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Pre-Release Starfield |Pre-Release Discussion Thread| Skyrim in Space (Up: game has gone gold)

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Red Monster

Professional Conversationalist
Release Date: H1 2023
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Platforms: Xbox Series S|X, PC

In the 24th century, humanity has taken to the stars, inhabiting an area that extends approximately fifty light years outwards from Sol called The Settled Systems. Taking place twenty years after a war between the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective, Starfield sees you take control of a fully-customizable character who joins Constellation, the last group of space explorers.

Discover new worlds, upgrade your ship, deal with pirates and mercenaries, and make new alliances as you explore the galaxy!

Reveal Trailer

Into the Starfield
Ep 1: The Journey Begins

Ep 2: Made for Wanderers

Ep 3: The Sound of Adventure

Xbox and Bethesda Showcase Gameplay Reveal

This and TotK are my most wanted games for this year!

Edit: I forgot FFXVI.
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Will be watching this thread! Starfield is the most excited I've been about a Bethesda game in quite a while, so I'm hoping it'll stick the landing. It's good that they've seemingly been able to take their time to deliver, especially since -- as has been referenced in the thread already! -- Microsoft seems to finally be seeing the conclusion of a bunch of lengthy dev cycles.
I absolutely hate how this game has no color. A game about exploring wonders of space - one of mankind's biggest dreams, and you just show a greyish planet? There are some greens here and there, but ultimately I want my exploration games to be beautiful and baffling. The game might be good, it might be great, but they better show me some weird purple acid zone where you look up to the night sky and see millions of stars.
If this turns out well I will likely grab an Xbox for it and finally try out Gamepass.
ToTK and Starfield are by far and away my most anticipated games. I'm expecting a return to Skyrim level form from Bethesda on this one. The concept of the IP is so captivating and it's clear that the team are very passionate about it- in a way that they aren't regarding Fallout.
This game is everything to me. I’ve put well over a thousand hours into Skyrim and easily 600 -700 into Fallout 4. I know there’s quite a few people who don’t care for Bethesda’s style of games but if pressured I’d probably have to rank them as my favorite studio.

There is so much riding on this game. Not only is it the first proper Bethesda RPG in a post Witcher 3 and Breath of the Wild world, Bethesda is now a first-party studio. There hasn’t been a first party Xbox game launch this important since probably Halo 3. It’s do or die.

No pressure Todd.
Will be watching this thread! Starfield is the most excited I've been about a Bethesda game in quite a while, so I'm hoping it'll stick the landing. It's good that they've seemingly been able to take their time to deliver, especially since -- as has been referenced in the thread already! -- Microsoft seems to finally be seeing the conclusion of a bunch of lengthy dev cycles.
its the first proper Bethesda game in almost 8 years sure FO76 was good but it lacked alot of things their games usually have because of the online nature. this is top 3 releases i am most excited about. FF16 and TOTK are the other top two but thats not to mention RE4,LAD Ishin and the LAD Gaiden which are others im excited for
It's crazy - I got 3 years of Game Pass Ultimate in Sept 2020 in preparation for getting an Xbox and ultimately Starfield.

If we reach Sept 2023 and it's still not out, I will cry. Could never have predicted that. Hopefully the Xbox Live conversion trick is still working by then.

Love Bethesda games, but the animation and camera smoothness and general jank HAVE to be cleaned up by now. There are no more excuses after the reception Fallout 76 got. They know it's no longer acceptable. Let's see if they've learned their lesson.
I’m very pumped for this game, although kind of in a nebulous way - we’ve seen so little about it, relatively speaking. I’m still not quite sure what to expect, and am eager to get another big trailer and deep dive.

If the Super Bowl rumor is true, maybe we’ll get a date for it then. I’m expecting it to slip to H2 2023, which means it’ll probably be a huge focus at E3 at least.
I’m very pumped for this game, although kind of in a nebulous way - we’ve seen so little about it, relatively speaking. I’m still not quite sure what to expect, and am eager to get another big trailer and deep dive.

If the Super Bowl rumor is true, maybe we’ll get a date for it then. I’m expecting it to slip to H2 2023, which means it’ll probably be a huge focus at E3 at least.
I also expect it to slip to the second half of the year, but that’s not a big deal for me. More time for polish, and more time for me to play FF16 (goty 2023 let’s gooo) and TotK before Starfield comes out!

Are they gonna show more on the 25th hopefully?
I thought they explicitly said Starfield wasn’t gonna be at the 25th event?
I also expect it to slip to the second half of the year, but that’s not a big deal for me. More time for polish, and more time for me to play FF16 (goty 2023 let’s gooo) and TotK before Starfield comes out!

I thought they explicitly said Starfield wasn’t gonna be at the 25th event?
Nvm just saw that lol
No Starfield on the 25th is more than fine with me. Redfall needs a significant deep-dive, especially with the new talk comparing it to Far Cry 2 and Stalker.
As much as I want this in the first half, May/June gets really packed with Zelda and Final Fantasy. I probably wouldn't be heartbroken if it was pushed just a little farther back lol.
As much as I want this in the first half, May/June gets really packed with Zelda and Final Fantasy. I probably wouldn't be heartbroken if it was pushed just a little farther back lol.
I think the chances of it getting pushed back are extremely high. Like, even ignoring the competitive environment of the other huge games dropping in May and June, Microsoft themselves are already going to be publishing a lot in Q2, including another big new IP from Bethesda they don’t want to bury.

That they announced a Developer_Direct focused on games they’re releasing in the first half of the year and they’re explicitly pre-confirming Starfield will not be at that event is the clearest indication possible that Starfield isn’t going to make Q2. I really don’t understand the people who are still going “they don’t really need to market it all that much, they can still announce in February that it’s coming in April!” at all.

