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StarTopic Anime |ST| Is Captain Falcon more anime than Fire Emblem?

Man Undead Unluck just keeps getting better and better. This better get a season 2 although I’ll likely end up reading the manga either way.
I hope we get a second season too, but you can't go wrong with reading the manga with how bonkers the story gets.
I basically walk away from every (second) episode of Undead Unluck and think "There's no way they're going to top that" AND THEN they just throw another twist at me :LOL:
There's some rough patches in the show, especially with all the flashbacks but the core is just really great!
Episode 8 of Bravern

I knew shit was going down when there was no opening playing. But man, that was uncharacteristically dark for this show? Half of Smith's squad getting wiped out by the evil fembot, Bravern struggling? against the bosses, ending in Smith blowing himself up to defeat Knuth. Whew. Though with Knuth apparently having time powers... there might be shenanigans abound. So, we might be in a sort of Madoka Magica situation?

Heavy stuff aside, loved the Lulu pout and the Rambo reference. Also Smith being a fucking weeb with Tokusatsu posters, shirts and a bunch of Gunpla kits :LOL:
Looks like the Hidive website got updated. Haven't watched anything on it yet but hoping it's easier to access season 2 stuff. Every time a new episode of Dangers in My Heart airs (or Eminence in Shadow before) I felt like I had to jump through hoops to get to it since it felt like only season 1 stuff was available without clicking into show details. Maybe I was just bad at using it before idk. But at a glance it looks better now.
Brave Bang Bravern 9

After last episode, I was wondering if they were going to go where I thought they might be going... and they did! Burn Bravern looks great (love how much blue he gets), and now I'm really curious about how things are going to down with these last three episodes... (why does it have to be over so soon dammit). I noticed there were a lot of really good smoke effects this team, major props to the animators responsible for those.
I saw a few episodes of Spy X Family Season 2 since I last posted and today I thought I’d just watch a few more episodes, but it was the start of the big arc on the boat and after I saw a few I had to see the rest and then at that point it was like well there’s two episodes left so why not finish the season lol. I had an excellent time watching all of the boat episodes and really enjoyed the focus on Yor who hadn’t had as a big a focus as the other two main characters. The way everyone else fit in too was a lot of fun and the big extended battle at the end was awesome. Spy X Family is definitely uneven as too many of the extended cast that get extended focus I don’t care for, Yuri especially, but when it’s focusing on the characters I do enjoy it’s such a fun time. Looking forward to the movie and the inevitable season 3.

Not sure what I’m watching next exactly, but I’ll post here when I pick something. When April rolls around, I’m hoping to get back to watching simulcasts as these last two seasons I just haven’t had / made the time which is a bummer.
I saw a few episodes of Spy X Family Season 2 since I last posted and today I thought I’d just watch a few more episodes, but it was the start of the big arc on the boat and after I saw a few I had to see the rest and then at that point it was like well there’s two episodes left so why not finish the season lol. I had an excellent time watching all of the boat episodes and really enjoyed the focus on Yor who hadn’t had as a big a focus as the other two main characters. The way everyone else fit in too was a lot of fun and the big extended battle at the end was awesome. Spy X Family is definitely uneven as too many of the extended cast that get extended focus I don’t care for, Yuri especially, but when it’s focusing on the characters I do enjoy it’s such a fun time. Looking forward to the movie and the inevitable season 3.
I agree, SpyXFamily is a bit uneven, which is partly fault of the source material.. but it's just so damn fun to watch that I can't really be mad :D
Frieren Episode 26

Classic Frieren episode. Wow people with fight scenes that'd make a lot of famous battle shounen look like child's play... and sneakily just show off even more about how your world and its magic works.

