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Discussion Does Linear 3D Mario Have a Future?

Will we get a linear 3D Mario game within the next 20 years?

  • No, it’s dead. Odyssey style is the future

    Votes: 16 18.0%
  • Yes, we’ll get a new linear styled game

    Votes: 61 68.5%
  • Kinda, we might get a game that plays like Bowser’s Fury

    Votes: 12 13.5%

  • Total voters


Hey Fami, I’ve been thinking about Mario lately (as most normal people tend to do), and was really curious about the future of 3D Mario. It’s been almost 7 years since Odyssey, and with the Switch 2 most definitely releasing next year, it’s not crazy to think it’s launching with a new 3D Mario.

Now, the most common prediction is that we’re most likely getting something completely new since it’s been probably too long for the Mario team to just be making Odyssey 2, but that got me thinking if we’re ever gonna see another more linear style Mario game again along the lines of the Galaxy games and 3D Land/World. Odyssey sold and reviewed exceptionally well, higher than every other game in the series, so it’s no surprise most people are predicting that future games will take it’s more sandbox collectathon approach since it well over well with a lot of people.

I’m not most people though. Me personally I love all of the more linear games (Galaxy 1, 2, 3D Land and World) over the sandbox games (64, Sunshine, Odyssey). Odyssey is a fine game but it really doesn’t have what I usually come to 3D Mario for. I like platforming challenges and the feeling that every objective the developers made was hand-crafted and thoroughly designed, rather than Odyssey’s approach of just throwing moons everywhere with most of them being copy-pasted objectives found in every world like kicking rocks, catching birds, herding sheep, etc. Barely any of the over 800 moons in Odyssey are as satisfying to obtain as the average star in the Galaxy games because of how little effort is needed to grab them. The challenge is finding them rather than getting to them, which works for some people but falls flat for me, especially on repeat playthroughs.

Often the discussion of linear vs open exploration in Nintendo games comes from Zelda with its new approach with Zelda games like BotW and TotK. However with 3D Mario there’s really 2 major differences. One is that linear Mario doesn’t play too radically different from sandbox Mario. The objectives are handled differently, but controls and sometimes even mechanics remain similar between games. Second, is that BotW (and to a lesser extent TotK) sold WAAAAYYY more than any other game in the series. Odyssey is the best selling 3D Mario by a decent margin, but 3D Mario always sold well and a good chunk of Odyssey’s sales can really be attributed to being the first 3D Mario game in Nintendo’s shiny new system. Everything has been selling better on Switch. I still believe that of instead of Odyssey if we got something like a Galaxy 3 that was just as creative and fresh as Odyssey but still linear, it still would’ve been the best selling 3D Mario game. Maybe not to the same degree as Odyssey but still massive.

Obviously there’s the elephant in the room to discuss and that’s Bowser’s Fury. It’s not a full fledged Mario game, rather a side mode in the 3D World port, but I personally think it did a fantastic job bringing the two types of 3D Mario together. It’s a large world with camera control, but the focus is more on smaller, linear platforming challenges spread across the massive world. We don’t know if this was just a little pet project for Nintendo or a glimpse into the future of the series, but I would love for it to be the latter.

So tell me, Fami, is there a future for 3D Mario? Is there a chance we get more games that play like Galaxy/3D Land/3D Word or is Odyssey styled games all we can expect for the next 20 years or so? I love 3D Mario and really don’t want it to go from a series I adored and obsessed over to one that I’ll still play but with more of an attitude of “looks quality, I’ll check it out I guess.”
I certainly hope so. I don't think the future is set in stone, but I wouldn't expect one anytime soon. Which is a shame as 3D World is my favorite 3D Mario.
I think 3D Mario will pursue the sandbox style, for the immediate future at least.

Thankfully you got 3D Kirby and Astrobot to keep you fed with the linear experience you're looking for. Classic 3D Zelda fans don't have anything
Yes, there will be one eventually. I can't fathom a future where 3D World is literally the only 3D Mario with real multiplayer.

I think when Nintendo expands come 2027-2028, a lot of people are going to be in for a surprise when those extra development resources end up going into making more Mario and Zelda games in different styles rather than reviving Chibi-Robo.
I’m not really sure I want to worry about whether we’ll be getting 3D Mario (open), and 3D Mario (linear) and 2D Mario, on top of the stack of other brand extensions, any more than the same for Zelda. I don’t think any new direction is locked in forever, Nintendo often seem to dig deep to reference older games.

