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News Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance announced for PC and consoles, coming June 14th (UPDATE: trailer #2, see threadmarks)

(It can be about the series plot so I'm sorry in advance if that's the case).

There's a lot of fuckery in demonology because almost all of it came from non-canon books that didn't enter the Bible or the Torah but are mentioned in the canon books.

The most famous is the Book of Enoch. That's where the "fallen angel" narrative comes from, it comes from nowhere in the Bible or Torah. The angels that fell from heaven were angels send to earth that ended up having children with humans(the Nefilins, giants). That's also were it's mentioned that Raphael, Gabriel and Michael defeated the angels and imprisoned them(not on hell tho but there's another apocryphal that says the diluvium was to drown the giants). The most famous fallen angel was Azazel. Azazel is then taken as the one that turned into Satanas.

The medieval epic romance Paradise Lost mixes the "fallen Morning Star" of the bible(which was talking about the Babylonian king and not an angel) and the Enoch rebel angels and makes the most famous version that was turned to "canon" since that's the story that people preach about now. In that one, Lucifer rebels and is trapped in hell alongside the other rebel angels. And he then turns to Satan.

I believe Samael is one of the demons believed to be the Serpent? Tho most people argue that it would be Satan, or that Samael is the name Satan had in heaven?

The original Sigil of Baphomet had Samael and Lilith written so maybe in the story that Lilith found Lucifer after she was cast away from Eden is the source of Samael being the name of Lucifer?

There's a lot of messy stuff on Judeo-Christian scatology that carries to demonology. Moreso because many gods or goddesses of ancient religions are either bashed or flat out said to be demons on the Bible. So there's popular beliefs like Beelzebub and Lucifer and Satan being all names for the same demon when that's clearly not the case since Beelzebub for example is bashing the god Baal(I like that both are represented in SMT differently btw!). Satanael in P5 was a great moment for me too.

Sorry for the lengthy ass post and sorry again if it comes out as explaining something you're already familiar with, I'm just watching a lot of videos on esoteric/occult/demonology/religion history lately lol.

And in short, Samael might be the name for Satan or Lucifer before he fell depending on where you ask. I believe the Catholic church would probably consider them all the same but also Azazel and even Beelzebub.
Thank you for the very detailed explanation! I ask because in the DC universe Fox/Netflix series, Lucifer also shares the name Samael (the name God personally calls him, actually)
Huh. Wasn't expecting a move forward of all things! I definitely won't complain, but one week isn't enough to play an 80 hour RPG before Elden Ring, plus I was going to be starting a new Elden Ring game the week or two prior to launch anyway, so I will still likely not be getting to this until July sometime.
Thank you for the very detailed explanation! I ask because in the DC universe Fox/Netflix series, Lucifer also shares the name Samael (the name God personally calls him, actually)
I'm glad you liked it!!

And I didn't know the Lucifer from the Netflix show shared the name Samael!

I guess that explains why on a date I was having, when I was explaining Shin Megami Tensei and Persona to my date(yeah lol), when I talked about Satanael from P5, I told him that it would be the angel name for Satan before he fell from heaven, and he said "isn't it Samael??" so I guess now I know where he got that from!!
nice. FromSoft can be known for two good things now:

Enchanted Arms and getting Vengeance to release a week early.
I wonder if the update the graphics for the next switch.
I doubt the changes in the game are enough for me to buy this on current switch after having
smt V already played.
Still no digital pre-orders for Switch? Wonder if there's still a shot at the new campaign being DLC for those that already own the game.

How often do game release dates get bumped forward?

It's not too uncommon truth be told, especially for physical console releases? The thing with console releases is that because of the manufacturing process, the "golden disk/master copy" has to be shipped a few months in advance to the cartridge factories. However you usually don't actually hear of release dates moving because they don't announce the release date until it's solidified or the difference amounts to like... 2 days because a bunch of retailers broke street dates (due to shipping) and the publisher just accepted an earlier launch. (The latter doesn't really happen anymore now that publishers have largely cut out the middle man of physical retailers + a move to culturally shame people who get early copies. And that's without delving into the same for card games where Hasbro send the bloody Pinkertons at someone who got an early copy of MtG cards. Shit's gotten dire.)

