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StarTopic Manga |ST| Jump In!

I read a ton of manga, I just don't always have much to say outside of OP and I take that discussion to dedicated OP threads.
Someone wanted more post about manga, be careful what you wish for

Maria's Judgement 1-12

CW: Bullying, suicide, torture, sexual assault

Maria's Judgement (also know as Danzai no Maria) is a series about a women named Maria who lost her son after he was bullied to death in middle school. When the bullies make everyone believe it was a suicide, Maria snaps and takes matters into her own hands. She goes undercover as the high school nurse so that she can begin to ruin the lives of her late son's tormenters and ultimately kill the in elaborate torture traps. When the first bully disappears, Maria's ex-husband, a detective, begins investigating to find out what is happening.

Maria's judgement is a dark revenge torture porn series with easy to hate antagonist that any fan of the genre will enjoy seeing their comeuppance. The torture traps so far would make Jigsaw proud, both in their set up and the "you can escape if X" set ups. As an example the first victim is trapped in a room with his hand cuffed to a lock with a date on it while the room slowly fills with water. The lock is the date of the son's death, if only our bully could even remember that 🙊
If you want other series that have great art, I would recommend BLAME! It’s kind of all style and very little plot substance, but not in a bad way. Let your imagination fill in the blanks and enjoy the stunning sci-fi dystopia art. There are some really incredible full page spreads.

I also own a few volumes of Witch Hat Atelier which is adorable and the art is truly incredible. Some of the best I’ve seen in a manga. The story is a bit dull though at least up to what I read.
Ye got a copy of the manga and even the ona dvd of it a while back form value village blame iirc.
I did not realize we had an ST for manga lol. It’s such a broad topic though. Mangaplus alone already constitutes like 30-40 different series per week!

A recent manga I did just read through was Okashi no Elf to Joshikousei, which has the titular elf trying to save her parents’ confectionery shop, and through mysterious magics somehow ends up in modern Japan. Of course, Japan’s dessert game is on another level compared to her world’s, so she begins her studies!
I keep forgetting this thread even exists in the first place lol yeah otherwise just finished reading zombie loan and it was aighty
Kengan Omega is going hard right now, latest Baki was about as Baki as it can get, One Piece is goated as always, and Akane Banashi keeps getting better for me
100 Girlfriends 159

Oh hi there Gothic Lolita gf, nice to see you. Break next week is sad but deserved.
Oh hi there Gothic Lolita gf, nice to see you.
Not only a goth girl, but somehow also a festival lover with a nigh incomprehensible ancient Japanese dialect. The author is squeezing out a lot of traits out of the names lol

Break next week is sad but deserved.
It’s honestly a miracle Nozawa-sensei can even draw this manga on an otherwise weekly basis without an army of clones at her disposal.

My physical TBR pile is looking more manageable this year than last which I'm thankful for. I've curated my collection quite a bit to reflect my tastes (and to keep spending down). There are series I'm behind on for sure but I have ~10 evergreen titles I stay up to date with.

Out of the pile I'd eagerly recommend Even Though We're Adults. It's messy and heartfelt and frustrating. I doubt it'll even have a "satisfying" conclusion, and if it does it would almost feel like a cop out. That's what's so interesting about it.

I didn't see a ST for light novels. Are we allowed to post about them in this thread?
Out of the pile I'd eagerly recommend Even Though We're Adults. It's messy and heartfelt and frustrating. I doubt it'll even have a "satisfying" conclusion, and if it does it would almost feel like a cop out. That's what's so interesting about it.
This looks interesting. Plus, it is from Kodansha (I mostly read mangas from them). Definitely going on my list of mangas to read in future.
It vaguely reminded me of Octave, by Haru Akiyama. Do you know this one?
This looks interesting. Plus, it is from Kodansha (I mostly read mangas from them). Definitely going on my list of mangas to read in future.
It vaguely reminded me of Octave, by Haru Akiyama. Do you know this one?
Haven't heard of Octave before but now it's on my list to check out. The volume covers are melacholic and captivating; right up my alley. Thanks for the rec!
My Happy Marriage volume 4
We're slowing down on the romance in this volume but that's okay, Miyo still has a lot of growing to do. She makes her first ever friend in this volume and thus stumbles through the ups and downs of friendship while all of the other supernatural stuff happens in the background. It's the first volume where the conflict resolution or lack thereof bothered me in a "everyone lived happily after all" kind of way.
Fist Of The North Star 94

The first 50ish chapters of this series are kind of a standard "villain of the arc" setup, but as the mythology and cast expand it starts to become something really special. A lot of truly emotional moments and intense fights. The effect this series had on shonen is profound and immediate. I'm glad Viz is finally releasing this.
Fist Of The North Star 94

The first 50ish chapters of this series are kind of a standard "villain of the arc" setup, but as the mythology and cast expand it starts to become something really special. A lot of truly emotional moments and intense fights. The effect this series had on shonen is profound and immediate. I'm glad Viz is finally releasing this.
Back when I first started reading manga (circa 2006-ish) this wasn't really easily available, so I only read the first ~50 chapters at the time. I should really go back soon and finally read through this
Back when I first started reading manga (circa 2006-ish) this wasn't really easily available, so I only read the first ~50 chapters at the time. I should really go back soon and finally read through this
It's definitely worth it IMO. I just read one of those great shonen fights where I kept going "just one more chapter..."