I get preferring a style of them (I prefer linear 3D Mario to open 3D Mario too), but I don’t think every sub-type of game needs to become its own series with a new entry on a regular basis, not with games now taking so long to make.
Evidently people are going to be real upset if the next 3D Mario is like 3D World
I think when Nintendo expands come 2027-2028, a lot of people are going to be in for a surprise when those extra development resources end up going into making more Mario and Zelda games in different styles rather than reviving Chibi-Robo.

I think those that expect this are gonna be sorely disappointed. That expansion isn't meant to make more games, it's meant to maintain the same release cadence with increasing budgets and dev times
If there something (very good) I learned about Nintendo in the last years is that especially when they’re enjoying high success is that they don’t like to close doors to their games. We got 3D Kirby and an original style 2D Mario I wasn’t expecting even if they weren’t “needed”.
So I certainly wouldn’t rule out a new linear 3D Mario (but I also don’t think it’s the next one).
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Personally, I hope they stick with the more exploratory style a bit longer, at least. If you like linear Mario games, you were well served from 2006 to 2017 between the 4 3D games and all the 2D games; meanwhile if you like the more sandbox-y approach to the series, you got two tastes with Mario 64 and Sunshine and then were basically in a desert until Odyssey (and since 2017 there's only been Bowser's Fury which is so bare-bones they didn't even release it as a standalone game). I think there's room for linear challenges within the sandbox format, but personally I'd be a bit burned if we finally got sandbox Mario back only for them to immediately go back and do a Galaxy 3 or 3D World 2 or whatever

I think it's inevitable they circle back around to linear 3D Mario at some point, but my pie-in-the-sky hope is that EPD 8 becomes the home for Donkey Kong and that can become their main "linear obstacle course levels" 3D platformer while they continue to explore the "open-ended playground levels" approach with 3D Mario
I grew up with 64/Sunshine so I'm more biased and fond of the sandbox style. Odyssey still feels different from those games. I wouldn't be the best at explaining why in words, it just does to me. I want another game that feels like a sequel to those.
Linear is the "safe bet" sort of game so I expect it to naturally appear after whatever experimental/gimmicky 3D open world Mario. It'll just appear in the middle of the next console's cycle rather than the beginning.
I think those that expect this are gonna be sorely disappointed. That expansion isn't meant to make more games, it's meant to maintain the same release cadence with increasing budgets and dev times
They have to make more games if they want to keep the same release cadence of Switch now that they don't have Wii U ports to fall back on and the GameCube/Wii well is drying up.
Yes, it has a future. They ported the previous 'linear' game and it sold 13m copies, which is plenty to guarantee it is worth internal Nintendo development time. I expect they'll likely alternate between the two styles.
I think 3D Mario will pursue the sandbox style, for the immediate future at least.

Thankfully you got 3D Kirby and Astrobot to keep you fed with the linear experience you're looking for. Classic 3D Zelda fans don't have anything
I think I’m unironically more excited for the next 3D Kirby than the next 3D Mario.
They have to make more games if they want to keep the same release cadence of Switch now that they don't have Wii U ports to fall back on and the GameCube/Wii well is drying up.

That's a big problem they'll face sooner rather than later. Considering that EPD's hiring rate is extremely slow, I'm very curious about what their plan is
If Kirby is the future of course-based 3D platformers, I hope the next game is a little less isometric. More elevation and third person perspectives would be nice.
Oh yeah, I think so. Not everything is going to be open world or open design going forward - we may even see a backlash against that sometime.
I don't think we'll see one anytime soon, which is okay with me as those are my least-liked style of mainline Mario games.
Linear 3D Mario will absolutely come back. It is well loved. It's cheaper to make than sandbox Mario. And Mario is a franchise that drops enough entries with enough variation that a "return" to linear 3D is as inevitable as the "return" to sandbox style play was.

I think I’m unironically more excited for the next 3D Kirby than the next 3D Mario.
Forgotten Land's does linear 3D really well. I never got disoriented or frustratingly hit the second stick to change the camera - I think it's because the games were built for primarily single player, so you don't have these areas where the camera wants to dwell on a wide vista while you're actually trying to jump to a just barely on-screen platform. Plus Kirby's floaty jump makes midair corrections easy.

Forgotten Land made Kirby click for me, but its "pure gameplay challenge, in abstract environments" were mostly focused on the beat 'em up. Even in Odyssey, you had the abstract platforming sections. I would love to get something that is as focused as Forgotten Land but oriented around Mario style traversal.
I think we will see one again, and it will be the second 3D Mario released on the Switch successor.

When Nintendo originally made 3D World, they had the wrong idea by making it the Wii U's "marquee" Super Mario game. They needed something more like Odyssey to be that massive, flagship, centerpiece of a game. But when you already have a game like Odyssey on your system, a more casual title like 3D World acts as a fantastic complimentary game - as proven by the glowing reception to its Switch re-release.