The master copy thing is less often a hard limiter on development these days because of the prevalence of 1-day patches but that's less common with Nintendo because of lotcheck being able to catch the true "hard crashes", which means cartridges have to ship in at least a functional state.

In this case the move is pretty obviously to attempt and avoid competing with the Elden Ring DLC in the gaming news cycle, which is probably a good idea since to be frank, nobody is beating Elden Ring DLC for attention even if SMTV doesn't have much in common with ER.
Looks like the Shadow of the Erdtree was too overwhelming, even for literal demons.
Also other new gameplay stuff and English screenshots:

Also the English voices of the other three companions of Lilith are confirmed:

Eisheth Zenunim (VA: Allegra Clark)
Agrat bat Mahlat (VA: Cherami Leigh)
Naahmah (VA: Kari Wahlgren)
Kari Wahlgren? Sweet! I know she's very prolific especially in cartoons but I don't recall seeing her in very many games lately. Always good to see.
Seeing SMTV in the spotlight again has reminded me how I’ve missed Nahobino and that glorious hair.

Also just realized that we’re less than three months out from this game already. I’m really eager to see some impressions or more info about how different the new path is
I haven't been following this release closely. Reading the website, it seems like the game has two story paths: the original and a new one. Are people expecting the original path to feature changes that improve it, or does it seem like the majority of the "definitive version" effort has been put into the new path?
I haven't been following this release closely. Reading the website, it seems like the game has two story paths: the original and a new one. Are people expecting the original path to feature changes that improve it, or does it seem like the majority of the "definitive version" effort has been put into the new path?

I think some improvements like save anywhere and the new demons will be in but I haven't looked into it specifically. Hopefully they add them to the original path also so I have incentive to replay it.
I haven't been following this release closely. Reading the website, it seems like the game has two story paths: the original and a new one. Are people expecting the original path to feature changes that improve it, or does it seem like the majority of the "definitive version" effort has been put into the new path?
I believe the original path will have some new character interactions and a few other things, IIRC. Plus quite a few new demons are more 'generic' ones that will be available there (I assume, at least?). I have to figure that the 'big story ones' will be exclusive to the new path but quite a few won't be
I think some improvements like save anywhere and the new demons will be in but I haven't looked into it specifically. Hopefully they add them to the original path also so I have incentive to replay it.

I believe the original path will have some new character interactions and a few other things, IIRC. Plus quite a few new demons are more 'generic' ones that will be available there (I assume, at least?). I have to figure that the 'big story ones' will be exclusive to the new path but quite a few won't be
Thanks for your thoughts. My question is coming from the place of someone who might be new to the game and want the best experience but is likely not to play the game twice. Based on how the website described the two story paths, the themes of the original path sound more appealing to me, but if people found the original path to be a mixed bag and the new path ends up being "version 2.0", then I guess it wouldn't be a clear choice for a player like me. This is all hypothetical, as I have too many JRPGs in my backlog and would put SMTV low on my priority list, but it was still something I was wondering about. Thanks again!
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Thanks for your thoughts. My question is coming from a place of someone who might be new to the game and want the best experience but is likely not to play the game twice. Based on how the website described the two story paths, the themes of the original path sound more appealing to me, but if people found the original path to be a mixed bag and the new path ends up being "version 2.0", then I guess it wouldn't be a clear choice for a player like me. This is all hypothetical, as I have too many JRPGs in my backlog and would put SMTV low on my priority list, but it was still something I was wondering about. Thanks again!
As of now we don't know how much it will be different in its fixes and content. Given the routes are long, it maybe best to wait for impressions and reviews.
Finished SMT V Vanilla tonight, got the neutral route. An utterly uneven experience that I absolutely loved and has the best combat I've played in a JRPG. Story, like pretty much everyone else said, was scattered to all hell. I know what happened, I guess, but don't know why any of it happened, and also didn't really care. Story didn't matter to me one iota though since I was literally in it to take on the next boss. Every boss was a delight to fight and I loved seeing the designs of each one. Late game planning for the last few bosses was some real great video gamin'.

