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News Tokyo Xanadu eX+ for Switch releasing in the West on July 25th




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Lets go! I know its different publishers but come ln Falcom summer for both games, I hope they are far apart lol.
Nicee... Couldn't finish this on Vita but I'm ready to do so on Switch. I hope Falcom right now is cooking an even bigger sequel. Like, with bigger dungeons and more open world.
Yeeeeessss! Nice. Got this on Steam a while ago, but didn't get to it so far. Far more likely to finish it on Switch.
Aksys does what Xseedon't! Funny how this came out later than the Felghana port in Japan, but it's the only one we're getting (at this time). More evidence that Xseed is the reason Felghana and Cold Steel I & II are MIA in the west.

The new localization is an interesting choice. Never played Tokyo Xanadu before, was the original localization a bit stilted or something?
Love how my 2 days old post aged incredibly poorly! (Not the un-spoilered part, that still has a decent chance of happening)
They're announcing Tokyo Xanadu 2 in March then, got it. I'm not the only one thinking this right? Also I haven't played the first TX nor do I really plan to but let's ignore that!
To be fair though when I said "nor do I really plan to" I was referring to at that time, with no switch port on the horizon. Now though? I'm definitely interested.
I thought this game was a lot of fun. Went in with pretty low expectations but was pleasantly surprised. I liked the gameplay loop enough to try to get S ranks on all the dungeons, anyway (which, admittedly, on Normal difficulty was quite easy to do - I'll probably replay on a higher difficulty at some point). I also liked the characters. Would be nice to see more people check it out.
Ooh cool to see they are cleaning up the translation as it definitely wasn’t up to par. My favorite(?) was when one of the main party members randomly became British for like one line lol.

Maybe to set expectations a bit if you haven’t played it, I did find Tokyo Xanadu (the Vita version in particular) a tad worse than either Trails or Ys, but it’s still a fun time and the modern day setting is neat. I’d be down to revisit it.

Also happy to see Aksys putting out a non visual novel and more hardcore facing game again. For a while they just weren’t putting out games that spoke to me. Hope we’ll see more down the road.
Ooh cool to see they are cleaning up the translation as it definitely wasn’t up to par. My favorite(?) was when one of the main party members randomly became British for like one line lol.

Maybe to set expectations a bit if you haven’t played it, I did find Tokyo Xanadu (the Vita version in particular) a tad worse than either Trails or Ys, but it’s still a fun time and the modern day setting is neat. I’d be down to revisit it.

Also happy to see Aksys putting out a non visual novel and more hardcore facing game again. For a while they just weren’t putting out games that spoke to me. Hope we’ll see more down the road.
Someone missed out on Record of Agarest War on Switch by Aksys last year then. ;)
Ooh cool to see they are cleaning up the translation as it definitely wasn’t up to par. My favorite(?) was when one of the main party members randomly became British for like one line lol.

Maybe to set expectations a bit if you haven’t played it, I did find Tokyo Xanadu (the Vita version in particular) a tad worse than either Trails or Ys, but it’s still a fun time and the modern day setting is neat. I’d be down to revisit it.

Also happy to see Aksys putting out a non visual novel and more hardcore facing game again. For a while they just weren’t putting out games that spoke to me. Hope we’ll see more down the road.
I will probably try to give this another chance here but when I started Tokyo Xanadu on the Vita years ago I was really put off by the writing.
I was drawn to it because it promised to be a Persona-lite action RPG and not part of a huge story yet like the Trails games
People criticise Persona all the time which is fair but it really showed me how good Persona actually is.

