scheme just because you do.
Gyro is better for some things. Splatoon is a game that in all likelihood would control worse with both pointers and mouse. Unlike most third person games with aiming there is no "aiming mode", the reticle is always on center of the screen and attached to your character. This makes it a fairly 1:1 analog with gyro, which requires a center point for movement calculation.

That being said, yeah IR is just better at a lot of things. I'd love if Nintendo found a way to make IR + dualstick for Switch 2. Dualstick would really complete IR since in first person games on Wii where you were adjusting your camera a lot, IR was sometimes awkward for moving the camera. Sell me an IR sensor and id buy it.
I played Doom Eternal on Nightmare on Steam using my Pro Controller, using a combination of gyro and dual analog, and it worked like a dream. Even beat the Super Gore Nest Master Level on Ultra Nightmare that way

Not everyone has to like it, but I'll tend to use it when the option is available

I don't know if it's necessary in Prime, but when I get my hands on my physical copy I'll definitely be diving into the options to make it work
I played Doom Eternal on Nightmare on Steam using my Pro Controller, using a combination of gyro and dual analog, and it worked like a dream. Even beat the Super Gore Nest Master Level on Ultra Nightmare that way

Not everyone has to like it, but I'll tend to use it when the option is available

I don't know if it's necessary in Prime, but when I get my hands on my physical copy I'll definitely be diving into the options to make it work
I finished Doom 2016 and Eternal back-to-back on Nightmare on my Switch using gyro. I find it's super intuitive, and the kid is shockingly accurate using gyro with Splatoon so he agrees I suppose.

Never finished the DLC on Nightmare though, that stuff's a tad too sadistic to my liking.

This all being said, I've got a great comfy chair with armrests that make mouse and keyboard playing almost as comfortable as a controller, and for high-framerate oldschool shooty bang gaming I love using the mouse.
I finished Doom 2016 and Eternal back-to-back on Nightmare on my Switch using gyro. I find it's super intuitive, and the kid is shockingly accurate using gyro with Splatoon so he agrees I suppose.

Never finished the DLC on Nightmare though, that stuff's a tad too sadistic to my liking.

This all being said, I've got a great comfy chair with armrests that make mouse and keyboard playing almost as comfortable as a controller, and for high-framerate oldschool shooty bang gaming I love using the mouse.
I've been a console kiddie since the NES days and never really learned to mouse-and-keyboard except when playing Half-Life 2 and the original Portal, and by now I'm too set in my ways (and have a bit of a bum shoulder that hates being held at mouse-level at my desk) to learn more traditional PC FPS controls

That's part of why I appreciate gyro so much! Really lets you close the gap in terms of performance, so you're being held back by your own skill rather than by control inputs

And I agree with your kid about Splatoon; get that right stick sensitivity turned up into the stratosphere to turn with the quickness, then actually aim with gyro. Mwa. Perfection
For some people gyro/gyro mix just doesn't feel good. I've tried to use it in a few games after hearing how highly some people seem to regard it, but for me dual stick feels so much better. Nothing wrong with an audience having their own preferences, not sure why you need to try to force other people to like a control scheme just because you do.

At the risk of derailing - nobody is forcing you to use gyro. I think you’ve misunderstood me. My post only advocates it being part of today’s essential control schemes. Those who don’t want to use it should have little say in the matter - just don’t use it.

Just as you today can rely on a game to include dual analog, which arrived on the gaming scene with minimal resistance, I want to be confident that shooters or similar will have a gyro option. Xbox controllers should have gyro, and Halo Infinite should have supported it for example.
Imagine if DF said something like "the game also supports HDR, if you're in that sort of thing :sensible chuckle:". People would call them out and rightfully so, but it would be seen as a dumb statement.

If they pretend do a technical analysis of a game including the controller inputs, it's only fair to call them out when they low key dismiss a controller function which was proven superior through the only objective metrics that we have.
It's 2023, motion controls are not a joke anymore, there's people interested in them and DF basically controls the hardcore gaming discourse to a scary degree.

Not a good sign seeing the first advancement in direction input in 20 years being laughed off like that by an outlet like DF.

Eh, I think the motion controls are garbage in Prime and I love motion aiming. I turned them on because I hated having to press X to then swap weapons (or visors) only to be mortified that in order to change perspectives you have to hold the pointer on that side of the screen. The delay/wobble from that is horrible compared to other modern implementations like Splatoon. The hybrid controls are alright, but they are kind of useless because Prime doesn't demand precision, just a means to get you near a target to lock onto, and in that sense, the normal gyro free controls are perfect. It's far more important to be able to look around easily than to aim with precision in Metroid in my mind.