I think Nintendo took note of that and will employ a similar strategy with the next generation:

  • Release a sandbox/open 3D Mario game in the launch year
  • Release a linear-style 3D Mario game at the mid-point of the system's life
I'm actually dreading the next 3D Mario after Bowser's Fury went on the direction it went... I do hope a proper 3D World sequel is in the cards, but I doubt it...

Not a fan of sandbox 3D Mario. And a short section in those games like the Cappy-less rooms in Odyssey doesn't cut it.
Your bringing up Bowser's Fury confuses me a bit, @DittoM. How do you feel about all the other ones, then? Because the first Galaxy for instance is sort of the reverse of Bowser's Fury, a linear game with more sandbox level design (run around collecting star chips, catching rabbits, etc. in bite size disconnected chunks with no overarching level mechanics).

And while I can see the 3D World DNA in Fury, it really reminds me most of 64, with quick in and out objectives that are just an excuse for Mario to go climb something more than they are proper levels each. Padding and limitations of being a small 3D World add-on aside, I really liked what Bowser's Fury was doing structurally.

Personally I agree I don't want another Odyssey, but I also don't want another 3D Land/World because I don't think those really gain enough from not just being 2D games altogether to offset the disadvantages of 3D platforming.

Something closer to Galaxy, maybe. I suppose wouldn't ever say no to another Galaxy 2, but I think I would like to see them evolve the concept, space would be perfect for them to go wild with the classic 2D Mario "this level can be anything" kind of design, though it would also require much more expedient pacing than Galaxy to pull that off and you might lose something of its grandiose appeal...

64 and Sunshine I'm not super interested in follow-ups to, I think in terms of level design Bowser's Fury mostly has a more modern take on that, albeit I'd prefer somewhat larger and more naturalistic environments than just 3D World courses plonked into a lake. Fury couldn't really do this with 3D World mechanics, but I'd like to see them go back to jungle gym levels more like Ricco Harbor or Noki Bay where you climb to precarious heights, and give them the mechanical focus of later 3D Marios. I think the 3D World approach of having many more concise levels instead of having a handful of larger ones stuffed with repetitive objectives would really benefit sandbox Mario.
Absolutely it does. Honestly, I believe they’ll go with whatever format they feel works best with idea they have. There’s no “point of no return,” imo.

I do think and hope next game will be more like Bowser’s Fury, a mix of both styles.
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I honestly think the ultimate goal is to combine both into a single game.

Dating all the way back to Sunshine’s “secret” levels, and even in the Switch era with Odyssey’s cap door & moon pipe levels and Bowser’s Fury straight up setting a bunch of linear 3D World levels on top of a giant overworld.

I’d be absolutely shocked if the next game doesn’t continue that trend. The base may be sandbox, but there’s a ton of obstacle course style in the recent switch 3D Mario games.
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Trying to predict anything 20 years out is a fool’s errand, so much can change in that length of time.

For the immediate future? They’re gonna lean into the sandbox. Nintendo reacts very strongly to sales.
It would be cool if we'd get both an Odyssey style and 3D World style simultaneously but considering they're made by the same team and Odyssey ended up being way more successful than 3D World I think the linear style is on ice
20 years is a long time, so I wouldn't be surprised if they'd experiment with a new course-style 3D game in that timeframe.
Trying to predict anything 20 years out is a fool’s errand, so much can change in that length of time.

For the immediate future? They’re gonna lean into the sandbox. Nintendo reacts very strongly to sales.
Games take ages to make now a days. If all 3D Mario games are gonna have as big of a gap as there was between Odyssey and whatever's next, 20 years accounts for like 2-3 games. And we got 4 linear games in a row before we got a new sandbox title.
Your bringing up Bowser's Fury confuses me a bit, @DittoM. How do you feel about all the other ones, then? Because the first Galaxy for instance is sort of the reverse of Bowser's Fury, a linear game with more sandbox level design (run around collecting star chips, catching rabbits, etc. in bite size disconnected chunks with no overarching level mechanics).

And while I can see the 3D World DNA in Fury, it really reminds me most of 64, with quick in and out objectives that are just an excuse for Mario to go climb something more than they are proper levels each. Padding and limitations of being a small 3D World add-on aside, I really liked what Bowser's Fury was doing structurally.
Which other ones? Galaxy and Bowser's Fury both contain linear styled levels, main difference is how you get to them, with Galaxy having a hub world and Bowser's Fury having the levels be interconnected via riding Plessie. Bowser's Fury did have repeated objectives, but it felt more structured that something like Odyssey.
Games take ages to make now a days. If all 3D Mario games are gonna have as big of a gap as there was between Odyssey and whatever's next, 20 years accounts for like 2-3 games. And we got 4 linear games in a row before we got a new sandbox title.
All it takes is one game for things to shift course. Again, 20 years encompasses way too much time to realistically predict anything.