We already touched upon the whole "magic works by visualising things" a few episodes ago by showing the limits of what doesn't work and a few episodes later, we see the reverse of this rule in the form of Übel: If you can imagine it, it's possible. Her just casually cutting up the guy with the invincibility coat because by her logic it's just fabric, simmilarly she doesn't care that Sense has a fuckton of protective magic on her hair... because it's just hair and she has no problem imagining cutting something like that.
Übel is crazy... crazy competent. But also crazy. And that episode made her way more scary.
I just love a well thought-out magic system in my fantasy settings and Frieren just keeps on delivering.
Of course the rest of the episode was no slouch either, loved the logic behind the teamups. Also Wirbel being pragmatic. Would've loved to see a bit of the Fern clone in action, we just saw the aftermath of it... though I guess we had our hands full with full-power Frieren (if that even was the extent of her full power...)
Also, while Sense kind of has a point with First Class Mages having to overcome impropable odds... I feel like having the mage that defeated the Demon King as sort of endboss was a bit unfair, although, now that I think about it, it is kind of a genius idea for an exam given its difficulty literally scales with the competence of the attendees.

Also, also of course we end with Frieren stuck in another Mimic :LOL:
Brave Bang Bravern 9

After last episode, I was wondering if they were going to go where I thought they might be going... and they did! Burn Bravern looks great (love how much blue he gets), and now I'm really curious about how things are going to down with these last three episodes... (why does it have to be over so soon dammit). I noticed there were a lot of really good smoke effects this team, major props to the animators responsible for those.
They really went you thought we'd only do these things for shits and giggles BUT ACTUALLY EVERYTHING HAS A NARRATIVE POINT TO IT and I love this show even more now. If that's even possible :')

Can't believe they did Witch from Mercury with Yaoi
I agree, SpyXFamily is a bit uneven, which is partly fault of the source material.. but it's just so damn fun to watch that I can't really be mad :D
Yeah Spy X Family just works better as an episodic manga, but the anime does well enough

Brave Bang Bravern 9
Bravern's personality makes a lot of sense considering he's the fusion of Lewis and Knuth

so of course we end with Frieren stuck in another Mimic
Traditions must be respected.

But yeah, Madhouse went all out in the battle between Frierens. It was so cool seeing "the pinnacle of magic".
But yeah, Madhouse went all out in the battle between Frierens. It was so cool seeing "the pinnacle of magic".
Frieren: "The only offensive spell you need is Zoltraak, Fern."
Also Frieren: "But this purple laserbeam that makes your magic look like a flashlight is pretty cool too."
Bravern's personality makes a lot of sense considering he's the fusion of Lewis and Knuth
That's the great thing about this: SUDDENLY EVERYTHING MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE
Frieren: "The only offensive spell you need is Zoltraak, Fern."
Also Frieren: "But this purple laserbeam that makes your magic look like a flashlight is pretty cool too."
To be fair, Frieren did say Fern would only need Zoltraak for most situations... Frieren herself is not most situations.
I'm watching Dungeon Meshi. It took me a while to warm up to it but it clicked for me in ep 4. I really think there should be a game based on this. A mix of monster combat and cooking/resource management with a choice of these characters/classes to play as. Maybe some online co-op. Would be great.
I really think there should be a game based on this. A mix of monster combat and cooking/resource management with a choice of these characters/classes to play as
Oh yes, I've dreamed of a Monster Hunter-like where you hunt monsters specifically for ingredients, which you haul back to a bistro or something so you can cook them

That's what I waaaant
Also, our merry band of adventurers are facing the Dragon today, are you all excited? I sure am!
It's gonna be great!

I've also caught up on Ishura, which has been a pleasant surprise. The lizard part of my brain enjoys seeing all the impossible badasses clash with each other. I hope this did well enough to get another season, because the story is clearly just getting started. Bravern is also killing it.

