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Fun Club Famibody Votes Channel | July 2nd, 2023 | Which console do you prefer?

Which console do you prefer?

  • Nintendo 64

    Votes: 28 71.8%
  • PlayStation 1

    Votes: 11 28.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

big lantern ghost

toxic positivity
Oh boy! I woke up today to find my laptop might be fucked and I can’t seem to access my imgur on phone right now. So this will be a very no frills edition!

Let’s start by recapping the results from last week:
How do you pronounce “GIF”?
— Soft “g” (23.7%)
Hard “g” (76.3%)
Famiboards has spoken! And in this case, I can’t help but agree with the results. It just feels wrong with a soft g! (I am sorry @Raccoon)

Which console do you prefer?
— Nintendo 64
— PlayStation 1

Let your voice be heard!
The Nintendo 64 is responsible for 60% of my personality so that one.
Mario 64, StarFox 64, Ocarina of Time, Smash Bros, Paper Mario, everything Rare did, Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron, Rush 2049...


Chrono Cross

I mean... yeah Chrono Cross is a pretty big pillar for me, but damn.

Edit: oh and Croc. Almost forgot Croc.
PS1 has that one YuGiOh title and the Spyro games. That's all it's got going for it for me haha
They're about even for me and I like them for different reasons. The PS1 is still my favorite Sony console, by quite a lot. Just so many unique and experimental games and great single-player experiences.

I'm still going to hand it to N64 though. Ocarina of Time alone would put it over the top, but the whole first party line-up in general is strong.
though I didn’t actually own one til around 2010, the N64 was fairly formative for me during the pre-GameCube era—Mario 64 was the first 3D game I ever played and I liked playing Blast Corps and Glover and Mario Party when I got the chance
and I’d never played a single second of a PS1 game until the MiSTer core released last summer, but now that I’ve played a whole bunch of them…..it’s not even close lol. the PS1 library is the most fascinating and varied and enormous of any pre-2000 console (and maybe post-2000 too) and the DualShock is a genuinely great controller, especially compared to the N64 one (which, despite being kind of neat, is undeniably a not-quite-successful first attempt at a combined digital/analog control scheme). plus it’s got that startup sound!!

the N64 does have Sin & Punishment though. and Wetrix! so I suppose both are pretty great
Felt torn on this, PS1 was my first console and when I fell in love with video games. Spent so much time in the Twisted Metal games, the Jet Motos, and Crash 2.

I ended up voting for N64 since those games have stuck with me longer and has some huge genre defining titles like Mario 64 and OoT (even though I didn’t own either of them).
This is hard. They're both fantastic consoles with some genre-defining games... but I have more nostalgia for the N64 :D
PS1 wins this easily for me.

On the N64 I loved OOT, Starfox and Mario Kart, plus Goldeneye, and those 4 probably made up 80% of my time with it. I liked a handful of other third party titles (Mystical Ninja, Jet Force Gemini) but that’s about it. One of the weaker Nintendo platforms for me due to the relatively small games range and the early 3D years meaning not so many stand up today. I remember really struggling to find stuff to play when only ~250 released in Europe over 5 years or so compared to thousands of PS1 titles, the range was often limited in stores and almost twice the price of PS1 games, and the lack of 2D games and rpgs didn’t help for me either. I bought an N64 on the strength of the SNES but soon thought I’d made a mistake after seeing all the stuff my friends had on PS when I was at college.

On the PS1 I loved more games from Square alone than the entire N64 library, between the Final Fantasy games, Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile, FFT, Front Mission 3 etc. Plus the Suikoden games, Resident Evil 2, Castlevania SOTN, Arc the Lad, Alundra. I don’t much care for the early 3D games on PS either these days but the wider variety of PS1 titles meant I enjoyed more at the time and still return to far more of them now.
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The PS1 is a turn-based RPG powerhouse (probably my favorite genre) and the N64 is a good console with some legendary games but ultimately one of Nintendo's lesser consoles. I go PS1 every day here.

I will say, both consoles have kind of an unearned reputation of games "aging poorly" though. I wasn't huge into either as a kid, I never owned a PS1 and I was a late N64 adopter who mostly got one for the Pokemon games (outside of those and some Mario spin-offs I basically went straight from SNES to Gamecube), but over the last few years I've gone back and played some of the highlights from their libraries and I haven't really encountered any playability issues at all. Stuff like FF9 and Majora's Mask also visually holds up really well as well.
I grew up the Nintendo 64. It is still the console that I have owned the longest along with Wave Race.

I can never pick against it.
I only had an N64 really growing up, though my brother did let me borrow his PlayStation for a Summer. I picked N64 because I explored more of that library and some of my all time favorites like Mario 64, Majora’s Mask, and Perfect Dark are on the console, but there’s no question tons of interesting games are on PS1 especially if you love RPGs. When I’m done with my Wii U VC backlog project (6 games to go!) and my following short GameCube replay project, I’ll be diving into my PS3 and Vita backlogs next likely which means I’ll be playing a good chunk more PS1 games. Still haven’t played Xenogears, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Symphony of the Night for example.
When “the split” happened and I learned Final Fantasy VII wasn’t on Nintendo I went PS1 first. I was fortunate enough that eventually my family picked up an N64 a few years later, but my Squaresoft and Mega Man fandom trumped Mario and Zelda then.

(This is also why Switch has been so magical for me because now I can pretty much play all my PS1 and N64 games in one spot legally for the first time)
I think what made this question interesting to me is that I am way more of a Nintendo fan now than I was growing up! We had Nintendo consoles and I of course loved Mario et al, but at my house the PlayStation was where it was at. Gran Turismo, Syphon Filter, Twisted Metal, Monster Rancher, listening to our CDs on the TV speakers. The whole family sort of orbited around the PS1.

