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Discussion Would you buy a Wind Waker HD/Twilight Princess HD double pack on Switch?

Would you buy a Wind Waker HD/Twilight Princess HD double pack on Switch?

  • Yes - And I've owned both games in some form

    Votes: 113 58.2%
  • Yes - And I've owned one of the games in some form

    Votes: 16 8.2%
  • Yes - and I've not owned either game in any form

    Votes: 30 15.5%
  • No - And I've owned both games in some form

    Votes: 32 16.5%
  • No - And I've owned one of the games in some form

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • No - And I've not owned either game in any form

    Votes: 1 0.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Piranha Plant
Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD + Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD.

I know, I know. Nintendo will release these games full price individually, again, and we will eat it all up. They will never release them as a double pack. But hey, this topic isn't about speculating that!

IF Nintendo released these two Wii U ports as one double pack, with all their glory, would you be interested?

These games were originally on the Gamecube and Gamecube/Wii.



Previous polls:
Kirby's and Yoshi's Epic Cozy Worlds (72.9%)
Wii Party² Deluxe (39%)
It's not so much about a double pack, just release the games.
I also bought Skyward Sword on Switch and was never urged to have it on the Wii.
I would, but a double pack isn't going to happen. I'd probably buy TP again as is, but WW needs an option for it to look more like the Gamecube release and to reinclude the Tingle Tuner content before I'd be willing to drop any money. Ideally they'd also fix up the textures further and add 60fps like SS.
Considering I just spent a hundred bucks on the Wii U version of Twilight Princess last year, naw. When I get around to playing them, I’ll play them on Wii U.
Yes, but only for WWHD. I have suffered through Twilight Princess enough times by now, but WWHD is worth the €60.
Really love WWHD, one of my favorite 3D Zelda, but I don't want to play TP anymore lol. Don't know if I would buy them
I'm not sure, I love both games but I don't know if I would play them again if I had them on Switch.
Nah, I'm kind of interesting it replaying TP (not enough to spend money on it again) but I think WW is abysmal
I've owned and finished both twice, once in SD and once in HD. Replaying them on Wii U just made their issues stand out even more. There's parts I still enjoy but not enough to play them again, let alone triple dip on them. This would be an easy skip for me.
Shut up and take my rupees!

I don't actually own the copy of TP I have. It belongs to a friend so I'd be delighted to return it and have my own copy.

Expect individual releases though. Nintendo isn't a charity after all. More people would pay for both than will not buy any compared to a double pack.
If they release them separately, I expect big additions otherwise it will be pretty ridiculous.
3D Zelda had a major game feel deficiency until Skyward Sword - Wind Waker and Twilight Princess (and the N64 ones too but that's understandable considering their age) are stiff feeling games, so I'm not sure if I'd bite. Running around doing puzzles is fine and all, but only when it feels good to do so. This is what Skyward Sword mostly nails, and I enjoy that game quite a bit, despite my personal taste leaning more to exploration than to puzzling.

Which is to say BOTW2 IN MARCH LETS GOOO
With no hesitation. If they were separate, I’d only buy Twilight Princess. My Wii U still works for now, but I know the Gamepad will die one day at which point I guess I’ll get Wind Waker…
Yes with an asterisk. I'd buy it day 1 if they're the definitive edition and are physical with no additional download required AND I'm not paying more than €40-50.

In other words: no, I'm not buying it because Nintendo will screw up at least the pricing imo. As much as I love the games, I'm not paying full price for them again. Did that too many times now.
No. A Switch version would have to axe the dual-screen controls of the Wii U versions, which to me is too big of a price to pay for portability.
Yes, of course.
Hell, I would buy them separately with no changes for full price.
I’d buy them full price and separately. they were both very very good on the Wii U and I would like very much to play them on the Switch.
Yes. These are two Zelda games I really enjoyed so I would get these. Perhaps it would be the first time I properly finish Windwaker tho :D
Like both games a lot, but I already owned them on Wii U. Unless there were some very interesting additions or improvements — and I don’t think there would be — I don’t need to buy ‘em again
No doubt, sold my Wii U a long time ago and not buying that stinker ever again.
No, I didn't like the games first playthroughs and I won't hesitate to skip them whenever I consiously can.
Yeah, mostly for WW. I got it on GC and WiiU and i would like it for Switch too. TP would be a bonus since i never played the HD version.
Yes, and because I'm a sucker I would buy them individually. Already have WW on GC and Wii U. TP I even have on GC, Wii and Wii U.

I know I'm part of the problem
In a heartbeat, yes. Although these are amongst my favorite games, so, heck I’d buy them individually too.
Nah, I already have them on Wii U and portability does nothing for me. Honestly I loved the use of the gamepad in those games, if anything it would probably be slightly inferior on the Switch from that aspect.
Yes, I've been wanting to play Wind Waker again. I didn't really enjoy what I played of Twilight Princess but I'd be willing to give it another shot.
Yes, but I've played both enough times now that it won't be very exciting for me. If BOTW2 is really 2022, we don't need this release. We just got SS HD as well so that Zelda.formula would be too familiar

Give it a few years and maybe release at the tail end of Switch's life
I like both of them a lot but they're games I've played too recently to go back to anytime soon. I'll need to sort of forget a lot of what I played before I feel like going back to them. Maybe I'll reconsider when the Switch 2 is out or something
Of course i'll be day one, if Nintendo released all of their back catalog in HD i'd buy it just so I have every game on one, portable system.
I will yes.

I own both on the GC and although i had a great time with WW i never came around to play TP even when i bought it on release day LOL (I just buy fooking games and leave them there with the shrink wrap intact). I never bought the HD versions on the Wii U either, i was thinking about it but after seeing the posibility of Switch remakes I decided to hold.

Even better if it is a double pack, knowing Nintendo i'm expecting a barebones HD remaster for $60 a piece.
Absolutely not. Wind Waker HD is a really ugly version of the game and while Twilight Princess is good, both games look better elsewhere.

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