As someone who refuses to play Splatoon without gyro aiming, and desires gyro aiming in every shooter possible, I was super disappointed in the implementation in Prime, unless there is a way to remove having to hold the pointer to the side of the screen and make it more like mouse movement anyways, if there is, well I might have a replay on the way then.
Two very specific questions:

- was the aim assist already in original GC/Wii versions? Like when you shoot around an enemy (or if there are multiple ennemies around) sometimes they will automatically aim correctly, or at least try to.
It’s easy to notice on the groups of parasite things in the tunnels.
iirc it was already there but not sure.

- when holding ZL to lock camera but not an enemy and moving completely to the left or right, Samus’ steps don’t make any sound.
I’m curious if that’s a small glitch or if it’s intended, and can’t recall if it happened on GC/Wii as well?
I must say it's super cool to see Retro pushing the graphical boundaries of Nintendo hardware again; they haven't really done that since Prime 3 back in 2007 and it really takes me back. (Don't get me wrong, their Donkey Kong games looked good, they just weren't as technically ambitious)

Prime 1 and 2 were real showstoppers back when they came out, and 3 overturned expectations of what a Wii game could look like, so it's fitting to see the series turning heads once again.
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I must say it's super cool to see Retro pushing the graphical boundaries of Nintendo hardware again; they haven't really done that since Prime 3 back in 2007 and it really takes me back. (Don't get me wrong, their Donkey Kong games looked good, they just weren't as technically ambitious)

Prime 1 and 2 were real showstoppers back when they came out, and even 3 overturned expectations of what a Wii game could look like, so it's fitting to see the series turning heads once again.
Let’s see what prime 4 looks like first. That’s built from the ground up for switch.
Eh, I think the motion controls are garbage in Prime and I love motion aiming. I turned them on because I hated having to press X to then swap weapons (or visors) only to be mortified that in order to change perspectives you have to hold the pointer on that side of the screen. The delay/wobble from that is horrible compared to other modern implementations like Splatoon. The hybrid controls are alright, but they are kind of useless because Prime doesn't demand precision, just a means to get you near a target to lock onto, and in that sense, the normal gyro free controls are perfect. It's far more important to be able to look around easily than to aim with precision in Metroid in my mind.

As someone who refuses to play Splatoon without gyro aiming, and desires gyro aiming in every shooter possible, I was super disappointed in the implementation in Prime, unless there is a way to remove having to hold the pointer to the side of the screen and make it more like mouse movement anyways, if there is, well I might have a replay on the way then.
Now imagine having all that said in the review after having gone in decent detail through the other control schemes, instead of a dismissive chuckle.
Eh, I think the motion controls are garbage in Prime and I love motion aiming. I turned them on because I hated having to press X to then swap weapons (or visors) only to be mortified that in order to change perspectives you have to hold the pointer on that side of the screen. The delay/wobble from that is horrible compared to other modern implementations like Splatoon. The hybrid controls are alright, but they are kind of useless because Prime doesn't demand precision, just a means to get you near a target to lock onto, and in that sense, the normal gyro free controls are perfect. It's far more important to be able to look around easily than to aim with precision in Metroid in my mind.

As someone who refuses to play Splatoon without gyro aiming, and desires gyro aiming in every shooter possible, I was super disappointed in the implementation in Prime, unless there is a way to remove having to hold the pointer to the side of the screen and make it more like mouse movement anyways, if there is, well I might have a replay on the way then.
You can turn on gyro with dual analog, it's great for adjusting your view during jumps.
Imagine if DF said something like "the game also supports HDR, if you're in that sort of thing :sensible chuckle:". People would call them out and rightfully so, but it would be seen as a dumb statement.

Would they? Or would they just chalk it up to the DF crew having a fairly dry, nerdy sense of humour about niche gaming subjects?

I've never seen so much upset over a single chuckle in a glowing review of a game.
If they pretend do a technical analysis of a game including the controller inputs, it's only fair to call them out when they low key dismiss a controller function which was proven superior through the only objective metrics that we have.
Who's pretending? They did to a technical analysis of the game, and it happens to be one of the most thorough and insightful technical analyses of the game that we've got. q

What is going on here?
You can turn on gyro with dual analog, it's great for adjusting your view during jumps.
That mode is fine but I kept it off because I have no issues making jumps with dual analog controls, I do love gyro for precision aiming typically, but Prime just doesn't mandate that from a person. The entire lock on mechanism basically means you don't need anything but vague 'I'm around the area' to make the combat work, and for platforming, I don't even need to look down or to the side to jump around the game, it's very forgiving in that regard as well. I did try it though and that mode works fine, it's just not needed in this game in any meaningful fashion, unlike most games.

Now imagine having all that said in the review after having gone in decent detail through the other control schemes, instead of a dismissive chuckle.

Sure they could have, but that isn't really the goal of DF to my understanding anyways? They usually seem to just put emphasis on the visual tech, but maybe I'm missing their in depth gyro control impressions in other reviews, I admittedly do not watch all of their reviews. Not that I'd be opposed to them mentioning it of course, but I also don't see much need to get really upset that they dismiss them, especially in this instance. If they do it in instances where it's factually better though, that's stupid.
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