Final Fantasy alone is another factor; VIII was the one that really opened my eyes to what games could be and kickstarted what would become a so-far lifetime of playing them.

Also: the PlayStation had demo discs!! It’s hard to overstate how huge a boon that was. At the peak it felt like there was multiple demo discs coming in the mail every month, with plenty of demos and videos and…well, watch a Demo Derby if you need a reminder!

This is sort of aside from the question’s binary, but further dulling the N64’s shine for me was the fact that my older brother and eventually my dad got into PC gaming. We were in what felt like the future, playing Quake II with a dedicated graphics card over the INTERNET, and console shooters like Goldeneye seemed positively ancient in comparison.
I went with Playstation. Playstation consoles have generally been pretty awesome and get big points for backwards compatibility. We still use a PlayStation 2 to play a couple games and watch DVDs lol.

The N64 was overshadowed on both sides by the SNES and GameCube. I did have an N64 but always felt like the games we had were generally liked more by my older brother than me... Except for WWF No Mercy. I was pretty obsessed with that game.
Definitely N64. It's a quality over quantity debate, even though both are great consoles. N64 has few games but the highest ratio of 10s per total number of games. Playstation has a lot of cool and interesting games but few 10s.
Definitely N64. It's a quality over quantity debate, even though both are great consoles. N64 has few games but the highest ratio of 10s per total number of games. Playstation has a lot of cool and interesting games but few 10s.
Is that true though? I’d say PS1 had quality and quantity. The most popular consoles in any generation always ended up drowning in shovelware, leading to the ‘proportion of big hitters vs other games’ element, but of the few hundred N64 games that released I wouldn’t say there were more stunning titles than on the PlayStation, particularly given that Capcom, Konami and Square all threw far more of their big hitters on the latter. Probably didn’t help that I cared far more about rpgs than what Nintendo and Rare were offering though. I did enjoy OOT more than FF7 though, that was a big warz debate of the time I remember, but the stacks of other legends from Square like FFT, FFIX, Front Mission 3, Chrono Cross, Star Ocean 2, Dragon Quest VII, Valkyrie Profile etc etc just sealed it for me, it had tons of games that pop up in ‘best RPGs’ lists. I was so disappointed with the N64, but I appreciate it was way more popular in the US than it ever was here.

I did spend a lot more time on multiplayer on N64 due to the built-in 4-player setup. That was the big appeal for N64 for my friends and I, we spent so much time playing Mario Kart and Goldeneye as four of us at college compared to the strictly two-player games on Ps1. I even managed to convince my friends to get into Lylat Wars multiplayer, which was pretty basic but fun. To me that’s where N64 wins out when I look back, playing competitive games in local multiplayer, but not so much on the games range vs the Ps1 where I was still exploring it a decade after I’d put the N64 in my parents loft.
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Is that true though? I’d say PS1 had quality and quantity. The most popular consoles in any generation always ended up drowning in shovelware, leading to the ‘proportion of big hitters vs other games’ element, but of the few hundred N64 games that released I wouldn’t say there were more stunning titles than on the PlayStation, particularly given that Capcom, Konami and Square all threw far more of their big hitters on the latter. Probably didn’t help that I cared far more about rpgs than what Nintendo and Rare were offering though. I did enjoy OOT more than FF7 though, that was a big warz debate of the time I remember, but the stacks of other legends from Square like FFT, FFIX, Front Mission 3, Chrono Cross, Star Ocean 2, Dragon Quest VII, Valkyrie Profile etc etc just sealed it for me, it had tons of games that pop up in ‘best RPGs’ lists. I was so disappointed with the N64, but I appreciate it was way more popular in the US than it ever was here.

I did spend a lot more time on multiplayer on N64 due to the built-in 4-player setup. That was the big appeal for N64 for my friends and I, we spent so much time playing Mario Kart and Goldeneye as four of us at college compared to the strictly two-player games on Ps1. I even managed to convince my friends to get into Lylat Wars multiplayer, which was pretty basic but fun. To me that’s where N64 wins out when I look back, playing competitive games in local multiplayer, but not so much on the games range vs the Ps1 where I was still exploring it a decade after I’d put the N64 in my parents loft.
I personally only consider three or four Playstation games to be 10s. So many (admittedly great) PS1 games I would still describe as "like a worse version of [N64 game]". Mario 64 and Ape Escape, Wipeout and F-zero. I'd put Ocarina of Time and Majora's Masm above every JRPG on Playstation.

Admittedly though N64 is missing games in certain genres that are big on PS1. I'm just not a huge fan of those genres.
I personally only consider three or four Playstation games to be 10s. So many (admittedly great) PS1 games I would still describe as "like a worse version of [N64 game]". Mario 64 and Ape Escape, Wipeout and F-zero. I'd put Ocarina of Time and Majora's Masm above every JRPG on Playstation.

Admittedly though N64 is missing games in certain genres that are big on PS1. I'm just not a huge fan of those genres.
I kinda feel the same way about pretty much everything on N64 outside of just a handful of games to be honest- I wouldn’t even put MM in my top ten Zelda games, let alone a list of the best JRPGs on PS1. Same for Castlevania and Megaman where the PS1 entries were so much better than the N64 ones. I much preferred the vast range of fighting games, horror and shmups on PS1 to N64 too. It’s interesting though, goes to show how even ranges of hundreds of almost completely different games serve different people, to each their own and all that! I’d still count OOT as the game of the generation for me though.
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