The fact that Fist Of The North Star, Dragon Ball, and Saint Seiya all started serialization one year after the other in 83-85 really lays bare how much of Shonen Jump's current legacy owes to those three. They changed not just Jump but the Japanese entertainment industry forever.
Undead Unluck 63

All I gotta say is... any shonen fan that is not reading this series is missing out. Push past the first few chapters with the bad ecchi jokes and you get something really special here. The powers, the fights, the characters, the artwork, the story twists, Yoshifumi Tozuka has something really special going on here.
Undead Unluck 63

All I gotta say is... any shonen fan that is not reading this series is missing out. Push past the first few chapters with the bad ecchi jokes and you get something really special here. The powers, the fights, the characters, the artwork, the story twists, Yoshifumi Tozuka has something really special going on here.
Do you know at what chapter the anime ended so I don't have to start from scratch? :D
The best part about Undead Unluck is that it only gets better as it goes on. The series is currently at 200+ chapters, and the character work and worldbuilding are still going hard. Difficult to talk more about it because it's spoiler-land, but suffice to say I sing praises every week when a new chapter comes out.

It's sitting alongside One Piece as one of my favorite JUMP series running right now, and when all is said and done, it will likely become one of my favorite manga of all time.
looks like there are at most 10chapters left for My Hero academia with the new chapter
and speaking of the latest chapter
Shigaraki was just completely wasted as a villain. He was a very cool concept, but then Horikoshi decided to make AfO be behind literally everything, even his motivations and family abuse, because a villain being behind everything is always cool right?? Right??

AfO is a terrible villain in every way
looks like there are at most 10chapters left for My Hero academia with the new chapter
and speaking of the latest chapter
Shigaraki was just completely wasted as a villain. He was a very cool concept, but then Horikoshi decided to make AfO be behind literally everything, even his motivations and family abuse, because a villain being behind everything is always cool right?? Right??

AfO is a terrible villain in every way
I absolutely agree with you. And the sadder part is, it's a complete betrayal of what was set up prior. Early on in the series, it seemed like Shigaraki would serve as a dark foil to Deku, growing into his own the way you'd usually see shonen protagonists do. AFO was just a mentor, propping him up and passing on the torch. But as the series progressed, nothing Shiggy gained ever felt earned; rather, everything was handed to him on a silver platter by AFO. And in the end, he was even robbed of any last semblance of agency he had left. I get that the series' themes center around restorative justice, so Hori had to "redeem" Shiggy somehow, but... undermining everything that came before and turning AFO into a boring, cackling mastermind ain't it. Just look at what we lost

I absolutely agree with you. And the sadder part is, it's a complete betrayal of what was set up prior. Early on in the series, it seemed like Shigaraki would serve as a dark foil to Deku, growing into his own the way you'd usually see shonen protagonists do. AFO was just a mentor, propping him up and passing on the torch. But as the series progressed, nothing Shiggy gained ever felt earned; rather, everything was handed to him on a silver platter by AFO. And in the end, he was even robbed of any last semblance of agency he had left. I get that the series' themes center around restorative justice, so Hori had to "redeem" Shiggy somehow, but... undermining everything that came before and turning AFO into a boring, cackling mastermind ain't it. Just look at what we lost

Worst part is, these last few chapters could have been a proper conclusion for shigaraki. Instead he gets just 2 pages. Afo already died, why bring him back again?! Only reason I can think of is that Horikoshi wanted a full volume for the epilogue but didn't have enough material to do that, so he needed a way to strech things out a little bit.
Late to the party with this discussion but (My Hero Academia spoilers) the final confrontation with All for One was indeed a massive disappointment, turning him into a generic evil overlord, and completely wastes Shigaraki's development as a villain.
I'm not invested on wether AFO or Shigaraki being the final villain, but chapter 422 was the culmination of everything that is great about this series. I've been following it since the beginning, this chapter was the moment I was thrown to that sheer excitement and emotion I used to felt in the early years. I'm satisfied with the finale thanks to that chapter alone. You already know I'll be replaying the eventual anime adaptation of this scene (no way they don't get Yutaka Nakamura to do it) over and over again.
I'm gonna be honest mha has been a huge disappointment with little specks of cool shit for 1-2 years now for me, real bummer I even stopped collecting the volumes. I'm lucky my brother still enjoys it otherwise I'd have to find a way to sell half of mha volumes lol
The moment it became obvious to me that Hori was speedrunning to a conclusion was Star and Stripe. The battle royale before that rushed a ton of elements too, but Star and Stripe is when we crossed the point of no return and everything became a mess imo. I guess anime folk will get to live through that now too lol. Art's still fire at least, and his heart's still in it for the big moments
The moment it became obvious to me that Hori was speedrunning to a conclusion was Star and Stripe. The battle royale before that rushed a ton of elements too, but Star and Stripe is when we crossed the point of no return and everything became a mess imo. I guess anime folk will get to live through that now too lol. Art's still fire at least, and his heart's still in it for the big moments
Star and Stripe killed me, I was down on it before that too but what the hell was that?? Everytime I had hope to get to something I enjoyed again it was concluded (?) in 3 chapters just for Endeavors family to have the same conversation for the 50th time

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