Meanwhile The Dangers In My Heart and A Sign of Affection have had me giggling their entire runs. Ugh, so cute.
Dungeon Meshi 11

Jesus Christ. That was way more gruesome than I honestly expected. And Laios holding the bloody skull of his sister right before they played the happy happy ending theme... 10/10. Would get mood whiplashed again.
Dungeon Meshi 11

Jesus Christ. That was way more gruesome than I honestly expected. And Laios holding the bloody skull of his sister right before they played the happy happy ending theme... 10/10. Would get mood whiplashed again.
I remember back when I was reading the manga chapters monthly. I thought the actual battle would be the most tense part, I was so wrong. This is not over in the slightest. At least it's only a week wait with the anime.
Thanks for marking spoilers, I’m only on ep 7.

Senshi is my favourite character in this show, who’s everyone else’s?
Thanks for marking spoilers, I’m only on ep 7.

Senshi is my favourite character in this show, who’s everyone else’s?
I like Senshi a lot too! Though Marcille is probably my favourite, I just like how she's kind of the straight woman of the party :D
Dungeon Meshi 11

Jesus Christ. That was way more gruesome than I honestly expected. And Laios holding the bloody skull of his sister right before they played the happy happy ending theme... 10/10. Would get mood whiplashed again.
Caught up now. Yeah I was planning to let my 8yo watch this as I think he’d love it, but he’s not good with blood so I don’t think I will now. It was a great episode though. I haven’t enjoyed an anime this much in years.
Caught up now. Yeah I was planning to let my 8yo watch this as I think he’d love it, but he’s not good with blood so I don’t think I will now. It was a great episode though. I haven’t enjoyed an anime this much in years.
Yeah, the show might be a bit too much for an 8yo 😅
Brave Bang Bravern 10

This show never stops surprising me. Those first five minutes left me flabbergasted in the best way.
Brave Bang Bravern 10

PEAK. FICTION. I did not expect another time travel twist, much less one that somehow works completely different from the first one! Also. We better get a cool docking sequence next week!

Edit: Endcard was pretty cool this week!

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Suppose I'll give Brave Bang Bravern another go. I switched it off halfway thru ep 1, couldn't buy into any of the characters.
Suppose I'll give Brave Bang Bravern another go. I switched it off halfway thru ep 1, couldn't buy into any of the characters.
I'd at least try to finish the first episode, if it's still not your jam by then, it might not be for you.
I'd at least try to finish the first episode, if it's still not your jam by then, it might not be for you.
I'm glad I watched to the end, that was funny. What the hell is that song that’s playing?

Hadn’t picked up on the tone of the show at all until Bravern showed up
Since it might as well count as an anime, does anyone else in this thread watch, or at least know about the french series Wakfu?

Season 4 ended yesterday. I loved (most of) it, especially the excellent sakugas we got out of those 13 episodes. I've been replaying this one from the final battle a lot today (Huge spoilers obviously).

This saga has been going on since 2008, I have built a lot of attachement towards it over the years. The 6 and a half years gap between season 3 and 4 was brutal, but it's heartwarming to see Tot and the rest of the team at Ankama continuing to work on their project despite the many, many difficulties they have had to face.
Since it might as well count as an anime, does anyone else in this thread watch, or at least know about the french series Wakfu?

Season 4 ended yesterday. I loved (most of) it, especially the excellent sakugas we got out of those 13 episodes. I've been replaying this one from the final battle a lot today (Huge spoilers obviously).

This saga has been going on since 2008, I have built a lot of attachement towards it over the years. The 6 and a half years gap between season 3 and 4 was brutal, but it's heartwarming to see Tot and the rest of the team at Ankama continuing to work on their project despite the many, many difficulties they have had to face.
I had no idea Wakfu was still going, I watched a little bit of season 1 back in the day but fell off. Is it still worth checking out the rest? It’s been so long I don’t remember anything about it.
I had no idea Wakfu was still going, I watched a little bit of season 1 back in the day but fell off. Is it still worth checking out the rest? It’s been so long I don’t remember anything about it.
Absolutely. The expanded Wakfu universe is a passion project through and through, you can feel it. Getting the greenlit to produce more episodes has pretty much always been a struggle, hence why we "only" got 4 seasons and a few OVAs spread across 15+ years.