Thinking about what I would want from Vengeance, and it has to be a retooled new game plus. I haven't started NG+ yet, but reading about it it sounds a bit disappointing. Either start fresh or face a bunch of low level demons with my level 80 party. I would happily pay the price of Vengeance to bring my end game party into a rebalanced version of the campaign starting with demons around level 80. Also, being able to do so and then play the other route would be incredible.

I've been bumping the soundtrack recently and I think if Vengeance has a few more bangers (which it likely will) it will cement it as one of my favourite OSTS for battle themes.

I've been bumping the soundtrack recently and I think if Vengeance has a few more bangers (which it likely will) it will cement it as one of my favourite OSTS for battle themes.

It has fantastic battle themes, and some of the area themes rule too - I like the Desert area music a lot, and Ueno is an all-timer. I still don't think it beats out SMT4 for me overall, but maybe with some new tracks... we'll see!
....I didn't see Aogami once during that trailer.

Between that and the new look I am intrigued.
Yeah this seems to be deliberately shying away from a lot of the main plot elements of the original path and the characters most important in it. Which begs the question if they’ll still be there just in different roles and situations, or if the new path largely focuses on the less-used and new characters.
english trailer

New demons spotted: Gurulu, Azazel, Kreisnik, Mastema.
The first three were in Soul Hackers 2, so they were pretty likely to show up, but it's nice that Mastema gets to appear in a 3D console title.

There's also this little guy:


Amabie is a yokai that is said to predict epidemics. As such, it became kind of a meme in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic. Doi designed him back in 2021, but he never appeared in the original SMT V.
Yeah this looks sick. I'm liking how involved the new area and dungeon looks to be in traversal
What still irks me about the battles is the sound design. I'm probably not the only one, but I feel like all the attacks are lacking audible impact. Sure, the visuals are there, and they are fantastic. But the sound?
Looks absolutely sick. Have we heard anything about the eShop listing yet?

Oooh yeah this is looking good.

And oh shit, first 3D Mastema?

I think he's in the mobile game, but I'm pretty sure they don't share models for whatever stupid reason.
I loved the game, despite a weak story: this expanded versions seems to push a lot in that regard so I'm really pumped
and Nahobino surely is a great character design!
Rewatching the trailer... It does look really amazing, ngl. I'd love to see how it runs on Switch, given that all footage so far has been from PlayStation hardware (going by the button prompts, at least). (Also just a tad ironic / funny, given the prior exclusivity, but it's whatever.)

Definitely makes me want to give the game another shot, I don't see myself returning to the vanilla version on Switch at this point. Good thing I never made it super far into it, I guess.
Rewatching the trailer... It does look really amazing, ngl. I'd love to see how it runs on Switch, given that all footage so far has been from PlayStation hardware (going by the button prompts, at least). (Also just a tad ironic / funny, given the prior exclusivity, but it's whatever.)

Definitely makes me want to give the game another shot, I don't see myself returning to the vanilla version on Switch at this point. Good thing I never made it super far into it, I guess.

I think the reveal (happened at the Nintendo Partners Showcase) is Switch footage:


you can see resolution is lower than this 2nd trailer
I think the reveal (happened at the Nintendo Partners Showcase) is Switch footage:
Duh! Totally forgot about that. Yeah, this definitely looks more like it's on the Switch's hardware level in terms of presentation.

Going by that ... I don't think I'll play this version on the Switch, tbh.
Duh! Totally forgot about that. Yeah, this definitely looks more like it's on the Switch's hardware level in terms of presentation.

Going by that ... I don't think I'll play this version on the Switch, tbh.

well yes, on more powerful hardwares shines more, I agree
that said, I struggle to play RPGs on stationary consoles: is it going to be on GamePass?
if I'm going to receive a Switch review code, I'd like to leave it to some colleagues, having already played and reviewed the base game
well yes, on more powerful hardwares shines more, I agree
that said, I struggle to play RPGs on stationary consoles
Yeah, I think this is one of those (for me rather rare) cases where the technical improvements are so severe that it'll make me play it on other hardware.
But also agreed on your second point: I do struggle with that as well. Even when playing them on my PC instead. Switch fits my life style much more.
But I've bought my gaming PC exactly for cases like this one where I don't enjoy the Switch versions of games, so I guess it kinda just works out that way.

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