Like, sure, they could do that, in the sense that it’s not illegal, but why on Earth would they want to? They’ll have console bundles and a (likely very expensive!) collector’s edition to try to sell, I don’t see why they wouldn’t give this game a full ~6 month pre-release marketing wind-up.

If there wasn’t that “before E3” commitment from last year, no one would be saying “yeah, this game’s release is imminent, they’ll probably announce a release date in February and do a super short two month cycle before it ships!” We’d all be expecting it to be a big November game, like Fallout 4 and Skyrim were. Games get delayed all the time. Especially big ambitious open world RPGs. If the only reason a 1H release makes any sense at all is because they committed to that a year ago, it’s time to let that dream go.
If this scratches the same itch as Skyrim I’m gonna be so happy, will definitely easily sink a few hundred hours in if that’s the case.
If it’s more like fallout then it might not be for me
I will definitely be buying this on Xbox if they do a nice CE else i will play it on Steam Deck.

Unrelated but No Mans Sky is amazing on Switch. :)
I’m cautiously waiting for the game. I hope the StarField Direct will feature something that proves Bethesda actually took a few arrows to the knee regarding how dialogue, animation, cutscenes and character interactions should work.

I’m still baffled that the animations in TES: Online are miles better than anything Bethesda has done since. Give me dialogue with multiple characters at the same time and not the « one on one zoom then out of the dialogue mode to showcase a NPC reacting then back to one on one zoome dialogue mode ».

For character interaction, I’ll take a very, very basic example : when you want to use a chair to sit down in Skyrim, the animation process is terrible and it CANNOT be interrupted. TES Online ? Not only your character moves much more convincingly to the chair but you can also cancel the animation.


Take a stage at BioWare and CDProjekt, for Talos’ sake.
I'm excited for this! More that I thought I would be. I'm completely unfamiliar with Bethesda, and don't like space much, but the demo shown last year was incredibly intriguing to me.

The only thing giving me pause is the size of the game. Not the size of the universe, but the space. (Not the 'space' space, but the amount of space required on your computer) I only have 500GB, and still a hefty amount of GamePass games installed, and not sure if I want to spray out money on a 4th hard drive.
I don't know who MrMattyPlays is, but this showed up on r/gamingleaksandrumors today.

Not the most shocking thing in the world when everyone and their brother is predicting a delay. A summer release would be kinda surprising though.
I’m ok with Bethesda delaying a game. I’m less than ok with the lack of releases on the Series X/S but at this point I’m used to (and while I’m glad RedFall won’t be a L4D clone, it’s still not my vibe).
I don't know who MrMattyPlays is, but this showed up on r/gamingleaksandrumors today.

Not the most shocking thing in the world when everyone and their brother is predicting a delay. A summer release would be kinda surprising though.

I would be pretty surprised with summer, yeah. Although something like August is usually wide open so it might be a good release time, but on the other hand this isn't the kind of game that is going to be overshadowed and needs a wide open window, either.
I’m saying this out of love because I have adored several Bethesda projects in my life but man. It must be especially hard to know when to call a Bethesda game ready to ship 😂 I have a really good feeling about Starfield but I’m sure it’ll be a little rough out of the gate no matter when it launches
Hoping for the Bethesda fans that this'll be better than the preview last year suggested - it looked rough. It's been a long time since Fallout 4 as well so y'all deserve it.

For me personally, Bethesda's claim to fame artistically is still Morrowind. They had something very special going on at that time (it was their "final fantasy" after all). Subsequent games haven't been as interesting to me, although Shivering Isles was interesting in part because it wasn't nearly as ham-fisted as Oblivion proper or Skyrim. So this is probably not for me.
If it gets delayed it gets delayed. I'd bet my life on it still dropping in 2023 but under no circumstances can they fuck this up. If it launches in a state like Fallout 76 or god forbid Cyberpunk 2077 it'll be a disaster. Thankfully I'm confident leadership at both Bethesda and Xbox know that.
This game could absolutely ruin me. It's basically everything I ever wanted from a Bethesda RPG. Bring on the jank, the CTDs, the bugs, the gamebreaking quests and OP items. I am ready to retire Skyrim to get my Bethesda style adventure fix.
Starfield, directly to you

Cant say I am surprised about the delay, but it wasnt very big - Bethesda fans, rejoice!
Starfield Direct: June 11th

Starfield Release Date: September 6th

LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don’t get it. You’re missing the first half of 23 anyways. Why Sept? Just push it to Nov and get it out in time for the Holidays while giving the game an extra couple of months for polish.
June 11 is slightly further away than I expected for a Starfield direct. I suppose that means Microsoft isn't going to have a big "E3" showcase in June?
They literally stole the Nintendo Direct branding wholesale lol.

Hey! If you're gonna steal, steal from the best I say!
It's crazy - I got 3 years of Game Pass Ultimate in Sept 2020 in preparation for getting an Xbox and ultimately Starfield.

If we reach Sept 2023 and it's still not out, I will cry. Could never have predicted that. Hopefully the Xbox Live conversion trick is still working by then.
oh nooooooo

sorry @Heron :'(
I thought the thread title was a cute/fun nod to Nintendo Directs because we're a Nintendo forum, but no they really called it a Starfield Direct lmao this is great

Well I guess I'll wait until next Black Friday to get me a Series S. No need to hurry now.
I don’t get it. You’re missing the first half of 23 anyways. Why Sept? Just push it to Nov and get it out in time for the Holidays while giving the game an extra couple of months for polish.

Microsoft might have Forza planned for November at this point.
Yeah a delay was a foregone conclusion. I don't know if waiting til June for the starfield showcase is wise though.
direct announced months in advance, huh? must be nice ;)
Oh my goodness, it's time y'all !!

My second most anticipated release this year after TotK. Excited to see more.
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