I wouldn't call myself an expert on Falcom games but I played a few like Ys1, Ys Origin, a Trails in the Sky, Ys 8 and 9 and enjoyed them, but the just from the beginning bit alone the characters just felt so smug and so much more generic.
Maybe the revised localisation here will help?
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Someone missed out on Record of Agarest War on Switch by Aksys last year then. ;)
That one never caught my attention for whatever reason. I knew it came out, but that’s about it. I’ve never really heard anyone talk about it at any length, what is it like? Are you a fan?
The new localization is an interesting choice. Never played Tokyo Xanadu before, was the original localization a bit stilted or something?
There’s some awkward moments every now and then but it just kinda falls apart towards the latter half of the game, so a new localization is most welcome.
That one never caught my attention for whatever reason. I knew it came out, but that’s about it. I’ve never really heard anyone talk about it at any length, what is it like? Are you a fan?
Well I bought it but haven't played it yet, but I've known about it since it came out in 2007 on PS3 in Japan. It's by Compile Heart and RED and seems like a successor to Idea Factory's "Neverland" universe games which include the Generation of Chaos and Spectral Force franchises. Aksys localized both it and the year latter expanded 360 port back in 2010, so the fact they got Ghostlight to port it 13 years later on Switch is pretty damn cool.
I will probably try to give this another chance here but when I started Tokyo Xanadu on the Vita years ago I was really put off by the writing.
I was drawn to it because it promised to be a Persona-lite action RPG and not part of a huge story yet like the Trails games
People criticise Persona all the time which is fair but it really showed me how good Persona actually is.

I wouldn't call myself an expert on Falcom games but I played a few like Ys1, Ys Origin, atrails in the Sky, Ys 8 and 9 abd enjoyed them, but the just from the beginning bit alone the characters just felt so smug and so much more generic.
Maybe the revised localisation here will help?
It’s been a long time now since I first played it, but I remember liking the protagonist a good deal ultimately and I grew to like the group as it went on. It was a bit of a slow burn for sure.

My opinion of Tokyo Xanadu is very much I find it worse than any Trails game or Ys game on most fronts, that definitely includes the cast, and yet I still largely liked it. It’s like a 7/10 you feel good about at the end. I’m not sure how much I’d recommend it then, but if you are up for it, it’s a good time.
It’s been a long time now since I first played it, but I remember liking the protagonist a good deal ultimately and I grew to like the group as it went on. It was a bit of a slow burn for sure.

My opinion of Tokyo Xanadu is very much I find it worse than any Trails game or Ys game on most fronts, that definitely includes the cast, and yet I still largely liked it. It’s like a 7/10 you feel good about at the end. I’m not sure how much I’d recommend it then, but if you are up for it, it’s a good time.
This is about what I’d give it, too. It’s like… if you took Ys combat, mixed it with Trails of Cold Steel 1, and increased the Persona-lite time-based and relationship elements. It’s a cool idea and combination of concepts, but unfortunately the end product is worse than any one of those things individually.

(I also was really put off by the ‘time-attack/score’ element to the dungeons since I always hate that kind of thing, but that’s more a me problem)

It could really improve with a sequel that refines the mechanics and makes it mesh better, though (and maybe has a bit more budget…)
Well I bought it but haven't played it yet, but I've known about it since it came out in 2007 on PS3 in Japan. It's by Compile Heart and RED and seems like a successor to Idea Factory's "Neverland" universe games which include the Generation of Chaos and Spectral Force franchises. Aksys localized both it and the year latter expanded 360 port back in 2010, so the fact they got Ghostlight to port it 13 years later on Switch is pretty damn cool.
Quoting myself.

Because I want to emphasize the kinda surreal nostalgia kick Aksys have been going for on Switch. What do I mean by that, you may ask?

They as said published a port of a game they last published 13 years prior. They brought Sonic Powered's Waku Waku Sweets to retail, having last worked with them IIRC on Mini Copter: Adventure Flight on Wii.

Slightly similar, they brought WFS's Fishing Star World Tour to retail and bundled it with a rod attachment, just like they did with SIMS' Hooked Again on Wii.

Tokyo Xanadu isn't as old, but I believe it's been quite a few years since they published the last port.

Such a shame they weren't the ones to bring Castle of Shikigami 2 to retail (Red Art Games is instead), as they did Castle of Shikigami 3 on Wii. And yeah imagine if they could've picked up BlazBlue Central Fiction on Switch and had given it a dub that even the voice actors were pushing for.

Preorders seem to be live on amazon. Its 50$ there. 70$ on Aksys store but that has some bonus stuff

We got a date, July 25th. As for missing the June timeframe, I would guess it was close to Daybreak (it kinda still is)

Also SMT Vengeance. To be fair it’s hard for JRPGs to dodge each other entirely at the moment, but yeah, best not to cannibalise your own sales. Something Square struggles with too.
I'll be checking this out for sure. The last Falcom game I picked up to scratch that Ys itch was Legend of Nayuta and I really enjoyed that one.

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