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Predictions BETTING POLL: Will Metroid Prime 4 Show Up In The June 2024 Nintendo Direct?

Prime 4 At June Direct

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I don’t expect it to be shown till post Switch 2 reveal and confirmation as the cross-gen title this time round.
Who’s been starving more, Silksong fans or MP4 fans?

MP4 and it's not even close. Silksong was announced two years after MP4, didn't go through a development reboot with a new team, and has two trailers AND a demo. MP4 has zero footage, and one lone piece of concept art.
Prime 4 has literally two bits of known information, that it's made by Retro Studios and started development from Retro around January 2019.

It's probably the least promoted game in the history of industry for anything that has been announced for oh my fuck it's already been seven years since it was announced, fuck me.
Watch them show it in the direct but ends it with a 2025 release date
As long as they show a substantial trailer of it with gameplay, I'll be happy. I just want to see this game already. Once I have an idea of what it will look and play like, the wait will be a lot easier.
Yep, it’s time. Goin’ off nothing but vibes, but my gut feeling has always been that it won’t be a cross-gen release and until Nintendo proves me wrong I’m sticking with that.
Nope. Whatever they are releasing later this year, it won't be anything that would have meaningful cache with potential early adopters of the Switch 2.
Im only 75% sure but voted yes.

By now I could see it, while being also released on switch 1, struggling to run smoothly or having low resolution while running perfectly on switch 2, so they don"t want to show it initially on the switch.
And if they show FE4 remake, then that's the big game they showed in that direct.
Absolutely. It will be the big game of the show and the swan song of Nintendo Switch, and potentially its best game.
The only reason I'm saying no is that if they shadow drop 2 and 3 in June, that only gives folks a few months to play them before 4 releases. Why not drop them earlier this year? I know they did a similar thing with Pikmin but it seems weird to me.
I think it's time.

I also hope that Pyoro does not leak or spoil if it is in because I would want to see the unspoiled reactions across the internet to the reveal.
If you still believe Switch is the priority for MP4, I guess.

I think it shifted to being a Switch 2 showpiece a while ago. Doesn't mean it won't still come to Switch, but Switch 2 is the console to which the marketing/reveal will be primarily tied.

So no Switch 2, no MP4.
Whether it’s cross-gen or not, this will be its last chance to have its moment in the spotlight without being overshadowed by Switch 2 news. I think it has to happen this time.
Yes. It will be there. It will release this fall and it will ONLY be a Switch game. All the talk about Switch 2 is hopium-maximum.
I honestly have no idea, and can see it going either way, but I'm voting 'YES' because I want it to be there.
If they are saving it for Switch 2, presumably the reveal wouldn't be that much farther away. It's only a few months from June to Sept/Oct.
How long do we have to have “The Baby” in our title for?
This is the last Switch-only direct most likely, and I’m still confident MP4 is launching on base Switch, even if it’s also cross gen. So yes, it has to be.
sadly no, i believe Metroid Prime 4 will be directly linked to Switch sucessor, Nintendo will use the as a technical showcase, as a cross-gen game, Metroid Prime 4 will end Switch era and begin Switch sucessor era at the same time, releasing on both systems weeks/months, after next 3D Mario(the main launch title)
Even though I've been wrong couple of times already on predicting when Nintendo would finally unveil MP4, I really do think this is the Direct to unveil MP4.

Gonna be a holiday title.
Im only 75% sure but voted yes.

By now I could see it, while being also released on switch 1, struggling to run smoothly or having low resolution while running perfectly on switch 2, so they don"t want to show it initially on the switch.
And if they show FE4 remake, then that's the big game they showed in that direct.
This is my reasoning for saying no, lol. Nintendo needs to show off the graphical capabilities of next gen Switch, and they don't really have much else. Mario and Mario Kart will look sumptuous of course, but they already did on Switch. In the end they're bright cartoony games and Nintendo doesn't want too much clutter a la Astrobot because it messes up the cleanliness of the aesthetics. Proper current gen games need six years of work for all the HQ assets. Zelda is usually the showstopper, but it just released. And as far as we know nothing else has been worked on as long, except....
This is my reasoning for saying no, lol. Nintendo needs to show off the graphical capabilities of next gen Switch, and they don't really have much else. Mario and Mario Kart will look sumptuous of course, but they already did on Switch. In the end they're bright cartoony games and Nintendo doesn't want too much clutter a la Astrobot because it messes up the cleanliness of the aesthetics. Proper current gen games need six years of work for all the HQ assets. Zelda is usually the showstopper, but it just released. And as far as we know nothing else has been worked on as long, except....
Honestly, if after a one year delay they don't have anything graphically impressive to show outside of MP4, then that would be a worry some fail that suggest that I hey underestimated the work on 4k games. MP4 will look awesome, but it can't be the only big graphics game they have.

And I'm 100% confident that a proper high end MK or 3D mario can look impressive enough. Or heck, legends Z not looking like crap would help to.
just a quick quest but is there an easy way to @ everyone on the team that lost without having to but everyone manually?
just a quick quest but is there an easy way to @ everyone on the team that lost without having to but everyone manually?
I would copy the list from the poll and use multicursor in a text editor like Sublime Text to prepend an @ onto each name

if you'd like me to make the list(s) whenever I'd be happy to
F*ck it we ball, voting no. Solely because I think it'll be crossgen and they'll want to show it specifically at the Switch 2 presentation, whenever that is. Sure it could still be at the Direct, but I think they wanna show off those space environments in the best light possible first.
just a quick quest but is there an easy way to @ everyone on the team that lost without having to but everyone manually?
iirc, there's a limit to the number of @ mentions you can put in a single post before some (all, even?) straight-up don't alert the people you're tagging. I think I remember that happening when you @'d everyone in the #TheProcessBroke group. I'll try to find out what that limit is and let you know.
iirc, there's a limit to the number of @ mentions you can put in a single post before some (all, even?) straight-up don't alert the people you're tagging. I think I remember that happening when you @'d everyone in the #TheProcessBroke group. I'll try to find out what that limit is and let you know.
Probably (if this is the "last major Switch direct"), because it will be a Switch 1 game, like they said it would be.
Absolutely. According to the latest leak/DocTre investigation it's in its finally visual polish and framerate optimisation, and Retro are gushing over it. 100% it'll be there, setting it up for the Switch 2 announcement in October.
Not only do I think it's going to be revealed, but I'm willing to say that there will not be any Switch 2 version either. I think this is going to be exclusively on Switch 1.

And even if I'm wrong about that, it's not like they waited on the Switch reveal to do a blowout for BotW. Perhaps you could say that the situation is different since we had a couple of trailers at that point, but we really knew nothing until E3 2016. A quick re-reveal shouldn't be an issue even if they wanted to highlight a Switch 2 version.
Yes, of course. Even if it ends with a 2025 date.

It's the proper time to show the game and it get the major spotlight. Even if just a cinematic trailer or a small gameplay segment, then have seconds of footage on the Switch 2 trailer and a final trailer in the presentation. You just don't make the first reveal of the game on the Switch 2 event because all the talks will be about Switch 2 and 3D Mario and maybe Mario Kart.

The (not E3) June Direct that's generally the meatiest of the year and this year is the first general Direct of the year where we're completely in the dark about H2 is the perfect time to give Metroid Prime 4 its glorious reveal. Even if it's cross gen. But I feel like it's really 50/50 on it coming this year or next year.

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