I'm not going to say it's a perfect 10/10 show (it's not), but it's very fulfilling to see characters growing up in major ways after every steps. Most of the fans were teenagers when season 1 and 2 were airing, so we got to see the characters grow up alongside us. It's not something you can recreate, Wakfu will forever be precious to me for that alone.

Also, you mentioned dropping the first season, I wouldn't be surprised if it was because of the self-contained episodes which were prominent in the first 2 seasons. Admittedly, some of those were really weak.
Absolutely. The expanded Wakfu universe is a passion project through and through, you can feel it. Getting the greenlit to produce more episodes has pretty much always been a struggle, hence why we "only" got 4 seasons and a few OVAs spread across 15+ years.

I'm not going to say it's a perfect 10/10 show (it's not), but it's very fulfilling to see characters growing up in major ways after every steps. Most of the fans were teenagers when season 1 and 2 were airing, so we got to see the characters grow up alongside us. It's not something you can recreate, Wakfu will forever be precious to me for that alone.

Also, you mentioned dropping the first season, I wouldn't be surprised if it was because of the self-contained episodes which were prominent in the first 2 seasons. Admittedly, some of those were really weak.
Good to know. Looks like the series is available on Netflix so I’ll see if I can’t make time for it down the road.
Good to know. Looks like the series is available on Netflix so I’ll see if I can’t make time for it down the road.
If you don't drop it this time, just remember you have to watch the three "quest for the 6 dofus" OVAs between season 2 and 3.
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The most depressing thing about this season ending is that we'll likely only get either a new season of Bocchi or Frieren announced next cause there's a lot of staff overlap. But I'm definitely curious to check the Frieren manga out, though from what I've seen, the anime really elevates the manga, especially the action sequences.

On another note, Undead Unluck also has like 2 episodes left, if I'm not wrong, and I have genuinely no idea how they're going to wrap things up in any conceivably satisfactory way and with how little buzz there is around the show I'm not super optimistic there's going to be more :/
But I'm definitely curious to check the Frieren manga out, though from what I've seen, the anime really elevates the manga, especially the action sequences
Absolutely the case, Frieren got one heck of a glowup in the anime, so I would advise waiting for additional seasons if you can.

Undead Unluck also has like 2 episodes left, if I'm not wrong, and I have genuinely no idea how they're going to wrap things up in any conceivably satisfactory way
They should be able to take care of this ongoing arc, but yeah, the lack of buzz does not make me optimistic for more seasons... that said, UU seems to be somewhat of a passion project for David Production, so maybe they'll continue to push Shueisha for it.
Absolutely the case, Frieren got one heck of a glowup in the anime, so I would advise waiting for additional seasons if you can.

They should be able to take care of this ongoing arc, but yeah, the lack of buzz does not make me optimistic for more seasons... that said, UU seems to be somewhat of a passion project for David Production, so maybe they'll continue to push Shueisha for it.
UU getting the 1 season and forgotten treatment will be an absolute travesty.
The most depressing thing about this season ending is that we'll likely only get either a new season of Bocchi or Frieren announced next cause there's a lot of staff overlap.


On another note, Undead Unluck also has like 2 episodes left, if I'm not wrong, and I have genuinely no idea how they're going to wrap things up in any conceivably satisfactory way and with how little buzz there is around the show I'm not super optimistic there's going to be more :/

Disney + jail in full effect (plus the first couple of episodes, probably)

Undead Unluck not getting another season would be tragic, considering it only gets better and better.
Completely unpromoted (of course) but very much enjoying Sand Land anime on D+ - some nice Trigun/One Piece vibes
Dungeon Meshi has been really fun for me this season!
I may have to read the manga eventually but I am glad to have new episodes to look forward to.

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