Don’t think the “4 linear games in a row” point means much either. One was a direct sequel, one was a portable game, and one was created during one of Nintendo’s worst eras from a management and directional perspective. None of those things really apply as of now.
I'm always a little uncertain on how to even try to articulate my answers when people talk about "the future". Switch 2? Yeah, that console likely won't have a 3D World-like. We can sorta see the evolution they're going for right now, and 3D World being connected to Wii U doesn't help.
Further into the future, however? Sure, why not. Mario will survive for as long as video games exist, even if not made by the same people or company, so I guarantee you there won't just be another linear 3D Mario but probably also something as weird as Yoshi's Safari 2
I was sort of hoping we see it live on through a Mario Maker 3D. Imagine people making levels harder than 3D world’s Final level.
I think even if they were to make a Galaxy 3, it would be far more open than Galaxy 1 and Galaxy 2.

I think Nintendo realizes like many other companies that people like giant worlds to explore. So I do expect the next or maybe next few Mario games to be sandboxes.
It never really went away. We’ve had 1 3D Mario game since 3D World and we even got an expanded 3D World re-release since then. It will be back we just won’t get it every time. It just seems like it’s been a while because we got Galaxy, Galaxy 2, 3D Land, 3D World back to back.
I'm probably saying this mostly because I don't like Mario 64 that much and Sunshine is extremely flawed, but honestly what I think I want more than linear 3D Mario to return is just for clever collectathon Mario to return. Mario 64 and Sunshine have such sophisticated and specific level design in a way Odyssey just doesn't have, and I feel like they never perfected that formula, whereas they did perfect linear 3D Mario with 3D World.
I'm probably saying this mostly because I don't like Mario 64 that much and Sunshine is extremely flawed, but honestly what I think I want more than linear 3D Mario to return is just for clever collectathon Mario to return. Mario 64 and Sunshine have such sophisticated and specific level design in a way Odyssey just doesn't have, and I feel like they never perfected that formula, whereas they did perfect linear 3D Mario with 3D World.
I think Odyssey feels like a game where there were like 2-3 hypothetical sandbox Mario games between it and Sunshine. Like it leapfrogged a bunch of evolution all at once. So it definitely does feel distant from the 64/Sunshine mold in many ways (I'd argue Bowser's Fury scratches that itch more than Odyssey) and borrows a lot of concepts from open world games even if it's not open world itself. For me, I'd like to see the next 3D Mario return to more of a middle ground between the big, sprawling Kingdoms and the smaller, more compact ones. I think going back and forth between small and big levels makes the pacing feel wonky.
Bowser's fury is perfect. The only flaw is that is too short, If they do anything close to that, it will be a hit. Although, any 3D Mario at this point will be a hit. They know what they are doing.
They’ll do another one eventually. But it’ll probably be a smaller offshoot, rather than “the 3d Mario” for whatever console it’s on. Going an entire gen with the only 3d Mario being a 3d world equivalent probably won’t happen again.
I think we will get a linear 3D Mario game.

My main problem with the 3D sandboxed Mario games is the lack of classic powerups and instead having some gimmick. I’m still dreaming of an open world Mario game with powerups li me fire flower, mushroom, starman and more
They will replace linear 3D Mario with 3D DK.
As long we also don't lose 2D DKC in the process... (and that's why I don't want to DK to return with a 3D game because I fear we'd be waiting way more for a traditional Tropical Freeze follow up..)
They will replace linear 3D Mario with 3D DK.
DK isn’t really a replacement for Mario though because the big thing separating the 2D DK games from 2D Mario is that they’re way harder. I don’t like difficult platformers and wouldn’t find it to be a great replacement. Though again at least I have 3D Kirby.
I think the more open level design will be dominant for the "AAA" mario games at least the immediate future. Heck I could see the next one being outright open world.

But I think more linear course clear designed 3d marios will still exist, just like 2d mario does. I'd bet with $5 and a nickel we'll see new "smaller" linear 3d mario games take place in the spot that 3d land and browser's fury occupied as smaller 3d entries developed in-between the big releases. With a lot of creative expression like wonder those could be some really great games.

Nintendo themselves putting them in different catagories affirms they will co-exist in the future to me.

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